How much are you deadlifting?



  • catfive1
    catfive1 Posts: 529 Member
    Female, age 53, 5'7", 155 lbs. Just started Stonglifts 5x5 a few weeks ago. Deadlift for 5 reps 125 lbs.
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    A. Female, 5'3", 148, max deadlift was 150 5x5. And then, about an hour and a huge meal later, passed out for four hours. Good day.

    B. What the hell is going on here?

    I'm the centre of all this disturbance, apparently -- with a a few (but vocal) critics in the peanut gallary.

    Probably their criticism is 2-fold:

    #1- I am a bit talkative; #2- I am "the new guy" on the block. (Other than that, however, your guess is as good as mine; the few complaints that I insulted anyone were unfounded --or at the very least, I certainly didn't *try* to insult anyone for how much they can lift --or can't lift --when I offered suggestions/advice.) :smile:

    Well it's not really an advice thread, it's a share thread. If you wanna give advice there are hundreds of threads full of people looking for it. People don't generally come to share thread to get criticism. Forum etiquette and all that.

    Thanks - You might have a point -- but, it is part-and-parcel of life that, when your brother man (or woman) has fallen, you try to offer him a bit of advice, in a friendly way - -I'll hope to try and be less talkative -and hopefully not rude or insulting in the mean time.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Who is this new guy?

    No idea, but I really hope he does not decide to give me his 'feedback'.

    That is not very polite: Why would you not be open to feedback or constructive criticism? We all have areas of improvement.

    Secondly, however, is more fundamental to your issue: Since I have not once ever insulted anyone on this thread in the short time I've been here, but solely and only offered tips to get better -or tips to better understand the physics of lifting -then your concern is unfounded. Save your angst for actual idiots; you'll feel better if you do.

    So, again, where I have ever said *anything* of an insulting nature to anyone (with the exception of my replies to a few self-proclaimed board-police or hotheads)? If you can not precisely tell me exactly I said that was out of order, then *you* are out of order, Sakura.

    Oh, and I just watched a video of you deadlifting...confirmed, I would not take advice from you.


    You are quite strong, especially for someone as light as you. But, when I make ROM (range of motion) corrections for my height (I am taller than you), it appears that I am at least as strong as you --even if only by a small margin: remember, work is force OVER A DISTANCE, so my placement of the weight on blocks was not incorrect to make ROM corrections so that I was comparing apples-with-apples and not "apples-with-oranges" here. You are a talented and accomplished lifter, don't let anyone kid you, but 350-lbs is indeed more than 315-lbs, so your insult to me is unwarranted.

    You're free to have your opinion, and you're even free to insult me (indeed, I am not as strong as some others --and not as strong as I'd like to be), but you won't find me insulting anyone -- the only reason I brought up that out-lifted you over apparently(?) the same ROM was because you took the first punch at me in your comment right above.

    My DL form is not perfect, but I have had no actual injuries in my entire powerlifting career, and I really did lift the 710-lbs off the yoke and the 635-lbs in the rack, all without leverage advantages (like a a car jack, for example) -- I, myself, lifted them -- and no one else.

    ...are you actually comparing your lifts to Sara's without accounting for gender or height or weight (there an equation for that btw) and saying that your higher 'raw' number make you stronger?

    No. Bro. Bro. Just stop. DYE

    It's not even a raw number - the 350lb was off blocks. The 295lb was a 'proper' deadlift.

    I feel like acknowledging that nonsense any further is just an insult to you. So instead I offer:

  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member

    That has to be the best (attributed) quote of the day! (Even though it didn't occur in this time-line, I shall take credit for it.) :bigsmile:
    Wait, I don't mean to derail the deadlift thread but time travel is of an interest to me, could you further explain or describe your experiences with time travel and alternate timelines...please.

    Also the timecube seems very interesting.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Some pretty friggin strong people in this thread. I always say I am not interested in being a power lifter but I gotta admit threads like this really make me want to improve some of my lift numbers.
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    I was responding to DavPul....not sure what your point is. And please stop with the insinuations. I actually responded with a post that was actually on topic and in the 'spirit' of the topic of the thread.

    Edited for typo.

    Yes, but you responded about me, and while that's not wrong in and of itself, you then went on to insult my knowledge (by your comments of saying you wouldn't value any advice from me!) --where on earth do you get inside knowledge that I'm dumb --or have ill motives? -- All I did prior to your post was to offer some analysis and advice to a few other lifters (all of which, by the way, have offered NO complaints -even after all this time).

