"If it's less than 30 minutes, don't log it."



  • Orkydd
    Orkydd Posts: 11
    Honestly, I think it's ridiculous. Only you know your body and if it's moving it's burning. Every minute counts. I have an Android tablet and found some very useful exercise programs which have honestly been a big support (which sounds weird I know). I use Daily Ab Workout, Daily Leg Workout and Daily Arm Workout and it has been doing WONDERS for me. I'm a big girl with a long history of back problems so, for me, it was important to find an exercise that would help me get fit but not strain or pull a muscle and continue the vicious cycle. Find that middle ground and you will be fine. Don't let others tell you how to work out. Your body will let you know how much you can take. :-D Hope this helped. Good luck!
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    I don't care what anyone else says. They can yammer on all they want.
  • douna71
    douna71 Posts: 4
    On certain days, we don't have 30 minutes and 15-25 minutes is better than 0 minutes of nothing!!!!!
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    I haven't read this whole thread, but I'd much rather do 20-30 minutes of HIIT cardio, burn a boatload of calories, and get on with my day, than schlep around on the elliptical for an hour. There are plenty of times I do cardio for hours at a time (I run marathons & half-marathons), but quick, high-intensity cardio will always be my favorite.. and it absolutely 100% counts as exercise.

    ETA: There are plenty of people who CAN'T burn 10 calories a minute. Mostly, they're the people who are in great physical shape. The more in shape you are, the less calories you'll burn per minute doing anything. So incredibly fit people are never doing "real" exercise because it's hard for them to reach that arbitrary 10 calories a minute mark?

    Whoever said this is nuts.
  • NKF92879
    NKF92879 Posts: 601 Member
    HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! If that's the case, then I should not be logging 30 Day Shred!
  • summergirl73
    summergirl73 Posts: 70 Member
    if i burn it i log it regardless of the amount of time i took or how many cals it all counts
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    I haven't read this whole thread, but I'd much rather do 20-30 minutes of HIIT cardio, burn a boatload of calories, and get on with my day, than schlep around on the elliptical for an hour. There are plenty of times I do cardio for hours at a time (I run marathons & half-marathons), but quick, high-intensity cardio will always be my favorite.. and it absolutely 100% counts as exercise.

    Just did 20 mins of turbofire HIIT, and I can confirm it definately counts. I logged it as high impact aerobics, and burned about 100 cals (according to MFP, don't have a HRM), so to hit that "all important" 300 cal threshold I would have to do that for an hour. NO FREAKING WAY! Haha. I will be doing some more exercise later, but that 20 minutes for now, definately counts.
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    Maybe they are just saying that they don't log some exercises so they don't feel bad when people look at their diary on days when they have done nothing?! LOL
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    If every calorie put in one's mouth counts, then every calorie burned counts.:bigsmile:
  • JSheehy1965
    JSheehy1965 Posts: 404
    never heard of anything so weird. In fact I was just reading the other day that sometimes, the 10 minutes here and there can do more good than one 30-40 minute work out. As long as you're active, log it. Sounds like we have a log nazi!! lol.
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    That's why I like my fitbit.... it counts everything for the day. :)
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    Log what you want......personally when I workout I don't do less than 30 minutes usually......so it's a non issue but whatever.
  • bluestocking06
    bluestocking06 Posts: 66 Member
    First, I don't tell anyone else how to do thier tracker, everyone is here to do their own thing, but I bike to school and work and I don't track that, but it's because I have a pretty slow metabolism, and I want to give myself a little extra wiggle room in my calories for the day.
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    if your worked up a sweat then log it
  • dol826
    dol826 Posts: 26 Member
    When I'm feeling down, I just add exercise that I didn't even do. It's a great way to make me feel better about myself.

    This I love! :)

    I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier. I will be ready for a marathon in no time! LMAO!
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Calories burned is going to be an estimate, always. Even with a HRM, it is still an estimate.
    So if you're going to log small things, be aware that you MAY be hindering your weight loss by overestimating your calories out (resulting in a smaller deficit). Remember, it doesn't matter what MFP says, your body doesn't go by the deficit on MFP!
  • HeartME511healthy
    HeartME511healthy Posts: 163 Member
    That's intresting because whether you log it or not it is still burned calories. Movement of any kind even cleaning, it is a chore and depending on what kind of cleaning it is it could burn up to 300 cal if you doing an intense clean and bending movement.. If you are using a tracking device it would count it, like the one i use, at times it will calculate the burned calories, steps taken and others but it may not count stairs climb which also makes a difference but I have learned through that what counts and doesn't count. But everything counts especially differns from laying on the couch all day.....a burn is a burn not matter how much time it is....
  • sz8soon
    sz8soon Posts: 816 Member
    I have recently come across an MFP who complains heavily about people who log less than 30 minutes of exercise as exercise. *In her opinion*, you only log it if you've burned 10 cals/minute for at least 30 minutes...So nothing less than 300, nothing less than 30 minutes...I thought this was a bit crazy, but does anyone else feel like this?

    In her opinion.....that's all it is- her opinion. Do what is right for you and don't worry about what someone else thinks! If I sprinted, walked, ran, skipped or danced my a@@ off for 10 minutes you bet I'm counting that as work out! I run a 10 minute mile- can you argue that me running a mile is not exercise?

    Burning calories is burning calories!
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    Id say its up to the individual. l I walk Alot at work im talking like 4-5 miles worth on some days. I do not log any of that I figure its xtra incase i miscalulate on some portion sizes or forget to log something or have some innaccurate information. For me it all comes out even at the end of the day or week.
  • MrsAlcalde
    MrsAlcalde Posts: 261 Member
    I disagree, I log all my workouts because it adds up. Today I walked the mall for 40 mins on my lunch break. After lunch I logged 10 minutes of stair climbing...it's all exercise and it all counts towards your daily calorie burn.