The Daily HEET...May Thread...Open to Everyone!



  • hazelmichling
    HELLO! Here I am. Sorry for being MIA. Cindy, I am not leaving you. I have been reading your posts but not having enough time to do posting. Plus, I kinda went off my goals with DD home, we ate out a lot and even though I didn't want to, I didn't want to be the party pooper so I went along with them to be around her. She left this morning for Tennessee and I so miss her the moment she walked out that door.

    We accomplished a lot for her wedding planning and got her favor started. i really did enjoy being kept busy but looking forward to getting back to my "routine". I jumped on the scale and it showed I had gained 2 lbs from all that eating out and she backed some yummy tea cookies that I wasn't able to stay away from. :grumble: :noway: :angry: :devil: Yes, :devil: is always there tempting us, isn't he?:grumble: But he isn't going to win.:bigsmile:

    Just to let you know that I participated in Relay for Life past Friday night. Had a great time walking around the track for cancer patients, in memory of and survivors. We even had line dancing and I was sooo surprised to find myself out there dancing but it was fun. In early morning we were encouraged to join in the aerobic exercising to wake up. It was an all nighter but I left around 5:30 a.m. since my stomach was giving me some problems again. But, all in all, I walked over 4 miles and had a great time jumping around dancing and exercising. :laugh: :laugh:

    So happy to hear that your heel is all better now and that you are back on your walking. you are so focused and that's what I need to do. So, don't leave me and stick with me so I can do what you are doing.

    See you tomorrow. :smile: Hang in there, they will be back. :smile:

    Good night. Hazel