If it fits in my daily calories...



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Hey, I don't see how pizza is unhealthy. We make ours homemade with turkey and lots of veggies and low fat mozzarella and either whole grain or wheat crust. It's a weekly weekend meal.

    I don't consider pizza unhealthy, but a lot of people seem to think that while bread, tomato sauce, cheese, some vegetables and a meat might be ok, once you put them together and call it a pizza, it's demon-food. :laugh:

    But for me, pizza is my cheap and lazy meal, and is typically a frozen rising crust DiGiorno or Frechetta (can't really beat $5 for two people, without a pile of dirty dishes) ... so not really a health-conscious choice. But my typical dinners are around 700-1000 calories anyway, so half a pizza fits in that range perfectly. The sodium is the only "bad" thing about it, and since I have good blood pressure, don't wig out over a pound or two weight fluctuation, drink about 96oz a day and sweat like a fiend when I exercise, sodium doesn't scare me.
  • weathergirl320
    Please point me to said 400 calorie double cheeseburger. Thanks

    McDonalds Mcdouble ($1) no pickle, no bun....less than 400 cal. Even a qtr pounder w/ cheese no bun...they put it on a bed of lettuce. That's my twice a month indulgence!

    Whats the point of a hamburger with no bun???

    i order this all the time. im allergic to wheat (gluen) so if i want a burger i HAVE to eat it this way. and its effing delicious
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Please point me to said 400 calorie double cheeseburger. Thanks

    McDonalds Mcdouble ($1) no pickle, no bun....less than 400 cal. Even a qtr pounder w/ cheese no bun...they put it on a bed of lettuce. That's my twice a month indulgence!

    Whats the point of a hamburger with no bun???

    Is it technically a hamburger without the bun? A hamburger is a sandwich. A glob of cooked ground beef is not a hamburger.
  • b0t23
    b0t23 Posts: 260 Member
    when it comes to weight loss
    calories are calories

    when it comes to health and proper body composition, some foods are not that great for you.

    your body has trouble processing them and won't target your body fat as well.

    that being said, I have days of burgers and/or hot wings sometimes
    and I still love ice cream.

    just means I have to work harder sometimes.
    but it isn't a race.

    do what feels good but try not to let yourself fall into bad patterns
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    I think it sets a bad example for those starting out. It is one thing to make that decision once you've gotten a hold of what you are doing with your weight loss. But for those who haven't found that happy medium, it gives them the wrong impression. Do what you need to do but I don't think it needs to be bragged about.

    i could not disagree with you more. i'm like a lot of ppl on here - i've been on diets on and off for my whole life. none of them worked. i've NEVER had the kind of success that i have had here. and why? b/c i let myself have pizza. i no longer keep mac & cheese in the house, but i'll get it when i go out. i eat pudding and chocolate. i let myself have the things i love. i don't feel like i'm on a diet. i just know my calories and i know that i might have to go for a walk or a run to make something fit in.

    i think that newbies learning lifestyle changes is the most important thing they CAN learn here. b/c then it's not like every other diet they've been on their whole lives. it's something sustainable.
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    Please point me to said 400 calorie double cheeseburger. Thanks

    McDonalds Mcdouble ($1) no pickle, no bun....less than 400 cal. Even a qtr pounder w/ cheese no bun...they put it on a bed of lettuce. That's my twice a month indulgence!

    Whats the point of a hamburger with no bun???

    i order this all the time. im allergic to wheat (gluen) so if i want a burger i HAVE to eat it this way. and its effing delicious

    Lol ohh then of course I wouldn't question the lack of bun haha
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Please point me to said 400 calorie double cheeseburger. Thanks

    McDonalds Mcdouble ($1) no pickle, no bun....less than 400 cal. Even a qtr pounder w/ cheese no bun...they put it on a bed of lettuce. That's my twice a month indulgence!

    Whats the point of a hamburger with no bun???

    Is it technically a hamburger without the bun? A hamburger is a sandwich. A glob of cooked ground beef is not a hamburger.

    ^^^this. No bun = not a burger
  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    I have always hated making something work, like fat free cheese! YUCK!!! I just use less of the good stuff!
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    Please point me to said 400 calorie double cheeseburger. Thanks

    McDonalds Mcdouble ($1) no pickle, no bun....less than 400 cal. Even a qtr pounder w/ cheese no bun...they put it on a bed of lettuce. That's my twice a month indulgence!

    Whats the point of a hamburger with no bun???

    Is it technically a hamburger without the bun? A hamburger is a sandwich. A glob of cooked ground beef is not a hamburger.

    And without mah pickle I just don't see the point :frown:
  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 466 Member
    Please point me to said 400 calorie double cheeseburger. Thanks

    McDonalds Mcdouble ($1) no pickle, no bun....less than 400 cal. Even a qtr pounder w/ cheese no bun...they put it on a bed of lettuce. That's my twice a month indulgence!

    Whats the point of a hamburger with no bun???

    Is it technically a hamburger without the bun? A hamburger is a sandwich. A glob of cooked ground beef is not a hamburger.

    Isn't that just a 'hamburger steak'? lol
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I don't know anyone who eats clean 100% of the time. That doesn't mean you shouldn't try to eat WELL MOST of the time.

    The "omg dont judge otha pplz" comments are coming from people who don't/won't/can't eat healthier. Look at the post "can I eat Burger King for breakfast" - Literally everyone in that thread says "go for it!!".

    Sadly, this is not a site for people who want to eat healthier, it's dominated by people who eat 1200 calories worth of junk food who still lose weight.
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    Why would that bother you? It's not your body. :flowerforyou:
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    If you reach in front of me and try to take away the cupcake I ate last night, or the wine I have most nights, or the chocolate i refuse to give up, or the ice cream that I like to indulge in, or the chicken strips that I inevitabley have once a week, or my burger and fries Fridays I will rip off your arm and beat you with the bloody stump . . . I protect these things like family.

    PS - I have been very successful.

  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I eat pretty healthily but not necessarily "Clean" or commendably --I eat what I want, within reason, which includes SKY HIGH carbs some days..loads of saturated fat other days (String cheese addiction)...or 1000+ calories of assorted snacks (popcorn, hummus and carrots, cottage cheese, etc)...usually all "healthy" but honestly I think DEPRIVATION is likely to cause more harm than good if excessively strict.
  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    I eat pretty healthily but not necessarily "Clean" or commendably --I eat what I want, within reason, which includes SKY HIGH carbs some days..loads of saturated fat other days (String cheese addiction)...or 1000+ calories of assorted snacks (popcorn, hummus and carrots, cottage cheese, etc)...usually all "healthy" but honestly I think DEPRIVATION is likely to cause more harm than good if excessively strict.

    I agree, I think you start feeling less motivated.
  • weathergirl320
    Please point me to said 400 calorie double cheeseburger. Thanks

    McDonalds Mcdouble ($1) no pickle, no bun....less than 400 cal. Even a qtr pounder w/ cheese no bun...they put it on a bed of lettuce. That's my twice a month indulgence!

    Whats the point of a hamburger with no bun???

    i order this all the time. im allergic to wheat (gluen) so if i want a burger i HAVE to eat it this way. and its effing delicious

    Lol ohh then of course I wouldn't question the lack of bun haha

    haha...having an alergy has made it a lot easier to be picky when i eat out too..."i will have the buger with no bun, no onions, no ketchup, extra mustard, little mayo, lettuce, and a side salad no cheese or crutons dressing on the side...i have an allergy soooo...."

    LOL!!!! i can be as picky as i want! lmao. before i started telling them my allergy i would ask for things with no bread or no crutons on the salad and usually get the old huff and puff and the "what an annoying picky bit*h" look. lol but when i say i have an allergy they are more accepting and kinda feel bad so its less of an annoyance hahaha
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Not sure why this bothers me but it every time I read someone posting something about how that 400 calorie Double Cheeseburger or Bucket of fried food fits into my daily calories, so I'm going to eat it!!. It is one thing if it's a special occasion but if this is a daily or weekly occurrence, you are only lying to yourself and making it that much harder to get to that goal you've been reaching for. Calories aren't the enemy, it is what those calories are made up with that count.

    Well, if you feel that way then I have a very easy solution for you: Don't eat those things.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    why should it bother you what others do? That always gets me... If it doesn't concern you and yours, why let it bother you....
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I don't know anyone who eats clean 100% of the time. That doesn't mean you shouldn't try to eat WELL MOST of the time.

    The "omg dont judge otha pplz" comments are coming from people who don't/won't/can't eat healthier. Look at the post "can I eat Burger King for breakfast" - Literally everyone in that thread says "go for it!!".

    Sadly, this is not a site for people who want to eat healthier, it's dominated by people who eat 1200 calories worth of junk food who still lose weight.

    I agree 100%, it hurts me to see people eating 1200 kcal of junk food, and losing (sure they are on deficit after all)
    I don't get how they refuse to understeand that the bigger your deficit the more you have to try to eat nutrient dense foods

    but you can't help everybody
    delete from friend list and move on...
  • famousmortimer
    famousmortimer Posts: 3 Member
    Please point me to said 400 calorie double cheeseburger. Thanks



    Wendy's Double Stack. Their website reports it is exactly 400 cal with no changes. This includes bun.