Public Transportation & Giving up your seat



  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    You offer your seat to a lady. Period.

    I'd like to smack that kid. Some 19 year old futzing with his iPod and wants some old woman to stand while he sits comfortably. That's not a man. That's a little boy who could use some manners.


    I ride the train everyday. And readily give up my seat to pregnant women, women with small children, anyone with a cane or obvious handicap... even a really old frail looking person. I am the first to offer up my seat. Or if someone asks, sometimes you dont feel well and really want a seat, people ask and I will stand.

    But ANY lady? That is just plain craziness. She and I both worked all day, and I happened to be lucky enough to score a seat for 20 minutes. Such are the breaks we are all equal in the world! I actually think offering your seat to an able bodied woman other then some lame attempt to hit on her should be considered an insult to her. why does she need your seat, is her vagina too heavy to stand with?
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    It would be creepier and more hilarious if he asked if she wanted to sit in his lap.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    You offer your seat to a lady. Period.

    I'd like to smack that kid. Some 19 year old futzing with his iPod and wants some old woman to stand while he sits comfortably. That's not a man. That's a little boy who could use some manners.


    I ride the train everyday. And readily give up my seat to pregnant women, women with small children, anyone with a cane or obvious handicap... even a really old frail looking person. I am the first to offer up my seat. Or if someone asks, sometimes you dont feel well and really want a seat, people ask and I will stand.

    But ANY lady? That is just plain craziness. She and I both worked all day, and I happened to be lucky enough to score a seat for 20 minutes. Such are the breaks we are all equal in the world! I actually think offering your seat to an able bodied woman other then some lame attempt to hit on her should be considered an insult to her. why does she need your seat, is her vagina too heavy to stand with?

    Ok, so don't. I do. You guys keep taking a brave stance and fighting the good fight to be selfish and lazy.

    And I didn't say anything about hitting on her. How about you put words in someone else's mouth?
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    Men should give up their seats for women. Young people should give up their seats for the elderly. The able should give up their seats for the disabled. It saddens me that this is even a question.

    this really pisses me off lol Women want to be equal but men should give up their seat for a woman lol

    I always give my seat to someone on the bus if they have bags or have trouble standing or they are elderly because I am a decent human being...not because it is expected of me as a man though.

    I am not equal to a man anywhere except the workplace. Please note that "not equal to" does not mean "inferior to." Thanks.

    I think men and women are equal to be honest, I find it strange that you said that! I don't think a women is less capable of standing on a bus than I am, if a man had a kid with him, I would offer him a seat but just some girl having trouble texting and standing...hahaha nope!
  • AprilPayne24
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I usually see people giving up their seats when someone clearly needs one, though I do remember one day on a very crowded bus having to wave a pregnant lady over (past a number of other people who didn't appear to need a seat) to offer her my seat. She was so grateful I thought she was going to cry!
    It is worth remembering though that not everything is visible - someone young might have an injury that isn't obvious. Usually though, i don't think this is the case.
    It is a fine line though - is someone "old enough" to need a seat? - I often see people (older but not really elderly) say "no thank you" to a seat. And my dad was a bit depressed the first time a young man stood up on the train and offered him a seat - but he did acknowledge that he appreciated it :)
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    You offer your seat to a lady. Period.

    I'd like to smack that kid. Some 19 year old futzing with his iPod and wants some old woman to stand while he sits comfortably. That's not a man. That's a little boy who could use some manners.

    This. Just this.
  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
    After being pregnant myself, I ALWAYS let pregnant women go in front of me at the restroom & even at buffet eating restaurants. I am so patient when it comes to waiting for them to cross in pedestrian walk ways & etc.

    I agree with the others, the elderly lady shouldn't have to ASK a 22 year old guy to get up. What a dolt. He needs some manners!
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Men should give up their seats for women. Young people should give up their seats for the elderly. The able should give up their seats for the disabled. It saddens me that this is even a question.

    Why should men give up their seats for women?

    Elderly people yes. Pregnant women yes. People with obvious injury, crutches etc, yes. Young mothers with a child and shopping in tow... yes...

    Regular women?... NO... we're as fit and strong as them, and certainly enough to stand!

    It's polite and kind if they do offer it to women, and would be appreciated, but they shouldn't HAVE to. And women certainly shouldn't be offended. Men and women should be equal in normal circumstances. The abnormal (some suggestions above) is where common sense and courtesy should apply!

    If women want equality, then we should act like it. It's different from chivalry when one may hold open a door or help a lady in to her seat, perhaps on a date or flirting but to day life... Get real ladies!
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    I remember waddling to the back of a bus and standing as it took off when I was heavily ( hugely) preggers. Then a man from the front stood up in the isle and yelled out....."come here and have my seat- and you should all be ashamed of yourselves!!"
    So I waddled back down there red faced as the whole bus sat silently as they'd been told off!!
  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
    The bottom line for me: I'd want someone to let my mom or grandmother sit down.

    Do unto others. One day it will be you.
  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
    I remember waddling to the back of a bus and standing as it took off when I was heavily ( hugely) preggers. Then a man from the front stood up in the isle and yelled out....."come here and have my seat- and you should all be ashamed of yourselves!!"
    So I waddled back down there red faced as the whole bus sat silently as they'd been told off!!

    :heart: THIS is AWESOME! :drinker:
  • mi09
    mi09 Posts: 2
    You offer your seat to a lady. Period.

    I'd like to smack that kid. Some 19 year old futzing with his iPod and wants some old woman to stand while he sits comfortably. That's not a man. That's a little boy who could use some manners.


    I ride the train everyday. And readily give up my seat to pregnant women, women with small children, anyone with a cane or obvious handicap... even a really old frail looking person. I am the first to offer up my seat. Or if someone asks, sometimes you dont feel well and really want a seat, people ask and I will stand.

    But ANY lady? That is just plain craziness. She and I both worked all day, and I happened to be lucky enough to score a seat for 20 minutes. Such are the breaks we are all equal in the world! I actually think offering your seat to an able bodied woman other then some lame attempt to hit on her should be considered an insult to her. why does she need your seat, is her vagina too heavy to stand with?

    Did you spend your day in heels, like women are "supposed" to in the business world? There is no equality, not when women have to look a certain way to do business.

    I take the bus or train almost everyday, and its almost always elderly men that ever offer me their seat.

    For what its worth, I always decline. I consider myself a huge feminist and it isn't an insult for a GENTLEMAN to treat you like a lady.
  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
    And since when does a 19-22 year old read Readers Digest anyway? :huh:
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    You offer your seat to a lady. Period.

    I'd like to smack that kid. Some 19 year old futzing with his iPod and wants some old woman to stand while he sits comfortably. That's not a man. That's a little boy who could use some manners.


    I ride the train everyday. And readily give up my seat to pregnant women, women with small children, anyone with a cane or obvious handicap... even a really old frail looking person. I am the first to offer up my seat. Or if someone asks, sometimes you dont feel well and really want a seat, people ask and I will stand.

    But ANY lady? That is just plain craziness. She and I both worked all day, and I happened to be lucky enough to score a seat for 20 minutes. Such are the breaks we are all equal in the world! I actually think offering your seat to an able bodied woman other then some lame attempt to hit on her should be considered an insult to her. why does she need your seat, is her vagina too heavy to stand with?

    Did you spend your day in heels, like women are "supposed" to in the business world?

    I take the bus or train almost everyday, and its almost always elderly men that ever offer me their seat.

    For what its worth, I always decline. I consider myself a huge feminist and it isn't an insult for a GENTLEMAN to treat you like a lady.

    I only wear heels on the weekend... but I might have spent half the day climbing bridges or crawling through a tunnel. Sorry your shoes hurt, bring some sneaker for the commute
  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member

    I only wear heels on the weekend... but I might have spent half the day climbing bridges or crawling through a tunnel. Sorry your shoes hurt, bring some sneaker for the commute


    ETA: quotations
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    lol, our society isn't as civil as I can only believe it once was. SHE SHOULDN'T HAVE TO ASK, PERIOD!
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    My boyfriend gives up his seat for just about any woman on the bus. Makes me love him more. I definitely have given up my seat to pregnant woman and elderly women. I don't think it's required, but it certainly is a nice thing to do. I mean, I love my grandma. I would want someone to extend this courtesy to her!
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    Okay, this post was originally about the issue with the elderly woman asking for a seat. I say again, ANY able person should offer their seat to the elderly, pregnant, or disabled. That's just being a decent human being.

    But as for the men giving up his seat for a's all in how the individual feels about it. I would not take a seat if it was offered to me by a man who was there first just because I'm a woman, but I definitely would not be offended if he offered. Some men were raised to do things like that, some don't believe it's necessary. Neither are wrong, in my opinion, just different view points. The thing that bothers me is all the friggin assuming and judging people do about these types of situations! I don't expect anyone to give up their seat for me because I'm a lady, but I appreciate the thought behind the offer. But I also wouldn't notice a LACK of an offer on a crowded bus I was standing on. And I'm sure a lot of the women out there feel similarly.

    There's no reason to get the grumpies about what different people would do in this situation (Men giving up seat for ladies or not). That's a waste of energy, in my opinion.

    Also, I enjoy a nice, manly Dr Pepper 10 from time to time. Did I just blow your mind?
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 568 Member
    I take public transportation to work. I think it is nice when I am offered a seat but I don't expect it.

    I offered my seat to an elderly gentleman once, he refused and was really upset that a young girl (I was in my early 20's) offered up her seat.