Dr. Phil - Open Marriage



  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    Wow, I can't believe we rolled this thread and it didn't get locked for content.

    I was typing that I would love to be face to face with most of you to discuss this in an open forum - non judgement, just voice opinions. It's discussions like these that make me come back to the chit-chat area. I just wish there was a 'bookmark' feature so that I knew which post was the last one I read.

    Bookmark would be great...takes a long time to backtrack.

    Wouldn't it be great to think we could be face to face and have a real discussion, no brow beating others with differing opinions?
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    I'm fairly certain if there was an open marriage going on with children in the home, child services would be called.

    Why? It's like saying you'd call child services just because you know that any marriage involves *any* bedroom activity with children in the home.
    i was going to ask the same thing.

    Depending on how the parents carry out their open behavior, it could be seen as child endangerment. It can also depend on if these others are around the children and if they hurt them in any way. If the case merely is mommy and daddy go out and they come back, regardless of whether the kid knows they haven't been with the other parent, then it's not really a problem because there's nothing potentially harmful for the child to be exposed to, factually. Opinion wise some might argue it's wrong to teach them they can run around, but that's all subjective.

    The reason I said initially child services would be involved is because you never know the elements of the open marriage and what effects it may or may not have on any children. Namely such cases would be ruled as an unstable household, again pending what is actually being done, and the children would be at risk of being removed from the home.

    @cppeace: Do you have a license for that soapbox or is it a rental? Assuming that little tiff was aimed at me, look at my wording. "Would", not "should".

    Folks, read the original post. It was reported that a parent shared watching porn movies with their eleven year old to which some posters commented questioned/commented that child social services should be involved. Not because of the couples' open marriage arrangement/lifestyle.