Has anyone gone on a Juice Fast?



  • 2014warrence
    Yes, I'm on a 30 day juice fast right now... the same video inspired me! I get most of my recipes from a book called "Reboot With Joe", and off Juicerecipes.com... I'm only on my 7th day but I feel great. I have a blog based on this at YoungDumbandJuicing.wordpress.com .
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    You are a joke of a Fitness Trainer and can't do math if you dont support juicing and it's role in a healthy lifestyle.

    LOLmissed this one.

  • baptistforlife
    I just watched "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" and now I am thinking I want to try a Juice fast this summer. I don't want to go as far Joe did (60 days), but I was thinking I'll try it for 7 and if it's not too bad, then I may go as far as 30 days.

    Anyone out there Juice? If so, where did you get your recipes?

    Anyone out there go on a Juice Fast? If so, how was it?

    my sister just finished 60 days about a week and a half ago after watching that movie. she went from 243 pounds to 194 pounds she loved it but she did detox quite a bit through it and felt really ill alot at first she swears by it. she has put back on about 5 pounds but they say that is normal!!!
  • AlmightyAce
    AlmightyAce Posts: 35 Member
    I am not on a Juice Fast, though I did buy a Juicer recently and have been adding it to my diet routine daily. I couldn't live on juice alone (at least, not happily!) so for me, I use it in addition to my water intake in place of sodas, etc. =)
  • allikat399
    allikat399 Posts: 36 Member
    I've done them a few times. I like to do it for 3-4 days, max. But I'm not doing it for weight loss so much as usually I'm having stomachaches, headaches, cravings, an insatiable appetite and so on. I find juicing (which helps me up my fruit and veggie intake) helps me "reset." I usually feel better after a few days and go back to smaller portions. I'm also a carb junkie so it helps me rein that addiction back in.

    I do follow some recipes, but once you get the hang of it you'll start going it on your own. You'll figure out which fruits/veggies you like and which ones you don't. I know which fruits and veggies have flavors that can mask others I'm not a fan of. I'm a big fan of the "kitchen sink" juice. Everything I'm worried will go bad goes in.
  • dianakayz
    hey Im on a 60 day juice fast made it to day 21!
    Im not going to lie it's hard but so worth it.
    In 21 days I have lost 12 kilos which is 28 pounds.
    Then again I go to the gym everyday and have never felt better in my life.
    I have so much energy, my body is not sore, never do I feel hungry.
    I strongly recommend it I went from drinking everyday and eating crap as I am a student to going to the gym and being aware of what I am putting into my body.
    My doctor recommended it and is monitoring my process during these sixty days.
    If you have will power and can plan ahead I say go for it.
  • Reconstruction_Li
    Reconstruction_Li Posts: 10 Member
    Thats awesome and very inspiring :)
  • lisawinning4losing
    lisawinning4losing Posts: 726 Member
    Believe it or not, I did the Master Cleanse twice, each time for 30 days. At the time I felt great after a couple of weeks, and for quite a while after I was done with the fast. It's a great way to detox. It shouldn't be thought of as something for weight loss but more for detoxing. Obviously it's not a permanent lifestyle. But it's one way to lose a lot of weight fast, if you can do it. It's actually been a few years now since the last time I did it. I tried doing it again recently but just couldn't stick to it this time. But maybe I could something like a juice fast for just a few days. That doesn't sound too bad, and would probably be a good idea especially since I've been eating so much junk food.
  • KatherinesRiver
    I have decided to fast on juices and broth two days a month. I've tried it more often and I get dizzy.
  • KatherinesRiver
    Just a general observation, directed at no one in particular. There seems to be an abundance of the "noble suffering" mentality around these forums lately. Going hungry is not a virtue. Eating an adequate amount of food is not a sign of weakness.

    I kinda like your attitude. Noble Suffering. Yes. Why? We need to treat ourselves well. No one is giving out medals for making ourselves sick, tired and crabby or for having a grumbling tummy all the time.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I have decided to fast on juices and broth two days a month. I've tried it more often and I get dizzy.

    So this thing that causes you physical side effects, you're going to continue doing, just doing it less often?

    I'm going to take it a step further and do it even less often than you...

    ...for even better results.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Dieting, detoxing, etc. with juice fasting is still a fad way to "get healthy" and "lose weight". Fads don't work. Buck up. Lose weight by calorie deficit and exercise.

    Almost every spiritual tradition has a long history of prescribing fasts for a variety of reasons, including health. Paracelsus, considered the father of modern medicine, called fasting "the physician within." It has been practiced throughout the world since the beginning of civilization. Fasting may not be your pick, but it's certainly not a fad.

