How much are you deadlifting?



  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    I'm 5 9' I'm the freak'n' same height as this guy, OK not as thin but what the hell is he talking about height disadvantage? He makes it sound like he is 9 feet tall. *smh*

    The guy is getting boring and obviously can't or won't admit that his lifts are terrible not a critique or insult just observation on correct form or complete lack of.

    Dude seriously lift like a mature adult, back off on the weight, correct your form stop making excuses and try to show some humility.

    And try not to hurt yourself.
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member

    So you are going on and on about height issues and you are 5 9"? Really? Are you trying to compare yourself to people who are 5 5" with those blocks?

    So, guys that are taller should be allowed to pull from 10" blocks?

    No Sara, I think he's saying that at 6'4" if I lift a pencil from the ground that I'm stronger than YOU. /tongueincheek

    Now please excuse me while I brag ALL over the internet that I'm FINALLY stronger than the strongest woman on MFP - HURRAH!!!!!! :D

    (ps. I DL 265 lbs 5x5 - WAY weaker than you Sara, and you will always be my HERO. I DL 265 lbs 5x5 with proper FORM, so I'm WAY stronger than Mr. TimeTravelNoodleMaster ;) )

    p.p.s edited to highlight the irony
    OK, 5 reps of 265 imply a 302.895-pound 1-rep max (and 5 sets of this imply a slightly larger 1rm), compared to my "legal" DL of 295-lbs.

    But (just for giggles and the sake of argument), let's say that your 1RM was only, say, 290 (compared to my 295), but let's say also that you didn't have long arms like that one cat at my gym (and you pulled from a HUGE deficit), do you think I could beat you in a fight?

    Oh, really?

    I would certainly put of a good fight (if I had no choice to fight), but in actual truth, if you would pull 290 over a huge deficit, this would be SOLID proof that you were indeed STRONGER than me (and I would be wise to run - heck, although I'm a warrior at heart -read: KLINGON(*) - nonetheless, in actual common sense, it's always good to NOT fight: "Wars not make one great."(#)

    (*) Star Trek: Klingons, a warrior race
    (#) "Wars not make one great." this quote is attributed to YODA of Star Wars fame
    So, which is greater/stronger: Star TREK or Star WARS... but I diverge.

    In conclusion, this comparison of legal lifts is simply not logical($), as it is not an accurate way of measuring real strength: You would win such a fight -- do you disagree with my logic and calculations?

    ($) See "Spock" of Star Trek Fame - note: Trek cited twice - Trek wins!
  • healthyandfitgirl14
    healthyandfitgirl14 Posts: 413 Member
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    1RM tested in May @ 5'4" tall, 175lbs - 410lbs

    But considering that I'm so short for a guy and benefit from mechanical leverages and shorter ROM, I guess I'm not strong at all, according to Mr. GWW of Lakeland FL, time traveler extraordinaire. :frown:
    It's all good -- we're arguing only book knowledge here -- no one (at least not me) is wishing to actually insult anyone if they happen to be weaker than the next guy -- welcome to the board, Mex! :smokin:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Dude...stop making this thread about you. You have totally derailed it and I am irritated with myself that I was a party to it.


    Now...back to time travel.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Dude...stop making this thread about you. You have totally derailed it and I am irritated with myself that I was a party to it.


    Now...back to time travel.
  • rachelilb
    rachelilb Posts: 179 Member
    127 1RM #190 160 for reps
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    I did! As I said at least twice that I recall, but again: I'm 5'9" barefoot and about 5'10" with shoes.

    Also, I don't think that the 'strength' requirements in the armed forces would be any different for battlefield arenas (not, that is, if they wanted to win!).

    You answered after I posted that - but I realize you were catching up.

    And there are different strength requirements. Also, I am not sure what strength has to directly do with winning in a 'battlefield arena' unless we are talking about gladiators.
    While I am a zealous advocate and defender for my point, I'm not going to rail-road you for missing a post when you hadn't read down to that point (heck I outright missed the one poster who had said he'd only been working out for 8 weeks, but I still didn't try to insult him or anything).

    Well, yes, actual strength DOES come into play in MANY areas of life, and it's good to be strong if you want to win (or at least survive).
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
  • dicoveringwhoIam
    dicoveringwhoIam Posts: 480 Member
    trap deadlift 260 for 10 reps.
    sumo deadlift 160 for 8 reps.
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    OMG - I say you get depth and you still want to debate...

    I am not sure what you are on about regarding the rest as that was not what I was even referring to.

    You change your ROM for adding like 6 inches of blocks. Yeah, seems legit. You rack pull 1inch off the bars and call that legit...I can go on, but it's late.
    But, don't you want to know how strong you *really* are?...

    I want to progress in my lifts and to compete in powerlifting comps. I cannot do that by effing around with what I consider non legit lifts.
    Legal lifts are indeed a valid goal for those competing in sanctioned PL contexts; however, if you want to know how strong you *really* are, then corrections for range-of-motion are necessary: Otherwise, you are only fooling yourself, and, taken to the extreme, you might pick a fight with some tall cat who is much weaker in actual competition, and have a loss as the result. Am I not correct on the merits of my claim here?

    No you are not.

    Why not? (Surely, actual strength -not "Wilkes scores" -will be of more use in the heat of battle.)
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    Things this thread has taught me:

    1. There are far more people on MFP who lift than I first thought. You people are awesome as hell.

    2. Like all of the best Dr. Who episodes, the action quickly picks up as soon as the TARDIS doors open for the first time (bottom of page 8 here.)

    3. It is possible to tl:dr a video.
    I have no idea what "tl:dr' means, but me, personally? I just post the link - it works. :glasses:
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    I'm 5 9' I'm the freak'n' same height as this guy, OK not as thin but what the hell is he talking about height disadvantage? He makes it sound like he is 9 feet tall. *smh*

    The guy is getting boring and obviously can't or won't admit that his lifts are terrible not a critique or insult just observation on correct form or complete lack of.

    Dude seriously lift like a mature adult, back off on the weight, correct your form stop making excuses and try to show some humility.

    And try not to hurt yourself.
    Even a lift of terrible form is a lift!

    But, yes, you probably are stronger than me if you can lift more off the ground. I won't hide behind my light body weight: I am what I am -and I "Eat 'til I drop" in most cases too!

    But, what do *you* think is poor about my form?
  • NoWeighJose74
    NoWeighJose74 Posts: 581 Member
    1RM tested in May @ 5'4" tall, 175lbs - 410lbs

    But considering that I'm so short for a guy and benefit from mechanical leverages and shorter ROM, I guess I'm not strong at all, according to Mr. GWW of Lakeland FL, time traveler extraordinaire. :frown:
    It's all good -- we're arguing only book knowledge here -- no one (at least not me) is wishing to actually insult anyone if they happen to be weaker than the next guy -- welcome to the board, Mex! :smokin:

    So, back to this time travel thing. Tell me good sir, how much will I be deadlifting in 5years? How about 10?

    If I were to travel to the future with you to watch myself deadlift, and my future self saw me, would the universe cease to exist?

    Oh, and to answer one of your questions, tl:dr stands for "too long; didn't read" hope this helps! :drinker:
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    OK, 5 reps of 265 imply a 302.895-pound 1-rep max (and 5 sets of this imply a slightly larger 1rm), compared to my "legal" DL of 295-lbs.

    But (just for giggles and the sake of argument), let's say that your 1RM was only, say, 290 (compared to my 295), but let's say also that you didn't have long arms like that one cat at my gym (and you pulled from a HUGE deficit), do you think I could beat you in a fight?

    Oh, really?

    I would certainly put of a good fight (if I had no choice to fight), but in actual truth, if you would pull 290 over a huge deficit, this would be SOLID proof that you were indeed STRONGER than me (and I would be wise to run - heck, although I'm a warrior at heart -read: KLINGON(*) - nonetheless, in actual common sense, it's always good to NOT fight: "Wars not make one great."(#)

    (*) Star Trek: Klingons, a warrior race
    (#) "Wars not make one great." this quote is attributed to YODA of Star Wars fame
    So, which is greater/stronger: Star TREK or Star WARS... but I diverge.

    In conclusion, this comparison of legal lifts is simply not logical($), as it is not an accurate way of measuring real strength: You would win such a fight -- do you disagree with my logic and calculations?

    ($) See "Spock" of Star Trek Fame - note: Trek cited twice - Trek wins!

    1. I wouldn't fight you. Suvlu'taHvIS yapbe' HoS neH

    2. Yes, I just threw a Klingon saying at you IN Klingon (transliterated of course, since pIqaD isn't supported by these forums.

    3. Do NOT try to throw down using Trek - your mixture of Klingon and Vulcan quotes with a sprinkling of Star Wars is about as awesome as your lifting form.
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    Dude...stop making this thread about you. You have totally derailed it and I am irritated with myself that I was a party to it.


    Now...back to time travel.
    I'm sorry if I've insulted you -- rather, I am also guilty of wasting everybody's time (mine included).

    However, since I did both teach and learn, then I hope it wasn't a *total* waste :glasses: -- maybe we can have some help from knowledge --and competition --to push us to be stronger and better. :smile: I hate typing, and if I must argue, I prefer to do it with my mouth --or by lifting a weight --both are infinitesimally easier! (Typing is sooo slow.... Argh!)

    OK, Sara's point was good: Typing is hard and annoying enough as it is .. so much more if we argue: Perhaps, we'd all be better served if we stuck to actual lifting science.
  • drefaw
    drefaw Posts: 739
    Male - 6'2" - 225lbs - 350lbs working sets standing on a 4" box (up to 20 reps). I have no idea what my 1RM is, as 350lbs is all I can get at the gym I am using.

    With that said, I just set up my squat rack and cleared a place in my barn, and have 960lbs in plates. So I will find out soon .....
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    Dude...stop making this thread about you. You have totally derailed it and I am irritated with myself that I was a party to it.


    Now...back to time travel.
    I'm sorry if I've insulted you -- rather, I am also guilty of wasting everybody's time (mine included).

    However, since I did both teach and learn, then I hope it wasn't a *total* waste :glasses: -- maybe we can have some help from knowledge --and competition --to push us to be stronger and better. :smile: I hate typing, and if I must argue, I prefer to do it with my mouth --or by lifting a weight --both are infinitesimally easier! (Typing is sooo slow.... Argh!)

    OK, Sara's point was good: Typing is hard and annoying enough as it is .. so much more if we argue: Perhaps, we'd all be better served if we stuck to actual lifting science.

    ...or waiting for Godot.
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    1RM tested in May @ 5'4" tall, 175lbs - 410lbs

    But considering that I'm so short for a guy and benefit from mechanical leverages and shorter ROM, I guess I'm not strong at all, according to Mr. GWW of Lakeland FL, time traveler extraordinaire. :frown:
    It's all good -- we're arguing only book knowledge here -- no one (at least not me) is wishing to actually insult anyone if they happen to be weaker than the next guy -- welcome to the board, Mex! :smokin:

    So, back to this time travel thing. Tell me good sir, how much will I be deadlifting in 5years? How about 10?

    If I were to travel to the future with you to watch myself deadlift, and my future self saw me, would the universe cease to exist?

    Oh, and to answer one of your questions, tl:dr stands for "too long; didn't read" hope this helps! :drinker:
    Ah, thx 4 the translation, Mex! People from planet don;t always know earth lingo... :glasses: PS: I'm slowly time-traveling into the future: In about 5 or 10 years, I think I might be there.