

  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    Um.. if you guys haven't noticed yet... I'm a little neurotic. (sp?)

    The people at work have learned to deal with it and you'll have to too. :laugh: :wink:
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Um.. if you guys haven't noticed yet... I'm a little neurotic. (sp?)

    The people at work have learned to deal with it and you'll have to too. :laugh: :wink:

    You can't be no more neurotic than any of us! It's all good! We are here as a team and we are standing by you 100%!!!
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    Vanessa honey things happen for a reason. But don't worry about it. I think if you ever get in the right place at the right time it wouldn't ever happen. Just work on yourself and deal with that later if it comes up. You can do this! Those depo shots do weird things anyway.

    That's very true. I'm going to forget about it now and just continue on.

    BTW.. YAY! Twins are winning!!!
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Vanessa honey things happen for a reason. But don't worry about it. I think if you ever get in the right place at the right time it wouldn't ever happen. Just work on yourself and deal with that later if it comes up. You can do this! Those depo shots do weird things anyway.

    That's very true. I'm going to forget about it now and just continue on.

    BTW.. YAY! Twins are winning!!!

    You are crazy but we love ya!! Enjoy your game and I guess I am heading off to bed. I have a 12 hour day ahead of me tomorrow and Friday for sure. Take notes for me so I don't get left behind in all of our conversations!!! Goodnight ya'll!!
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    Night Renae! i'm headed there myself as well as soon as this game is over. :flowerforyou:
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Beans, too funny! I love setting up other's profiles. I'm amazing. :)
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    Beans, too funny! I love setting up other's profiles. I'm amazing. :)

    Yes you are dear Lynnie. :flowerforyou:
  • krhbutte
    krhbutte Posts: 246
    Sorry guys...sometimes it feels like I'm missing out since I'm in a total different time zone! (MST)

    I get to check in sometimes at work but by the time I get a chance to get on the computer and chat you're all in bed...:cry: Just know that I'm thinking of you all and love reading your posts!!! You comedians you!!!25r30wi.gif
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    Sorry guys...sometimes it feels like I'm missing out since I'm in a total different time zone! (MST)

    I get to check in sometimes at work but by the time I get a chance to get on the computer and chat you're all in bed...:cry: Just know that I'm thinking of you all and love reading your posts!!! You comedians you!!!25r30wi.gif

    Aww Kristina!! We think about you too!!!! :heart:

    I'm CST, but .. i'm also one of those individuals that requires like 9 hours of sleep. :bigsmile:

    I think Marla is usually up. Speaking of which.. we haven't heard from her much today. :huh:
  • krhbutte
    krhbutte Posts: 246
    Sorry guys...sometimes it feels like I'm missing out since I'm in a total different time zone! (MST)

    I get to check in sometimes at work but by the time I get a chance to get on the computer and chat you're all in bed...:cry: Just know that I'm thinking of you all and love reading your posts!!! You comedians you!!!25r30wi.gif

    Aww Kristina!! We think about you too!!!! :heart:

    I'm CST, but .. i'm also one of those individuals that requires like 9 hours of sleep. :bigsmile:

    I think Marla is usually up. Speaking of which.. we haven't heard from her much today. :huh:

    You're right!!! Marla where are yooouuuu?146fs495919.gif
    Whatever you're doin'....hope it's fun!!!:tongue:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Vanessa - just had to throw out there that sometimes women can spot like that when they ovulate, too.

    Off to a crazy day with the kids. We have a bunch of stuff to drop off at random charities. Woo!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Goooooood morning Black Teamers! Have a great day!

    I am trying to convince myself to go to the gym. It's not working. I was there the last 2 days, feel like a semi ran me over from lifting, my legs are screaming at me. See what happens when one takes a hiatus from exercise? It ain't pretty getting back and it hurts all over again!

    Anyway, I will at least burn my 200 calories, I'll take the dog out for a 3 mile jaunt if I opt out of the full blown gym experience. I have more errands to run, 2 different end of the year parties at my house this weekend, one Friday night, one Saturday night. A bunch of pre teen hormonal kids in my pool, ought to be fun!

