What is "too skinny" (pics)

I often get told that I've "lost enough weight" and that if I'm not careful I'm going to end up "too skinny".

Out of these 6 pictures, which one if your favourite and would you class any of them as too fat/too skinny?








  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    i think all of them look beautiful. C:
  • Vegetablearian
    Vegetablearian Posts: 148 Member
    My favourite would be 1 or 2 as one is curvy and one is toned.

    The rest look quite skinny and the legs on 3 &6 look awful to me, if they bulked up a little through weight training I think theyd look better
  • AmandaCaswell1982
    AmandaCaswell1982 Posts: 170 Member
    I think it's personal preference and as long as you're eating healthy and not obsessing on your weight, then do as you wish! Out of the pictures you posted, I would go with #2.
  • alluvion
    alluvion Posts: 28
    None of them look "too skinny" in my opinion. They all have different body structures and bone types and some people naturally look like that :) Every one is different.
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    1 or 2 :) I think the rest are too skinny.
  • simples88
    simples88 Posts: 51
    For me, 1 is realistic and 2 would be lovely but totally unachievable/unable to maintain..the rest look like skinny teenagers or in the last few extremely unhealthy.
    It's all personal preference, your weight should be something you can maintain and that your happy with. Surely the aim to to be healthy and toned not skinny and boney?
  • foxyhotgal
    foxyhotgal Posts: 79 Member
    2 looks best to me, 6 looks too skinny all the others look fine x
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    The last Alley McBeal looking one is too skinny. The rest look fine.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I like the huge leap between 1 and 2 and gradations after that. There's a whole other thread about how women are our own worst enemies. We like to pick people apart. Presumably to demonstrate our superiority?

    Op: you are a beautiful and unique flower. No need to worry or compare.

    Oh and I'm definitely not claiming to be excluded from this generalized group of women who judge. I've become even more judgmental since I lost weight. I think previously it was "much bigger than me, bigger than me, my size, smaller than me, disgustingly small" whereas now I can probably guess a persons weight +/- 10 lbs because I'm so much more weight aware.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    Personally, I think 3 and 6 are too thin.

    4 and 5 are much thinner than I'd want to be, but I looking at them, I wouldn't immediately want to feed them a cheeseburger like with 3 and 6.

    1 is the closest to what I'd want for myself, but she isn't quite what I am looking for either (I like more definition in the legs and arms).
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    I think #2 is the best --- that is what I would like to be. However, there is no way I want to look like #3, 4 & 6. Too skinny in my opinion and I don't think it would suit my shape.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I pretty much look like #1 now with a little more belly than her.

    Honestly, I don't see the point in pointing out who's too skinny and who isn't. I don't think any of them are sickly looking, just thin.

    You shouldn't worry about what others think so much either. As long as your goal weight is in the healthy range, you are just fine.
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    4,5 & 6 are too skinny. Now, if that is your natural body shape, then OK. But no one should strive to be that thin.. IMHO
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    I like the huge leap between 1 and 2 and gradations after that. There's a whole other thread about how women are our own worst enemies. We like to pick people apart. Presumably to demonstrate our superiority?

    Op: you are a beautiful and unique flower. No need to worry or compare.

    Oh and I'm definitely not claiming to be excluded from this generalized group of women who judge. I've become even more judgmental since I lost weight. I think previously it was "much bigger than me, bigger than me, my size, smaller than me, disgustingly small" whereas now I can probably guess a persons weight +/- 10 lbs because I'm so much more weight aware.

    I picked those as at the moment I'd say I'm half way between those two and I will stop when I'm happy, not when everyone tells me I should.

    I just wanted a vague outlook on what people see as "too skinny"
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    bmi is a useful measure for overweight/underweight. for people of most body structures it works, however it well put well built or muscular men into the overweight category, and it will put naturally lean women into the underweight category.

    number 1 might be above a healthy bmi, and i would suspect number 2 would be 'underweight' but she is naturally lean.

    for women, it is not a matter of visual preference. your body needs 15-20% body fat to have a period at all, and 20-25% to have it regularly.

    most of those images seem to be of lanky teenagers so are not realistic figures for a woman who wants to remain healthy to strive for.
  • AH2013
    AH2013 Posts: 385 Member
    Number 2 or 5 would be my ideal body shape. I don't think 5 is too skinny......however the others, in my opinion don't look attractive.
  • Whatamilike
    I think this is a fantastic question - well done! You're testing our perceptions of what we believe to be beautiful.

    I'm slimmer than 1 and am trying to get back to what I used to be (2). I would say 1 could lose a few pounds but I understand that MY beliefs about what is 'fat' are a tad awry!

    However I would say ALL these women are beautiful, apart from 6 who, to be honest, looks ill - partly her expression and partly that she is worryingly thin. If I was her friend I would be worried about her unless I saw her eating 'normally'...
  • purplep41n
    purplep41n Posts: 40 Member
    I think it depends on the natural body makeup of an individual. I would love to look like number 1. Then again I've never been slim so I am only able to aspire to what I may know and number 1 is slimmer than the slimmest I've ever been (from age 13 onwards, the last time I was slim I was 5 so...)

    In my mind though, once bones start showing through then perhaps a person is too slim. If bone structure is showing then muscle has been lost too!

    By the way, I believe number 2 has been photoshopped. When you do this for a living you tend to notice the tell-tale signs.
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    6 isn't a body I'd aspire to at all, but I don't like calling people too skinny, because I hate when people call me too big!

    I want to look like 2, it will never happen, but a girl can dream!
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    6 is too skinny. Imo, if you can see someone's ribs and their bones are sticking out, they are too thin.
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