How much are you deadlifting?



  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Deadlifting,How not to do it or any other lift in this video-

    Be weary of GordonWayneWatts advice, watch the video if unsure. Make your own decision.
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    My original post....clearer now?

    No ... unless, of course, you edited it and forgot to give me a direct link -- maybe it will become clearer after I "catch up" on posts and read all the replies, but, honestly, I still don't know what your gripe is.
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member

    That has to be the best (attributed) quote of the day! (Even though it didn't occur in this time-line, I shall take credit for it.) :bigsmile:
    Wait, I don't mean to derail the deadlift thread but time travel is of an interest to me, could you further explain or describe your experiences with time travel and alternate timelines...please.

    Also the timecube seems very interesting.
    In an alternate time-line (one I don't remember, but I know it existed!), I made most (but not all) corrections to this time-line... we're still in the process of fixing all known issues... a few updates, no doubt, are in my "Fitness Pal" profile here. :glasses:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    My original post....clearer now?

    No ... unless, of course, you edited it and forgot to give me a direct link -- maybe it will become clearer after I "catch up" on posts and read all the replies, but, honestly, I still don't know what your gripe is.

    Nope - you can see I did not edit it.

    ETA: I explained my 'gripe', really quite clearly. I was not really wanting to be that blunt, but you kept on insisting.
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    Looked at your could use a good hearty meal.
    Yum, yum... food! (In all seriousness, I *rarely* fast, and almost *always* stuff my face 'til I'm full, but some people are "hard-gainers" -- at least I'm strong... well, somewhat strong -- or "strong for my size and height," LOL)
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    Only 95 for now. My 1st goal is my body weight!
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    Oh lawdy. I said that I hope you did not give me advice. Is that not allowed?

    You want my issue with you?

    You come into a thread that is not started or intended to elicit feedback (unless the poster specifically indicates it) and decide that you are so knowledgeable as to comment on every single post. I have watched your videos and you are in absolutely no position to offer advice. Your form is terrible. You do not do legitimate lifts even though you claim them as such.

    Then you decide to challenge me on my lifting stats with some ridiculous explanation that your deads off blocks is comparable to my stats, not off blocks.

    Clear enough now?

    Well, you are partly correct, Sara, insofar as you claim no one (or possibly very few) actually asked for feedback.

    But, as I said earlier, giving unsolicited feedback is NOT uncommon or bad protocol --it happens ALL THE TIME online - wake up and smell the deadlifts, already!

    Secondly, with regard to my lifts, it IS a fact that the range of motion affects the starting-point leverage, and thus is a relevant factor for which to make corrections.

    In other words, would you think it fair to say lifer-A (who is 4'10" and, say, 105-lbs, with a SUPER long reach -e.g., long arms, and can deadlift, say, 385-lbs over this VERY short ROM {range of motion}) is really "stronger" than, say, another lifter-B (who is 5'10" and 120-lbs, and can deadlift 435 over the same ROM)?

    Oh, really?

    If these 2 lifters got into a fight (or, to use a more polite analogy, if these 2 lifters were both hired by a company to move heavy stuff around), who do you think would do better? Really... think before you post.

    You're entitled to your opinions, but not your facts.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Oh lawdy. I said that I hope you did not give me advice. Is that not allowed?

    You want my issue with you?

    You come into a thread that is not started or intended to elicit feedback (unless the poster specifically indicates it) and decide that you are so knowledgeable as to comment on every single post. I have watched your videos and you are in absolutely no position to offer advice. Your form is terrible. You do not do legitimate lifts even though you claim them as such.

    Then you decide to challenge me on my lifting stats with some ridiculous explanation that your deads off blocks is comparable to my stats, not off blocks.

    Clear enough now?

    Well, you are partly correct, Sara, insofar as you claim no one (or possibly very few) actually asked for feedback.

    But, as I said earlier, giving unsolicited feedback is NOT uncommon or bad protocol --it happens ALL THE TIME online - wake up and smell the deadlifts, already!

    Secondly, with regard to my lifts, it IS a fact that the range of motion affects the starting-point leverage, and thus is a relevant factor for which to make corrections.

