

  • krhbutte
    krhbutte Posts: 246
    Lori you so perdy! I love that pic of you and the stepdaughter. She looks taller than me! Pink is def. your color. Of course in my opinion pink is everyone's color.

    Lynnie, I am a pinkaholic, too! My 10 yr old daughter thinks I'm such a girly girl!!
  • krhbutte
    krhbutte Posts: 246
    Well, I am very proud of myself!!! I put on my favorite leather belt today and realized I can put it on the last notch. (One month ago it was on the very first notch out of 5 and was pretty tight.) YAY!!! But I am sorta :cry: :cry: because it is my favorite belt......ok maybe not!!:tongue:
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    Well, I am very proud of myself!!! I put on my favorite leather belt today and realized I can put it on the last notch. (One month ago it was on the very first notch out of 5 and was pretty tight.) YAY!!! But I am sorta :cry: :cry: because it is my favorite belt......ok maybe not!!:tongue:

    That is awesome!!!! I had to tighted my workout pants cuz they kept falling down. That made me happy. :smile:

    I should try my belt on and see if it's a lower notch.... hmm... maybe. :tongue:
  • Supagurl
    Supagurl Posts: 75
    :tongue: seriously we're suppose to own a scale.....EEEWWW my like total biggest fear lol i swear i always gain 5 lbs the night before my doctors appt each month lol lol thats the only time i usually weigh myself, well ok i did buy a scale like 2 mnths ago but i dont like it lol makes me unhappy and thats a great idea not to step on it lol lol:bigsmile:

    so i finally am figuring out how to do some things on the computer lol and havent thrown it out the window........yet, i did give it a name tho cuz i gotta have a name when i'm screaming at the screen lol

    i think you guys are all amazing and like super inspirational and supportive, it feels really good to have someone tell you to get going and not give up or kick your *kitten* and get it in gear lol

    and lynnie my lovey sissy QUIT screwin with my stuff hahahahahahaha what til i learn how to screw with yours, you know how i love a good payback:laugh: :laugh:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    If I resist the temptation to eat my goodies while making them, no worries later. I will have about 25 kids in the next 2 days here for parties. There won't be anything left!

    Pink. Pink. Pink. I :heart: pink. I never used to but I wear enough of it now to make up for the years I neglected it. Every time I go shopping I find myself gravitating toward the pink. I can't help myself! Did I say I :heart: pink? :laugh:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    If I resist the temptation to eat my goodies while making them, no worries later. I will have about 25 kids in the next 2 days here for parties. There won't be anything left!

    Pink. Pink. Pink. I :heart: pink. I never used to but I wear enough of it now to make up for the years I neglected it. Every time I go shopping I find myself gravitating toward the pink. I can't help myself! Did I say I :heart: pink? :laugh:

    I :heart: PINK too and everything that madison puts on has to be pink too. :laugh: Hubs hates it but she is at the age that she has to pick everything. I give her 2 options and she always picks the pink.:laugh:
  • krhbutte
    krhbutte Posts: 246
    Well, I am very proud of myself!!! I put on my favorite leather belt today and realized I can put it on the last notch. (One month ago it was on the very first notch out of 5 and was pretty tight.) YAY!!! But I am sorta :cry: :cry: because it is my favorite belt......ok maybe not!!:tongue:

    That is awesome!!!! I had to tighted my workout pants cuz they kept falling down. That made me happy. :smile:

    I should try my belt on and see if it's a lower notch.... hmm... maybe. :tongue:

    Isn't that the best feeling??:happy:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I'm a red/blue girl.

    everything I buy is either red or blue--

    Hubby loves red-- makes him want to charge-- ha!
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I'm not a big pink fan. I love purple. When we were buying stuff for Harley, I tried to buy anything but pink. It's hard! Most baby stuff is pink or blue! But I've started to like it a little better. Now she has a good bit of pink in her closet.
  • krhbutte
    krhbutte Posts: 246
    Anyone have fun plans for the weekend?? I'm gonna do yard work!! least favorite chore. At least I will burn some calories, i guess. Anything to try and boost my excitement:grumble: :grumble: !
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Anyone have fun plans for the weekend?? I'm gonna do yard work!! least favorite chore. At least I will burn some calories, i guess. Anything to try and boost my excitement:grumble: :grumble: !

    I mowed the lawn on tuesday and burnt 922 calories!!! Think of yard work like that!

    My weekends are always the same as the week. Hubby works at a hotel so he HAS to work weekends unless he asks for one off.
  • krhbutte
    krhbutte Posts: 246
    Anyone have fun plans for the weekend?? I'm gonna do yard work!! least favorite chore. At least I will burn some calories, i guess. Anything to try and boost my excitement:grumble: :grumble: !

    I mowed the lawn on tuesday and burnt 922 calories!!! Think of yard work like that!

    My weekends are always the same as the week. Hubby works at a hotel so he HAS to work weekends unless he asks for one off.

    So, when do ya both get a fun day together..I'm sure your pretty busy with school/ homework during the week, right?
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Anyone have fun plans for the weekend?? I'm gonna do yard work!! least favorite chore. At least I will burn some calories, i guess. Anything to try and boost my excitement:grumble: :grumble: !

    Fun-- fun-- hmmm-- fun?

    Sounds familiar-- :huh:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Anyone have fun plans for the weekend?? I'm gonna do yard work!! least favorite chore. At least I will burn some calories, i guess. Anything to try and boost my excitement:grumble: :grumble: !

    I mowed the lawn on tuesday and burnt 922 calories!!! Think of yard work like that!

    My weekends are always the same as the week. Hubby works at a hotel so he HAS to work weekends unless he asks for one off.

    So, when do ya both get a fun day together..I'm sure your pretty busy with school/ homework during the week, right?

    I'm lucky enough that my kids are still young almost 3 and almost 1 and I'm the one in school. We try to get my mom to watch the girls 1 day a week so we can go to the movies or something like that. We don't get out much other then that.
  • krhbutte
    krhbutte Posts: 246
    Anyone have fun plans for the weekend?? I'm gonna do yard work!! least favorite chore. At least I will burn some calories, i guess. Anything to try and boost my excitement:grumble: :grumble: !

    Fun-- fun-- hmmm-- fun?

    Sounds familiar-- :huh:

    You better be gettin a little fun time in there know what they say, no play makes for a very dull....somethin' or other!!! hee hee:smile::smile:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Anyone have fun plans for the weekend?? I'm gonna do yard work!! least favorite chore. At least I will burn some calories, i guess. Anything to try and boost my excitement:grumble: :grumble: !

    Fun-- fun-- hmmm-- fun?

    Sounds familiar-- :huh:

    You better be gettin a little fun time in there know what they say, no play makes for a very dull....somethin' or other!!! hee hee:smile::smile:

    Kristina they have nine kids I'm sure they know all about the F-U-N!!!:wink::wink: :laugh: :laugh:
  • krhbutte
    krhbutte Posts: 246
    Anyone have fun plans for the weekend?? I'm gonna do yard work!! least favorite chore. At least I will burn some calories, i guess. Anything to try and boost my excitement:grumble: :grumble: !

    I mowed the lawn on tuesday and burnt 922 calories!!! Think of yard work like that!

    My weekends are always the same as the week. Hubby works at a hotel so he HAS to work weekends unless he asks for one off.

    So, when do ya both get a fun day together..I'm sure your pretty busy with school/ homework during the week, right?

    I'm lucky enough that my kids are still young almost 3 and almost 1 and I'm the one in school. We try to get my mom to watch the girls 1 day a week so we can go to the movies or something like that. We don't get out much other then that.

    I know it can be pretty tough. Glad to hear you do have date nights sometimes!! How is your school schedule??
  • krhbutte
    krhbutte Posts: 246
    Anyone have fun plans for the weekend?? I'm gonna do yard work!! least favorite chore. At least I will burn some calories, i guess. Anything to try and boost my excitement:grumble: :grumble: !

    Fun-- fun-- hmmm-- fun?

    Sounds familiar-- :huh:

    You better be gettin a little fun time in there know what they say, no play makes for a very dull....somethin' or other!!! hee hee:smile::smile:

    Kristina they have nine kids I'm sure they know all about the F-U-N!!!:wink::wink: :laugh: :laugh:

    Exactly...she is the QUEEN of fun!!:tongue:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Anyone have fun plans for the weekend?? I'm gonna do yard work!! least favorite chore. At least I will burn some calories, i guess. Anything to try and boost my excitement:grumble: :grumble: !

    I mowed the lawn on tuesday and burnt 922 calories!!! Think of yard work like that!

    My weekends are always the same as the week. Hubby works at a hotel so he HAS to work weekends unless he asks for one off.

    So, when do ya both get a fun day together..I'm sure your pretty busy with school/ homework during the week, right?

    I'm lucky enough that my kids are still young almost 3 and almost 1 and I'm the one in school. We try to get my mom to watch the girls 1 day a week so we can go to the movies or something like that. We don't get out much other then that.

    I know it can be pretty tough. Glad to hear you do have date nights sometimes!! How is your school schedule??

    one night a week for 2 hours and an online class. Next semester my 2 classes are at the school and one is like 4 hours long. :grumble:

    Got to get it done if I want to have some sort of career!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Whoa-- keep it clean, ladies-- keep it clean--

    I'm quite the prude, dontchaknow-- :wink: