MFP Runner's Club



  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member

    Sorry can't help. But I totally feel your pain! Since kicking my running and lifting up. I gained back the 6 I lost, plus 2 more. :grumble: STINKS!
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member

    Sorry can't help. But I totally feel your pain! Since kicking my running and lifting up. I gained back the 6 I lost, plus 2 more. :grumble: STINKS!

    Thanks for responding -- now maybe WE can find someone who can help us!!! I don't think my body can take me doing much more -- I run about 30-35 miles a week and lift for about an hour -- and a lot of evenings I take a walk with my kids! I'm starting to think it must be my stinkin' metabolism and old age :explode:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    4 mile run w/ speedwork, then 900 yd swim. :bigsmile:

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Happy Tuesday to you all!
    I did 10.5 miles on Sunday in the rain in the park -- GREAT RUN!!! Love the rain but could've done without the snakes :ohwell: Took yesterday off and worked in the yard -- hoping to get in 5 miles tonight!

    Getting VERY frustrated though -- any help or advice would be appreciated. I try to keep my calories down and had (HAD is the keyword) lost 18 pounds for a bet that ended in March. since then I have gained back 9 pounds!!! I exercise 6 days a week -- 4 running and 2 weight training. After my long runs I can't eat a thing -- but the next day watch out! If it's in the panty I'm eating it. Just can't seem to find a happy place where I exercise enough to maintain my weight. HELP!!! Getting ready to have a monumental birthday in 15 days -- along with the weight gain -- very SAD and FRUSTRATED!!! And feeling defeated! :frown:

    I gained 5 lbs while marathon training a couple yrs ago. :noway: I've found that fueling up within an hour after running for me REALLY helps. Even if you aren't hungry, try a smoothie or something to get in some nutrients. A banana and yogurt, something w/ carb and protein. Try to eat smaller meals all day after the long run. I used to do the same thing, not hardly eat after a long run and then the next day I would pig out!!! Let me know if you have any questions!

  • Tiddle
    Tiddle Posts: 762 Member
    2.5 today, on the TM--it was horrible. :laugh:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    I gained 5 lbs while marathon training a couple yrs ago. :noway: I've found that fueling up within an hour after running for me REALLY helps. Even if you aren't hungry, try a smoothie or something to get in some nutrients. A banana and yogurt, something w/ carb and protein. Try to eat smaller meals all day after the long run. I used to do the same thing, not hardly eat after a long run and then the next day I would pig out!!! Let me know if you have any questions!


    Thank you so much for the advice! I do drink a protein shake after my workouts. It has about 110 calories and 25g of protein -- but no carbs. Maybe I need to add some carbs to help. My increases in mileage were to help me loose weight -- maybe I just need to trash the scale and go on how I feel!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Thank you so much for the advice! I do drink a protein shake after my workouts. It has about 110 calories and 25g of protein -- but no carbs. Maybe I need to add some carbs to help. My increases in mileage were to help me loose weight -- maybe I just need to trash the scale and go on how I feel!

    Carbs are SO important after working out. A good read is Nutrient Timing by John Ivy. Lots of great info. About 4:1 ratio for carb: protein. (40g carb/ 10g protein) right after a workout is the best. If you do a protein shake, add a banana or fruit to it to add some good carb!! HTH!
  • hessied
    hessied Posts: 460 Member

    Getting VERY frustrated though -- any help or advice would be appreciated. I try to keep my calories down and had (HAD is the keyword) lost 18 pounds for a bet that ended in March. since then I have gained back 9 pounds!!! I exercise 6 days a week -- 4 running and 2 weight training. After my long runs I can't eat a thing -- but the next day watch out! If it's in the panty I'm eating it. Just can't seem to find a happy place where I exercise enough to maintain my weight. HELP!!! Getting ready to have a monumental birthday in 15 days -- along with the weight gain -- very SAD and FRUSTRATED!!! And feeling defeated! :frown:

    I've been struggling with this too. I feel like I've been working my butt off with exercise, but I can't seem to find a happy place with my eating. I understand the need to refuel my body, but it seems once I start the refueling, I just can't stop!! :embarassed: I go on complete binges sometimes, because I'm feeling ravenously hungry. It almost seemed a lot easier to control my eating when I was running less. I basically shied away from carbs, but now that I'm running 35-50+ miles a week my body feels like it is craving the carbs. Bad thing is...foods high in carbs are my trigger foods. Once I start, I have a hard time controlling myself.

    I'm interested in seeing responses from the other runners on this one. In the meantime, maybe we can help each other out with making better food choices. It is frustrating when you feel like you've been working so hard, only to have the weight creep back.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Okaaaayyyyy, well I WAS really proud of my 5 miles in 53 minutes. :cry:
    after the above post, not so much..... :embarassed:

    :noway: still better than me! :blushing: at least we did it though :drinker: 5 miles in an hour for me today. Im still proud of myself :wink: :laugh:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member

    I'm interested in seeing responses from the other runners on this one. In the meantime, maybe we can help each other out with making better food choices. It is frustrating when you feel like you've been working so hard, only to have the weight creep back.

    Well I already feel better knowing that it happens to others (sorry but the whole misery loves company thing :embarassed: )

    I log everything I eat on this website Monday -Friday but tend to slack on the weekends -- but I also do my long run then and have 2 young kids that don't know the meaning of "sit" so I had hoped that I could be a little less careful....mind you that I am always watching what I eat and have been like this since I was about 13!!!

    I appreciate everyone's responses and just added bananas to my grocery list to add to my protein shake in the morning!
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    Oh, I am SO with you guys on this. the more that I run, the more I want to eat and my weight has gone up a smidge. you would think with more running we could afford to eat a little bit more. I'm looking forward to more responses on this as well.

    I ran 4.5 miles this morning. Do you ladies feel safe enough to run in the mornings by yourself? most of the time I run with another girl, but today I headed out from the gym at 5 a.m. by myself and it felt great. I only got a little nervous on one street with some streetlights out but still traffic goes down it quite often, is this stupid? It's awful that we even have to worry about lunatics, but I had a guy friend come up to me this morning and tell me I was in trouble because he passed me on the road and saw I was by myself and he got concerned :ohwell:
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    I ran 4.5 miles this morning. Do you ladies feel safe enough to run in the mornings by yourself? most of the time I run with another girl, but today I headed out from the gym at 5 a.m. by myself and it felt great. I only got a little nervous on one street with some streetlights out but still traffic goes down it quite often, is this stupid? It's awful that we even have to worry about lunatics, but I had a guy friend come up to me this morning and tell me I was in trouble because he passed me on the road and saw I was by myself and he got concerned :ohwell:
    Sorry to be blunt, but yes, I think this is stupid. There are too many creeps out there. I hate hearing about another lady running that becomes a victim. If you think about it you're a perfect target - in the dark, not many people around, and you're probably very predictable when & where you'll be (assuming you run about the same time each day). Some exercisers also become unaware of surroundings when they're into their music.

    If you need to do it, please at least try to stay in places where you can be seen by others to some extent and carry some pepper spray or something. I know too many that've become victims.
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    no, I really appreciate that, I don't mind running after 6 when the sun is up but I admit that running at dark by myself is stupid. Maybe I'll have to stick to the treadmill on the days when no one else is available to run with me. Thanks!
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    Okaaaayyyyy, well I WAS really proud of my 5 miles in 53 minutes. :cry:
    after the above post, not so much..... :embarassed:

    :noway: still better than me! :blushing: at least we did it though :drinker: 5 miles in an hour for me today. Im still proud of myself :wink: :laugh:

    You are exactly correct! We did do it!!! :drinker:
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    but now that I'm running 35-50+ miles a week my body feels like it is craving the carbs. Bad thing is...foods high in carbs are my trigger foods. Once I start, I have a hard time controlling myself.

    SAME here. Carbs are definitely a trigger food for me (just finding this out recently :blushing: ).

    I also have found that 3:30 p.m. comes and I am STARVING. No other time of the day really. Just at that time and I feel like I cannot get enough food.

    I guess since I recognized this I need to do something about it..... :embarassed:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    5.5 miles this morning -- had a protein shake WITH a banana. I'll let you know if this helps!

    I too have the 3:30 munchies and try to bring a healthy snack like yogurt, fruit or almonds. Nuts are actually the best cause they hold me till dinner. I just have to count them out and only bring a small amount or else I'll eat way too many!! Like the whole bag!

    By the way 12by311 -- LOVE your quote!!!
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Thank you! It's really one that I try to live by day to day :smile:
  • gustergirl
    gustergirl Posts: 534 Member
    I already posted by I ran 3.2 miles yesterday! I am estatic about this and still in awe that I did this. It is taking me right now 36 minutes to run that. Between stretching before and after and a 5 minute warmup plus driving there it takes up a least an hour. Those of you that are running higher distances. Where do you do it? How do you squeeze in enough time to do that distance? Thanks!
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    Good job gustergirl!!! :flowerforyou:
    No running today, an hour on the elliptical with some yoga and abs.
    Cycle and kettlebell tonight!

    Have a good day everyone!

  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    gustergirl, I actually run the road by my house. When I run my longer distances, I have to run back and forth point to point...for example, 1.5 start to Point A, 1 mile back to Point B, Back to Point A (repeat 2 times), then back to starting point.

    So there's no travel time for me. Sometimes I drive to different locations to run different routes though.
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