girls ... do you mind if your men go to strip clubs?



  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    it's 'women' not 'girls' (in the subject line)
    and yes i would mind - not because he is looking at other women, but I don't respect anyone who buys into that sh** and supports something like that in society.

    It's 'girls' and not 'women' when you're 10-20yrs younger than most of us.

    Also, I dont' respect anyone who speaks like this about strippers.

    Why are all you women so damn angry? A simple 'sure' or 'no way' would suffice.

    Perhaps a little less 'chit-chat' secion and a little more 'weight-loss' ?

    Just an idea.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    Would I care? A little, I suppose, but I wouldn't stop him from going. Other attractive women exist. No biggie. I just make a point to look super good when he walks in the door.

    He just better prepare for some semi aggressive, show-you-who's-boss sex when he gets home.
  • bigredhearts
    i do, but mostly because i know he can check out a much finer piece of *kitten* at home... so theres no need to waste OUR hard earned cash :happy:

    id also like to point out that my husband and i agree that he shouldnt be looking at anything he wouldnt want me to do. for instance, he shouldnt look at women taking off their clothes in front of a bunch of people unless he wouldnt care if i did it. to me, they lie on the same moral line. as for the appetite thing, my goods are the best and i know it, so i refuse to be the hubby's second choice...
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    We made a little vow that included the words "forsaking all others" and "love, HONOR, and respect". . .walking into that sort of establishment would certainly NOT be upholding his end of the deal.

    So, yah. . .I'd have a big problem with it. '

    My 2 cents.

    "forsaking all others" - so that means you no longer speak to your family, you have no friends? If you want to get literal it means your spouse is the ONLY one in your life, that you don't just give up "lusting" after someone else but you give up every person in your life with the exception of him.

    Are you in a committed relationship? If yes, do you want your woman at male strip clubs? If you answered before, I did not read it. What does family have to do with a committed relationship and nudity reserved for the two in such a relationship?
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    My best friend is a stripper and when she gives lap dances to men she find unattractive she will pick her nose in secret and wipe it on their arms. Just something to think about.
  • ccmccoy09
    ccmccoy09 Posts: 284 Member
    Nope. I think strip clubs are ridiculous. If the guy I was with wanted to pay money to watch a woman who is not interested in him AT ALL dance "for him," and then not be able to touch her or be with her sexually, whatever. Fine. Have your fun. And do not give me any **** for spending money on my fabulous shoes. :bigsmile:

    My husband has no interest. He thinks they're dumb too, for the same reasons. I know there are strip clubs involved at every bachelor party he's been to, but I honestly couldn't care less. My ex used to go to them quite often, it was a common occurrence in his business to take clients out for steak dinner and a strip club (a hilarious combo to me) but it never bothered me.

    The only time I think I'd be bothered is if he went regularly, if he was spending money we couldn't afford to spend, or if it interfered with our own intimacy. But even then, I think those signs are indicative of a problem with the man, and not the fault of a strip club.
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    The way I see it, let him go. They can't do anything with the strippers anyway...

    That's not totally true... the fact that prostitution is illegal doesn't exactly stop anyone. It's not uncommon for married men to get sexual favors from the strippers. Just basing this off of what I was told from someone I met who actually is a stripper.
  • bigredhearts
    Why do people even bother with these posts? Those who are adamantly opposed have their reasons, and they are not going to change their minds no matter what. And those that are all for it are not going to change their minds either.

    And somebody is going to say something mean about a stripper, and then somebody who actually is a stripper is gonna be all "Hey! I'm a good person working my way through college!" or whatever, and then somebody's gonna quote the Bible, then somebody's gonna be all "I'm an atheist, your Bible means nothing to me" and then somebody is gonna be told they're going to Hell and so on and so forth.

    So how about everybody just go eat a cookie or something because your blood sugar is low, go for a jog to boost those endorphins, then go get it on with your partner, and have a good day.

    this, is pure genius. :happy:
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    My husband is a retired Navy sailor. He's been to strip clubs all over the world. Any club in the U.S. is a Disney movie, according to him, compared to what he's seen, so he really has no interest in going. That being said, we do cross the border from time to time, where the strip clubs are a bit more "adventurous." I'm another one who doesn't care where he gets his appetite, I know exactly what to serve up! :wink:

    Awesome Response!!!!

    Is it? Being the "go to" when he's all hot and bothered by a naked woman with her P in his face? I would kick his _ss to the best of my ability and he would be out of my life. If he does not like my goods, he can move on. Period.
  • stargazer008
    I wouldn't mind actually because I would trust the guy. Guys are visual creatures and all so I understand if they want to go to strip clubs. There's a reason why a guy is with you and not with stripper girl.
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    Why do people even bother with these posts? Those who are adamantly opposed have their reasons, and they are not going to change their minds no matter what. And those that are all for it are not going to change their minds either.

    And somebody is going to say something mean about a stripper, and then somebody who actually is a stripper is gonna be all "Hey! I'm a good person working my way through college!" or whatever, and then somebody's gonna quote the Bible, then somebody's gonna be all "I'm an atheist, your Bible means nothing to me" and then somebody is gonna be told they're going to Hell and so on and so forth.

    So how about everybody just go eat a cookie or something because your blood sugar is low, go for a jog to boost those endorphins, then go get it on with your partner, and have a good day.

    You are my hero!!!!!!!!!
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,305 Member
    Why do people even bother with these posts? Those who are adamantly opposed have their reasons, and they are not going to change their minds no matter what. And those that are all for it are not going to change their minds either.

    I hope people don't stop answering these kinds of thread because watching "arguments" on the internet is super funny.

    And somebody is going to say something mean about a stripper, and then somebody who actually is a stripper is gonna be all "Hey! I'm a good person working my way through college!" or whatever, and then somebody's gonna quote the Bible, then somebody's gonna be all "I'm an atheist, your Bible means nothing to me" and then somebody is gonna be told they're going to Hell and so on and so forth.

    and what kind of discussion doesn't turn to this? (and thank goodness they do, because again ... i enjoy to be entertained by it all.
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    Why do people even bother with these posts? Those who are adamantly opposed have their reasons, and they are not going to change their minds no matter what. And those that are all for it are not going to change their minds either.

    And somebody is going to say something mean about a stripper, and then somebody who actually is a stripper is gonna be all "Hey! I'm a good person working my way through college!" or whatever, and then somebody's gonna quote the Bible, then somebody's gonna be all "I'm an atheist, your Bible means nothing to me" and then somebody is gonna be told they're going to Hell and so on and so forth.

    So how about everybody just go eat a cookie or something because your blood sugar is low, go for a jog to boost those endorphins, then go get it on with your partner, and have a good day.

    Because your suggestion makes too much sense. And I am amongst the dumb, grasping at a chance to respond to an opposing view. But tonight because of stress or hunger, or something, I keep going.

    Great post though, and true, but
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    The way I see it, let him go. They can't do anything with the strippers anyway...

    And he'll come home to me all hot and bothered, maybe even slightly inebriated...more fun for us!

    Noooo!!! He should be hot for you in bed, not need a "stimulus package". You are a beautiful woman! Just own it and tell him
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    i do, but mostly because i know he can check out a much finer piece of *kitten* at home... so theres no need to waste OUR hard earned cash :happy:

    id also like to point out that my husband and i agree that he shouldnt be looking at anything he wouldnt want me to do. for instance, he shouldnt look at women taking off their clothes in front of a bunch of people unless he wouldnt care if i did it. to me, they lie on the same moral line. as for the appetite thing, my goods are the best and i know it, so i refuse to be the hubby's second choice...

  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    I'm curious as to why all the religious "crazies" feel the need to come into this thread and preach?

    No need to harsh my mellow...

    I have not seen any "religious crazies", quite the opposite. There have been a few references to religion, and this thread has more than 500 posts.
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    We made a little vow that included the words "forsaking all others" and "love, HONOR, and respect". . .walking into that sort of establishment would certainly NOT be upholding his end of the deal.

    So, yah. . .I'd have a big problem with it. '

    My 2 cents.

    "forsaking all others" - so that means you no longer speak to your family, you have no friends? If you want to get literal it means your spouse is the ONLY one in your life, that you don't just give up "lusting" after someone else but you give up every person in your life with the exception of him.

    Why do you care so much if people don't like strip clubs or their significant other going to strip clubs? :ohwell:

    Don't know about her, but I do not care if YOU or your WOMAN go to strip clubs alone or together. We would kick our azzes if we EVER did that, He or Me. Love that about us.
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    I have a couple different points of view for this. I've been married for 3 years and with my husband for 8 years. If the guys were going out on a random night (totally not a typical thing) I don't think I would be furious about him going. I mean, I don't personally like strip clubs (I'm not judging the women there, more power to them for being able to be so exposed and confident). I think I would be upset, because for me, intentionally going to a strip club to receive some type of sexual gratification from another woman (mainly because it's so physical and the woman is literally right infront of you and the potential for any part of her touching my husband) I really do see that as a form of cheating. But if the guys randomly wanted to go, I would never want him to be the outsider of the guys so I would just suck it up for one night and say whatever to it. Now if it became a usual routine, I would ask, why is there a need to go, and then we might have issues.

    I'm not against porn though. For me with my husband, the actual subject where he is receiving the gratification from isn't "real", meaning that it's not possible to touch them or they touch you, the person was shot on a video and who knows where they are or what they look like now.

    Believe me, I am no prude when it comes to sex with my husband. We have plenty of it, at least 4-5 times a week, and I love experimenting with ideas, toys, and I love to dress up for him. I consider myself moderately adventerous with him and I go above and beyond to make him happy. Even with my views stated above, we have no issues what so ever in that department.

    My BF and I do lots of things together too, but not strip clubs, even with me there. Even if I had not lost these 15lbs and toned up, he had better love it or leave it. And when I was 90 lbs heaver, same thing, dangummit.

    I did not, and will not settle. I love to have sex with this man. But, the MOMENT he disrespects me in any way, shape or form, he is history. I know I AM history if I do the same. And this is called mutual respect and love.
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    and this thread has more than 500 posts.

    I just thought I'd point out that from the looks of it, about 25% of them are yours...
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    The way I see it, let him go. They can't do anything with the strippers anyway...

    Strippers earn a few extra bucks doing some favors...not all, but a good amount. Also, if your husband is all hot and bothered there and meets another girl there who is the same, could be trouble. I work with this one guy at work who tells me all kinds of stories of how he goes there and cheats on his wife. He is a scum bag.