worst comment ever made about your weight



  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    "You have such a pretty face" --CLASSIC

    "You'll never lose the weight, so you might as well get used to it" --my mother.

    85 pounds later...haha, Mom. Haha.
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
    Holy S#@t Jimmy, your tits are bigger than mine! (from a female)
    Thank goodness the moobs have been now transformed into solid pecs!

    I sometimes tell my boyfriend his boobs are bigger than mine, but that's more as a joking insult toward myself for having no boobs.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    well in elementary school this one kid called me shamu and in high school a different kid would "moo" at me every time he passed me in the hall way. Who ever said high school was the best years of their life never had a weight problem

    I personally don't know anyone who has every said that high school years were the best...mine sure sucked! :smile:
  • MisterTEZ
    MisterTEZ Posts: 272 Member
    Iv'e had " been eating too many cream cakes have we?" and " should you be eating that?"
  • hanna6774
    hanna6774 Posts: 225
    I'm lucky that I have an expression that seems to scare most people away :)

    I've been called gross,repulsive and a fat blob by people who thought they were out of earshot... nice.

    I don't know that your expression would scare people away.......I'm seeing some amazing eyes!:wink:
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    "You have such a pretty face" --CLASSIC

    "You'll never lose the weight, so you might as well get used to it" --my mother.

    85 pounds later...haha, Mom. Haha.

    ^^YAY!!!! HAHA, Mom!!
  • sfoxy219
    sfoxy219 Posts: 103
    you'd be so pretty, if you lost some weight.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Worst comment about my weight was when a classmate of my son's said to him, "your mom is fat". That hurts most because it hurt my son.

    I've had kids say that about my own mom since she's overweight too. I used to actually beat them up for saying it because yeah so what if she was fat, she's my mom and I love her and no one gets the right to insult her, especially not some snotty little kid. The comments never seemed to bother her, though, but I think coming out of an abusive relationship with my dad where he said a lot worse about her body, that stuff was peanuts.
  • darkmouzy
    darkmouzy Posts: 227 Member
    when I was 17 years old some man ssaw me and said "wow what a waste of skin."
    I went home and cried :(
  • eatherhey
    eatherhey Posts: 147 Member
    well in elementary school this one kid called me shamu and in high school a different kid would "moo" at me every time he passed me in the hall way. Who ever said high school was the best years of their life never had a weight problem

    I personally don't know anyone who has every said that high school years were the best...mine sure sucked! :smile:
    I was confused by that too.
  • enewsome2
    enewsome2 Posts: 355 Member
    When I was obese in my early teens I'd constantly be labeled by my peers. The worst lable was "a walking piece of meat". It is funny that now after many years I'm reaching my perfect form while some of them are suffering the obesity at my current age. I'm not content of that since I won't wish anyone go through that, but it should always serve as a lesson learned.

    OMG! OMG! ORLANDO BLOOM is back in the house!!!!! FYI to everyone thinking I'm crazy......I think Titan looks like him. Teehee. Just needed to lighten up this thread. It's so sad :sad: and maddening :grumble: :mad: :explode: :angry: all at the same time

    You're not crazy, he does look like Orlando Bloom. :smile:

    @Titan, you do. You remind me of my husband a little bit...he looks like Orlando, too, but he wears glasses.

    Also, I agree with how sad and maddening this thread is, but it actually helps me to read this stuff. I don't feel so alone in bearing the brunt of horrible insults most of my life. Even when I was at my fittest ten years ago, I still got a comment from some *kitten* at a club in LA...simply because I wasn't a size 0. (I was a size 6-8 at the time and kickboxed almost every day.) Seriously...many people are total f*ckwads. We need to stop giving these bad memories real estate in our minds. Move them out and put some positive affirmations there instead. Practice that...it really does work. It's challenging some days, but it's better than letting the human garbage of the world steal your happy from you.

    I do see the resemblance. That is awesome for you Titan. :)

    I agree that this post is maddening, and therapeutic.

    But, on a lighter note: I think this holds especially true for this topic:

  • hanna6774
    hanna6774 Posts: 225
    Holy S#@t Jimmy, your tits are bigger than mine! (from a female)
    Thank goodness the moobs have been now transformed into solid pecs!

    I sometimes tell my boyfriend his boobs are bigger than mine, but that's more as a joking insult toward myself for having no boobs.

    Never noticed the boob thing.....was a little starstruck thinking you were Meaghan Fox! You are my new "after" photo :bigsmile:
  • eatherhey
    eatherhey Posts: 147 Member
    "She makes you look skinny."
  • daniellejg
    When I was in high school, I was friends, I repeat just FRIENDS with this guy, and as soon as he got a girlfriend I was out of the picture. She hated me and told me that he hated me, and that he would make comments to her about me whenever I walked by, like :"Wide load, coming through". I have no idea if he actually said these things, or if she just made them up because she was insecure about their relationship.

    Also another time when I was in high school, there was a guy drawing a person on the chalkboard, and another girl yelled out that it was ugly. The guy asked who said that, and he looked at me because he thought it was me. A different guy announced that it was me and that he should draw me. So the guy drawing drew basically what i can describe as a very large blob. I remember going home and crying. People are so mean.

    That was a really long time ago, and I'm over it.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    well in elementary school this one kid called me shamu and in high school a different kid would "moo" at me every time he passed me in the hall way. Who ever said high school was the best years of their life never had a weight problem

    I personally don't know anyone who has every said that high school years were the best...mine sure sucked! :smile:

    Ironically I never had much of a problem in high school and I was circling around 300lbs at only 5'2". The first high school I attended I had maybe one or two guys that ragged on me, my second high school absolutely no one bothered me about my weight (but they did about my race, I was 1 of 5 white students in the whole school and I had a 4.2 GPA which others thought I earned because I was white), and my third high school was the same. Even when I had to take a dance class and was the biggest girl in there and couldn't change into proper attire because none of it fit, no one snorted or laughed when I had to do the same warm ups and difficult ballet moves as the rest of them.

    Junior high was personally the worst for me. In elementary school if anyone called me fat I beat them up, slapped them, or made bets to see if I really could break their bones by applying my weight on them. Surprisingly I only ever got in trouble twice all those years and one was simply when I told a boy off using a curse word when he called me a name. The teacher had to punish me but told my mom the boy had deserved it and she had found it funny how I reacted.
  • christina_theresa
    christina_theresa Posts: 290 Member
    When I was in high school I was close to 220lbs and most of my friends were bigger too. One time we were leaving Perkins really late at night and as we were walking out a guy from across the restaurant yells, "looks like the buffet is just leaving!" I mean really, who says that???
  • Yellerie
    Yellerie Posts: 221 Member
    Are you pregnant?....I just laugh it off and say, no this is my cheesburger bump :) wanna rub it?b:happy:

  • hermiony
    hermiony Posts: 49 Member
    on my wedding day after looking at me my husbands friend says to him: i see you already knocked her up.
    same day an aunt rubbed my belly and asked whats in here then.

    on my sons christening same aunt saw a pic of me on the fridge in my house when i was 8 and skinny and said in front of loads of people loudly : see didnt i tell you to be careful not to get fat?wasnt i right? all the while smiling at me.

    after losing 50 pounds recently my grandma was trying to offer me cake and i told her im being careful with my food, she looks me up and down and says: yeah you do need to cut down!

    another aunt again after i lost weight:after congratulating on my loss, pokes at my saddlebags and says well you still need to lose these but i guess they are herededery so you will always have them.
    gee thanks?

    i think i blocked out the rest!
  • gracie2586
    gracie2586 Posts: 69 Member
    Looking back i can remember my mom saying things like "do you really need seconds" "do you think you should be eating that" when i was younger i used to sneak eat because of that now when she says things like that i remind her that we share clothes and she's the one who brings most of the junk food into the house. It quiets her pretty quick
  • xMsAlly
    xMsAlly Posts: 164 Member
    I ran into a guy who I haven't seen since high school (4 years ago). The first thing he said was "Are you getting fat on me?"

    PS - I gained about 10-15 lbs. Talk about a wake up call.