How much are you deadlifting?



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    OMG - I say you get depth and you still want to debate...

    I am not sure what you are on about regarding the rest as that was not what I was even referring to.

    You change your ROM for adding like 6 inches of blocks. Yeah, seems legit. You rack pull 1inch off the bars and call that legit...I can go on, but it's late.
    But, don't you want to know how strong you *really* are?...

    I want to progress in my lifts and to compete in powerlifting comps. I cannot do that by effing around with what I consider non legit lifts.
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    @GordonWayneWatts-Come on you have to admit your PR's in your video are bogus, considering your form is so bad that the lifts you are attempting in the video barely resemble well the lifts you are attempting.

    Now you may try and counter this with referencing your height,weight,arm or leg length but I have seen people with similar proportions do all of these lifts with correct form.(Well the actual lifts, not the noodle dance you are doing in the video)

    Your lifts are cheat lifts and sadly if you keep that terrible form you are going to injure yourself, would hate to be your gym as you are a insurance nightmare.
    Not all my lifts: some are legal lifts -- and I *do* lift from a height disadvantage that doesn't plague some other lifters.

    (Admittedly, there are lifter my height and taller who can actually lift more in the deadlift or squat --and, there are lifter with a longer reach who can out-bench me as well, LOL, but I do try to be competitive, when I can afford the time and energy: it's the only way to get better!)

    Question: you say you are 3" taller than me, or did I get that wrong?

    After your very vocal protests, I decided to see your height, which you listed in your prior reply, and I recall it was 5'6" -- I know that I am 5'9" barefoot (or 5'10" with shoes), so I took enough college courses that, finally, I know how to do simply math:

    I think, yes, that I am about 3" taller than you -maybe more. Is this incorrect calculations?
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    Yes..two things. And yes, you have made your attempted point re height, incessantly.

    And no, your does not. Yours just lifts the weight off the ground by quite a few inches.

    ETA: men v women is not just hormonal you know!
    Actually, the genetic makeup for men and woman are VERY similar -- the only real basis for the differences in strength are the hormonal differences. What other differences exist? Societal prejudice, maybe? I try to to dis anyone based on their gender or what-not.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    @GordonWayneWatts-Come on you have to admit your PR's in your video are bogus, considering your form is so bad that the lifts you are attempting in the video barely resemble well the lifts you are attempting.

    Now you may try and counter this with referencing your height,weight,arm or leg length but I have seen people with similar proportions do all of these lifts with correct form.(Well the actual lifts, not the noodle dance you are doing in the video)

    Your lifts are cheat lifts and sadly if you keep that terrible form you are going to injure yourself, would hate to be your gym as you are a insurance nightmare.
    Not all my lifts: some are legal lifts -- and I *do* lift from a height disadvantage that doesn't plague some other lifters.

    (Admittedly, there are lifter my height and taller who can actually lift more in the deadlift or squat --and, there are lifter with a longer reach who can out-bench me as well, LOL, but I do try to be competitive, when I can afford the time and energy: it's the only way to get better!)

    Question: you say you are 3" taller than me, or did I get that wrong?

    After your very vocal protests, I decided to see your height, which you listed in your prior reply, and I recall it was 5'6" -- I know that I am 5'9" barefoot (or 5'10" with shoes), so I took enough college courses that, finally, I know how to do simply math:

    I think, yes, that I am about 3" taller than you -maybe more. Is this incorrect calculations?

    So you are going on and on about height issues and you are 5 9"? Really? Are you trying to compare yourself to people who are 5 5" with those blocks?

    So, guys that are taller should be allowed to pull from 10" blocks?

    ETA: You like to go on about how rude people are and that is your response to a simple clarifying question? Nice!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Yes..two things. And yes, you have made your attempted point re height, incessantly.

    And no, your does not. Yours just lifts the weight off the ground by quite a few inches.

    ETA: men v women is not just hormonal you know!
    Actually, the genetic makeup for men and woman are VERY similar -- the only real basis for the differences in strength are the hormonal differences. What other differences exist? Societal prejudice, maybe? I try to to dis anyone based on their gender or what-not.

    LBM, growth rate of LBM and genetic potential for LBM.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    Maybe you did not read my post will reiterate "Now you may try and counter this with referencing your height,weight,arm or leg length but I have seen people with similar proportions do all of these lifts with correct form."

    Now there are lifters who have significant height issues but I have read about form adjustments to deal with said issues and they are NOT what is being done in your videos...your lifts are cheat lifts and terrible form.

    Your height does not justify your lack of correct form or false PR's.
    Yes, health would make a difference, but with no disrespect meant towards anyone with an injury or illness, it's a fact that theses lifters are*actually* weaker (in the same way that the average woman is *actually* weaker than an average man).

    But, yes, I admit, I WILL defend my lifts based on my increased height here: I actually AM pulling the weight over a greater distance. -- Is that an accurate way to gauge actual strength. I think not!
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member

    So you are going on and on about height issues and you are 5 9"? Really? Are you trying to compare yourself to people who are 5 5" with those blocks?

    So, guys that are taller should be allowed to pull from 10" blocks?

    No Sara, I think he's saying that at 6'4" if I lift a pencil from the ground that I'm stronger than YOU. /tongueincheek

    Now please excuse me while I brag ALL over the internet that I'm FINALLY stronger than the strongest woman on MFP - HURRAH!!!!!! :D

    (ps. I DL 265 lbs 5x5 - WAY weaker than you Sara, and you will always be my HERO. I DL 265 lbs 5x5 with proper FORM, so I'm WAY stronger than Mr. TimeTravelNoodleMaster ;) )

    p.p.s edited to highlight the irony
  • NoWeighJose74
    NoWeighJose74 Posts: 581 Member
    1RM tested in May @ 5'4" tall, 175lbs - 410lbs

    But considering that I'm so short for a guy and benefit from mechanical leverages and shorter ROM, I guess I'm not strong at all, according to Mr. GWW of Lakeland FL, time traveler extraordinaire. :frown:
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    My point, is what I stated.

    And don't be ridiculous, of course I do not want you to feel sorry for me because I am a woman. I was making the point that you trying to compare your lifts to mine and finagle a way of saying you are stronger is ludicrous, especially when not taking gender into account.

    Well, you're correct: I took into account all other factors except gender:

    If I had taken that into account, then my analysis would have said you're only "super strong" when compared to other women, but in the real world, we compete for positions that require physical strength with BOTH genders: The armed forces and many jobs, for example, don't cut you a break here because you're a woman: If you can only lift A-B-and-C weight, so be it.

    Now, range of motion, on the other hand, tells us how strong a person *really* is -- that is a valid correction: After all, when looking at lifter-A (who was reeeal short) and lifter-B (who was much taller, and could lift MORE over the same range of motion, but markedly less when, effectively "standing on a stilts" (his legs) or standing on a box (for deficit deadlifts), who do you think would win in a competition of any sort based on pure strength? (Hint: In real life, a person doing a job that required a lot of heavy lifting *would * be allowed to change the height of the starting platform if he/she were to work there, in many cases.)

    You do not get it at all. I do not care whether you or anyone else thinks I am strong. That has NOTHING to do with it.

    ETA: you did not answer my earlier tall are you?

    Also, the armed forces have different requirements vis a vis men and women btw.

    I did! As I said at least twice that I recall, but again: I'm 5'9" barefoot and about 5'10" with shoes.

    Also, I don't think that the 'strength' requirements in the armed forces would be any different for battlefield arenas (not, that is, if they wanted to win!).
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    OMG - I say you get depth and you still want to debate...

    I am not sure what you are on about regarding the rest as that was not what I was even referring to.

    You change your ROM for adding like 6 inches of blocks. Yeah, seems legit. You rack pull 1inch off the bars and call that legit...I can go on, but it's late.
    But, don't you want to know how strong you *really* are?...

    I want to progress in my lifts and to compete in powerlifting comps. I cannot do that by effing around with what I consider non legit lifts.
    Legal lifts are indeed a valid goal for those competing in sanctioned PL contexts; however, if you want to know how strong you *really* are, then corrections for range-of-motion are necessary: Otherwise, you are only fooling yourself, and, taken to the extreme, you might pick a fight with some tall cat who is much weaker in actual competition, and have a loss as the result. Am I not correct on the merits of my claim here?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    My point, is what I stated.

    And don't be ridiculous, of course I do not want you to feel sorry for me because I am a woman. I was making the point that you trying to compare your lifts to mine and finagle a way of saying you are stronger is ludicrous, especially when not taking gender into account.

    Well, you're correct: I took into account all other factors except gender:

    If I had taken that into account, then my analysis would have said you're only "super strong" when compared to other women, but in the real world, we compete for positions that require physical strength with BOTH genders: The armed forces and many jobs, for example, don't cut you a break here because you're a woman: If you can only lift A-B-and-C weight, so be it.

    Now, range of motion, on the other hand, tells us how strong a person *really* is -- that is a valid correction: After all, when looking at lifter-A (who was reeeal short) and lifter-B (who was much taller, and could lift MORE over the same range of motion, but markedly less when, effectively "standing on a stilts" (his legs) or standing on a box (for deficit deadlifts), who do you think would win in a competition of any sort based on pure strength? (Hint: In real life, a person doing a job that required a lot of heavy lifting *would * be allowed to change the height of the starting platform if he/she were to work there, in many cases.)

    You do not get it at all. I do not care whether you or anyone else thinks I am strong. That has NOTHING to do with it.

    ETA: you did not answer my earlier tall are you?

    Also, the armed forces have different requirements vis a vis men and women btw.

    I did! As I said at least twice that I recall, but again: I'm 5'9" barefoot and about 5'10" with shoes.

    Also, I don't think that the 'strength' requirements in the armed forces would be any different for battlefield arenas (not, that is, if they wanted to win!).

    You answered after I posted that - but I realize you were catching up.

    And there are different strength requirements. Also, I am not sure what strength has to directly do with winning in a 'battlefield arena' unless we are talking about gladiators.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    OMG - I say you get depth and you still want to debate...

    I am not sure what you are on about regarding the rest as that was not what I was even referring to.

    You change your ROM for adding like 6 inches of blocks. Yeah, seems legit. You rack pull 1inch off the bars and call that legit...I can go on, but it's late.
    But, don't you want to know how strong you *really* are?...

    I want to progress in my lifts and to compete in powerlifting comps. I cannot do that by effing around with what I consider non legit lifts.
    Legal lifts are indeed a valid goal for those competing in sanctioned PL contexts; however, if you want to know how strong you *really* are, then corrections for range-of-motion are necessary: Otherwise, you are only fooling yourself, and, taken to the extreme, you might pick a fight with some tall cat who is much weaker in actual competition, and have a loss as the result. Am I not correct on the merits of my claim here?

    No you are not.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    So you are going on and on about height issues and you are 5 9"? Really? Are you trying to compare yourself to people who are 5 5" with those blocks?

    So, guys that are taller should be allowed to pull from 10" blocks?

    No Sara, I think he's saying that at 6'4" if I lift a pencil from the ground that I'm stronger than YOU. /tongueincheek

    Now please excuse me while I brag ALL over the internet that I'm FINALLY stronger than the strongest woman on MFP - HURRAH!!!!!! :D

    (ps. I DL 265 lbs 5x5 - WAY weaker than you Sara, and you will always be my HERO. I DL 265 lbs 5x5 with proper FORM, so I'm WAY stronger than Mr. TimeTravelNoodleMaster ;) )

    p.p.s edited to highlight the irony

    I know you do not need the validation...but your lifts have been progressing really well if I recall and you have not been doing compounds for long. Plus, you are very tall, so there ya go!
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    So you are going on and on about height issues and you are 5 9"? Really? Are you trying to compare yourself to people who are 5 5" with those blocks?
    Not only them, but EVERYONE of ANY height can be compared, and accurately assessed for strength in this manner.
    So, guys that are taller should be allowed to pull from 10" blocks?
    Yes - I don't see why not -- but, to be fair (and accurate, let's remember, we're assessing "actual" strength, not "comparative" strength), one would have to know reach (which also is a factor in range of motion) -or you could just assess the range of motion as it stands.
    ETA: You like to go on about how rude people are and that is your response to a simple clarifying question? Nice!
    now, now, Sara, when you asked for me height several times in a row, I was a bit peeved, but I did not EVER call you stupid, make fun of you, or any of the like -and I did try to answer you. Rude... oh, really?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    So you are going on and on about height issues and you are 5 9"? Really? Are you trying to compare yourself to people who are 5 5" with those blocks?
    Not only them, but EVERYONE of ANY height can be compared, and accurately assessed for strength in this manner.
    So, guys that are taller should be allowed to pull from 10" blocks?
    Yes - I don't see why not -- but, to be fair (and accurate, let's remember, we're assessing "actual" strength, not "comparative" strength), one would have to know reach (which also is a factor in range of motion) -or you could just assess the range of motion as it stands.
    ETA: You like to go on about how rude people are and that is your response to a simple clarifying question? Nice!
    now, now, Sara, when you asked for me height several times in a row, I was a bit peeved, but I did not EVER call you stupid, make fun of you, or any of the like -and I did try to answer you. Rude... oh, really?

    Yes I asked as I did not see an answer. Sorry you were peeved and decided to lash out.

    BTW, twice is not several.
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    Yes..two things. And yes, you have made your attempted point re height, incessantly.

    And no, your does not. Yours just lifts the weight off the ground by quite a few inches.

    ETA: men v women is not just hormonal you know!
    Actually, the genetic makeup for men and woman are VERY similar -- the only real basis for the differences in strength are the hormonal differences. What other differences exist? Societal prejudice, maybe? I try to to dis anyone based on their gender or what-not.

    LBM, growth rate of LBM and genetic potential for LBM.
    Huh? you mean "lean body mass"?? (I had to google this and the word biology to see acronyms).

    But, yes, LBM would be a factor (as it describes the ratio of muscle mass -- pulling power -- vs other mass), but this is affected by hormones at some level, however, you're technically correct, so (as it's not worth arguing over), I'll concede the point.
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member

    I know you do not need the validation...but your lifts have been progressing really well if I recall and you have not been doing compounds for long. Plus, you are very tall, so there ya go!

    Oh I TOTALLY need the validation.

    And more popcorn. This thread takes a LOT of popcorn....
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    OP...give up now, you're hurting my eyes..:noway:
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    Things this thread has taught me:

    1. There are far more people on MFP who lift than I first thought. You people are awesome as hell.

    2. Like all of the best Dr. Who episodes, the action quickly picks up as soon as the TARDIS doors open for the first time (bottom of page 8 here.)

    3. It is possible to tl:dr a video.