How to ask out my lady crush?



  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    Gee i wonder why she stopped smiling and looking at u..shes caught on..!! yur a creeper dude!!! Really if i caught a dude doing what yur doing i wud get a restraining order and stop riding the bus..Yur a freak ,,im sorry to say!! To me i think its to late..if u ask her out shes goin to slap u and tell u to **** off. i wud back up dude yur way to obessed. people like u scare the **** out of me.

    She's stopped smiling 'cause he needs to work HARDER to get her attention. People have given wonderful suggestion I just know she will respond to (crotch stroking is a personal fav of mine).
    Also does she have pets?

    A bunny.

    Excellent! With a rabbit there are many options. As someone wonderfully suggested, take pictures of ourself caring for the animal (not TOO caring mind!), or rescue the animal from imminent death making you the hero. Or ransom the animal for ever lasting love/serious snuggles

    Edit: of course if she spurns you cook it.
  • elsham
    elsham Posts: 549 Member
    I think you should just sweetly ask her to sit on your lap next time you see her. Tell her you just want to talk about "whatever comes up."

    I cant do that. She will crush my TI-84. I know it's the best calculator money can buy and I am sure it is tested but do you really think it can support 500+lbs of weight?


    I think she will say something like is that a TI-84 I'm sitting on or are you happy to see me?

    This just deserved to be quoted.
  • CountryBoy65
    CountryBoy65 Posts: 908 Member
    This is simple. Just write a letter that says "I like you, do you like me"? Then put 2 check mark boxes and make them both YES!

    You can't lose!!!

    That is actual genius! Cos she has to tick one, and whichever she ticks will be yes. That's practically legally binding so perhaps you should have the ring ready, and put a minister on alert in case she wants to get married there and then.

    We're all invited to the wedding for giving you advice!

    Is the wedding before or after the Grand Jury inquest?
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I think you should climb up to her bedroom window and record her sleeping. Then edit the video to include some Michael Bolton in the background and give it to her as a gift with a note containing the lyrics to Sting's "Every Breath You Take" to let you know that you're always watching her.

    She'll be overwhelmed, and will fall into your arms (that is, if you yank her out of the bedroom window when you do this).
  • CountryBoy65
    CountryBoy65 Posts: 908 Member
    Well these are all pretty good suggestions, but I'm going to throw in my own:

    You need to start taking polaroid pictures of her, anytime, anywhere..but (listen carefully), she cannot know you're doing this b/c it will ruin the surprise. Once you have about 100 or so photos of her, get some candles, thumb tacks and a pig's heart (please don't use your own...not at this stage of wooing).

    When she's not home, access her house with the above items and build her a shrine in her bedroom. Use the thumb tacks to fasten the photos of her on the wall where the head of the bed is. Genlty place the fresh pig's heart in the middle of the bed surrounded by romantic items such as candles, rose pettals or semen. Leave quickly.

    When she arrives home from a hard day at work, she will find her shrine and immediatley smile - she now knows someone out there cares and finds her beautiful. Wait 5 minutes, then call her - disguise your voice to add to the mystique (women love a mysterious man!). Tell her that you've been watching her and that she's meant to be with you forever. Tell her that you will see her soon, then hang up the phone. Playing a little hard to get will really get her juices flowing and want more from you.

    don't know if it will work on her, but it worked on me......Le-le, I love you! :heart:
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    Everyday on the way home from work I sit on the bus and read my favorite book by Richard Dawkins. Everyday I see this same girl and I think she is very attractive. I am a bit sheepish when it comes to women so I don't really know how to approach her but I yearn for her to see my collection of insects under glass.

    I was wondering if I should just mail her a letter pieced together from letters out of a magazine or if I should send her a hand written love note? I am shooting for the former.

    I am sure you guys are wondering how I know her address so I thought I would add that I follow her home pretty often, I don't think she has caught on yet, and sometimes at say 1-2 in the morning I will go out and sit on the park bench that directly faces her apartment and just stare aimlessly for hours on end till the sun comes up, Then when she leaves her building I will stroll to the bus stop as to catch my bus to the laboritorium. There I day dream about her as I slowly dissect cadavers for the day's medical classes.

    Before we used to share glances and faint smiles, now she wont even look in my general direction though other then to give me a quick look, I can't tell if she is giving me "that look" or not.......

    Can someone please tell me what to do as I feel our time might be fleeting and I don't want to lose my chance with her.

    You are pretty much doing what any good old fashioned stalker or serial killer would do bro. Keep it up and soon you will be seeing your
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Wow! So many great suggestions here. I hope you are taking notes.

    Present her with a replica of her bunny that you lovingly crafted from your pubic hair. That's cute and sexy at the same time. She will not be able to resist.
  • PitBullMom_Liz
    PitBullMom_Liz Posts: 339 Member
    I'm actually a little surprised nobody has mentioned a couple other options. Do you know if she prefers tough guys or artistic guys?

    If she prefers tough, strong men, write love letters, wrap them around bricks, and throw them through her windows. She'll be so impressed with the strength it took to lob all those bricks that she may not even wait to read the letters - she just may come screaming out of the house in ecstasy.

    If she prefers the artistic type, obtain some spraypaint and loudly proclaim your love for her all over the side of her house. If you can get inside and write loving messages on her bedroom walls that will really seal the deal. Women won't admit it, but they love jealous men, so make sure you mention several times that if you can't have her, nobody will.

    Good luck my friend. I miss those early days of romance. *sigh*
  • nammer79
    nammer79 Posts: 707 Member
    I say you hit her *kitten* over the head with a club and drag her back to your place ... like courting should be done
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    Wow! So many great suggestions here. I hope you are taking notes.

    Present her with a replica of her bunny that you lovingly crafted from your pubic hair. That's cute and sexy at the same time. She will not be able to resist.

    may i suggest using vaseline to keep it together.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I think the best approach would be to talk this over in person, in a nice quiet place, like, say, your basement. So, bring her to your basement and just take it from there.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    Wow! So many great suggestions here. I hope you are taking notes.

    Present her with a replica of her bunny that you lovingly crafted from your pubic hair. That's cute and sexy at the same time. She will not be able to resist.

    Like those people who knit dogs from the dogs own hair! Love this, so creative.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Wow! So many great suggestions here. I hope you are taking notes.

    Present her with a replica of her bunny that you lovingly crafted from your pubic hair. That's cute and sexy at the same time. She will not be able to resist.

    may i suggest using vaseline to keep it together.

    I was thinking semen. Again, it is personal, cute and super sexy!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Wow! So many great suggestions here. I hope you are taking notes.

    Present her with a replica of her bunny that you lovingly crafted from your pubic hair. That's cute and sexy at the same time. She will not be able to resist.

    Like those people who knit dogs from the dogs own hair! Love this, so creative.

    And, if it doesn't work (as if it won't :wink: ) you could start selling them on Etsy!
  • bethgames
    bethgames Posts: 534 Member
    Wow! So many great suggestions here. I hope you are taking notes.

    Present her with a replica of her bunny that you lovingly crafted from your pubic hair. That's cute and sexy at the same time. She will not be able to resist.

    Like those people who knit dogs from the dogs own hair! Love this, so creative.

  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    I don't know what is making me laugh harder - this post or the people who are contributing all the other "suggestions", or.... the ones responding who actually think you serious!!!!
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    If she's looking away and you aren't sure if she is giving you 'the look' then you obviously aren't staring hard enough. Make it your mission not to look anywhere else, even when you/her get off the bus. Otherwise how else is she supposed to know you care.

    Quiet grunts and visible erection through your pants also help her to know you find her sexually attractive.

    Good luck OP

    holy crap - I can't guffaw at my desk... I am going to get in trouble. My work isn't that funny!!!!!
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    Creepy stalker much!?!?!:noway: If ANY ONE followed me home once, the second time I would pull my gun on them, no joke.

    If you want to move from CREEPER to NORMAL, try TALKING to her. Jeez. Try even saying "Hello, how are you?" When you notice her. A relationship should start from there, and THEN you can decide if you like her and want to ask her out.

    I would follow up by being clear that you are talking to her, and not the voices in your head. Sometimes ladies get confused where they stand in the conversation. let her know SHE is the priority by being more imporant than all fo the other people you have crammed in your head.

    Speaking of crammed... Crawl spaces are also nice cozy places to hang out in - she may be interested in checking yours out. Sometimes, if you have it decorated with pictures of naked women, and various body parts you find attractive on other women, she will get a better sense of what you are looking for in a mate.

    Good luck - keep us posted!
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Wow! So many great suggestions here. I hope you are taking notes.

    Present her with a replica of her bunny that you lovingly crafted from your pubic hair. That's cute and sexy at the same time. She will not be able to resist.

    Can I use my back hair too?
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Wow! So many great suggestions here. I hope you are taking notes.

    Present her with a replica of her bunny that you lovingly crafted from your pubic hair. That's cute and sexy at the same time. She will not be able to resist.

    Can I use my back hair too?

    No. Back hair is gross.