how long have you been married (or ...)



  • Katie1951
    Katie1951 Posts: 314 Member
    Married 42 years in April. Not always rainbows and puppydogs, but we've always had each others back. There have been times when I thought "justifiable homicide" would be a strong defense, but we've made it.
  • iNkedFiTmama
    iNkedFiTmama Posts: 277 Member
    together 5 years & married for 3.5 years
  • HeelsAndBoxingGloves
    HeelsAndBoxingGloves Posts: 916 Member
    Not married yet :wink: We've been together for 3 years, yesterday was our anniversary :love:
  • vtempes
    vtempes Posts: 47
    My husband and I are highschool sweethearts. He proposed on our 6 year dating anniversary, we got married on our 7 year dating anniversary and we will celebrate 3 years of marriage this October! We've been through a lot, but I can't imagine not having him by my side! I can truly say I am lucky to have in my life!
  • DonM46
    DonM46 Posts: 771 Member
    We will have our 44th wedding anniversary in June of this year.
    Us, too. What day? Ours is June 7.
    First date in '64, engaged in '66, married in '68.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I was in an unhappy relationship for 5 years, cut that one loose a year ago and now I'm with an amazing man who I'm pretty sure I'm going to marry. We've been together 6 months... yes, I know how this sounds, but when you know, you know. And I know. :)
  • angelamuse
    angelamuse Posts: 20 Member
    Married for 6 years and together for 10. The thing with marriage is that it is not easy. Everyday it is work and it takes commitement. There are always reasons for a divorce like abuse or cheating, but to me anything else can be worked through. :)
  • CiciPorcayo
    CiciPorcayo Posts: 381 Member
    Hmm thats sucks, im sorry your marriage is ending.

    I have been with my husband a total of 6yrs. Married for 4yrs we got married when I was 17 and he was 19. We have two kids together to. I will say we have had our very bad times, our seperations and our hate to look at eachother times. But we realized, there was something that made us fall for each other and stick it out this long, if we both put away our differences and try to help each other out more we might just make it. We decided that about a year ago... and now we are better then we have ever been. I am only 21 so I don't have many years on me, or dating experience but I know if you truly love someone and get married you vow in good and bad, sickness & health, and its a promise that you dont just throw away because you cant figure out your differences and comprimise.! But yeah :) that is just me though! everyone is different
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I've been with my fiancé for just over 3 years.
  • MrsTWard
    MrsTWard Posts: 62 Member
    We moved from NC to OH on the 3yr of dating
    Been Together 9yrs before we got married which has now been 1yr & 5months

    Your heart will tell you when its time to hold on & fight for what you have and your heart will tell you when its time to let go & be free.

    I was so relieved & happy to see all of the happliy married posts.
  • giag09
    giag09 Posts: 203 Member
    i have been married for 6 yrs will be 7 on nov 19th!! so happy and in love!!
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,094 Member
    today is my 4th anniversary.. we had a lot of ups and down in the first two years, but we always loved each other and we got through it, and now we're just two happy clams :)
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    It will be 12 years together and still not legally! Im not sure why we haven't done it...we did everything else; 3 kids, house, etc. Maybe one of these days.
    I do understand the ups & downs though. We hit a really rough patch last year that was almost the end, but after some time apart and serious soul searching, we both realized we started this life of ours together and we want to finish it together!
  • Felidae_1981
    Felidae_1981 Posts: 200 Member
    I got married relatively young at age 20 and we have been married for almost 8 years now (together almost 10). It is still wonderful. Definitely not puppies and rainbows, and we definitely have HUGE ups and downs, but you have to work it out and WAIT it out. Whenever things get really bitter, they end up turning around a few weeks or months later. My husband just turned 30 and he has changed and grown so much, pretty much all for the better. Who knows, if you are patient and persevere when things are bad you may end up with a different person in a few years anyway. People do change.

    For me the key is mindset. I went into this with the mindset that divorce is not an option, except for physical abuse or infidelity. Now no matter how furious and vicious things get between us at times, I never wish we weren't married, I only ever wish the situation or his behavior was different. I know it's very hard and everyone's circumstances are different, but I also think some people give up WAY to easily. I've seen so many people divorce for lesser things than we've been through. Why get married at all? If you are only going to stay together until things get unpleasant, how is that different from just dating?

    ^^ so true. been together about 11, married 9 in June... :) ups and downs are part of it!
  • Ninatoots
    Ninatoots Posts: 192 Member
    47 years.
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    Known each other since 2004
    First date was in June 2007
    We'll be married 4/29/12:flowerforyou:

    Just under 2 years into our relationship I was diagnosed with cancer. I'm healthy now (it was caught early), but that's a hell of a strain to put on a relationship. It was rough on both of us but we made it through that and the subsequent financial landslide that came with the medical bills. I don't know what the future holds, but I know that I dont want to spend my life with anyone else by my side, and that if we can survive cancer together, we can survive anything.
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    Together 4 years, married......5 months!! :)
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Together: a little over 10 years
    Married: 6.25 years

    It doesn't feel like it's been that long. We haven't had any major down moments.
  • Hawksbillus
    Hawksbillus Posts: 128 Member
    This May we will have been married for 17 years and together for 20. I guess we're in it for the long haul because she says she'll kill me in my sleep if I try to leave her. :)
  • MaryPhillips90
    MaryPhillips90 Posts: 236 Member
    2 years in a committed, loving relationship with my girl.

    12 years just bangin'.

    Lol! I've already answered, but that reminds me!
    Together 4 years, married for 5 months.
    6 years "just bangin'"
    Man, these special friends really do turn into something special!