How much are you deadlifting?



  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Can we get back to timecube thing? Just for a minute. Can you weigh in on it? One of my astronaut colleagues back in the lab thinks he remembers you volunteering for some of the experiments.
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    female 5ft6in 160lb... been lifting for less than 2 months. Last weeks lift was 145lb for a working set of 7.

    I'm so pleased with my progress, but when is this weekly improvement going to top out or slow down?

    you're a new lifter, so you will probably make lots of gains and get much stronger very fast -- after a while, however, gains will come at a slower pace --sort of like a plateau -- it will be gradual. Enjoy your new exercise experiences and pr's --be careful and have fun.:smile:
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Please carry on, for this thread is giving me entertainment whilst drinking my pre-workout supplement.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member

    I'm sorry but why are you critiquing everyone in this thread? This isn't your thread. Why don't you start your own group or thread offering advice?

    The only way I got better was by others asking me questions, offering suggestions, and exchanging information both ways -- when information is exchanged both ways (when you both teach and learn) all parties become smarter' this is the basis for teamwork.

    Do you not support the idea of team work, or, rather are you just too sensitive?

    Clearly, you are out of order, as none of those to whom I made comments, asked questions, or otherwise replied to about actual lifting matters -- none of them offered any complaints -- only you and taso42, so far, have had complaints, and yet I didn't even say 1 word to you.

    If you can't say something nice, say nothing at all.

    If you are in the minority on this, then this suggests that you are probably wrong; chill out, and your will feel better: Don't always be trying to pick a fight over something that's really not important (or not a threat) - Save your energy for things that really *are* a threat (light your light bill, your diet, exercise regimen, plans for your career/work, and personal life, etc.)

    This thread's purpose is to discuss EXERCISE matters, and that's what most of us are doing - you will feel better if you stick to exercise and health matters and leave off emotional drama -- but you're going to do what you want to do, so go ahead and do it, Joy_Joy (ironic name for a person who picks a fight over a non-threat?) to the peril of stress/ bad health.

    Whoa....what? No, this thread is more for stats..not for some guy to go critiquing other people telling them where HE thinks they should be at. This is you hijacking a thread.

    So as I suggested, maybe you should start your own group or thread offering advice instead of taking over another's thread.

    ETA: And for someone up in arms about assumption and sure make a lot yourself :flowerforyou:

    And also..Cingle87 didn't ask for your advice :flowerforyou:

    What exactly does 'ETA' mean? (Also, for the record, I did not ask for your advice, but I never said you couldn't give it --like apparently you are saying to me, and by extension, to any others who might offer advice on how to get better at lifting.) :bigsmile:

    ETA means Edited to Add...

    And I was trying to be helpful to you (as a new person) so you wouldn't get dinged for hijacking/derailing a thread..which is against the Community Guidelines. It's different then giving unsolicited lifting advice :flowerforyou:

    But...carry on if you must...although I find it very irresponsible not to get more info before lending any advice to anyone.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Who is this new guy?

    No idea, but I really hope he does not decide to give me his 'feedback'.

    But....but.....but.... He says he's here to help

    One would hope we are all trying to 'help'. :glasses:

    I'm quite certain we're all here for the same things
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    Whoa....what? No, this thread is more for stats..not for some guy to go critiquing other people telling them where HE thinks they should be at. This is you hijacking a thread.

    So as I suggested, maybe you should start your own group or thread offering advice instead of taking over another's thread.

    ETA: And for someone up in arms about assumption and sure make a lot yourself :flowerforyou:

    And also..Cingle87 didn't ask for your advice :flowerforyou:

    (I removed some prior quotes in the economy of space/brevity)

    To further reply to your suggestion, let me remind you that practically HALF of all posts on this board have been to offer advice or suggestions --and I have done no more than that -except, maybe that I am a bit long-winded, a bit too technical or scientific for non-geeks like myself :wink: and, I've tried to be accurate AND NOT INSULTING (as most apparently accept as true -as evidenced by the fact that only a very few posters have complained -even after like several days of my numerous and lengthy posts).

    So, if indeed most people on board offer feedback and ask questions, I don't see what is your concern with me -- am I merely too talkative? (Do you REALLY think I meant to insult another lifter... oh, really?) What, pray tell, after considering my last replies, is your concern.

    Thx in advance, Joy. :smile:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Who is this new guy?

    No idea, but I really hope he does not decide to give me his 'feedback'.

    That is not very polite: Why would you not be open to feedback or constructive criticism? We all have areas of improvement.

    Secondly, however, is more fundamental to your issue: Since I have not once ever insulted anyone on this thread in the short time I've been here, but solely and only offered tips to get better -or tips to better understand the physics of lifting -then your concern is unfounded. Save your angst for actual idiots; you'll feel better if you do.

    So, again, where I have ever said *anything* of an insulting nature to anyone (with the exception of my replies to a few self-proclaimed board-police or hotheads)? If you can not precisely tell me exactly I said that was out of order, then *you* are out of order, Sakura.

    Oh, and I just watched a video of you deadlifting...confirmed, I would not take advice from you.
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    Dear GordonWayneWatts,
    I was curious. Is a GordonWayneWatts joint?

    How funny! :laugh:

    Thanks for not being mad at my prior very hot reply, taso.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I'm quite certain we're all here for the same things

    Cheesecake recipes and vids of chicks deadlifting?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I don't know what she's talking about. I'm thoroughly enjoying your 33 minute youtube lifting video. 10/10 will definitely watch again.

  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    Who is this new guy?

    No idea, but I really hope he does not decide to give me his 'feedback'.

    Why don't you ask the 'new guy' (instead of talking in the 3rd person, disrespectfully)

    Is this board about arguments -or, rather, about exchanging ideas on exercise & health: I thought this board was about exercise, and not drama.

    Why all the hate and discontent: I studied my art to help others and myself -not to have nuts that don;t know me argue about non-issues.

    If I get along fine with all my mates in my gyms, and other places, what exactly is your problem.

    And, what precisely did I say that offends you -- if you can't give me a specific answer, then clearly, you are just looking to cause strife and contention.

    Welcome to the MFP forums, new guy. I can already sense that you'll be fun to have around

    While I admit that I don't always have all the time to spend online ... all the same .. thanks for the warm welcome, DavPul.

    Whether I can post here a lot --or merely a little --I want to say to a few vocal critics that, while I am human, I certainly don't mean to offend or insult anyone. :happy:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I'm quite certain we're all here for the same things

    Cheesecake recipes and vids of chicks deadlifting?

    You want your little cherry blossom to send you another video.....

    I can also send you a deadlifting one too.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I'm quite certain we're all here for the same things

    Cheesecake recipes and vids of chicks deadlifting?

    I guess I was wrong. I'm here for support and chick's barbell hip thruster videos. Ah well, to each their own.

    Carry on.
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    Who is this new guy?

    No idea, but I really hope he does not decide to give me his 'feedback'.

    That is not very polite: Why would you not be open to feedback or constructive criticism? We all have areas of improvement.

    Secondly, however, is more fundamental to your issue: Since I have not once ever insulted anyone on this thread in the short time I've been here, but solely and only offered tips to get better -or tips to better understand the physics of lifting -then your concern is unfounded. Save your angst for actual idiots; you'll feel better if you do.

    So, again, where I have ever said *anything* of an insulting nature to anyone (with the exception of my replies to a few self-proclaimed board-police or hotheads)? If you can not precisely tell me exactly I said that was out of order, then *you* are out of order, Sakura.


    I get constructive feedback from people I trust. I do not know you from Adam.. And maybe you should be polite enough to get my name right. It's rather rude of you. I also have no angst...what were you saying earlier about assuming?

    Also, I also find it rather rude of you to insinuate that I said you were out of order. I said that I hope you do not give me feedback. It is incredibly rude to insult me as you have when all I said was that I hope you do not give me any feedback - are you really that arrogant, stubborn and hypocritical that you would go against my wishes yet berate everyone else for having an opinion?

    I apologise, big-time -- on my honour, I didn't mean to insult you by misspelling your name, Sarauk2sf, but it was one of those things, where I am human (and would occasionally benefit from spell-check) -- for what it's worth, I do try to not only address people by their names (or screen names), but also try to pronounce (or in this case, online, spell) is right.

    Also, I also find it rather rude of you to insinuate that I said you were out of order.

    I didn't "insinuate" it was rude -- I said it -- because it was: People --total strangers --all the TIME --give feedback and advice.

    But, yes, you are right to prefer advice from people you know and trust -- most people find me to be a good guy, but you DON'T know me, and you DON'T know that, and I don't blame you a bit for NOT valuing my advice (whatever it may be) as much as, say, a good friend of yours.

    I *might* have offered you advice if you had seemed to be having a problem, but, even IF I were a total stranger, why would advice or suggestions from strangers be inappropriate or out of order? As I said earlier, I will repeat: It is ACCEPTED CONVENTION (both on this board and elsewhere) that strangers offer their advice or feedback to help troubleshoot issues --sometimes when a poster asks for it, but also even when the poster merely states a problem and only implies or suggests a request for feedback.

    In fact, if a person didn't want to communicate or get feedback from online strangers, why would they even be here? (What are *you* even here if you don't want to communicate feedback --either to or from yourself?)
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    Well I clearly missed the heyday of this wonderful thread, so I'll be the only serious one here and talk about deadlifting rather than nonsense. :embarassed:

    The most I have deadlifted so far is 4x8x185lbs, and this is under my capability. I have no idea yet what my 1RM is. I'm still working on form.

    I also have no plans to probably ever test my 1RM as I have a lower back, spinal injury that I don't want to make any worse. I've had people tell me I shouldn't do deadlifting at all, but I like it way too much. I know I could lift more, but for now I'm playing it safe. My goal is very modest, to make it to 225lbs for reps reliably without fear of (further) injury, and keep it there for the foreseeable future, probably until I die either from deadlifting or old age. :huh:
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    Well I clearly missed the heyday of this wonderful thread, so I'll be the only serious one here and talk about deadlifting rather than nonsense. :embarassed:

    That's the spirit! :glasses: (In all seriousness, your tact is spot-on correct.)

    "I'm Flash Gordon, and I approve this message."
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Who is this new guy?

    No idea, but I really hope he does not decide to give me his 'feedback'.

    That is not very polite: Why would you not be open to feedback or constructive criticism? We all have areas of improvement.

    Secondly, however, is more fundamental to your issue: Since I have not once ever insulted anyone on this thread in the short time I've been here, but solely and only offered tips to get better -or tips to better understand the physics of lifting -then your concern is unfounded. Save your angst for actual idiots; you'll feel better if you do.

    So, again, where I have ever said *anything* of an insulting nature to anyone (with the exception of my replies to a few self-proclaimed board-police or hotheads)? If you can not precisely tell me exactly I said that was out of order, then *you* are out of order, Sakura.


    I get constructive feedback from people I trust. I do not know you from Adam.. And maybe you should be polite enough to get my name right. It's rather rude of you. I also have no angst...what were you saying earlier about assuming?

    Also, I also find it rather rude of you to insinuate that I said you were out of order. I said that I hope you do not give me feedback. It is incredibly rude to insult me as you have when all I said was that I hope you do not give me any feedback - are you really that arrogant, stubborn and hypocritical that you would go against my wishes yet berate everyone else for having an opinion?

    I apologise, big-time -- on my honour, I didn't mean to insult you by misspelling your name, Sarauk2sf, but it was one of those things, where I am human (and would occasionally benefit from spell-check) -- for what it's worth, I do try to not only address people by their names (or screen names), but also try to pronounce (or in this case, online, spell) is right.

    Also, I also find it rather rude of you to insinuate that I said you were out of order.

    I didn't "insinuate" it was rude -- I said it -- because it was: People --total strangers --all the TIME --give feedback and advice.

    But, yes, you are right to prefer advice from people you know and trust -- most people find me to be a good guy, but you DON'T know me, and you DON'T know that, and I don't blame you a bit for NOT valuing my advice (whatever it may be) as much as, say, a good friend of yours.

    I *might* have offered you advice if you had seemed to be having a problem, but, even IF I were a total stranger, why would advice or suggestions from strangers be inappropriate or out of order? As I said earlier, I will repeat: It is ACCEPTED CONVENTION (both on this board and elsewhere) that strangers offer their advice or feedback to help troubleshoot issues --sometimes when a poster asks for it, but also even when the poster merely states a problem and only implies or suggests a request for feedback.

    In fact, if a person didn't want to communicate or get feedback from online strangers, why would they even be here? (What are *you* even here if you don't want to communicate feedback --either to or from yourself?)

    My post was not one that should even elicit any attempt at feedback so your point is moot.
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    Female, 34, 1.65 m (5'5"), 53.5 kg (117.7 lbs). I'm now able to do SLDL (with dumbbells, combined weight) at 42 kg (92.4 lbs) in 2 sets of 11 reps. This is about 0.79 x BW and would give a 1RM of 58 kg (127.6).
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    A. Female, 5'3", 148, max deadlift was 150 5x5. And then, about an hour and a huge meal later, passed out for four hours. Good day.

    B. What the hell is going on here?

    I'm the centre of all this disturbance, apparently -- with a a few (but vocal) critics in the peanut gallary.

    Probably their criticism is 2-fold:

    #1- I am a bit talkative; #2- I am "the new guy" on the block. (Other than that, however, your guess is as good as mine; the few complaints that I insulted anyone were unfounded --or at the very least, I certainly didn't *try* to insult anyone for how much they can lift --or can't lift --when I offered suggestions/advice.) :smile: