What is "too skinny" (pics)



  • Nette_54
    Nette_54 Posts: 265 Member
    I will be happy when I get to no. 1, she is lovely and curvy No, 2 is lovely she is slim but without bones showing through but all the rest are too thin Use your BMI as a judge and how you feel too but when you have lost the weight don't keep seeing fat that isn't there if you know what I mean
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    c'mon :happy:
  • BlackStarlight
    BlackStarlight Posts: 554 Member
    Your weight loss goals are your own personal preference. For me getting to one would be awesome or somewhere between one and two would be an ulitmate goal. The rest look too thin but again thats just my preference. xx
  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 682 Member
  • kikih64
    kikih64 Posts: 349 Member
    I don't understand the posters thinking that we are judging, comparing, etc. It's just for an opinion, and why wouldn't we look at the pics as either what we look like now or aspire to look like? It's not a waste of time, if it makes people think, or engage. I'm not feeling bad because I don't look like #2, which is what I would like to look like. I know I wouldn't want to look like #6. I don't think I'm judging. I am mentally trying it on to see what I think fits best.
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    I don't understand the posters thinking that we are judging, comparing, etc. It's just for an opinion, and why wouldn't we look at the pics as either what we look like now or aspire to look like? It's not a waste of time, if it makes people think, or engage. I'm not feeling bad because I don't look like #2, which is what I would like to look like. I know I wouldn't want to look like #6. I don't think I'm judging. I am mentally trying it on to see what I think fits best.

  • nitepagan
    nitepagan Posts: 205 Member
    Being too skinny is not going to be my problem for a long time.
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member

    Nice one, you've made the same joke twice but in slightly different wording.

  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member

    Nice one, you've made the same joke twice but in slightly different wording.


    Beating a dead horse seems to be the norm here, so I just wanted to fit in.

  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member

    Nice one, you've made the same joke twice but in slightly different wording.


    Beating a dead horse seems to be the norm here, so I just wanted to fit in.


    Oh I see you're one of those. Nevermind.
  • AmberJaebabeyy
    None of these girls have my body shape I have wide hips and big ribs but am fairly muscly so I'd say number 5s muscle definition with just a bit bigger bone structure then 2 would be what I wish for I think 1 is beautiful and average but not athletic 2 is perfect for a natural look 3s just a girl with a naturally skinny build, 4 realise on good genes and 6 just starves herself and doesn't exercise!! If I was built like 5 I would want hers only 6 is to thin.
  • clintbritt3
    clintbritt3 Posts: 123
    3,4,5, and 6 are very unhealthy looking..... women need some meat on their bones, it's how God designed us..... there's nothing sexier then a healthy curvaceous women (i';m happily married to a MAN by the way, hehe) I just see a lot of beauty i women and anyone will tell you that healthy is much sexier then overly skinny, better for your health i the long run too.
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member

    Nice one, you've made the same joke twice but in slightly different wording.


    Beating a dead horse seems to be the norm here, so I just wanted to fit in.


    Oh I see you're one of those. Nevermind.

    I've been called worse. :indifferent:
  • kells1970
    kells1970 Posts: 29
    No. 1 and 2 look fine but the rest are to skinny.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I just want you to imagine the exact opposite thread

    What is "too fat" with pictures of women of various weights going up. Then imagine your body type is described as disgusting, too fat, horrible, unhealthy or any of the descriptions posted in this thread.


    There are many users on here who are naturally very slim and who have no doubt been hurt by some of the descriptions of the thinner ladies pictures. I know the "what is too fat" thread would be moderated so to keep it equal...Locked until I have input from Steven.

    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator
  • Steven
    Steven Posts: 593 MFP Moderator
    I have to agree with Cat that based on Guideline #4 this thread can't remain active on the public forums.
    4. Show Respect to All Groups and Individuals

    No derogatory references to sex, gender, ethnicity, religions, or sexual orientation, or endorsement of violence against any person or group, even if couched in humor, will be permitted. This includes expressing stereotypes about any group or community.

    We should probably explicitly add "body type" to that list, but it's implied in the spirit of the guideline.

    MyFitnessPal Staff
This discussion has been closed.