April Move your @ss Challenge



  • gehlerc
    gehlerc Posts: 651 Member
    This is very very sad. I have been doing this moving my butt challenge since they began. I seem to have lost my mojo. If anyone finds it could u plz return in back to me. I am in need of some!!!!

    @bigmama65: I found some mojo lying around here in Wisconsin. Sending it to you express.

    Seriously, though: Hang in there! I've lost my mojo before. When that happens, I try to make myself do something--anything--no matter how small. Generally once I've started things start to snowball. But, like darkrider said, maybe try something new...? Get some new music to listen to, or a recorded book to listen to, as you workout. Or, workout with a friend...? Good luck!
  • glenoakchic2006
    glenoakchic2006 Posts: 128 Member
    how do u link the mile tracker to ur my fitness pal account
  • dranaeli
    dranaeli Posts: 24 Member
    complete 1 more mile for a total of 7 out of 30. moving slow and steady towards my goal :)
  • jonnyb62
    jonnyb62 Posts: 426
    Okay, total honesty here - I was being extremely lazy today. Then I came on here and saw everyone's @ss moving and thought to myself you can move a least a little - jumped on the treadmill and did one mile of HIIT and one more mile for speed. Two more miles running to add to my total for the month.

    Never would have done it without all you @ss movers, so thank you to all!

  • jonnyb62
    jonnyb62 Posts: 426
    This is very very sad. I have been doing this moving my butt challenge since they began. I seem to have lost my mojo. If anyone finds it could u plz return in back to me. I am in need of some!!!!


    @ bigmama - Someone much wiser than me once told me - Your good days are not your best days; your best days are your worst days when you push through and do it anyway. You can do this!!!
  • jonnyb62
    jonnyb62 Posts: 426
    how do u link the mile tracker to ur my fitness pal account

    @ glenoakchic Go to trickerfactory.com, follow the instructions to set up your exercise ticker, then copy the bbCode and paste it in your post. You will have to update, copy, and paste every time you want it to appear.
  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    12.85 today
    Ticker updated

  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    @vhuber, I read this story and couldn't resist sharing it. It’s not really related to fitness but it relates to Butt-e and Montana.

    Butte, Montana began life in 1864 as a gold-rush town, but huge deposits of copper were soon discovered on what came to be known as “the richest hill on earth”. Situated more than 5,000 feet above sea level, and riddled with shafts and tunnels, the city boasted that it was a mile deep as well as a mile high. As the tin mines of Cornwall and Ireland went into decline, Gaelic-speakers flocked into the town to work the mines. The census of 1900 shows Butte to have been the most predominantly Irish city in the US, Boston included.

    Father Sweeney, a contemporary american priest from Butte learned some Gaelic from his grandparents. On a visit to County Kerry, Ireland he addressed a large lunch gathering, concluding with the traditional Gaelic toast that translates to English as “The goat is on the spit”. Unfortunately his accent wasn’t quite up to it. “The Gaelic for ‘goat’ is only a hair’s breath removed from the word for the male organs,” says father Sweeney. “You can imagine how shocked the good ladies of the parish were to hear this American priest proclaiming, ‘My balls are on fire’. ‘I’ll be dead for years,’ he said, ‘and that’s all they’ll remember me for in Kerry’
  • Taymay75
    Taymay75 Posts: 753 Member
    Goal: 90 miles

    Completed today (4/18) – 4 miles (Leslie Sansone 5 Mile Fat Burning Walk)

    Total completed – 55 miles

    Left to complete – 35 miles
  • glenoakchic2006
    glenoakchic2006 Posts: 128 Member
    ok so just starting but I average about 6 miles a day so this will hopefully help motivate me

  • Daisy374
    Daisy374 Posts: 539 Member
    4/4- 2
    4/5- 4
    4/6- 4
    4/7- 3
    4/8- 0
    4/9- 2
    4/10- 4
    4/11- 4
    4/12- 0
    4/13- 0
    4/14- 0
    4/15- 0
    4/16- 1
    4/17- 4
    4/18- 4

  • positivelyJ
    + 3 bike miles

  • foxbat2828
    foxbat2828 Posts: 391 Member
    3.52 miles in a mix of treadmill and cycling at cardiac rehab today.

    18.621 miles down and 11.379 miles to my goal.
  • l_oudman
    l_oudman Posts: 373 Member
    16 today and ticker updated

  • JTH11706
    JTH11706 Posts: 2,954 Member
    This is very very sad. I have been doing this moving my butt challenge since they began. I seem to have lost my mojo. If anyone finds it could u plz return in back to me. I am in need of some!!!!


    @ Bigmama - your mojo is just down the road a little way. A quick little walk and you'll find it. If you just move your *kitten* for a few minutes it will come back. We're all here to make sure you find it.

    I did 3 miles today with 2 miles of HIIT. Trying to improve my speed little by little.

  • crazydv
    crazydv Posts: 183 Member
    Swam 1 miles and walked 6.5

    100.5 miles completed of 160 miles.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    2.6 miles at lunch with my WOD in the middle....

    47.27/80 complete (little behind but i'll bust my *kitten* to catch up and make my goal this month...
  • saramerrigan
    saramerrigan Posts: 555 Member
    2.95 miles walked today as a combination of 0.95m walking outdoors dodging the downpours and 2 miles Leslie Sansone walk in the dry!

    Ticker updated

  • kimberenee
    Over the half way mark to my goal!

    4/15- 1 mile jogging
    4/17- 13 miles spinning
    4/18- 10 miles spinning

    Total for April= 70 / 100 miles :smile:

  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    @vhuber, I read this story and couldn't resist sharing it. It’s not really related to fitness but it relates to Butt-e and Montana.

    Butte, Montana began life in 1864 as a gold-rush town, but huge deposits of copper were soon discovered on what came to be known as “the richest hill on earth”. Situated more than 5,000 feet above sea level, and riddled with shafts and tunnels, the city boasted that it was a mile deep as well as a mile high. As the tin mines of Cornwall and Ireland went into decline, Gaelic-speakers flocked into the town to work the mines. The census of 1900 shows Butte to have been the most predominantly Irish city in the US, Boston included.

    Father Sweeney, a contemporary american priest from Butte learned some Gaelic from his grandparents. On a visit to County Kerry, Ireland he addressed a large lunch gathering, concluding with the traditional Gaelic toast that translates to English as “The goat is on the spit”. Unfortunately his accent wasn’t quite up to it. “The Gaelic for ‘goat’ is only a hair’s breath removed from the word for the male organs,” says father Sweeney. “You can imagine how shocked the good ladies of the parish were to hear this American priest proclaiming, ‘My balls are on fire’. ‘I’ll be dead for years,’ he said, ‘and that’s all they’ll remember me for in Kerry’
    dinos, you gave me a good laugh!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: