

  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    you should check out his profile. :laugh: I set it up. LOL

    Sara, You crack me up! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Sara-- I think your husband and mine were twins separated at birth--

    He hates social ANYTHING.

    He finally came around and embraced MFP as important and helpful for me-- which helps, believe me!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Sara-- I think your husband and mine were twins separated at birth--

    He hates social ANYTHING.

    He finally came around and embraced MFP as important and helpful for me-- which helps, believe me!

    My BF doesn't get my whole Facebook/MySpace/MFP addiction, but he doesn't give me crap about it. Just like I don't get the video games :laugh:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Morning all! :heart:

    Good morning to you too...and look at you with your pretty new av! Go girl!
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Good afternoon black teamers! :flowerforyou:

    Dave (DH) is on MFP because he wanted to join our Biggest Loser challenge. But I enter his food and he never posts on the message boards. We're both on facebook but he checks it maybe once a month while I check it maybe once an hour. :laugh:

    Yesterday I did a glutes, hams, and quads workout DVD. Let's just say today my glutes, hams, and quads are killing me. When I go to sit down/stand up, I moan like an old lady.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Good afternoon black teamers! :flowerforyou:

    Dave (DH) is on MFP because he wanted to join our Biggest Loser challenge. But I enter his food and he never posts on the message boards. We're both on facebook but he checks it maybe once a month while I check it maybe once an hour. :laugh:

    Yesterday I did a glutes, hams, and quads workout DVD. Let's just say today my glutes, hams, and quads are killing me. When I go to sit down/stand up, I moan like an old lady.

    I'm a once an hour kind of person, too. Of course, so are most of my friends on I don't feel bad!
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    Morning all! :heart:

    Good morning to you too...and look at you with your pretty new av! Go girl!

    Thanks! I was trying to do a pretty one like Lynnies, but it turned out silly instead. I like it though! :laugh:
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    Ummmmmmmmm Bumps!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Morning all! :heart:

    Good morning to you too...and look at you with your pretty new av! Go girl!

    Thanks! I was trying to do a pretty one like Lynnies, but it turned out silly instead. I like it though! :laugh:

    It is pretty--

    I'll sit with my cell phone and take pictures, goofing off, trying to look sexy like Lynnie--

    I always look like I'm ready to vomit-- :ohwell:

    Oh well-- I'll leave it to the pros and just stick with my, "Aw shucks, mom-next-door" face-- :laugh:

    It's worked for me this long, if it ain't broke-- you know? :wink:
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Hi all.

    Marla and Vannessa - you are both gorgeous - no worries for you.

    I am also not photogenic at all. I always get this weird look on my face just before the camera goes off.. so annoying.

    Still battling the sinus bug, but seem to have a little more energy. Looking for the rain to hold off so I can get a ride in.

    How the rest of your day look all?

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I always get this weird look on my face just before the camera goes off.. so annoying.

    Aw heck-- me too-- it's the Ralph Kramden in me-- hemina hemina hemina!!!!!!
  • leshawnturner
    leshawnturner Posts: 382
    Here's my black team!!! I was looking for you guys!!!! I saw the no weighing challenge, that's a hard one!! I weighed this morning and got good news (down 2lbs) so ofcourse I want to weigh again soon to see if it is still the same or better. I willl not weigh again until May 31st (I have to send my final weight for the May challenge that I'm participating in)!!

    WTG Andrew :drinker: :flowerforyou: !!!! 100lbs is my ultimate goal. Still working toward it!! WTG lady who lost 99lbs (sorry I didn't catch your name :blushing: )!!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    Morning all! :heart:

    Good morning to you too...and look at you with your pretty new av! Go girl!

    Thanks! I was trying to do a pretty one like Lynnies, but it turned out silly instead. I like it though! :laugh:

    It is pretty--

    I'll sit with my cell phone and take pictures, goofing off, trying to look sexy like Lynnie--

    I always look like I'm ready to vomit-- :ohwell:

    Oh well-- I'll leave it to the pros and just stick with my, "Aw shucks, mom-next-door" face-- :laugh:

    It's worked for me this long, if it ain't broke-- you know? :wink:

    :laugh: :laugh: I do that too. Jim thinks I'm nuts because alot of the times I'll do my hair and make up at night and take pictures and then just wash my make up off and go to sleep... Then wake up in the morning, put my hair up, don't bother with make up and go to work. :laugh:
  • 4real
    4real Posts: 72 Member
    Good afternoon teamates, I'm in on having someone to hide my scale:smile: . That is probably the only way I could resist weighing myself,lol. :laugh:
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    I SWEAR TO GOD... If this job were ANY more stressful... I'd have a mental breakdown.

    I just want to go home! :explode:

  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    woops, double post.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    5:49 p.m. And I'm just now enjoying my first cup of coffee of the day--

    Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-- :love: :love: :love: :love:

    All is well with the world--

    Carry on, everybody-- :flowerforyou:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    6:16 p.m.-- Second cup of the day--

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Caffeine-- glorious caffeine--

  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Morning all! :heart:

    Good morning to you too...and look at you with your pretty new av! Go girl!

    Thanks! I was trying to do a pretty one like Lynnies, but it turned out silly instead. I like it though! :laugh:

    I think it is adorable!
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    I wish I could photograph each and every one of you perty gals. I am not a photographer but I love to take pics.