Is it ok to flirt



  • feb06momma
    feb06momma Posts: 169
    If you have to ask if something is okay...then its probably not. Its very easy to take things from innocent to too far in no time at all.
  • MacInCali
    MacInCali Posts: 1,044 Member
    I love to flirt.
    I was a big flirt before I met my husband.
    I flirted with my husband when we met.
    He obviously liked it a lot because he asked me to marry him.
    And ya know what? I still flirt.
    And do you know why? Because I am me and I love to flirt.
    Does my husband know I flirt? How could he not? It's part of who I am. It's part of who he fell in love with.
    Does my husband flirt? Absolutely. Hell, I even flirt with those that HE flirts with!
    Marriage doesn't change who you are, it changes the number of people you're "supposed to" sleep with.
    How dull life would be without flirting ...
  • Hope1971
    Hope1971 Posts: 111 Member
    I have mixed feelings I guess...Flirting is completely natural, we all do it even those that think they don't, whether is real life or on here, we all find ourselves doing it. and it can even be beneficial to both parties involved on a self esteem level and feeling good about themselves. However knowing where to draw the line can be complicating and sometimes you may find yourself thinking about steps beyond the flirting. That is when it becomes a problem! When you are getting something from someone else that makes you feel better about yourself and dare I say even attractive and ohh.. so sexy, but then you are not getting that at home from your partner , this is where the problems come from and what leads to steps further than flirting. We all need to feel desired, wanted, needed, and is in our human nature to seek that out especially when you aren't getting it at home if you are married or attached.

    This is a tough, tough, question, and people with good morals and values even have a tough time with this one!
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
    Personally, I'm a flirt by nature. I think it's totally fine as long as it stays light, fun and innocent. If it gets seriously raunchy and suggestive, or either person suggests meeting in person... then it's a little sketch.
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,015 Member
    I do a lot more than flirt with some of my female friends...

    and we appreciate it! :devil:

  • Jessamine
    Jessamine Posts: 226 Member
    Ladies, guys - Is it ok to flirt with people on internet sites like this one? I have varied opinions - let's hear yours.....

    I'm married, so no, it's not ok for me.

    My husband and I don't flirt with other people. My husband is very uncomfortable when other ladies flirt with him. He is always talking about me, his wife, to let everyone know up front that he is married. (He thinks this is important for him to do in his particular line of work.)
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Only if you're single and the one you're flirting with is, as far as you know, single. Me, I don't mind seeing people flirt either for fun or seriously in threads or even in news feed statuses because hey it happens outside the internet in places you wouldn't expect it to crop up. What bothers me is when people get graphic and not just for giggles. Take that stuff to private messaging or email, it's like making out on a bus. No one really wants to see it and you might catch some *kitten* for it.

    And since someone else mentioned this, I don't see someone of the opposite sex telling me I'm beautiful or giving me a compliment as flirting. Had a guy in another thread earlier tell me I was beautiful after I commented about others ragging on my appearance and I thought it was nice, not a come-on. Unfortunately with the internet being in text only and lacking voice inflection and even a facial expression, a lot of things can be read wrong or seen with the wrong intentions.
  • Joe74
    Joe74 Posts: 35 Member
    ABSOFRICKENLUTELY!!!! You only live once!! :happy:
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    These threads are a great way to avoid some land mines (uptight prudes).

  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    I love to flirt.
    I was a big flirt before I met my husband.
    I flirted with my husband when we met.
    He obviously liked it a lot because he asked me to marry him.
    And ya know what? I still flirt.
    And do you know why? Because I am me and I love to flirt.
    Does my husband know I flirt? How could he not? It's part of who I am. It's part of who he fell in love with.
    Does my husband flirt? Absolutely. Hell, I even flirt with those that HE flirts with!
    Marriage doesn't change who you are, it changes the number of people you're "supposed to" sleep with.
    How dull life would be without flirting ...

    This is how we roll too.
  • talysshade
    talysshade Posts: 273 Member
    All depends for me.. I'm a very open minded girl and if my boyfriend was flirting online, as long as he told me i'd be ok with it. But then i even told him that if he comes across another girl he wants to have sex with.. he should talk to me about it and perhaps it wouldn't bother me, as long as he loves me and cares for me, hell maybe ill join in lol. BUT most girls are not like me at all and.. then flirting online may already be seen as cheating.

    In my opinion, have fun.. but i think a lot might disagree.
  • SarahJ1932
    Compliments are one thing, i am a country girl and are constantly calling people "Hun, sweetie, babe, beautiful, darling, etc" so i wouldn't consider that cheating but to cross the boundary (and everyone knows what their boundaries are) is out of the question.
  • Farfourah
    Farfourah Posts: 899 Member
    It's ok only if they have the same body parts as you.... :tongue:

    right.. that's the rule?? or am I wrong?? :drinker:

    I'd kiss you with my lips and I'm not talking about the ones on my face....

    reeeeeeeaallly!!!? :bigsmile: :wink:

    Does that count as flirting?! awesome_smiley_face_awesome_face_sticker-p217878147223685097z85xz_400.jpg
  • ruffledviolet
    <<<<<<<<< these 2 met on this site
  • hennyben
    hennyben Posts: 317
    Personally, I'm a bit flirt by nature. I think it's totally fine as long as it stays light, fun and innocent. If it gets seriously raunchy and suggestive, or either person suggests meeting in person... then it's a little sketch.

    ^ This 100%
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I love to flirt.
    I was a big flirt before I met my husband.
    I flirted with my husband when we met.
    He obviously liked it a lot because he asked me to marry him.
    And ya know what? I still flirt.
    And do you know why? Because I am me and I love to flirt.
    Does my husband know I flirt? How could he not? It's part of who I am. It's part of who he fell in love with.
    Does my husband flirt? Absolutely. Hell, I even flirt with those that HE flirts with!
    Marriage doesn't change who you are, it changes the number of people you're "supposed to" sleep with.
    How dull life would be without flirting ...

    I cannot tell you how glad I am to see a post like this...I thought I was living in some weird parallel universe where flirting is considered a crime punishable by garotting...kind of like Fringe except without the charm.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    <<<<<<<<< these 2 met on this site

    NICE! And Congrats :)
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I always figured Patti for a big ol' th_thhoochie.gif

    Crap. Y'all are on to me....
  • Farfourah
    Farfourah Posts: 899 Member
    It's ok only if they have the same body parts as you.... :tongue:

    right.. that's the rule?? or am I wrong?? :drinker:

    I'd kiss you with my lips and I'm not talking about the ones on my face....


    Same goes for you 1239704331_gina-carano.gif
  • Slendermike
    Slendermike Posts: 1,776 Member
    I personally have met a lot of people on here that I have flirted with and they have back. So I am going to continue :)