What is "too skinny" (pics)



  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    To me 1 and 2 are the best. i think 4 and 5 are imho approaching unhealthy looking :)
  • DaveRCF
    DaveRCF Posts: 266
    2 or 3 are about right, although 2 has probably been photoshopped to death (most professional looking of the shots). 1 looks good but just not to my tastes. The other images are too thin for me.
  • pinkhu13
    pinkhu13 Posts: 133
    #3&6 are too skinny FOR ME (as in what I would like to look like. #1 is bigger than I would like to look like. i think they all are beautiful though. Whatever works for them. I mean those are their bodies :)

    Edit: number 4 is a little borderline for me.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    we need to realize that for us to judge something, we must have a standard of what it normal? there's no true normal, we all come in different sizes and shapes.

    beauty is subjective, I think it's valid for someone to say a person is unattractive to them b/c they're too fat, too skinny, it's a personal preference.

    pretty much saying there's beauty in all the pictures, just may not be the beauty you like or agree with
  • parris1164
    I think the first 2 are the healthiest looking .... the very last one looks sickly
  • Vegetablearian
    Vegetablearian Posts: 148 Member
    I think the whole "no bones should ever stick out" is BS. I have bigger ribs and very visible collar bones I'm 134 pounds at 5'7 and they show more than other bodies might at the same weight. I can't help that they show more. People need to stop being rude to those whose bones tend to stick out more than others.

    I am like you only I am not 134 lb anymore, when I was my hips and ribs stuck out but BMI of 21 is very healthy! though usually peoples bones stick out because they are underweight so usually there is a valid reason for people to be concerned but those unfortunate (or not if you see it that way) to have big bones that stick out end up getting the same stick ..

    and thats what I want to get back to really but my goal for now is 150 im 193 at the moment!
  • Whatamilike
    ...and another really great thing about this post is that some of us are now judging others based on our responses to the original question..!

    In my opinion noones opinion is wrong - I would never judge these girls (if I met them) based on how they look... But the question was - what do we think of how they look?

  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    I think 1 is probably over weight. To me she doesn't look healthy. I am sure her body fat % is in the overweight range though :(

    Was waiting for someone to go there. And I agree.

    Glad Im not the only one who thought so. Comments like "glowing health" "healthy, perfect" Im sure she is not in the healthy range
  • twilighttabby
    twilighttabby Posts: 51 Member
    Everyone of them under 2 is tooooo skinny!!!! 1 and 2 look like a good weight.
  • AmmyP
    AmmyP Posts: 33 Member
    #1 may be on the heavy side but she is also what most of the females in the world look like and #6 is just plain anorexic.
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Number 6 is the only one that concerns me, but she's only "too skinny" if she's starving herself to get to that point and it's not her natural shape. I also wonder at her age. If she's a teenager, she looks sort of normal for having a body not yet fully developed.

    Otherwise, I think 1-5 all look very lovely.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I think 1 is probably over weight. To me she doesn't look healthy. I am sure her body fat % is in the overweight range though :(

    Was waiting for someone to go there. And I agree.

    Glad Im not the only one who thought so. Comments like "glowing health" "healthy, perfect" Im sure she is not in the healthy range

    I agree.

    I'm more of #1's body type, and she is overweight. She carries it extremely well though and is quite proportional, unlike me. I do think she's very pretty also. I'm the same size as her around, but I have chicken legs and a little rounder belly.

    She is not defined at all.

    I'm hoping to look more like #5 but more muscular when I'm done.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I think 1 is probably over weight. To me she doesn't look healthy. I am sure her body fat % is in the overweight range though :(

    Was waiting for someone to go there. And I agree.

    Glad Im not the only one who thought so. Comments like "glowing health" "healthy, perfect" Im sure she is not in the healthy range

    Exactly, she's got no muscle definition whatsoever. I like how one woman said she'd like to look like 1, but with more definition. 1 is most likely not "healthy."
    iCACTUS Posts: 113
    1 & 2 look good... once 3 comes in its starting to look too skinny. It's okay to be that skinny if you do it the healthy way, but, after #2 they look sickly.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I think 1 is probably over weight. To me she doesn't look healthy. I am sure her body fat % is in the overweight range though :(

    Lol it's funny you say this, I do agree that #1 looks over weight. I am like the OP I am told all the time I need to quit losing weight, while I just hit the healthy target for my height, I still look about like the girl in #1. I agree it's not my idea of where I'd like to be and think she's on the verge of overweight if she isn't already.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    #1 may be on the heavy side but she is also what most of the females in the world look like and #6 is just plain anorexic.

    "In the world"???? I think that's probably not true. Maybe in the Western world.

    She is not my ideal body type and she probably is overweight. But if she's happy in her own skin, my opinion doesn't matter.
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    I use to look like #1 at my starting point. I am aiming for the 2nd one, but I wont be as small up top. I won't lose that much of my girls!
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    #1 may be on the heavy side but she is also what most of the females in the world look like and #6 is just plain anorexic.

    "In the world"???? I think that's probably not true. Maybe in the Western world.

    This, unfortunately, here in the Western world it has become okay to be overweight, which is not the case. And should not be dismissed as "It's what most the females look like."
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    6 looks too thin to me... BUT, look at the way the photo is staged. Her pose, the camera angle, expression, the lighting, lack of color, all contribute to a frail look. Give her the photographer, lighting, and photoshop of the model in photo number two, and she'd look like photo number two.
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