If it fits in my daily calories...



  • ehh..I slightly disagree. if you're going to give up altogether b/c you've given up your favorite foods then you should definitely try to find a middle ground.
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    It doesn't bother me what someone else is eating - UNLESS it comes across as a "Oh I had a double cheese burger, large fry and a large non-diet coke... why can't i lose weight?" Then those people need to hit themselves in the face with a tire iron... but if they are shredded, have lost 30-40 lbs, are close to their goal weight - HAVE AT IT!

  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    I think it sets a bad example for those starting out. It is one thing to make that decision once you've gotten a hold of what you are doing with your weight loss. But for those who haven't found that happy medium, it gives them the wrong impression. Do what you need to do but I don't think it needs to be bragged about.

    I strongly disagree. I'm inspired by those who can exercise self control and eat reasonable portions sizes of cheeseburgers, chocolate, cookies, ice cream, and so forth.

    I have dieted a million and one times. I always fall off the wagon because I usually try to to adopt a super healthy and/or restrictive diet. It's expensive. It's inconvenient. I feel deprived. And as soon as I stop having time to shop/cook, I give up and gain back whatever minimal weight I've lost.

    This go round... well I'll go through that drive through if I'm out of time. And I don't feel like that's a bad thing.

    I hope people continue to show-case their success on cheeseburgers diets. It helps me realize I don't have to eat perfectly to lose weight.
  • withervein
    withervein Posts: 224 Member
    This is why my diary will always be closed.

    It stops rubbernecking.
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    If you reach in front of me and try to take away the cupcake I ate last night, or the wine I have most nights, or the chocolate i refuse to give up, or the ice cream that I like to indulge in, or the chicken strips that I inevitabley have once a week, or my burger and fries Fridays I will rip off your arm and beat you with the bloody stump . . . I protect these things like family.

    PS - I have been very successful.

    LMFAO :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :drinker:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    If you reach in front of me and try to take away the cupcake I ate last night, or the wine I have most nights, or the chocolate i refuse to give up, or the ice cream that I like to indulge in, or the chicken strips that I inevitabley have once a week, or my burger and fries Fridays I will rip off your arm and beat you with the bloody stump . . . I protect these things like family.

    PS - I have been very successful.

    THIS^^^ plus pizza & wings

    Different things work for different people.
  • jpinge
    jpinge Posts: 71 Member
    I think it sets a bad example for those starting out. It is one thing to make that decision once you've gotten a hold of what you are doing with your weight loss. But for those who haven't found that happy medium, it gives them the wrong impression. Do what you need to do but I don't think it needs to be bragged about.

    The flip side of that coin is that not everyone can start out eating whole quality foods if they are used to eating junk food. Sometimes staying under your calories while continuing to eat what you're used to is the starting point, not making huge changes all at once. Too many people fail at weight loss because they think they have to be deprived of things they like and must eat stuff they hate to be "healthy." Weight loss is hard enough. Stop trying to make it harder by imposing rules that aren't necessary.
    This is it exactly. Everybody has to start this journey, but not only start.....stay on it. If people, I myself for example, could never have ice cream or french fries ever again I would for sure not continue on with this process. People, a calorie is a calorie....it is a number....what is different about calories is how it makes you feel, your body work etc. But in the end a calorie is a calorie....a numbers game truly. If I have a bad snack it usually effects me in a bad way because I tend to be hungrier faster.....I don't like that feeling especially if there isn't any calories left for me in a day. So I try to choose wisely most of the time. But with that being said.....if I really really want something then I am going to have it as long as it fits in my allowance. I have lost over 100 lbs, my blood work is impeccable and doing it this way for over a year has not caused me to be unhealthy in the least and it certainly has not impeded my progress. I never feel deprived or cheated. I have learned to balance my daily calories much like I balance my checkbook. If I don't have enough I don't buy it....If I don't have enough I don't eat it.

    People need to find what works best for them and them alone....slamming them because of food choices does nothing to help them. If you truly want to help people then encourage them, share what works for you but don't ever tell them that that is the only way that works.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    I've seen these threads enough that I've come to the following conclusion.

    Clean eating 100% of the time makes you such a miserable human being that the only way to feel joy is to look down at others.
  • Carnivorekat
    Carnivorekat Posts: 370 Member
    I don't usually like getting involved in discussions like this - but the simple fact is if you have lots of weight to lose you are likely to have come from a junk food culture and to go from that to a healthy eating stance cold turkey is not easy - it shouldn't make any difference to you what someone else does or how they cope with the changes they have to make to lose weight - perhaps try concentrating on your own goal and stop trying to make others feel guilty about how they choose to lose the weight.

    We all have our own way of coping and one way is not right for everyone
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Surely eating a cheeseburger and staying under calorie goal is more healthy than eating 4000 calories worth of cheeseburgers?

    Not everyone can go straight for "clean".

    I had a mcdouble last week. It was cheap, our office fridge went out unexpectedly so I had no lunch, and I was very hungry. I suppose I could have dropped 8 bucks at a restaurant instead, but the mcdouble cost a dollar and kept me going until I got home.
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    No where did I say I ate "clean" or that I drank diet coke wtf?. Maybe my idea of healthy and getting fit isn't the same as yours. If you're having a "cheat" day more days than you are not, its not a cheat day.. it's part of your diet. For me, a cheat meal is an exception to the rule, not the rule. I have found my balance. My point was a fast food cheeseburger isn't the best option to meet your caloric goals for the day! Now if you're used to eating Four Cheeseburgers and your cutting it down to two, then that is great and it's a step in the right direction.
  • Please point me to said 400 calorie double cheeseburger. Thanks

    McDonalds Mcdouble ($1) no pickle, no bun....less than 400 cal. Even a qtr pounder w/ cheese no bun...they put it on a bed of lettuce. That's my twice a month indulgence!
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    I've seen these threads enough that I've come to the following conclusion.

    Clean eating 100% of the time makes you such a miserable human being that the only way to feel joy is to look down at others.

  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    I think it sets a bad example for those starting out. It is one thing to make that decision once you've gotten a hold of what you are doing with your weight loss. But for those who haven't found that happy medium, it gives them the wrong impression. Do what you need to do but I don't think it needs to be bragged about.

    I've had half a pizza at least once a week every week since I started on here. How is doing what I've been doing from the get-go setting a bad example for those starting out?

    I tried cutting out foods I enjoy. That didn't work for me. When I started this, I stubbornly refused to give up things I enjoy. THAT worked for me.

    I agree with this ^^ to each their own
    I cut out cheeseburgers and fast food cuz I felt better without them
    But I still eat chips frequently and other things I like but I also exercise accordingly and eat fruit and vegetables and fit it all in just fine
    Just because other people lack the willpower to stop themselves from going crazy doesn't mean its wrong for those of us who can have some and keep it in control
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    I try to eat fairly well during the week, but I love candy cakes chips and choclates so if I have the extra calories at the end of the day I eat them I also love Pizza and Burgers and Chinese which I will have in large portions once a week (as long as I have exercised enough to afford the calories) I don't make junk food the staple of my eating, but I am not about to give it up. I am currently still consitently losing weight.
    Anotfer poster had it right about 100% clean eating making you miserable. I know for a fact it does (at least me) I spent 20 years in the military and the denying of stuff to make weigh-ins was maddening! The only reason I have stuck with this site is that I don't HAVE to cut stuff if I don't want to.

    I think that unless you are born and raised on clean eating from the get go you're going to have trouble when you start restricting stuff you have been eating all your lives. And if You are losing weight and keeping healthy why not eat what you want to?
  • iHEARTcardiacnurses
    iHEARTcardiacnurses Posts: 437 Member

  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    Please point me to said 400 calorie double cheeseburger. Thanks

    McDonalds Mcdouble ($1) no pickle, no bun....less than 400 cal. Even a qtr pounder w/ cheese no bun...they put it on a bed of lettuce. That's my twice a month indulgence!

    Whats the point of a hamburger with no bun???
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Who cares what anyone else eats? The only person anyone needs to be concerned with is themselves.

    Some people do care. I care. A few years back I considered changing fields and going into dietetics. A friend who is a nutritionist told me not to because I would be miserable. She said it's a life of telling people what they should do to be healthy, only to have the majority ignore everything you say and then complain becuase their healthy deteriorates. She said this is the reason she switched from peds to adults only. It's one thing to have a person ignore your advice and ruin their own health, but she couldn't take watching parents ignore it and ruin their children's health.
  • lorierin22
    lorierin22 Posts: 432 Member
    I think it sets a bad example for those starting out. It is one thing to make that decision once you've gotten a hold of what you are doing with your weight loss. But for those who haven't found that happy medium, it gives them the wrong impression. Do what you need to do but I don't think it needs to be bragged about.

    I actually think it gives a great impression...the impression that weight loss is attainable and maintainable by eating normal foods (in moderation) and that it is ok if you eat a cheeseburger or a slice of pizza. You don't have to quit your weightloss journey just because you indulge in some old favorites. You have to remember most people starting out are eating nothing BUT junk food, and to ask them to give it all up at once...I wouldn't do it!! that's for sure!

    However, I commend you for your healthy journey and choices.
  • Hernandeak11
    Hernandeak11 Posts: 351 Member
    I've seen these threads enough that I've come to the following conclusion.

    Clean eating 100% of the time makes you such a miserable human being that the only way to feel joy is to look down at others.

    And if it goes the same way as the one I saw yesterday, it'll be locked in no time!

    I try and look for healthy ways to make the old comfort food I used to eat, and sometimes I even have an order of cheese curds--with ranch dressing! *gasps*

    And somehow I managed to lose 24 lbs?