Let's talk about...the Paleo Diet



  • angelskye6
    angelskye6 Posts: 59 Member
    Having said this I would slap my grandmother in the face for a can of squirt cheese...

  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Having said this I would slap my grandmother in the face for a can of squirt cheese...


    I'm LOLing and also relieved to know that I'm not the only person who calls it "squirt cheese".
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    The reality is most people are told they are overweight/obese because they are gluttonous and eat too much, so they never find out that they might have intolerance to gluten or to carbs in general. I suspect that as things progress, we will find more and more people are negatively affected by eating grains. Much more than some tiny insignificant percentage of the population.

    So how about those of us that were never obese or overweight, and/or became a healthier weight while all the while eating those gluten or carbs? The largest I ever was, was about 10 pounds over a healthy weight for my height, and that was due to nothing more than eating more than I was burning.

    I fully agree that those whose bodies don't process carbs or gluten properly should avoid them. But I see no reason to avoid them when my body does process them just fine.

    Or in other words... everyone should eat what they do best eating. I'm a total snob when it comes to pet foods, and buy my gang high-end stuff. One might argue that they eat better than I do. But my Mom's cat would turn her little pink nose up at anything that was supposed to be "good for her, and lived 18 long, healthy, happy years eating the cheapest, no-name, grocery-store-brand "garbage" food there was.

    If someone can eat as much gluten or carbs in general as they desire and not gain weight or have adverse health problems, then they have no reason to change their diet. But there are countless people, especially on this forum who struggle with weight and coincidentally eat alot of gluten / carbs. I think its odd that those people become fat so easily, but people who go paleo or low-carb eat as much as they want without restricting calories and lose weight. Seems like maybe the type of food you eat matters alot more than we think. Weight loss isn't really just about controlling calories, its ultimately about controlling appetite, because appetite controls eating habits.

    I do think some people have more issues gaining weight, need to be extra vigilant. But its wrong to say that paleo or low carb folks can eat as much as they want without restricting calories and lose weight. They must have a calorie deficit via their calories in or via calories out - exercise. Eating paleo and low carb probably makes it easier for them to not over-eat and lose weight. They feel more satisfied and not constantly hungry.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    *Request for scientific evidence verifying the claims that eating like a caveman is necessarily healthier than someone with a comparable diet in terms of macro and micro nutrient intake but using items disallowed on the Paleo diet. It's a reasonable request, asking for evidence of the usefulness of a diet before passing judgement one way or another.

    "How dare you state that my diet isn't a good one, I have a wheat intolerance so back the **** off. You should be more sensitive and not so quick to judge the food other people eat as it may be what's best for them...also, the food you eat is garbage"

    "I was asking for a study proving the merits of the diet..."

    "Well I everyone I know who eats that way is better off, also you should just eat more vegetables as that's the only part of the diet that matters, also you're an idiot"

    "But...science...just want to know what research has been done on the subject..."

    "Quit JUDGING my diet you *kitten*, also the food you eat is $hite and I'm better than you since I don't consume that crap."

    "Fine...**** you too then"

    That about right?
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Is this dead now?
    - TAA DAAA!!
  • angelskye6
    angelskye6 Posts: 59 Member
    Having said this I would slap my grandmother in the face for a can of squirt cheese...


    I'm LOLing and also relieved to know that I'm not the only person who calls it "squirt cheese".

    That ish was hilarious!!!
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    My problem with Paleo..Are the people who claim it is their "lifestyle"..Well its not if you have a cheat day..Did the Paleo people say Ahh hell with deer tonight lets order a pizza..hello cheat day!

    And Paleo has turned into this whole evolution of what is happening to gluten free. People are taking their **** food and making it "paleo". There are blogs, recipes, and foods now turned Paleo. Just google donuts Paleo and you'll be amassed in recipes and ideas to make donuts Paleo..A donut is still a donut. Then we have Primal..and I only eat Paleo 70% or 85%..Again thats CRAP.

    I am gluten and dairy free. Not by my choice!!! I cant have "cheat day". This is my way of life. Is it "healthy"..Well yes and no depending on what you do with it. The Paleo and gF craze are actually killing me. Resturants use to take me seriously..Now I get eye rolling and questions on how my cross fit is going..Umm..I dont do cross fit and gluten actually KILLS me. I can eat the hell out legumes and bring on rice..and corn..And in fact I probably ate "healthier" GF years ago before I could find GF cookies and GF bread on every grocery shelf. Just bc its GF and DF does not mean its not still filled with CRAP. So I was probably fat but ate better years ago. I now just eat less but more "crap" since its so readily avaialble. My bread maker collects dust and instead of choosing salads or rolling chicken in lettuce I now have buns, waffles and bread...**** **** ****..

