what is the ideal age to get engaged/married?



  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    NEVER........but if you REALLY want to id say mid 20s

    I was gonna say NEVER as well... Amen!
  • Runningirl7284
    Runningirl7284 Posts: 274 Member
    I wouldn't put an age limit on it my husband got married when we were 19 and 20 and we are very much in love 8 years married this summer. However I do see with statistics that a lot of couples married in their teen years have a hard time making it due to you are still changing alot and maturing. I think most people would think ideally mid to late 20's.
  • tinamatteson
    tinamatteson Posts: 125 Member
    Whenever you know each other VERY well and have discussed as much as possible how you both feel about money, sex, children... all the biggies. Also, make sure you meet both sides of the family and spend some holidays together, see each other around children, have at least one argument, and spend some time working together on a project of some sort. All this will help you get to know what kind of person you are dealing with and know whether you want to be with them for the long haul.
  • goodasgoldilox165
    goodasgoldilox165 Posts: 333 Member
    Soon after you find the ideal person to be married to!
  • harrietlg
    harrietlg Posts: 239
    I'm waiting, i'm in a relationship and have been for 3 years but at 23 I don't feel ready yet, we've lived together for a year now and everythings peachy but I just want to live a little first! maybe in 5 years I don't know, I feel like we need to be together for a bit longer before we get married because things could go wrong and I don't want to go through a divorce ! I don't want kids till i'm at least 30! 30-35 I think, my boyfriend feels the same :) we both have the same thoughts on it and don't want to rush into anything. I don't want a big wedding either, I want to get married in vegas and just have a nice reception party at home with everyone :P i'm not a big celebration kinda girl, plus the thought of saying my vows in front a load of people freaks me out!!
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    You have the best chance of staying together if you are both at least 25 :)

    According to who? My grandparents were married at 23, both happily married for 50 years until my grandad died.
    My mum and dad, 19 and 21, happily married for 33 years.
    I married at 22, been happily married for 9 years so far.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Just before they close the casket.

    Too funny, I was going to say 99 years old.
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    I have been with my boyfriend for a year 1/2.. lived together for a year... last weekend he broke it off with me.. Gutted.... moral of my story... Live the single life, dont move in to soon, enjoy, live, love, get married when its right... i thought he was right... i was wrong.

  • Becky_Boodle
    Becky_Boodle Posts: 253 Member

    Lol, sorry.. I'm young and I've been divorced twice... :ohwell: :bigsmile:

    LOL never say NEVER~!

    I always said never...but then got married at 25
    clearly I should have listened to myself cuz I'm not married anymore...
  • sacha_1987
    sacha_1987 Posts: 79 Member
    Me and my fiance have been together 9 years in March, and I am only 24 years old!

    We have a 6 year old daughter, and are getting married in July - and are absolutely best friends. I wouldn't trade my relationship for anything in the world :) The only time we spend apart is 9 til 5 Mon - Fri because of work :( But apart from that we spend all the time together...still.

    I'd say when you feel it's the right time - meaning you should be 100% happy with all of your relationship. :heart:
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I had a plan to get married in my mid twenties and have children in my later twenties-very early 30's. I had my first child at 20 and have not yet been married. I have found a wonderful man though and he is keeping things at a good pace. He has a good timeline for marriage, no new kids until after he finishes college, etc...

    I've always had a fear about having kids through my 30's. I don't want to be one of those women who has complications and rough pregnancies because I passed up my "prime" childbearing age. :laugh:
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I've thought about this after watching the various successes and failures of friends' and relatives' marriages.

    I used to think nobody should get married before 25 and preferably not even before 30, just because I think there is tremendous benefit in spending some time on your own and learning who you are before you commit to spending the rest of your life with someone.

    But now I think the right time to get married is when you are sure of what you want for your life and you have found a person who wants the same things. I have a friend from high school who got married at 18 to her 20-year-old boyfriend. 10 years later, they are still very happily married with two kids. I asked her once why she never went to college or spent any time living on her own before she got married, and she said "I didn't want that. I knew I wanted to be a wife and a mother, and it didn't make sense to me to waste time and money doing other things just because people thought I was too young."

    That made sense to me. I, too, want to be a wife and mother someday, but there were other things I wanted, too, and I knew that it would be easier to do those other things first. But if I hadn't had any educational or professional ambitions or anything else I wanted to do before settling down, I probably would've gotten married a long time ago.
  • Mely1268
    Mely1268 Posts: 21
    Hello, I got married young but I wouldnt trade it for anything.. it honestly depends on the person & when they find the one.. I got engaged at 18 and got married at 20.

    I was married young too. I am 22 and will be married 2 years in June. My husband and I met early in High School so we have been dating for MANY YEARS!

    Theres no appropriate age.

    When you are dating I suggest wait at least 2 years. The first year is ALWAYS euphoria (spell check) and the second year is when conflicts tend to arise more aften. If you can make it through at least the second year and learn to deal with problems well.

    I encourage you to watch Marraige seminars, and read books about marriage. The more you know NOW then the better your marraige will become when the time comes.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    when you've decided to give up caring only about yourself
  • Angela103098
    NEVER!!! Dont do it!!! Have the kids, but dont get married!
  • AlbionLass
    AlbionLass Posts: 136
    NEVER!!! Dont do it!!! Have the kids, but dont get married!


    For about 23 years and through various relationships I was convinced I never even wanted children. Woke up one morning and knew I wanted a baby. Within 3 weeks I was pregnant and he's now a handsome, 6 foot 15 year old.
    Never wanted another, not interested in other peoples kids but he's brilliant!

    I still would never get married though.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I got married at 19 (still married, almost 30), and don't recommend it. I ended up having regrets of not chasing certain dreams now that I was tied down. Chase your dreams first, travel the world, then get married!
  • neversettle
    neversettle Posts: 168 Member
    When you're good and ready.
  • MrsTWard
    MrsTWard Posts: 62 Member
    I just got married 2yrs ago. I was 31. My advice would be to do it when you both are ready! Dont worry about age nor time. :smile:
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    When you're ready. Age means little when it comes to love or maturity.