

  • leshawnturner
    leshawnturner Posts: 382
    Hello my Black Team!!! I'm just checkin in!!! Plus I added a pic to my profile and i wanted to see if it works. It does!!! I'm the one on the left.:happy: This is a pic of me and my sister!!
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    OH EM GEE with the FREAKIN scale challenge.

    I just wanna see!!!!!! :sad: :sad:

    I hear ya! but I guess what's why it's called a challenge. I have been a good boy I havnt even looked in the direction of my scale since this challenge started. lol It's been hard but this challenge is good for me. Teaching me not to obsesse over it. lol

    Good luck my fellow scale junkies!
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    OH EM GEE with the FREAKIN scale challenge.

    I just wanna see!!!!!! :sad: :sad:

    I hear ya! but I guess what's why it's called a challenge. I have been a good boy I havnt even looked in the direction of my scale since this challenge started. lol It's been hard but this challenge is good for me. Teaching me not to obsesse over it. lol

    Good luck my fellow scale junkies!

    Yeah I know what you mean. I'm determined to wait til Wednesday, but it just seems so far away. And with no loss this week I'm really anxious to look, but I won't. Promise.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Stay strong with the scale challenge! You can do it.

    I just made 2 batches of cupcakes and didn't lick diddly squat. I threw everything in the sink and ran water over it as fast as I could. If I can do that, you can stay off the scale. How am I going to ice them without just a little taste???? I need a safety restraint for my tongue!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Must admit I peeked this morning....forgot all about the challenge.

    When I go home I am putting tape and a note.......just like last time.

    I might start drinking alcohol, but I will NOT get on the scale:drinker:

  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    Stay strong with the scale challenge! You can do it.

    I just made 2 batches of cupcakes and didn't lick diddly squat. I threw everything in the sink and ran water over it as fast as I could. If I can do that, you can stay off the scale. How am I going to ice them without just a little taste???? I need a safety restraint for my tongue!

    Wow, good job! I wouldn't have been able to do that! :laugh:

    I promise to stay away from the scale in honor of your cupcake feat. :wink:

    I'm gonna work my patooty off this weekend though. I wanna see a good number on Wednesday.
  • laniirvin
    laniirvin Posts: 94
    Alright, I'm alive again and taking a second to talk up my DSD (dear step daughter Jordan!). She had her 5th grade graduation last night. She is such a good kid. She got an award for a 3.5-3.9 GPA. She got an award for the National Physical Fitness Test (only 4 of 108 kids got that). And she was choosen as the outstanding citizen for the girls out of the whole 5th grade, which is the 108 kids. I'm proud.

    The only weird part to the night was having her mom there. We've had Jordan since my DH and I got married. She was only half way through 1st grade. My husband has been gone over half of the 5 years we've been married (AF guy, whatcha gonna do). So, even though it's weird to have her mom there, I have to remind myself I got her here. It's uncomfortable when the slide presentation had pictures of the parent/child lunch and there Jordan and I are smiling big for the camera. I makes me feel uncomfortable, I can only imagine how her mom feels!

    I actually thought about kicking my DH last night. Jordan's mom was in the parking lot when we got there, and followed us into the building to sit down. My DH sat on the END of a row. Gee, thanks dear. Wonder who gets to sit beside the ex wife now? I stuck my poor son between me and the ex. Sucks to be 9 and used as a buffer!

    Oh the stories I could tell... and these are the days of my life!

    Great pic of you Lori! You really look great! SO much to be proud of with Jordan:smile: Shes a beautiful young lady:flowerforyou: We had my youngest son's 8th grade graduation last night, but I havent gotten any pics on the computer yet...hopefully this weekend (Im a puter nerd when it comes to all that stuff lol)
    Oh, and thanks for the kick in hiney about losing ONLY 99.4 lbs!:laugh: You are completely right. What I have done is an amazing accomplishment and the person I am today (on the outside and the inside both) is a much better and happier person than I was 8 months ago. Thank you for helping me to see that:blushing: :flowerforyou:

    Lori you look amazing!!
  • laniirvin
    laniirvin Posts: 94
    Me too Sam. I love my baseball.

    I'm doing the scale thing although I think I resent you for it. :laugh:

    Next week we should do a water challenge. We're doing one at work starting Monday where we got into teams and for ever 8 oz of water we drink we get a point and they're gonna do prizes and stuff.

    My teams got this in the bag. Both me and this other girl at work each drink 1.5 1 litre bottles of water a day just at work alone.

    I could so use this challenge b/c I do NOT drink enough water!!!!

    I HATE WATER!! unless it tastes like lemonade! :laugh: :laugh: or if I'm working out!

    I really don't drink it!! Wal-Mart does make a lemonade powder that has nothing in it though. I mean no cals no sodium no sugar. I'm sure it's got all kinds of chemicals in it but I LIKE chemicals! (like cool whip!)

    I have been trying to drink more water but at the end of the work evening I still end up buying a soft drink and that is SOOOO bad!! :blushing: I need to figure out how to get off of them again and I do drink some Crystal Light thru the day, too.

    Crystal light has calories though the kind from walmart doesn't. That is why I like it!:bigsmile:

    Oh Sam I know but I never make it to Walmart! Don't make me feel bad about those 10 calories once in a while....pweezeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hehe!! :bigsmile: It's only once in a blue moon, I promise!:flowerforyou:

    Oh IDK what you drink! :wink: I just won't drink it cause the calories aren't worth it to me! :laugh: :laugh:

    I know I'm way far behind everyone else, but my internet connection has been down all week.:mad:

    Crystal Light has some new products out. One is called Metabolism + & I think the flavor is Peach Mango Tea. Has anyone tried it yet?:drinker:

    Yes it is great! Granted my all time fav is cherry pomegrante. I freeze them and they are like popsicles
  • laniirvin
    laniirvin Posts: 94
    :sad: Nobody gave me any good omlette ideas!!lol. I made a weird creation. I used 3 eggs, 1tbsp of ww cheese, green peppers, tomatos, peppers, and used water instead of milk. It was yummy at 250 calories. I figured if I amped up my breakfast I could get all my calories in. I use to be the kind of person that ate one meal a day and a BUNCH of junk throughout the day. Started doing six small meals and can't seem to get 1200 calories in. Doesn't help that everything I buy is low cal and low Plus at work it is hard to eat, so I pack my lunch/dinner with slim fast, apples, carrots, peppers, and some other healthy stuff!
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    Must admit I peeked this morning....forgot all about the challenge.

    When I go home I am putting tape and a note.......just like last time.

    I might start drinking alcohol, but I will NOT get on the scale:drinker:


    Oh I can't WAIT to drink alcohol. :laugh: Jim's birthday is 6/17 and I have the next day off because daycare is closed... so we'll see. IF I see my goal of 197 then I think I'll drink, but in moderation. Plus, I'll probably be a light weight. :laugh:

    I'm thinking like maybe every 20 lbs or so I can let myself have one night of drinking. Maybe, we'll see as we go.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Alright, not sure what is going on, but on my 3rd batch of rice krispy treats (making, not eating- kids' parties this weekend) and I haven't even eaten a marshmallow! One more batch to go. I think I'm gaining weight just touching and smelling all this kid garbage!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Hope everyone's having a great one so far :bigsmile:
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    Happy Friday!

    Hope everyone's having a great one so far :bigsmile:

    So far so good... but I can't wait to get out of here!! (Work)
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    If you want a good upper body workout stir up 4 batches of marshmallow treats. Holy crap. I think melted marshmallow is the stickiest substance on earth!

    Off to do yard work, clean the pool and party set up. Makes me tired just thinking of it!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hello my Black Team!!! I'm just checkin in!!! Plus I added a pic to my profile and i wanted to see if it works. It does!!! I'm the one on the left.:happy: This is a pic of me and my sister!!

    Hey LeShawn-- beautiful picture-- nice to see who we're talking to!!!
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Lori you so perdy! I love that pic of you and the stepdaughter. She looks taller than me! Pink is def. your color. Of course in my opinion pink is everyone's color.
  • laniirvin
    laniirvin Posts: 94
    :love: yummmmmmmm rice crispy treats. I know I wouldn't be able to make them, and not eat them. Great will power Lori!
  • krhbutte
    krhbutte Posts: 246

    Edit: Oh! Other Lori :laugh: Congrats about your s.d. You must be so proud. P.S. She looks like you in that pic!

    I was just thinkin' the same thing!!!! You both look beautiful!!:flowerforyou:
  • krhbutte
    krhbutte Posts: 246
    Hello my Black Team!!! I'm just checkin in!!! Plus I added a pic to my profile and i wanted to see if it works. It does!!! I'm the one on the left.:happy: This is a pic of me and my sister!!

    What a lovely picture!!!:smile: It's so nice to put a face with the name!!:wink:
  • krhbutte
    krhbutte Posts: 246
    Stay strong with the scale challenge! You can do it.

    I just made 2 batches of cupcakes and didn't lick diddly squat. I threw everything in the sink and ran water over it as fast as I could. If I can do that, you can stay off the scale. How am I going to ice them without just a little taste???? I need a safety restraint for my tongue!

    I know what ya mean...I usually make sure my daughter is home when I make something yummy. She is like my own little drill sargeant sometimes.....yeesh!!:grumble: :grumble: