How much are you deadlifting?



  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Last go round I think I hit 225 sumo for 1 rep (110 pounds bodyweight).
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I'm currently doing one legged deadlifts at about 80lb for 5ish reps, usually one or two more reps on my right leg than my left. (sorry I can't remember the exact weight I used today, high 70s or low 80s anyway, was 6 reps right and 5 reps left...)

    My barbell isn't heavy enough, I ran out of weights for 2 legged deadlift so I've been carrying on with one legged deadlifts... the max weight of my barbell + plates + all the collars (yeah lol every little counts!) is just over 88lb. No idea what I'm going to do when I can one legged deadlift all of that for 8+ reps... maybe I'll start tying sandbags to my barbell or something.
  • n3ver3nder
    n3ver3nder Posts: 155 Member
    Male, 5'8", 92kg/202lb bodyweight, my 1RM is 210kg/462lb.

    I want to be down to 83kg/182lb bodyweight and hit 230kg/506lb deadlift at my first meet in Nov. Not sure if I'm going to hit my strength goals or not though.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I'm currently doing one legged deadlifts at about 80lb for 5ish reps, usually one or two more reps on my right leg than my left. (sorry I can't remember the exact weight I used today, high 70s or low 80s anyway, was 6 reps right and 5 reps left...)

    My barbell isn't heavy enough, I ran out of weights for 2 legged deadlift so I've been carrying on with one legged deadlifts... the max weight of my barbell + plates + all the collars (yeah lol every little counts!) is just over 88lb. No idea what I'm going to do when I can one legged deadlift all of that for 8+ reps... maybe I'll start tying sandbags to my barbell or something.

    just realised i forgot my height, weight and gender:

    female, 5'1", 130lb (101lb lean body mass)
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    I've got some questions for you. Are you male/female? Height/Weight? How much can you deadlift? I am currently f/5'6/200lbs and I'm deadlifting 90lbs. I want to lift heavier but how much heavier?

    It's good that you are lifting weights, Lilricki; weather or not you lose weight, you will be healthier and happier. :bigsmile:

    I am currently m/5'9"/123-lbs, and my current 1-rep-max is 295-lbs, from the floor conventional (traditional) and 285-lbs, from the floor sumo. (I've taken sometime off, due to personal things, so I am certainly a little bit weaker.) I was not always this strong: Here is a chronicle of my powerlifting progress:

    ("Powerlifting-Before & After: featuring a 635-lb RackPull & 710-lb Yoke lift at 120-lb. bodyweight" on my YouTube channel, GordonWayneWatts)

    For example, when I started back to lifting after a long layoff, I could only dead-lift about 205 or 225-lbs from the floor. (Notice, if you would, however, that the rack pull and block pull is easier - because the weight is closer to me.)

    Even though you would seem to be a tiny bit overweight, I would not try to eat less (you need calories to train!) since you will get to the right (read: healthy) weight if you eat, sleep, exercise with heavy weights, and deal with stress -whether that is a large or small body-weight. I would also NOT worry about "looking like a guy": Take a look at the many VERY strong female power-lifters who are also not unattractive or too fat or too skinny. But DO eat 'healthy' foods -- as close to nature as possible, and Google Milk and Cancer or Meat and Cancer to confirm that the government's food pyramid is NOT always right. I don't mean to get paranoid about milk or meat, but DO look at the actual scientific studies (and not the federal government's urban legends) -- MANY healthy fruit and veggie foods are out there -just a bit expensive at times.

    Lift heavy once per week, but warm-up first with light weight for many reps.

    Also, if you do lift heavy, you should take one week off per month, a "deload," but don't stop lifting altogether that week: Just lift about half what you would normally lift when doing heavy weights. (Your body needs rest to recover and get stronger.)

    Anyhow, since you are only 5'6", you are closer to the weight, and all things considered, have an easier time in leverage (except to the extent your arms might be shorter, which would cancel that out). You might also stand on a block and make it harder, to get stronger. I am sure that you can lift a little more than 90# for a 1-rep-max, so, to get stronger, push yourself. Also, mix things up and do both sumo and conventional -but use a mixed grip (so the weight won't slip out your hand) - with one hand over and one under.

    Google "cross grip" deadlift -- or better yet: "Mixed grip" deadlift. -- let me know how this turns out.

    Gordon Wayne Watts
    Lakeland (between Tampa & Orlando), Fla.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Nice topic.

    Height 6'0"
    Weight ~205lbs (fluxuate between 202 and 208 these days)
    DL 1RM = 405 (~2-times bodyweight)

    My goal was to hit two-times body-weight and I'm pretty much there. I can actually rep 385lbs for three reps which puts my estimated total at about 425lbs and I will probably attempt it in about 3 weeks; I haven't attempted past the 405lbs yet. I actually injured my back a couple years ago and was never this strong in the DL. I really focused on getting my form down and strengthening my posterior chain. Sometimes a heavy session where I make a 1RM attempt will bother me a little more than what's typical but overall DL'ing doesn't bother my back anymore. I do wear a belt when lifting at 80%+ of my 1RM; I just like having a little extra protection.
  • jonswife0206
    jonswife0206 Posts: 125 Member
    Female 5'8"
    I currently DL 145lbs. 12x3
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I've got some questions for you. Are you male/female? Height/Weight? How much can you deadlift? I am currently f/5'6/200lbs and I'm deadlifting 90lbs. I want to lift heavier but how much heavier?

    deadlift 120# for the past 3 wks.

    I'm probably going to try to go up in a couple of weeks but I don't quite know how that's gonna pan out. At this weight I can lift more (feels like I can in my head anyway) but by the 5th rep, I've given all I have to keep my grip on the bar. Hoping that my ability to lift more doesn't outpace my ability to grip :ohwell:
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    5 7"

    80kg/173lb 3x5

    Been at it just over 8 weeks, plan on hitting triple digits by the end of the year. Once I learnt the over under grip, it changed my life.
  • crandos
    crandos Posts: 377 Member
    3 reps 330 lbs and im 6'2 200lbs feelsbadman :(
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member

    220kgx5 at 85kg BW last week
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    I'm 5' 7" female, 183#, currently something like 160 (it's my trainer's job to know all that biz):tongue: Working toward 200#, then onward and upward from there. The Fullsterkur stone at Djupalonssandur, Iceland has my name on it next summer.

    My better half will be carrying the Husafell stone. His current deadlift is 430+. Whatta awesome dude! :love:
  • crandos
    crandos Posts: 377 Member

    220kgx5 at 85kg BW last week

  • emhart4
    emhart4 Posts: 1
    my max i completed at the beginning of the year at 17! I'm 65kg and am 171cm tall. The dead lift was part of a routine to get me into rowing season. i would lift 115kg which is equivalent to 253lb with a repetition of 10 times - not a bad effort.
    all of this was completed with chalk and with a professional PT
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    5 7"

    80kg/173lb 3x5

    Been at it just over 8 weeks, plan on hitting triple digits by the end of the year. Once I learnt the over under grip, it changed my life.

    Do you mean to say that you, yourself weigh 15 stone (210-lbs / 95.25-kg), and are only 5'7" (170-cm), and can only deadlift 80-kg for 3 sets of 5? (Or, rather, are you saying that this is a normal workout for you?)

    Based on your height, weight, gender, and apparent age, cingle87, I would guess that you should be able to lift this weight for a far larger number of sets/reps --or, conversely, lift at least a little bit more weight for a 3x5 workout.

    Your shorter-than-usual height is generally an advantage in deadlifting, since you don't lift from as much of a deficit as others -all things being equal. (All things might not be equal, since, if you have short arms, then this increases the ROM (range of motion) of the lift.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I'm 5'3", 145lbs, My 1RM is 255, 235x3, and working sets 225x5
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    3 reps 330 lbs and im 6'2 200lbs feelsbadman :(

    If you are 6'2", crandos, then you are lifting from a huge deficit; however, one real tall lifter at my gym actually had a reach that allowed his hands to be *lower* than mine when standing side-by-side (I am 5'9"), because he had a huge reach (long arms).

    Why do you think it's harder to lift when you are standing on a block than when standing on the ground? (Leverage!)

    If your reach is the same as mine (about 68 to 70 inches from tip-to-tip when my arms are spread out at a 180-degree angle), then you are pulling from 5" of a deficit. But, if you have longer arms, and thus greater reach, then your relative weakness for your much larger bodyweight (I weigh 120-lbs) might simply be due to lack of training - you might get stronger if you train heavy and eat and sleep a lot -and take off 1 week per month to 'deload' and lift only light weights then.

    As I said in a prior post, my 1RM from the floor is 295 conv. and 285 sumo, which implies that I should be able to do about 250 or 260 for 3 sets of 5, which is about 2.125X my BW (bodyweight), and the 330, being only about 1.65X your BW. However, strength does NOT increase linearly with body weight, since, if it did, then a person the size of the Empire State Building would be STRONG, but we all know that is not true: Such a person (if he/she existed) would be CRUSHED under his own weight, since human flesh (the feet and legs, in particular) would NOT support the crushing weight of this person.

    That is precisely why powerlifters and weightlifters in the heavier classes are not as strong "pound-for-pound" as their lighter counterparts: Such heavier lifters must ALSO lift/carry their *own* bodyweight -- all of which I say to encourage you to not give up: You ARE no doubt stronger than me, which is no small feat.

    Anyhow, I wonder, by comparison, do you, indeed have a reach comparable to mine? (68 or 70 inches)
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    5 7"

    80kg/173lb 3x5

    Been at it just over 8 weeks, plan on hitting triple digits by the end of the year. Once I learnt the over under grip, it changed my life.

    Do you mean to say that you, yourself weigh 15 stone (210-lbs / 95.25-kg), and are only 5'7" (170-cm), and can only deadlift 80-kg for 3 sets of 5? (Or, rather, are you saying that this is a normal workout for you?)

    Based on your height, weight, gender, and apparent age, cingle87, I would guess that you should be able to lift this weight for a far larger number of sets/reps --or, conversely, lift at least a little bit more weight for a 3x5 workout.

    Your shorter-than-usual height is generally an advantage in deadlifting, since you don't lift from as much of a deficit as others -all things being equal. (All things might not be equal, since, if you have short arms, then this increases the ROM (range of motion) of the lift.

    The guy just started 8 weeks ago. Why are you being a *kitten*?
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member

    475 was my last tested 1RM.