

  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Me too Sam. I love my baseball.

    I'm doing the scale thing although I think I resent you for it. :laugh:

    Next week we should do a water challenge. We're doing one at work starting Monday where we got into teams and for ever 8 oz of water we drink we get a point and they're gonna do prizes and stuff.

    My teams got this in the bag. Both me and this other girl at work each drink 1.5 1 litre bottles of water a day just at work alone.

    I could so use this challenge b/c I do NOT drink enough water!!!!

    I HATE WATER!! unless it tastes like lemonade! :laugh: :laugh: or if I'm working out!

    I really don't drink it!! Wal-Mart does make a lemonade powder that has nothing in it though. I mean no cals no sodium no sugar. I'm sure it's got all kinds of chemicals in it but I LIKE chemicals! (like cool whip!)

    I have been trying to drink more water but at the end of the work evening I still end up buying a soft drink and that is SOOOO bad!! :blushing: I need to figure out how to get off of them again and I do drink some Crystal Light thru the day, too.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Me too Sam. I love my baseball.

    I'm doing the scale thing although I think I resent you for it. :laugh:

    Next week we should do a water challenge. We're doing one at work starting Monday where we got into teams and for ever 8 oz of water we drink we get a point and they're gonna do prizes and stuff.

    My teams got this in the bag. Both me and this other girl at work each drink 1.5 1 litre bottles of water a day just at work alone.

    I could so use this challenge b/c I do NOT drink enough water!!!!

    I HATE WATER!! unless it tastes like lemonade! :laugh: :laugh: or if I'm working out!

    I really don't drink it!! Wal-Mart does make a lemonade powder that has nothing in it though. I mean no cals no sodium no sugar. I'm sure it's got all kinds of chemicals in it but I LIKE chemicals! (like cool whip!)

    I have been trying to drink more water but at the end of the work evening I still end up buying a soft drink and that is SOOOO bad!! :blushing: I need to figure out how to get off of them again and I do drink some Crystal Light thru the day, too.

    Crystal light has calories though the kind from walmart doesn't. That is why I like it!:bigsmile:
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    I have a confession: I :heart: my bicycle.

    I'm afraid I may give up running for cycling. I could go for hours it seems. I plan it like a secret tryst. (Okay, as soon as hubby leaves, I am getting on the bike and I am not coming home until dark. On my day off I am looking forward to sneaking off and putting my nose in the wind and my *kitten* in the saddle to see how far I can go). Oh how I love love love it. I'm pushing as hard as I can, burning more calories than my pathetic little runs. I am going to try to do both. It's fantastic.

    The freedom! It's beautiful.

    That is so friggin awesome lady. Finding something you love that fits right in with your new healthy life is so great. Ride that bike lady!

  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    (Off subject but who knew the panhandle of Florida was very southern speaking. Not me. I live in Lower Alabama, it's just called Florida! LOL)

    Are you talking about the panhandle being called the panhandle and not florida? Because I hate that. It's like it's own little country there. It IS still Florida! :wink:

    Naw, I just laugh, I'm not from here. I didn't expect it to be so southern. The people here actually joke and say it's lower Alabama. I think maybe other parts of Florida would like to disown it. It's the hick part. I like it though for the most part. Other than being so far away from family. Home is Pennsylvania for me.

    You guys are on a roll. By the time I typed my last post and checked back there was a whole new conversation to catch up on.
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    I have a confession: I :heart: my bicycle.

    I'm afraid I may give up running for cycling. I could go for hours it seems. I plan it like a secret tryst. (Okay, as soon as hubby leaves, I am getting on the bike and I am not coming home until dark. On my day off I am looking forward to sneaking off and putting my nose in the wind and my *kitten* in the saddle to see how far I can go). Oh how I love love love it. I'm pushing as hard as I can, burning more calories than my pathetic little runs. I am going to try to do both. It's fantastic.

    The freedom! It's beautiful.

    That's what it's all about, missy-- finding what you love and going for it--

    I'm happy you love your Bi-cycle!

    You know everytime you type it you sing it in your head. BI-cycle! BI-cycle! I know you do, because every time I read it I sing it in my head.
    (dang it!)