    In other words, would you think it fair to say lifer-A (who is 4'10" and, say, 105-lbs, with a SUPER long reach -e.g., long arms, and can deadlift, say, 385-lbs over this VERY short ROM {range of motion}) is really "stronger" than, say, another lifter-B (who is 5'10" and 120-lbs, and can deadlift 435 over the same ROM)?

    Oh, really?

    If these 2 lifters got into a fight (or, to use a more polite analogy, if these 2 lifters were both hired by a company to move heavy stuff around), who do you think would do better? Really... think before you post.

    You're entitled to your opinions, but not your facts.

    Delude yourself all you want, but the video speaks for itself, and I am talking about more than the deads.

    And yes, it is bad protocol to come into a thread like this...a fact that you already acknowledged, or are you going back on what you admitted to earlier?

    ETA: fwiw, you did just get depth on your 205lb squat imo
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    Have you heard of wilks scores? Lol at a guy trying to use leverage to argue that they are 'at least as strong' as me. I am a 46 year old woman. You really think that your comments are even relevant? In any event, strength has nothing to do with whether I would not take advice from you. Your form is terrible.

    Your deadlift form is abysmal, your rack pull is not a rack pull and I have no idea what that yoke pull was supposed to be.
    Yes, I know about the Wilkes correction factors... LOL

    However, while they do attempt to make corrections for people of different weights (I am far lighter than you, but, yes, like you pointed out in your reply, you are a woman, which makes it harder, biologically, than me to get helpful hormones and chemicals that our bodies generate), nonetheless, Wilkes does NOT make corrections for lifters that have range of motion disadvantages, but that isn't consistent: If they correct for one disadvantage, why not another?

    Also, you don't know what a yoke lift is because you are like me -- a human who didn't hear about it, as it's not a common lift -- but the 'Strongman' games use the Yoke ALL THE TIME, and if you had watched my video to the end (like the other poster) you would have seen what it is -- and seen me not only lift the 710-lbs off the ground with no leverage trick but also count the weights to prove how much it was.

    Lastly, what exactly about my DL form seems not good to you, Sara? Do I yank the weight? (dangerous on arms) or rather, do I round my back? ((I used to do both of these in my older videos, but in this one???)) >> Here is my 710-lb yoke lift and other progress (that's not a lot, at least for a mere lift of a few inched- so I'm not bragging) <<


    female v male.

    Form on your deads - your back is horribly rounded, you are not pulling back and you are using far too much lower back for starters.

    And i know what a yoke lift is. Do not make assumptions...again.

    Well, for starters, most or all professional lifters (including world-record holders) have not said I rounded my back, when I solicited their feedback, and I trust them more than you -but you may be right, a little: I may round my back a bit -- a little upper back rounding is OK (but not lower back).

    Secondly, I did NOT make assumptions, Sara: You, yourself admitted as much when you said, and I quote: "l and I have no idea what that yoke pull was supposed to be." LOL

    You sound bored -,_methinks
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Hello Gordonwaynewatts,

    I would like to throw my 2 penneth into this wonderful discourse. I appears you may be new here on myfitnesspal and possible the internet as a whole. I would like to congratulate you on still having the desire to lift weights at the age of 60 plus but more so for listing the weights in your youtube video in both KG and stones for british viewers. A courtesy not extended by most of these American heathens, it is nice to see some people have respect for the Queen. I would however strongly suggest you seek the services of a qualified strength a conditioning coach. You seem to be quite strong but your training appears to be a mix of poorly performed partial range movements.

    If this has offended you, or anyone else here is a picture of a cat to make up for it.


    Hope that helps.
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    Other than that he's good
    Huh? You didn't quote the OP (original poster) -- were you defending me here? :bigsmile:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Have you heard of wilks scores? Lol at a guy trying to use leverage to argue that they are 'at least as strong' as me. I am a 46 year old woman. You really think that your comments are even relevant? In any event, strength has nothing to do with whether I would not take advice from you. Your form is terrible.

