Is it ok to flirt



  • littledumplings
    littledumplings Posts: 223 Member
    I wish someone wanted to flirt with me lol! Maybe after 40 more
  • TheReese1206
    Complimenting is one thing.
    But flirting, is a BIG no for me!! its kind of in a way of cheating.
    Thats just my personal opinion.
  • opticpoet
    opticpoet Posts: 29 Member
    Not if you are in a relationship with trust.
  • Farfourah
    Farfourah Posts: 899 Member
    It's ok only if they have the same body parts as you.... :tongue:

    right.. that's the rule?? or am I wrong?? :drinker:

    I'd kiss you with my lips and I'm not talking about the ones on my face....
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    I don't consider saying hey hun or beautiful how are you as flirting...though some would disagree. I hate how people have become so judgmental that you can not complement anyone anymore with out seeming like your hitting on them. I think that's what is wrong with the world now. We are so easy to point out others faults but can not complement someone without being seen as flirtatious.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I wish someone wanted to flirt with me lol! Maybe after 40 more

    Hey littledumplin... How you doin hot stuff :smokin: lol
  • Firefighter_Jay
    Firefighter_Jay Posts: 426 Member
    yeah, seriously, if you are married, you shouldn't be flirting online. Its no different than calling up one of your wifes hot friends and trying to rail her while your wife is at work.

    Now that's out too?!?!

    I couldn't keep a straight face while typing that. hahahahh
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I wish someone wanted to flirt with me lol! Maybe after 40 more

    *arm around the shoulder*

    How've you been, punkin? You're lookin good!!!
  • chicky26
    chicky26 Posts: 127 Member
    My husband and I have been together now for nearly 11 years and I would say it is absolutley fine to flirt. Having a laugh and joke and a little flirt with another person is fun and light hearted and most deffinatley not cheating.

    I think it depends where you are in a relationship and how comfortable you are with each other, and for that matter with yourself too.

    I think flirting is natural and gives you more self confidence and although you shouldn't need it for this it kind of reaffirms to yourself that your worthy of attention - the fact that other people want to flirt with you. Nothing wrong with a confidence boost :) especially when youve been sooooo obese for sooooo long!
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    It's ok only if they have the same body parts as you.... :tongue:

    right.. that's the rule?? or am I wrong?? :drinker:

    I like this

    *lick lick*

  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    It's ok only if they have the same body parts as you.... :tongue:

    right.. that's the rule?? or am I wrong?? :drinker:

    I'd kiss you with my lips and I'm not talking about the ones on my face....

  • nhendri
    nhendri Posts: 236 Member
    I have always beleived that if you have to hide it or lie about it, than it should be happening!!!
    If you are in a relationship and if the person you were with was flirting would it bother you and if they hid it from you or lied to you how would you feel.
    We are all grown adults and know right from wrong and what is or is not appropriate.
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    It's ok only if they have the same body parts as you.... :tongue:

    right.. that's the rule?? or am I wrong?? :drinker:

    I'd kiss you with my lips and I'm not talking about the ones on my face....

    reeeeeeeaallly!!!? :bigsmile: :wink:
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    I say if you are single and they are single sure..
  • BullDozier
    BullDozier Posts: 237 Member
    If it makes you feel guilty, then i think it's fair to assume that it's not 'harmless'.

    Most relationships have their own boundaries; a relationship with one person may have different boundaries of what is acceptable to another.
    Good post, and I agree.

    My wife is a huge flirt, I know that and it doesn’t bother me, so I don't have much reserve about flirting myself. It's pretty easy to stay within the boundaries of what is acceptable (whatever your boundaries of acceptability are), and if you start to question if you are getting close, you probably are.
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    i never flirt, i'm just friendly.

    Me too!
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    I dont see flirting as cheating, as long as lines aren't crossed. A compliment and an innuendo here or there is harmless. A woman who feels otherwise obviously has some insecurity issues. Especially on a site as this one where ppl are from all over and its highly unlikely things will evolve from there

    I wouldn't agree with this one bit. Not wanting your spouse or significant other to flirt has relatively little to do with being insecure. Yes for a lot of people it can come from insecurity, but people have different values when it comes to what constitutes monogamy. Who are you to say a person is insecure just because they aren't comfortable with flirting in a relationship? It really comes down to what the two people in a relationship value and decide. Having a common ground for comfort levels as far as what bothers each other when it comes to the opposite sex is something every couple has to decide and come to terms with. You obviously are comfortable with your partner flirting when you're in a relationship, which would obviously make you incompatible with someone who's raised in a home where their parents never show any interest in someone of the opposite sex save for their spouse. It all comes down to each individuals values and experience.

    As for flirting online, I think it follows the same rules as flirting in person. If the person is receptive, there's really no issue. If the person tells you to back off, or ignores you, take the hint. If you're in a relationship make sure your partner is comfortable with it, and realize that some people won't be comfortable with you flirting with them knowing you have a significant other.

    I agree with this. While there may be a small bit of insecurity on my part, it's not even so much that. I flip it around.

    Would my husband be okay with if it I were on here posting pictures in my hawt new outfits for other men? Probably not.

    Would my husband be okay with me posting in the group that does boobie photos (and even more, actually)? Probably not.

    Would my husband be okay with me referring to other men as "good looking", giving them pet names, or me ranting about the how he annoys me to them? Probably not.

    So I expect the same out of him, because I respect that he wouldn't appreciate that kind of behavior from me. I can't say the feeling is the same from him, so yes, flirting hurts. And not because of insecurity, but because of the realization that we don't value our relationship in the same way.
  • SarahJ1932
    To me Flirting is a form of cheating. i despise cheating more than anything. i have no problem with having online friends or in-person friends of the opposite gender but you always need to be careful. if someone starts to flirt with you, nip it in the bud (ESPECIALLY if you are attached, married, etc.) even if its a one-way thing you can still get repercussions from it.
  • cutchro
    cutchro Posts: 396 Member
    Flirting is fine if you: Keep in the open and not behind PMs. Never say anything to anyone that you wouldn't say in front of your significant other and you are fine.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    True Story:

    An MFP Male logged an amazing workout session. I publicly posted on that exercise log "Way to go, hun! Work it!!"

    I got a PM from his wife "How DARE you call MY husband honey!" and on and on...

    I simply deleted him, as I don't give a *kitten* about their marital drama and want no part of it.

    You have the power to interpret things however you choose. And maybe, just maybe, there IS such a thing as truly harmless banter... and vice versa harmful, insipid, shallow, scandalous, raunchy, completely smoking hot banter...