    While you did offer quite a bit of helpful feedback "on topic," that does not detract from your rude comments about some bloke you've never met before -but, I would think it might mitigate your error: You're human after all, and yet, like most or all of us here, try to be helpful -both to others and to ourselves.

    So, what, precisely, is your gripe. (By that, I mean that I've only interacted with you on this board, and so it is only logical that whatsoever complaint you have is board-related, meaning you would have to show me a quote of something I said -like Joy did -to make your point more readily understandable to those of us who can't read minds.)

    Thanks in advance, if you can find such a quote -and explain why exactly it is off-centre or out-of-order. :smile:
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Can we please get back to the time travelling?
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Can we please get back to the time travelling?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I was responding to DavPul....not sure what your point is. And please stop with the insinuations. I actually responded with a post that was actually on topic and in the 'spirit' of the topic of the thread.

    Edited for typo.

    Yes, but you responded about me, and while that's not wrong in and of itself, you then went on to insult my knowledge (by your comments of saying you wouldn't value any advice from me!) --where on earth do you get inside knowledge that I'm dumb --or have ill motives? -- All I did prior to your post was to offer some analysis and advice to a few other lifters (all of which, by the way, have offered NO complaints -even after all this time).

    While you did offer quite a bit of helpful feedback "on topic," that does not detract from your rude comments about some bloke you've never met before -but, I would think it might mitigate your error: You're human after all, and yet, like most or all of us here, try to be helpful -both to others and to ourselves.

    So, what, precisely, is your gripe. (By that, I mean that I've only interacted with you on this board, and so it is only logical that whatsoever complaint you have is board-related, meaning you would have to show me a quote of something I said -like Joy did -to make your point more readily understandable to those of us who can't read minds.)

    Thanks in advance, if you can find such a quote -and explain why exactly it is off-centre or out-of-order. :smile:

    Oh lawdy. I said that I hope you did not give me advice. Is that not allowed?

    You want my issue with you?

    You come into a thread that is not started or intended to elicit feedback (unless the poster specifically indicates it) and decide that you are so knowledgeable as to comment on every single post. I have watched your videos and you are in absolutely no position to offer advice. Your form is terrible. You do not do legitimate lifts even though you claim them as such.

    Then you decide to challenge me on my lifting stats with some ridiculous explanation that your deads off blocks is comparable to my stats, not off blocks.

    Clear enough now?
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    Have you heard of wilks scores? Lol at a guy trying to use leverage to argue that they are 'at least as strong' as me. I am a 46 year old woman. You really think that your comments are even relevant? In any event, strength has nothing to do with whether I would not take advice from you. Your form is terrible.

    Your deadlift form is abysmal, your rack pull is not a rack pull and I have no idea what that yoke pull was supposed to be.
    Yes, I know about the Wilkes correction factors... LOL

    However, while they do attempt to make corrections for people of different weights (I am far lighter than you, but, yes, like you pointed out in your reply, you are a woman, which makes it harder, biologically, than me to get helpful hormones and chemicals that our bodies generate), nonetheless, Wilkes does NOT make corrections for lifters that have range of motion disadvantages, but that isn't consistent: If they correct for one disadvantage, why not another?

    Also, you don't know what a yoke lift is because you are like me -- a human who didn't hear about it, as it's not a common lift -- but the 'Strongman' games use the Yoke ALL THE TIME, and if you had watched my video to the end (like the other poster) you would have seen what it is -- and seen me not only lift the 710-lbs off the ground with no leverage trick but also count the weights to prove how much it was.

    Lastly, what exactly about my DL form seems not good to you, Sara? Do I yank the weight? (dangerous on arms) or rather, do I round my back? ((I used to do both of these in my older videos, but in this one???)) >> Here is my 710-lb yoke lift and other progress (that's not a lot, at least for a mere lift of a few inched- so I'm not bragging) <<
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Can we please get back to the time travelling?

    Yea please
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Have you heard of wilks scores? Lol at a guy trying to use leverage to argue that they are 'at least as strong' as me. I am a 46 year old woman. You really think that your comments are even relevant? In any event, strength has nothing to do with whether I would not take advice from you. Your form is terrible.

    Your deadlift form is abysmal, your rack pull is not a rack pull and I have no idea what that yoke pull was supposed to be.
    Yes, I know about the Wilkes correction factors... LOL

    However, while they do attempt to make corrections for people of different weights (I am far lighter than you, but, yes, like you pointed out in your reply, you are a woman, which makes it harder, biologically, than me to get helpful hormones and chemicals that our bodies generate), nonetheless, Wilkes does NOT make corrections for lifters that have range of motion disadvantages, but that isn't consistent: If they correct for one disadvantage, why not another?

    Also, you don't know what a yoke lift is because you are like me -- a human who didn't hear about it, as it's not a common lift -- but the 'Strongman' games use the Yoke ALL THE TIME, and if you had watched my video to the end (like the other poster) you would have seen what it is -- and seen me not only lift the 710-lbs off the ground with no leverage trick but also count the weights to prove how much it was.

    Lastly, what exactly about my DL form seems not good to you, Sara? Do I yank the weight? (dangerous on arms) or rather, do I round my back? ((I used to do both of these in my older videos, but in this one???)) >> Here is my 710-lb yoke lift and other progress (that's not a lot, at least for a mere lift of a few inched- so I'm not bragging) <<


    female v male.

    Form on your deads - your back is horribly rounded, you are not pulling back and you are using far too much lower back for starters.

    And i know what a yoke lift is. Do not make assumptions...again.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Other than that he's good
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    ...are you actually comparing your lifts to Sara's without accounting for gender or height or weight (there an equation for that btw) and saying that your higher 'raw' number make you stronger?

    No. Bro. Bro. Just stop. DYE

    Incorrect -at least partly, Chell:

    First off, you must have missed it -- but I did make a correction for height: I explained why I placed the weights on the block.

    Secondly, she is heavier than me, but I did NOT mention that she had an advantage because I did not want to imply she was fat (she's not, but I didn't want to insult her).

    Lastly, yes you are correct that she's got a hormonal disadvantage that I don't, but I know that it might have been taken as an insult if I said that she was "strong FOR A GIRL" (or for a woman, as the case may be), but she does have this disadvantage -- and two ADVANTAGES (shorter height and greater bodyweight), which apparently you missed.

    So, what's your point?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Just to be clear...this is the video of the lifts being discussed. I think the bench is my favorite.

    Now...back to time travel

    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    IN to be criticized for not deadlifting enough for my height.

    Oh and time travel.


    210lbs 100kg 5x5 6ft5
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    It's not even a raw number - the 350lb was off blocks. The 295lb was a 'proper' deadlift.

    Well, partly correct:

    My 350 deadlift was off a FOUR inch block -- if we accept your numbers as accurate (and I shall give you the benefit of the doubt), you are only THREE inches shorter than me, and assuming your reach is as long as mine (68 to 70 inches when I spread my arms out as wide as I can), then, strictly-speaking, I should have lifted a weight on a THREE inch set of blocks to be perfectly equal. (I did not count your heavier body weight against you, and I presume you won't count my hormonal advantage against me.)

    Since I did not try it off a 3" block-set, I don't know what my max would be, but I would assume it would be somewhere close to 350, even if not quite as much.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    ...are you actually comparing your lifts to Sara's without accounting for gender or height or weight (there an equation for that btw) and saying that your higher 'raw' number make you stronger?

    No. Bro. Bro. Just stop. DYE

    Incorrect -at least partly, Chell:

    First off, you must have missed it -- but I did make a correction for height: I explained why I placed the weights on the block.

    Secondly, she is heavier than me, but I did NOT mention that she had an advantage because I did not want to imply she was fat (she's not, but I didn't want to insult her).

    Lastly, yes you are correct that she's got a hormonal disadvantage that I don't, but I know that it might have been taken as an insult if I said that she was "strong FOR A GIRL" (or for a woman, as the case may be), but she does have this disadvantage -- and two ADVANTAGES (shorter height and greater bodyweight), which apparently you missed.

    So, what's your point?

    I am in hysterics here...
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    It's not even a raw number - the 350lb was off blocks. The 295lb was a 'proper' deadlift.

    Well, partly correct:

    My 350 deadlift was off a FOUR inch block -- if we accept your numbers as accurate (and I shall give you the benefit of the doubt), you are only THREE inches shorter than me, and assuming your reach is as long as mine (68 to 70 inches when I spread my arms out as wide as I can), then, strictly-speaking, I should have lifted a weight on a THREE inch set of blocks to be perfectly equal. (I did not count your heavier body weight against you, and I presume you won't count my hormonal advantage against me.)

    Since I did not try it off a 3" block-set, I don't know what my max would be, but I would assume it would be somewhere close to 350, even if not quite as much.

    Have you heard of testosterone?

    ETA: the male/female and weight thing is what the wilks-coefficient is for.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    BTW Mr Time Traveler, this has NOTHING to do with how much weight someone can lift even though you decided to go down that route. How much someone can lift =/= their knowledge on form or training.