    Your deadlift form is abysmal, your rack pull is not a rack pull and I have no idea what that yoke pull was supposed to be.
    Yes, I know about the Wilkes correction factors... LOL

    However, while they do attempt to make corrections for people of different weights (I am far lighter than you, but, yes, like you pointed out in your reply, you are a woman, which makes it harder, biologically, than me to get helpful hormones and chemicals that our bodies generate), nonetheless, Wilkes does NOT make corrections for lifters that have range of motion disadvantages, but that isn't consistent: If they correct for one disadvantage, why not another?

    Also, you don't know what a yoke lift is because you are like me -- a human who didn't hear about it, as it's not a common lift -- but the 'Strongman' games use the Yoke ALL THE TIME, and if you had watched my video to the end (like the other poster) you would have seen what it is -- and seen me not only lift the 710-lbs off the ground with no leverage trick but also count the weights to prove how much it was.

    Lastly, what exactly about my DL form seems not good to you, Sara? Do I yank the weight? (dangerous on arms) or rather, do I round my back? ((I used to do both of these in my older videos, but in this one???)) >> Here is my 710-lb yoke lift and other progress (that's not a lot, at least for a mere lift of a few inched- so I'm not bragging) <<


    female v male.

    Form on your deads - your back is horribly rounded, you are not pulling back and you are using far too much lower back for starters.

    And i know what a yoke lift is. Do not make assumptions...again.

    Well, for starters, most or all professional lifters (including world-record holders) have not said I rounded my back, when I solicited their feedback, and I trust them more than you -but you may be right, a little: I may round my back a bit -- a little upper back rounding is OK (but not lower back).

    Secondly, I did NOT make assumptions, Sara: You, yourself admitted as much when you said, and I quote: "l and I have no idea what that yoke pull was supposed to be." LOL

    You sound bored -,_methinks

    *that* being your yoke..../smh
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    Just to be clear...this is the video of the lifts being discussed. I think the bench is my favorite.

    Now...back to time travel

    Thx 4 citing yr sources & clarifying :bigsmile:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Other than that he's good

    No, not really.
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    Have you heard of testosterone?

    ETA: the male/female and weight thing is what the wilks-coefficient is for.
    Well, yes, that's ONE of the things it corrects.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    @GordonWayneWatts-Come on you have to admit your PR's in your video are bogus, considering your form is so bad that the lifts you are attempting in the video barely resemble well the lifts you are attempting.

    Now you may try and counter this with referencing your height,weight,arm or leg length but I have seen people with similar proportions do all of these lifts with correct form.(Well the actual lifts, not the noodle dance you are doing in the video)

    Your lifts are cheat lifts and sadly if you keep that terrible form you are going to injure yourself, would hate to be your gym as you are a insurance nightmare.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    200kg at 99kg (190cm if that's relevant to 'calculations')
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Have you heard of testosterone?

    ETA: the male/female and weight thing is what the wilks-coefficient is for.
    Well, yes, that's ONE of the things it corrects.

    Two actually.
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    BTW Mr Time Traveler, this has NOTHING to do with how much weight someone can lift even though you decided to go down that route. How much someone can lift =/= their knowledge on form or training.
    The amount one can lift is affected by A NUMBER of things, including (but not limited to)
    applied technique
    level of training
    injuries / illnesses
    and even mood and attitude.

    What's your point? You want me to feel sorry for you or give you special breaks because you're a woman (you make an excellent point about testosterone and Wilkes earlier)? -- I'm not going to attempt to insult you because of what you can (or can't) lift, but I also don't intend to be a pity party: If we are to get stronger, we must push ourselves!

    While, on the one hand, we must not beat-up ourselves for being weaker than the next lifter (all of us are weaker than someone else, at one lift or another), I SURE won't think I'm "weaker" when I actually am stronger on a given point -- it's not about insulting anyone, but rather about the competitive nature of the spirit, and about encouraging one's self to see the good in himself/herself (and by extension, to see the good in others: after all, if we don't love ourselves or *help* ourselves, how can we help others in need?).
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    Deadlifting,How not to do it or any other lift in this video-

    Be weary of GordonWayneWatts advice, watch the video if unsure. Make your own decision.
    "We report; You decide" :glasses: