Why don't I get hit on?



  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    i have liked yeah since i joined mfp. you are so hot that i might get burned. but i do like your pics all of them there sexy

    Thank you!
  • DistilledVixen
    DistilledVixen Posts: 93 Member
    Mabey you are giving off a "vibe" that you don't even notice....My personal experince is my "shyness" came off as "stuck up" beacuse I rarely made eye contact with people, and my "focused" face came off as my "angry" face, and I walked around like this for years without even the slighest idea I was giving off that impression. Now I try to walk around with a smile on my face beacuse A) You can't go wrong with a smile B) I have alot more to smile about these days. :):):):):):):)

    Wow...this sounds just like me! I walk around with a "focused face" and people think i am seriously mad at something..lol. Im going to try the whole -smile all the time- in public thing..sounds like it feels a little awkward though.

    Yah I probably look like a crazy person walking around with a smile all the time.......lol.....but I just can't help it....I am happy :)
    And I've gotten alot more positive feedback from that than my "angry/shy" face.
  • kevinsherrell
    That's probably a big reason...but on the bright site you get dibs on all the guys 6'3 plus! :)
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member

    according to my husband I am 3) which is that I subconsciously give off "not interested/too awesome for you" vibes from too much self confidence.


    Also, do you ever get the feeling that our expectation of what real life is like is too influenced by what we've seen on tv? It makes me think of the Friends episode where the guys have free porn, and then they start getting freaked out in real life situations because the hot chicks they randomly run into don't ask to come see what their bedroom looks like, that kind of thing. On a similar level, does anyone get hit on as much as people on tv?
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    That's probably a big reason...but on the bright site you get dibs on all the guys 6'3 plus! :)
    Funny thing - I don't think I have ever even gone on a date with someone taller than me. I was married to someone 4 1/2 inches shorter and I think the tallest guy I've ever even hung out with as anything other than strictly friends was my height (5'10")
  • salxtai
    salxtai Posts: 341 Member
    Haha, I'm the invisible friend when I head out with friends.
    I get all the ugly ones who can't succeed with the prettier girls :tongue:

    then again, I'm far from pretty so really.. :tongue:
  • cbeutler
    cbeutler Posts: 667 Member
    Question for the men here: Is flirting in a joking way the same as actually flirting? I think some women are not sure how to read that kind of flirting.

    Yes, this is flirting in a way that allows us to tell ourselves we were just kidding if you don't respond well. Many men have had lots of rejection and it is no more fun for us than you. So if we flirt, throw us a bone and flirt back.
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    Funny thing - I don't think I have ever even gone on a date with someone taller than me. I was married to someone 4 1/2 inches shorter and I think the tallest guy I've ever even hung out with as anything other than strictly friends was my height (5'10")

    *walks by whistling .... 6'4" over here* ..... oh wait, I think I miss the age requirement. :tongue:
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    sometimes getting hit on is okay if the guy is nice and not a jerk. don't worry about it. focus on you and having fun in life and they'll see how wonderful you are!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Funny thing - I don't think I have ever even gone on a date with someone taller than me. I was married to someone 4 1/2 inches shorter and I think the tallest guy I've ever even hung out with as anything other than strictly friends was my height (5'10")

    *walks by whistling .... 6'4" over here* ..... oh wait, I think I miss the age requirement. :tongue:
    Yeah, it looks like you're 10 years older than my ex. Older's not a problem (it's actually preferred), but old enough to be my parent... yeah. Not so much.

    Thanks anyway!

    ETA - I just looked at your pictures. With that body, you could be 80 and I wouldn't care as long as you looked my way. lol
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    A lot of it is confidence. I'm not thin. I'm pretty average looking. But because I carry myself like I am the baddest b!itch in the club, I get to turn down a lot of men. Even when I'm with the sorostitutes who look like porn stars. If you truly believe you are a hottie, everyone else does too.
  • jakobscalpel
    jakobscalpel Posts: 6 Member
    Boys can be shy.

    This is it. Men are more afraid of looking a fool (via potential rejection) than they let on. That was certainly my experience. Of course, we grow out of it and grow in confidence as we age but by then we are usually paired off.
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,388 Member
    I smile a lot. It works for and against me.
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    ETA - I just looked at your pictures. With that body, you could be 80 and I wouldn't care as long as you looked my way. lol

    :blushing: seriously I did.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    ETA - I just looked at your pictures. With that body, you could be 80 and I wouldn't care as long as you looked my way. lol

    :blushing: seriously I did.
    You did blush or you did look?

    Either way, my day is made. :)
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Maybe you just aren't noticing them noticing you.

    The other day I was walking into the gym and a car pulled up and a girlfriend of mine was yelling my name. She said she had wolf whistled at me and called out "hey hot momma" a couple of times and I never even looked up. I really didn't hear her and would have thought they were calling out to someone else, anyways.

    I do get hit on occasionally, but the one that I enjoy having pay attention to me is my gym crush. If anything, he is even more shy than me and he really tries to flirt, but then he gets all tongue tied and shy. It's really cute, especially considering we are both in our mid 40s.
  • Crying_In_Color
    Crying_In_Color Posts: 246 Member
    Don't know, be the aggressor. That's what I always did. If I wanted something, I'd go after it. Don't wait around for him to make the move when you can.
  • kimber0607
    kimber0607 Posts: 994 Member
    Totally think it has to to with attitude and how approachable you make yourself
    Besides the cold cut man in shoprite I get zero action..LOL
    A group of ladies in town go out for GNO every few mnths, and the same woman always gets hit on..she is very very upbeat....happy...dancing...eye contact....I guess she has approachable slapped on her forehead...

  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    This is a seriously awesome post. I think the mental aspect is tougher than the physical one at times! My husband has told me numerous times that it's the attitude and vibe I put out - dang it, I guess he was right! ;)

    Maybe we need an attitude adjustment group for women?
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Men are afraid of rejection. I don't get hit on either, but I don't care since I am married.