

  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    I'm not a big pink fan. I love purple. When we were buying stuff for Harley, I tried to buy anything but pink. It's hard! Most baby stuff is pink or blue! But I've started to like it a little better. Now she has a good bit of pink in her closet.

    I'm a blue/ green type of girl. When my daughter got married her main color was pink. Amazing how it grows on you.:laugh: :bigsmile:

    I did pink and raspberry. It was so much fun. We did strawberry jelly beans in the flower vases instead of rocks and we gave raspberry chocolate truffles for our favors. I adore pink!!

    Sam, That was ingenious. I bet it really looked pretty.
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    I just mowed the grass. Dave usually does it but it's nice outside and I needed a workout. So he let me do it.

    50 minutes = 425 calories. As a bonus, I got stressed out over a clippings bag that kept falling off, 4 blisters on my fingers, and dog poo on my shoe. :noway: :grumble: I told Dave he gets his mowing back!

    When I was coming back into the house, I saw a guy walking his dog, let the dog poop right in front of our yard. I just stood there and looked at him. He started to walk away and then saw me and stopped. I asked, "Do you need a bag?" :huh: He was like, "Uh, yeah." So I gave him a poop bag (We have dogs so we have a bunch.) and he cleaned it up. I saw him let his dog poop in the parking lot of the fire department and not clean it up the other day. :grumble: That drives me crazy!

    Lori. While reading the story to follow just keep in mind that I adore my neighbor lady. But she stands at the edge of her yard and let's the leash all the way out for her dog to poop in my yard. She has a huge yard. Remember I adore her though. So, good fences make good neighbors and ours is half way completed. I could rant, but my dogs go out to potty off a leash. They do a good job of staying in our yard but I'm sure they have laid an egg on her lawn once or twice. So, the fence will be good for them. Sammi the boxer/beagle mix will love to be able to be out unsupervised. Now, the smelly little scale crapping Chichipoo, at under three pounds, will not be able to stay out. I'm afraid the chickenhawks will get her. OH also the fence is going to come in handy with our SWIMMING POOL! That's right we finally took the plunge. I'm super excited!!!!!! Installation within 20 days.

    OoOOOooo guess what else? I rode my BI-cycle 14.6 miles today. I'm feeling like a fat burning machine. I can't wait to see my number on Wednesday. If it still has not moved I am going to :sad: .

    Well I am going to go flat iron my hair. Me and darling sissy Supagurl are getting all gussied up and going Karaoke tonight. Maybe we will get some fun pics for you guys.

    Lynnie the Pooh

    Awesome on the pool Lynnie, and the bicycling - you are a biking animal..

    Have fun at Karaoke, and definitely post some pics.

    I am going to put this sick head to bed early tonight - maybe it will help.

    Nite all. Janie

    Totally awesome on the pool Lynnie. Can't wait to see pics.

    Janie, I hope you start to feel better soon.:flowerforyou:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I just mowed the grass. Dave usually does it but it's nice outside and I needed a workout. So he let me do it.

    50 minutes = 425 calories. As a bonus, I got stressed out over a clippings bag that kept falling off, 4 blisters on my fingers, and dog poo on my shoe. :noway: :grumble: I told Dave he gets his mowing back!

    When I was coming back into the house, I saw a guy walking his dog, let the dog poop right in front of our yard. I just stood there and looked at him. He started to walk away and then saw me and stopped. I asked, "Do you need a bag?" :huh: He was like, "Uh, yeah." So I gave him a poop bag (We have dogs so we have a bunch.) and he cleaned it up. I saw him let his dog poop in the parking lot of the fire department and not clean it up the other day. :grumble: That drives me crazy!

    Lori. While reading the story to follow just keep in mind that I adore my neighbor lady. But she stands at the edge of her yard and let's the leash all the way out for her dog to poop in my yard. She has a huge yard. Remember I adore her though. So, good fences make good neighbors and ours is half way completed. I could rant, but my dogs go out to potty off a leash. They do a good job of staying in our yard but I'm sure they have laid an egg on her lawn once or twice. So, the fence will be good for them. Sammi the boxer/beagle mix will love to be able to be out unsupervised. Now, the smelly little scale crapping Chichipoo, at under three pounds, will not be able to stay out. I'm afraid the chickenhawks will get her. OH also the fence is going to come in handy with our SWIMMING POOL! That's right we finally took the plunge. I'm super excited!!!!!! Installation within 20 days.

    OoOOOooo guess what else? I rode my BI-cycle 14.6 miles today. I'm feeling like a fat burning machine. I can't wait to see my number on Wednesday. If it still has not moved I am going to :sad: .

    Well I am going to go flat iron my hair. Me and darling sissy Supagurl are getting all gussied up and going Karaoke tonight. Maybe we will get some fun pics for you guys.

    Lynnie the Pooh

    Awesome on the pool Lynnie, and the bicycling - you are a biking animal..

    Have fun at Karaoke, and definitely post some pics.

    I am going to put this sick head to bed early tonight - maybe it will help.

    Nite all. Janie

    Totally awesome on the pool Lynnie. Can't wait to see pics.

    Janie, I hope you start to feel better soon.:flowerforyou:

    Isn't she just gonna be smokin' in her bathing suit this summer with all that BI-cycle riding-- !!!!

    Have fun singing tonight, Lynnie-- after reading your sister's profile, bet I know what she'll sing to you--

    "I honestly love you-- " ha

    Have a great night-- wasting entirely too much time here tonight-- :angry:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Hey y'all...just getting in and settled for the evening. I met up with BF and some of his co-workers for happy hour. Didn't do horribly...just two beers. I did have a burger, but got a veggie with it instead of fries. Good stuff. Definitely going running or hitting the gym tomorrow, just not sure which.

    And, count me in as a fellow pink's my absolute fave. If I have little girls, they will probably hate it because of me. :laugh:

    P.S. Sam- LOVE the new look great!
    Leshawn-Nice to see a pic of you!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    P.S. Sam- LOVE the new look great!

    Thanks I was looking at the first pic I ever put up here and I was mortified:sick: !

    I had to take a new one just to see how I had changed. If anyone is interested it's the one where I'm holding that cute little baby in the pool!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    P.S. Sam- LOVE the new look great!

    Thanks I was looking at the first pic I ever put up here and I was mortified:sick: !

    I had to take a new one just to see how I had changed. If anyone is interested it's the one where I'm holding that cute little baby in the pool!

    Girl, you look like a different person! Not that you weren't gorgeous before, but you look so much happier and healthier now.
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Good evening ya'll! Finally got my work week finished and my feet are sore and tired tonight. I am ready for a nice pretty weekend and I hope we get it. It has been storming every day for a week and lots of rain too! I want to get back outside and try some running or jogging.

    Janie sorry to hear you are still sick girl! I hope you feel better soon and your pants will fit loose again!

    About pink.....I used to hate pink, literally. I remember Aerosmith coming out with their song "Pink" and I hated it b/c of the name. After I had my daughter I started liking pink. Go figure huh? Gotta buy pink for little girls so I may as well get used to it! My favorite colors are still blue and black.

    I have done real good and not weighed myself. Plus I have a scale right beside my machine at work and I have been ignoring it too. I wanna know too but I haven't eaten that much but haven't eaten all that well either.

    Hope you are all doing great!

    Lori love the pic with your step-daughter! 2 beautiful girls!

    Sam very cute AV too! You always are!

    Leshawn- It's good to see who we are talking to! Pretty girls there too!!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    P.S. Sam- LOVE the new look great!

    Thanks I was looking at the first pic I ever put up here and I was mortified:sick: !

    I had to take a new one just to see how I had changed. If anyone is interested it's the one where I'm holding that cute little baby in the pool!

    Girl, you look like a different person! Not that you weren't gorgeous before, but you look so much happier and healthier now.

    And to think that that was at my heaviest ever. I think I was up to 227 at that time. That is 52 pounds gone. It's just amazing to see what a difference that is.

    I have also noticed how long my face is now and how pointy my nose is! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    tap tap tap Anyone out there? Quiet night tonight. This time I guess I'm the only loser on a friday night with nothing to do! :laugh: :laugh:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I'm here, but now I'm not. I need to go to bed. I'm having a hard time keeping up with the chatting going on in here & feel lost all the time! :laugh:

    Night, Sam! Your nose isn't pointy! You are gorgeous!!!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    tap tap tap Anyone out there? Quiet night tonight. This time I guess I'm the only loser on a friday night with nothing to do! :laugh: :laugh:

    LOL Nope. Had my fun and now I'm in for the night. Yay for being old and settled.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    I'm here, but now I'm not. I need to go to bed. I'm having a hard time keeping up with the chatting going on in here & feel lost all the time! :laugh:

    Night, Sam! Your nose isn't pointy! You are gorgeous!!!
    Night Sara!

  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    tap tap tap Anyone out there? Quiet night tonight. This time I guess I'm the only loser on a friday night with nothing to do! :laugh: :laugh:

    LOL Nope. Had my fun and now I'm in for the night. Yay for being old and settled.

    Man if your old we have some in here that are like dust!!! :wink: :laugh: :laugh:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    tap tap tap Anyone out there? Quiet night tonight. This time I guess I'm the only loser on a friday night with nothing to do! :laugh: :laugh:

    LOL Nope. Had my fun and now I'm in for the night. Yay for being old and settled.

    Man if your old we have some in here that are like dust!!! :wink: :laugh: :laugh:

    Ooooh, better not let them see that!

    I'm sitting here looking at Sephora online so I can decide how I want to spend my gift card. Talk about heaven. I love that store for some things but it's kind of intimidating because I'm not really used to wearing much makeup so I don't know what I'm looking for.
  • krhbutte
    krhbutte Posts: 246
    P.S. Sam- LOVE the new look great!

    Thanks I was looking at the first pic I ever put up here and I was mortified:sick: !

    I had to take a new one just to see how I had changed. If anyone is interested it's the one where I'm holding that cute little baby in the pool!

    Girl, you look like a different person! Not that you weren't gorgeous before, but you look so much happier and healthier now.

    ya look like a HOT MOMMA!!!19.gif
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    tap tap tap Anyone out there? Quiet night tonight. This time I guess I'm the only loser on a friday night with nothing to do! :laugh: :laugh:

    LOL Nope. Had my fun and now I'm in for the night. Yay for being old and settled.

    Man if your old we have some in here that are like dust!!! :wink: :laugh: :laugh:

    Ooooh, better not let them see that!

    I'm sitting here looking at Sephora online so I can decide how I want to spend my gift card. Talk about heaven. I love that store for some things but it's kind of intimidating because I'm not really used to wearing much makeup so I don't know what I'm looking for.

    Who is them?!?!?! :wink: :wink: :laugh: :laugh:

    Do they have a bath section? I would do something like that! You don't need make up and what if you don't like it make sure you can send it back.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    P.S. Sam- LOVE the new look great!

    Thanks I was looking at the first pic I ever put up here and I was mortified:sick: !

    I had to take a new one just to see how I had changed. If anyone is interested it's the one where I'm holding that cute little baby in the pool!

    Girl, you look like a different person! Not that you weren't gorgeous before, but you look so much happier and healthier now.

    ya look like a HOT MOMMA!!!19.gif

  • krhbutte
    krhbutte Posts: 246

    I'm sitting here looking at Sephora online so I can decide how I want to spend my gift card. Talk about heaven. I love that store for some things but it's kind of intimidating because I'm not really used to wearing much makeup so I don't know what I'm looking for.

    Who is them?!?!?! :wink: :wink: :laugh: :laugh:

    Do they have a bath section? I would do something like that! You don't need make up and what if you don't like it make sure you can send it back.

    make-up, make-up, make-up! They are amazing if you love....make-up! I do!!! I do!!!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    tap tap tap Anyone out there? Quiet night tonight. This time I guess I'm the only loser on a friday night with nothing to do! :laugh: :laugh:

    LOL Nope. Had my fun and now I'm in for the night. Yay for being old and settled.

    Man if your old we have some in here that are like dust!!! :wink: :laugh: :laugh:

    Ooooh, better not let them see that!

    I'm sitting here looking at Sephora online so I can decide how I want to spend my gift card. Talk about heaven. I love that store for some things but it's kind of intimidating because I'm not really used to wearing much makeup so I don't know what I'm looking for.

    Who is them?!?!?! :wink: :wink: :laugh: :laugh:

    Do they have a bath section? I would do something like that! You don't need make up and what if you don't like it make sure you can send it back.

    They have body, hair, and nail stuff as well as makeup. There's an actual store in our mall, but I just wanted to look around online so I could have a clue of what I wanted. If it's not too crowded, I want to have someone put it on me and help me pick out what to get. As part of my very gradual makeover, I am treating myself to some of that really nice mineral makeup. (Thanks to BF's parents for indulging a girly girl :laugh: )
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    tap tap tap Anyone out there? Quiet night tonight. This time I guess I'm the only loser on a friday night with nothing to do! :laugh: :laugh:

    LOL Nope. Had my fun and now I'm in for the night. Yay for being old and settled.

    Man if your old we have some in here that are like dust!!! :wink: :laugh: :laugh:

    Ooooh, better not let them see that!

    I'm sitting here looking at Sephora online so I can decide how I want to spend my gift card. Talk about heaven. I love that store for some things but it's kind of intimidating because I'm not really used to wearing much makeup so I don't know what I'm looking for.

    Who is them?!?!?! :wink: :wink: :laugh: :laugh:

    Do they have a bath section? I would do something like that! You don't need make up and what if you don't like it make sure you can send it back.

    They have body, hair, and nail stuff as well as makeup. There's an actual store in our mall, but I just wanted to look around online so I could have a clue of what I wanted. If it's not too crowded, I want to have someone put it on me and help me pick out what to get. As part of my very gradual makeover, I am treating myself to some of that really nice mineral makeup. (Thanks to BF's parents for indulging a girly girl :laugh: )

    Go for the make-up then. Have fun with it. I did that for the wedding got a make over at cinique then bought the stuff they used and did it myself for the wedding.