    I loved the beginning post. However what needs to actually be clarified is "what is healthy"? Just bc your skinny does not mean your healthy. Just bc you have a 6 pack abs does not mean your healthy. Most adults havent had physicals in years yet deem themselves healthy just bc they lost some pounds or gained some muscle. And what about mental health?
    And again just bc someone is eating paleo doesnt meant its "healthy". There are recipes for apples wrapped in bacon..Really..thats healthy.

    And who the hell said Paelo cant/shouldnt count calories? Have you logged some of those recipes? I made a Paleo carrot souffle. Holy **** 1 serving (which was nothing ) had 300 cals alone..as a side item....You still have to count calories. If your cooking with coconut oil and coconut flour the calories are HUGE. Now if your eating a predominatley raw paleo diet then no you probably dont..but again the "type" of Paelo eating would need to be clarified. But its not.

    And why Paleo times? Why are they the healthiest time? They were the time before smog, steriods, antibiotics, super foods and mass production of food. But unforunatley we dont live like that. We are surrounded by all the above and some of us more then others. There are few of us that have availability to farms or time for pick ups. Farmers Markets are so big now that we actually had a stand here get busted for buying their food at Costco and selling it at their stands. Everywhere we turn something else is polluted, bad for us etc etc..

    So no I dont believe Paleo is all that great. If it makes someone stop eating twinkies all day and makes them eat more vegetables then of course thats GREAT. But there is no difference in that approach then Richard Simmons Deal a Meal
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    Anyone that is REALLY interested in reading why the paleo diet is infinitely better for you than not, read this book:


    It really, really will make you think twice (or 100x again) why not to eat grains and legumes. She mentions a lot of studies supporting the diet and if you go to pubmed.com and look up "paleo diet" you will find endless scientific articles positively supporting the paleo diet. Your system will start to work as it is used to with the nutrients it will finally be able to get! I suggest it 100%. You'll ever wonder why you didnt...

    Is it easy? Hell no. Is it worth it, definitely yes.

    That video on Amazon advertising the book just made me fall off the sofa laughing. Thanks, you just made my day.

    Me Too! That was awesome for a laugh! :laugh:
  • I think a big deal of confusion is... what is a "normal diet" sure someone can lose weight by counting calories and eating a lot of junk/processed foods. I think the real dilemma is "what is a standard diet" and comparing that to something like paleo diet.

    This! Concepts like "standard" and "normal" are subjective...it fits as well with diet and exercise as it does with other things.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    This thread didn't seem to be started to attack Paleo. It was to find out why its the 'best' diet (which is often claimed by Paleo eaters on here. it asked for scientific studies. Instead the Paleo eaters have come in and cried that no-one takes them seriously, that Paleo is the best diet for the majority of humanity and once again used sntecdotal evidence to 'prove' this.

    If you try Paleo and find it works FANTASTIC! I hope you keep it up. But if you're going to claim that carbs make us fat and that grains are the devil then simply put BACK IT UP. Scientific studies proving this. Not 'I felt better' If you're going to tell others it's the best diet you need to back it up. Because it is restrictive and hard to follow. I'd rather a person do basic calorie counting and keep it up then attempt Paleo, because it's the best, fail and give up all together.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    My problem with Paleo..Are the people who claim it is their "lifestyle"..Well its not if you have a cheat day..Did the Paleo people say Ahh hell with deer tonight lets order a pizza..hello cheat day!

    And Paleo has turned into this whole evolution of what is happening to gluten free. People are taking their **** food and making it "paleo". There are blogs, recipes, and foods now turned Paleo. Just google donuts Paleo and you'll be amassed in recipes and ideas to make donuts Paleo..A donut is still a donut. Then we have Primal..and I only eat Paleo 70% or 85%..Again thats CRAP.

    I am gluten and dairy free. Not by my choice!!! I cant have "cheat day". This is my way of life. Is it "healthy"..Well yes and no depending on what you do with it. The Paleo and gF craze are actually killing me. Resturants use to take me seriously..Now I get eye rolling and questions on how my cross fit is going..Umm..I dont do cross fit and gluten actually KILLS me. I can eat the hell out legumes and bring on rice..and corn..And in fact I probably ate "healthier" GF years ago before I could find GF cookies and GF bread on every grocery shelf. Just bc its GF and DF does not mean its not still filled with CRAP. So I was probably fat but ate better years ago. I now just eat less but more "crap" since its so readily avaialble. My bread maker collects dust and instead of choosing salads or rolling chicken in lettuce I now have buns, waffles and bread...**** **** ****..

    I loved the beginning post. However what needs to actually be clarified is "what is healthy"? Just bc your skinny does not mean your healthy. Just bc you have a 6 pack abs does not mean your healthy. Most adults havent had physicals in years yet deem themselves healthy just bc they lost some pounds or gained some muscle. And what about mental health?
    And again just bc someone is eating paleo doesnt meant its "healthy". There are recipes for apples wrapped in bacon..Really..thats healthy.

    And who the hell said Paelo cant/shouldnt count calories? Have you logged some of those recipes? I made a Paleo carrot souffle. Holy **** 1 serving (which was nothing ) had 300 cals alone..as a side item....You still have to count calories. If your cooking with coconut oil and coconut flour the calories are HUGE. Now if your eating a predominatley raw paleo diet then no you probably dont..but again the "type" of Paelo eating would need to be clarified. But its not.

    And why Paleo times? Why are they the healthiest time? They were the time before smog, steriods, antibiotics, super foods and mass production of food. But unforunatley we dont live like that. We are surrounded by all the above and some of us more then others. There are few of us that have availability to farms or time for pick ups. Farmers Markets are so big now that we actually had a stand here get busted for buying their food at Costco and selling it at their stands. Everywhere we turn something else is polluted, bad for us etc etc..

    So no I dont believe Paleo is all that great. If it makes someone stop eating twinkies all day and makes them eat more vegetables then of course thats GREAT. But there is no difference in that approach then Richard Simmons Deal a Meal

    Not everyone has cheat days and such when they transition over to the Paleo Lifestyle. I had 1 bagel last week to be nice and considerate to the instructor that brought them in (people that live around me seem to think it is rude to turn down food) and I am still achy in my joints this week.

    I need to learn a lesson and just tell people NO even if it hurts their feelings and such.

    Most people that I know that are living the Paleo lifestyle live simply and cook simply also, including myself. It is easiest to stick to mainly fat, protein and vegetables and if I want something sweet I will eat a piece of fruit.

    I am like you (and I know many others that feel the same way) in that the gluten free products are taking it to a level it should have never went.

    I choose NOT to partake in any of these products. I even make my own pemmican and jerky because there is so much crap in the store bought stuff.

    I live the lifestyle outside of my way of eating too. I no longer use commercial cleaning products (except for dish washing liquid), make my own cleaning supplies, use soap nuts for washing clothes and cleaning too, make my own toothpaste, deodorant and I no longer use shampoo either.

    I don't believe in counting calories though. If your eating plan is fat, protein and vegetables, there is really no need to count calories.

    I believe the Paleo lifestyle can be very positive, especially if it makes people eat more natural foods and ditch the processed stuff. I don't agree with the whole making of products conducive to the lifestyle though.

    It is supposed to be simple and that is what I liked about it when I started transitioning over from the Atkins lifestyle.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member

    The reality is most people are told they are overweight/obese because they are gluttonous and eat too much, so they never find out that they might have intolerance to gluten or to carbs in general. I suspect that as things progress, we will find more and more people are negatively affected by eating grains. Much more than some tiny insignificant percentage of the population.

    I love how you make things up.

    I don't believe he is making anything up. I believe that more people are affected by grains and dairy especially more than is known.

    There are people that have symptoms of grain and dairy intolerances that gets passed off as other ailments so the exact numbers are not known.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Not everyone has cheat days and such when they transition over to the Paleo Lifestyle. I had 1 bagel last week to be nice and considerate to the instructor that brought them in (people that live around me seem to think it is rude to turn down food) and I am still achy in my joints this week.

    I need to learn a lesson and just tell people NO even if it hurts their feelings and such.

    Most people that I know that are living the Paleo lifestyle live simply and cook simply also, including myself. It is easiest to stick to mainly fat, protein and vegetables and if I want something sweet I will eat a piece of fruit.

    I am like you (and I know many others that feel the same way) in that the gluten free products are taking it to a level it should have never went.

    I choose NOT to partake in any of these products. I even make my own pemmican and jerky because there is so much crap in the store bought stuff.

    I live the lifestyle outside of my way of eating too. I no longer use commercial cleaning products (except for dish washing liquid), make my own cleaning supplies, use soap nuts for washing clothes and cleaning too, make my own toothpaste, deodorant and I no longer use shampoo either.

    I don't believe in counting calories though. If your eating plan is fat, protein and vegetables, there is really no need to count calories.

    I believe the Paleo lifestyle can be very positive, especially if it makes people eat more natural foods and ditch the processed stuff. I don't agree with the whole making of products conducive to the lifestyle though.

    It is supposed to be simple and that is what I liked about it when I started transitioning over from the Atkins lifestyle.

    You have every right to live the lifestyle that suits you, and if it works for you that's great. The question that was asked was for studies regarding your chosen lifestyle. In my particular case, I would need to see such research before even considering changing my current eating habits to align with the Paleo paradigm. The question isn't if your lifestyle is 'bad', it's if there is proof that my lifestyle is 'bad'.

    Furthermore, I find your stance on foods that I eat on a regular basis to be extremely condescending. I can eat those things and do just fine. I am currently losing weight very steadily, and my last checkup showed substantial improvement over this time last year. If you don't want to eat pizza or bacon, that's fine; more for me. But if you're going to get up in arms about perceived slights to your diet (when I really don't think anyone was speaking that negatively about it in the first place), I really think you should reconsider how you talk about the diets of other folks.

    Finally, speculation on statistics really isn't an argument. Even if you happen to think it's true, you really do need to prove your assumption. Otherwise it is, fundamentally, made up. I believe that more people are affected by [insecurity of my awesomeness] especially more than is known. There are people that have symptoms of [insecurity of my awesomeness] that gets passed off as other ailments so the exact numbers are not known.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    The reality is most people are told they are overweight/obese because they are gluttonous and eat too much, so they never find out that they might have intolerance to gluten or to carbs in general. I suspect that as things progress, we will find more and more people are negatively affected by eating grains. Much more than some tiny insignificant percentage of the population.

    So how about those of us that were never obese or overweight, and/or became a healthier weight while all the while eating those gluten or carbs? The largest I ever was, was about 10 pounds over a healthy weight for my height, and that was due to nothing more than eating more than I was burning.

    I fully agree that those whose bodies don't process carbs or gluten properly should avoid them. But I see no reason to avoid them when my body does process them just fine.

    Or in other words... everyone should eat what they do best eating. I'm a total snob when it comes to pet foods, and buy my gang high-end stuff. One might argue that they eat better than I do. But my Mom's cat would turn her little pink nose up at anything that was supposed to be "good for her, and lived 18 long, healthy, happy years eating the cheapest, no-name, grocery-store-brand "garbage" food there was.

    If someone can eat as much gluten or carbs in general as they desire and not gain weight or have adverse health problems, then they have no reason to change their diet. But there are countless people, especially on this forum who struggle with weight and coincidentally eat alot of gluten / carbs. I think its odd that those people become fat so easily, but people who go paleo or low-carb eat as much as they want without restricting calories and lose weight. Seems like maybe the type of food you eat matters alot more than we think. Weight loss isn't really just about controlling calories, its ultimately about controlling appetite, because appetite controls eating habits.

    I do think some people have more issues gaining weight, need to be extra vigilant. But its wrong to say that paleo or low carb folks can eat as much as they want without restricting calories and lose weight. They must have a calorie deficit via their calories in or via calories out - exercise. Eating paleo and low carb probably makes it easier for them to not over-eat and lose weight. They feel more satisfied and not constantly hungry.

    That is exactly what makes paleo/low carb superior...the idea that they can instinctively eat just the right enough food to create a caloric deficit without even thinking about their calorie intake. I don't know why this is un-important to so many people.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    That is exactly what makes paleo/low carb superior...the idea that they can instinctively eat just the right enough food to create a caloric deficit without even thinking about their calorie intake. I don't know why this is un-important to so many people.

    Funny, then, how I know so many low-carbers who are STILL having a hard time losing weight.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    That is exactly what makes paleo/low carb superior...the idea that they can instinctively eat just the right enough food to create a caloric deficit without even thinking about their calorie intake. I don't know why this is un-important to so many people.

    What about adherence? Did you gloss over that whole thing?
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    *Request for scientific evidence verifying the claims that eating like a caveman is necessarily healthier than someone with a comparable diet in terms of macro and micro nutrient intake but using items disallowed on the Paleo diet. It's a reasonable request, asking for evidence of the usefulness of a diet before passing judgement one way or another.

    "How dare you state that my diet isn't a good one, I have a wheat intolerance so back the **** off. You should be more sensitive and not so quick to judge the food other people eat as it may be what's best for them...also, the food you eat is garbage"

    "I was asking for a study proving the merits of the diet..."

    "Well I everyone I know who eats that way is better off, also you should just eat more vegetables as that's the only part of the diet that matters, also you're an idiot"

    "But...science...just want to know what research has been done on the subject..."

    "Quit JUDGING my diet you *kitten*, also the food you eat is $hite and I'm better than you since I don't consume that crap."

    "Fine...**** you too then"

    That about right?

    That about sums it up.

    I had the EXACT same response when I asked for scientific proof drinking 8 glasses of water (as opposed to other liquids) was essential.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    That is exactly what makes paleo/low carb superior...the idea that they can instinctively eat just the right enough food to create a caloric deficit without even thinking about their calorie intake. I don't know why this is un-important to so many people.

    Because the question wasn't about which diet was easier for people to follow, the question was which diet was nutritionally superior. It's not that it's unimportant, it's just that your claim is impossible to generalize to any meaningful population. You can say it's really easy, but I can point out a population for which the paleo diet is NOT intuitive and isn't 'easy'. The question here is if there is proof that a non-paleo diet is nutritionally inferior.