    This must be a generation thing, 'cause I have no clue what y'all are talking about.

    Old song by Queen--

    And watch the "generation thing" talk, there whippersnapper-- or I'll hit you with my cane. :angry:

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! DON"T HIT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I know only a handful of Queen songs, but that's not one of them. However, I will say that "Fat Bottomed Girls" is one of my favorite songs ever, even though the bottom is less fat now. :laugh:

    Queen=awesome and there is a fat bottom girls reference in bycicle race. And I agree fat bottom girls is a great song.
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    In the infamous words of our fearless leader

    OH EM GEE!!

    I can not WAIT to work out! Who woulda thunk 1 year ago next week, that I, Jeannie Bo Beannie would MISS exercise as if it is the very air I breath.

    I am addicted! Addicted I say! I am in the bathroom at work doing 1 legged squats and push ups.

    I was moving like speedy gonzalez on my crutches...........anything the make my heart beat faster.

    I can not WAIT to get back to the gym!!!

    :heart: Jeannie:heart:

    Oh Jeannie I feel for you. :flowerforyou:

    I know exactly where your coming from. A couple of weeks ago when I jacked my back all up I felt exactly the same way. Hang in there lady! You be up and running in no time.
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Me too Sam. I love my baseball.

    I'm doing the scale thing although I think I resent you for it. :laugh:

    Next week we should do a water challenge. We're doing one at work starting Monday where we got into teams and for ever 8 oz of water we drink we get a point and they're gonna do prizes and stuff.

    My teams got this in the bag. Both me and this other girl at work each drink 1.5 1 litre bottles of water a day just at work alone.

    I could so use this challenge b/c I do NOT drink enough water!!!!

    I HATE WATER!! unless it tastes like lemonade! :laugh: :laugh: or if I'm working out!

    I really don't drink it!! Wal-Mart does make a lemonade powder that has nothing in it though. I mean no cals no sodium no sugar. I'm sure it's got all kinds of chemicals in it but I LIKE chemicals! (like cool whip!)

    I have been trying to drink more water but at the end of the work evening I still end up buying a soft drink and that is SOOOO bad!! :blushing: I need to figure out how to get off of them again and I do drink some Crystal Light thru the day, too.

    Crystal light has calories though the kind from walmart doesn't. That is why I like it!:bigsmile:

    Oh Sam I know but I never make it to Walmart! Don't make me feel bad about those 10 calories once in a while....pweezeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hehe!! :bigsmile: It's only once in a blue moon, I promise!:flowerforyou:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Me too Sam. I love my baseball.

    I'm doing the scale thing although I think I resent you for it. :laugh:

    Next week we should do a water challenge. We're doing one at work starting Monday where we got into teams and for ever 8 oz of water we drink we get a point and they're gonna do prizes and stuff.

    My teams got this in the bag. Both me and this other girl at work each drink 1.5 1 litre bottles of water a day just at work alone.

    I could so use this challenge b/c I do NOT drink enough water!!!!

    I HATE WATER!! unless it tastes like lemonade! :laugh: :laugh: or if I'm working out!

    I really don't drink it!! Wal-Mart does make a lemonade powder that has nothing in it though. I mean no cals no sodium no sugar. I'm sure it's got all kinds of chemicals in it but I LIKE chemicals! (like cool whip!)

    I have been trying to drink more water but at the end of the work evening I still end up buying a soft drink and that is SOOOO bad!! :blushing: I need to figure out how to get off of them again and I do drink some Crystal Light thru the day, too.

    Crystal light has calories though the kind from walmart doesn't. That is why I like it!:bigsmile:

    Oh Sam I know but I never make it to Walmart! Don't make me feel bad about those 10 calories once in a while....pweezeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hehe!! :bigsmile: It's only once in a blue moon, I promise!:flowerforyou:

    Oh IDK what you drink! :wink: I just won't drink it cause the calories aren't worth it to me! :laugh: :laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    yea I'm totally on the wrong side of this conversation. I grew up listening to country and arena rock but I don't remember most of it. "Old" to me is the 90's. :laugh:

    Get her!!!!! :angry:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I have a confession: I :heart: my bicycle.

    I'm afraid I may give up running for cycling. I could go for hours it seems. I plan it like a secret tryst. (Okay, as soon as hubby leaves, I am getting on the bike and I am not coming home until dark. On my day off I am looking forward to sneaking off and putting my nose in the wind and my *kitten* in the saddle to see how far I can go). Oh how I love love love it. I'm pushing as hard as I can, burning more calories than my pathetic little runs. I am going to try to do both. It's fantastic.

    The freedom! It's beautiful.

    That's what it's all about, missy-- finding what you love and going for it--

    I'm happy you love your Bi-cycle!

    You know everytime you type it you sing it in your head. BI-cycle! BI-cycle! I know you do, because every time I read it I sing it in my head.
    (dang it!)

    This must be a generation thing, 'cause I have no clue what y'all are talking about.

    Old song by Queen--

    And watch the "generation thing" talk, there whippersnapper-- or I'll hit you with my cane. :angry:

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! DON"T HIT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I know only a handful of Queen songs, but that's not one of them. However, I will say that "Fat Bottomed Girls" is one of my favorite songs ever, even though the bottom is less fat now. :laugh:

    You goofball-- that's the song I'm talking about--

    I beg to differ, darling Marla. Although they are both from the same album, Fat bottomed girls, and Bicycle races are two different songs.

    Shows you how much I know-- :ohwell:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I have a confession: I :heart: my bicycle.

    I'm afraid I may give up running for cycling. I could go for hours it seems. I plan it like a secret tryst. (Okay, as soon as hubby leaves, I am getting on the bike and I am not coming home until dark. On my day off I am looking forward to sneaking off and putting my nose in the wind and my *kitten* in the saddle to see how far I can go). Oh how I love love love it. I'm pushing as hard as I can, burning more calories than my pathetic little runs. I am going to try to do both. It's fantastic.

    The freedom! It's beautiful.

    That's what it's all about, missy-- finding what you love and going for it--

    I'm happy you love your Bi-cycle!

    You know everytime you type it you sing it in your head. BI-cycle! BI-cycle! I know you do, because every time I read it I sing it in my head.
    (dang it!)

    This must be a generation thing, 'cause I have no clue what y'all are talking about.

    Old song by Queen--

    And watch the "generation thing" talk, there whippersnapper-- or I'll hit you with my cane. :angry:

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! DON"T HIT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I know only a handful of Queen songs, but that's not one of them. However, I will say that "Fat Bottomed Girls" is one of my favorite songs ever, even though the bottom is less fat now. :laugh:

    You goofball-- that's the song I'm talking about--

    I beg to differ, darling Marla. Although they are both from the same album, Fat bottomed girls, and Bicycle races are two different songs.

    Thank goodness. I no longer have to fear my status as a 'young oldhead' being revoked. :wink:

    No, but you accepted your goofball status readily enough--

    I get so used to calling my kids that, it slipped out-- ha!
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Good night all! Got another long 12 hour day to pull tomorrow! Everyone have a great Friday!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    man, now i feel old cause i know both of those songs :sad:

    EDIT: although i think they both came out before i was born...there i feel better :wink:

    Nothing wrong with being young and liking the old stuff. I have a huge soft spot for some Motown and old soul, and you know that's well before my time.

    I'm a sucker for the Andrew Sisters--
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Getting carded makes me happy too LOL.

    This topic must cease immediately--

    it's been too $%#@! long since I've been carded and this topic is offending me--

    I'm going to tell Mike on all of you--
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Getting carded makes me happy too LOL.

    This topic must cease immediately--

    it's been too $%#@! long since I've been carded and this topic is offending me--

    I'm going to tell Mike on all of you--

    This made me snicker. Out loud.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    man, now i feel old cause i know both of those songs :sad:

    EDIT: although i think they both came out before i was born...there i feel better :wink:

    Nothing wrong with being young and liking the old stuff. I have a huge soft spot for some Motown and old soul, and you know that's well before my time.

    I love me some Motown

    and Sly and the Family Stone.........dude that is some great music. Still can picture my bff mom showing us how to dance to Dance to the Music when I was like 8!

    I'm gonna add a little guitar to make it easy to move your feet --
    Beeeeer bedede Dee deeeerrrrr--

    #$@! I'm old-- :wink:
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    almost time for bed... dh has the next 4 days off YAY!!! we didn't get a memorial day weekend (darn retail) but we're making up for it this weekend. time to clean out the closets, i have a feeling there won't be much left. :laugh: :drinker:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Enjoy your weekend, Beth--

    Heading to work gang-- had a very tiring 3.3 mile run-- either I'm totally tuckering out, or I'm moving faster and harder-- the runs have been hard lately-- sheesh.

    Have a great night all!!
  • laniirvin
    laniirvin Posts: 94
    Kati-- the bride is gonna hate you-- NOBODY is supposed to outshine the bride at the wedding.


    I'm here troops, worry not. I barely had a moment's peace yesterday to post much. PLUS, like an idiot, I let my 17 year old open a Facebook account, now I'm gonna spend my life monitoring it.

    This Facebook crud is so freakin' stupid. I had to open an account to get the reunion information for last weekend's high school reunion of mine-- total, TOTAL, sensory overload.

    Ahh-- MFP-- there's no place like home. :noway:

    Got a decent run in last night, not great-- hubby agreed to let Hope and Abby, 9 and 7, ride their scooter and bike, respectively with us. It was dark and I didn't want to be responsible for them, so he took them with him, but they were at the corner when I was coming through my 3rd lap-- "Mommy, Hi!! Hi Mommy-- Daddy just did his 4th lap-- blah, blah, blah"

    Crash and burn went the concentration. I was tired anyway-- stupid, flippin' hormones-- so I just went another small loop and called it a night. 2.6 miles, or so-- not what I wanted, but-- whaddyagonnado.

    Rotten mother over here, I resented like heck having them there on the run/walk afterwards-- which is really crappy, because they don't see me as much as they're used to before this friggin' typing ruined everything--

    Do I have a bad attitude today? Nahhhhh-- :wink:

    Seriously-- all's well-- it is what it is-- just finished my 10am deadline and need to go do the breakfast thing-- and break a few skulls. Already my kids are starting the bickering-- ain't life grand.

    Later, cats!

    Marla and others with teenagers, let me save you the hastle. Get Keylogger installed on your computer and you can monitor everything they do. That is how I learned my oldest daughter that I adopted was back to doing drugs, boy what a suprise on her face when I would pop up where ever she went after Also, popped a drug test on her too. Had to do a major intervention after those episodes, from all my hard work of staying on her @$$, I am proud to say she has been clean, sober, quit smoking, got married and birthed my granddaughter! Just a suggestion, beware sometimes you will see stuff you don't want to see. I still use it on my other kids too.
  • laniirvin
    laniirvin Posts: 94
    Hi everyone! I :heart: my black team!!! It took me almost thirty minutes to catch up on this thread!! Sheesh! Congrats on everyone's weight loss! After reading all the posts I am now home sick for the beach and I grew up in Key West.....:frown: Miss it everyday. I am planning a summer vacation there or fall break...probably fall break so I can go to Fantasy Fest. I have been working out and having a problem not eating enough the last few days. What is wrong with me? I am short the 1200 min calories for the day, so I am eating some choc/mint rice cakes and yogurt.

    Vanessa I feel you with the leg pain. I am about to scream. I keep pushing through it, telling myself when I lose more weight maybe it will get better. I did start at 275, I'm a big girl for these short legs. I did have to quit my C25ker. My knees couldn't take it anymore. What is funny is I don't get out of breath I could run forever if it wasn't for my knees. I am continuing with a 3.0 walk for an hour five days a week. I am fixing to add strength training to my excersise routine. Hopefully that will help. Doc told me to add some strength training to my legs and it would help. We will see. I just ice the crap out of them and take plenty of goody powders.

    Well, goodnight everyone....granted I think everyone is already in bed:cry: What can I say I am a night owl. See everyone tomorrow!!