    It is absolutely a fad.

    And you're paraphrasing an ancient physician who taught that diseases were poisons brought down from outer space...not exactly helping your own argument, here.
  • prima073
    prima073 Posts: 93 Member
    Why not try good nutrition and regular exercise? These things are way under rated.
  • fairygirlpie9
    fairygirlpie9 Posts: 288 Member
    The juices taste horrible and smell so bad that I gag as soon as I take the lid off and yes the weight always comes back on. It's not worth it - you would be better off just eating the foods in addition to whatever else you want to eat IIFYM.
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    I am not sure what to think about a juice fast, but I personally do incorporate juices and veggie blended juices in my diet.

    I usually juice some carrots (high sugar content) with some apples (even higher sugar content) and some celery to make a base juice. I take a little glass of it and blend it with spinach, kale and a spoon of peanut butter to make myself a breakfast smoothie.

    This way I get both: the fibres from the blender and the juice from the juicer.

    Benefits are: 1. easier on the digestive system 2. I would never eat THAT much spinach in one day (good iron source and Vitamin A), leave alone kale.

    By making myself a smoothie every second day, I know that I get all the micro nutrients that my body needs without having to eat 400g of spinach or similar.

    I would not want to live on it for a month, but I am sure it is somehow good for my system. My digestion is brilliant after one of those smoothies and I feel lighter on those days. Also as I am sipping on them for a couple of hours, it is easy for me to skip lunch on those days.

    So I do believe juices and smoothies do have a place in every diet and they can help you to at least achieve to eat all the nutrients that your body needs.

  • Natmarie73
    Natmarie73 Posts: 287 Member
    As usual Stef, your post is spot on. I love reading your posts as they are always so informative, balanced and for want of a better word - sane :smile:

    I love juices and smoothies, but only home made not out of a bottle. I can't physically eat enough veggies to get my daily micro-nutrients so I find juicing/blending very beneficial as well as very yummy. Also, I eat a lot of soup in the colder months as well.

    Could I live on juice for a month? Probably not but I don't need to as I incorporate them into my diet every day and drink lots of water.
  • Dorothyslancaster
    Dorothyslancaster Posts: 18 Member
    This past weekend after tons of research I decided to do a juice fast/cleanse. I prepared ahead of time by pretty much eating only vegitarian the week before. Friday I started my juice diet. Friday went well. I wasn't hungry it was all good. Saturday, I woke up wanting bacon. (previously I had been doing a primal diet). I made a nice healthy juice. Kept juicing most of the day. By 5 oclock Saturday my stomach was grumbling, I couldn't leave the house because apparently it was working fantastic and my body was indeed cleansing itself. I had had enough! I broke the cleanse, and had a salad. By Sunday, I still juiced, and ate a healthy salad for dinner and some cucumber for a snack. I won't do another cleanse. I will include the juice in my diet, continue to watch my calories and lose weight the slow way. Since the 3rd of Feb. I have lost 12 lbs by just watching calories, and eating better. I plan start working out too.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    This past weekend after tons of research I decided to do a juice fast/cleanse.

    I'm struggling to understand the very first sentence.
    I couldn't leave the house because apparently it was working fantastic and my body was indeed cleansing itself.

    Okay, now *this* I understand. However, diarrhea =/= cleansing. Well, I mean, it does, but not in the toxin-removing way you apparently think it does.

    Oh, speaking of toxins, did you happen to find the name of a single toxin that is cleansed from your body from this "cleanse" that wouldn't otherwise have been eliminated while still eating food? I would be forever grateful if you could let me know the name of even one. I don't need an exhaustive list. Just one. Thanks. :flowerforyou:
  • Dorothyslancaster
    Dorothyslancaster Posts: 18 Member
    lol! no actually I didn't find any names of any of the toxins. All I know is, I will contiue to juice while eating healthy, and skip the juice only fad.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    This past weekend after tons of research I decided to do a juice fast/cleanse.

    I'm struggling to understand the very first sentence.
    I couldn't leave the house because apparently it was working fantastic and my body was indeed cleansing itself.

    Okay, now *this* I understand. However, diarrhea =/= cleansing. Well, I mean, it does, but not in the toxin-removing way you apparently think it does.

    Oh, speaking of toxins, did you happen to find the name of a single toxin that is cleansed from your body from this "cleanse" that wouldn't otherwise have been eliminated while still eating food? I would be forever grateful if you could let me know the name of even one. I don't need an exhaustive list. Just one. Thanks. :flowerforyou:

    Poor Jof, the holy grail remains undiscovered.