    Also have to take one of the kids to the dentist, our daughter 'graduates' from elementary school tonight and she informed me I better bring her flowers. (Geez! Expectant little critters aren't they?) I need to see if I can find some sod to cover up the area where they just dug up my septic tank to pump it, hook up the landscaping lights, do laundry, get groceries...... Oh the easy slow paced life of a stay at home mom.....
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good morning Black Team!
    Well, today is the day of graduation. Today is the day I wanted to have 100 lbs gone. Just my luck I would weigh in at 99.4 lbs gone yesterday:ohwell: :laugh:
    Plus, we're having Alex's graduation party tomorrow and as much as I want to see that 100 mark, Im not going to stress it today and tomorrow. I will just wait and stress it Sat. and Sun.:laugh:
    Jeannie-I hope your off and walking next week! Feel better vibes coming your way sweetie:heart:
    Marla-Where oh where have you been? I read back through all the posts and its odd not seeing your smiling face:frown: I hope everything is ok!
    Sam & Shuntae-You ladies ROCK!! :drinker:
    Andrew-I said it before and I will say it again...your amazing, Im so proud of you, and its an honor to be on the same team as you:heart:
    Janie-Feel better vibes coming your way, too:flowerforyou:
    Familygal-Way to go!! Keep on keeping on!!:drinker:
    Sara-Have a great day! Dropping things off to various charities....your awesome:flowerforyou:
    Vanessa-Love the new AV pic!
    Hi to everyone else!!:happy: Thank you for the compliments and words of encouragment! It might take me a little longer, but I WILL get to that 100 yet:wink:
    Well, Im off to get a very busy day started. Wishing you all a great, healthy day:flowerforyou:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Oh! I just wanted to add that I hired some of my out-of-town visiting family to hide the scale from me last night. I wish I could say that I havent been scheming this morning trying to figure an innocent way to get them to give it up, but my scale is still missing in action:laugh:
    As close as I am to the 100 mark....I WILL do this challenge, I WILL do this challenge, I WILL do this challenge (repeat as necessary)....:wink::laugh:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Roni, you are awesome, how can you complain about being 6 tenths of a pound from your goal? I say you were 100% successful. Take pride in what you did. Whether it's 99.4 or exactly 100, it's an incredible number that you should be mighty proud of.

    Now.... my own scale dilemna.... if I get dressed real quick like I can avoid the temptation. I NEVER get on the scale with my clothes on and rarely at any time other than first thing in the morning. I may be addicted to it, but I'm not stupid! First thing in the morning in the birthday suit is my challenging time for scale avoidance.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Lori - Chug a big glass of water first thing before you even see the scale. That way it wouldn't be accurate & you have no reason to get on it. :bigsmile: Good luck getting all your chores done!

    Roni - Regardless of what that dumb scale says, you are a success! You have come so far & beat so much. I'm VERY proud of you!!! :flowerforyou:
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    Okay, so I posted this on the proud thread yesterday and I spaced about posting it here too. I have a friend getting married this weekend and I went dress shopping yesterday. Of late I've hated to shop b/c I never liked anything I tried on. Hated my body in it, etc. I was kind of excited yesterday about going b/c I haven't bought new clothes since losing some weight. My pants are held up with safety pins. So I was excited and scared to see what size I could get into. Here is a link to the style of dress that I got. My dress is a dark teal, but you'll get the idea. And, it was a 6! I'm still shocked. I haven't seen a 6 since I got preggers with Tenley, our oldest daughter. Thanks for letting me share this with you guys!|50452|64179&Fltr=&Srt=&QL=F&IND=17&cmVirtualCat=&CmCatId=50434|50452|64179|64185
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Kati-- the bride is gonna hate you-- NOBODY is supposed to outshine the bride at the wedding.


    I'm here troops, worry not. I barely had a moment's peace yesterday to post much. PLUS, like an idiot, I let my 17 year old open a Facebook account, now I'm gonna spend my life monitoring it.

    This Facebook crud is so freakin' stupid. I had to open an account to get the reunion information for last weekend's high school reunion of mine-- total, TOTAL, sensory overload.

    Ahh-- MFP-- there's no place like home. :noway:

    Got a decent run in last night, not great-- hubby agreed to let Hope and Abby, 9 and 7, ride their scooter and bike, respectively with us. It was dark and I didn't want to be responsible for them, so he took them with him, but they were at the corner when I was coming through my 3rd lap-- "Mommy, Hi!! Hi Mommy-- Daddy just did his 4th lap-- blah, blah, blah"

    Crash and burn went the concentration. I was tired anyway-- stupid, flippin' hormones-- so I just went another small loop and called it a night. 2.6 miles, or so-- not what I wanted, but-- whaddyagonnado.

    Rotten mother over here, I resented like heck having them there on the run/walk afterwards-- which is really crappy, because they don't see me as much as they're used to before this friggin' typing ruined everything--

    Do I have a bad attitude today? Nahhhhh-- :wink:

    Seriously-- all's well-- it is what it is-- just finished my 10am deadline and need to go do the breakfast thing-- and break a few skulls. Already my kids are starting the bickering-- ain't life grand.

    Later, cats!
  • Zipflipnflutter
    Zipflipnflutter Posts: 27 Member
    Congratulations Andrew!
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    Morning all! :heart: