girls ... do you mind if your men go to strip clubs?



  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Guys think about other women sexually ALL THE TIME. I'm sure some even think about that hot girl from the office while banging their wife. Is that cheating? Those of you who say watching a stripper and porn is cheating must think that your man merely THINKING of another woman sexually means he is cheating?

    I know men are visual and think about sex numerous times a day. I do not live under a rock. I do not think that looking at or thinking about another woman is cheating...

    My BF may sometimes think of other women when we are together... But I'll be darned if he's going to TELL me he's thinking about the stripper that he just paid to watch. And I'll be triple darned if I would say "ooohhh, yay, that's so sexy and normal", can I come with you next time?

    Never. Gonna. Happen.

    I so agree with you. Man will be always looking at women, but they don't have to lust after them if the wife or GF is doing her job, making sure that he does not have to think of other women. Isn't it why we are here,on mfp, to lose weight,get in shape,to get our confidence back and be sexy for our husbands? We are their women,we are the mothers of their children and we DO deserve some respect . To me it would be very disrespectful if my husband would have to go somewhere first to get his appetite.

    I am in shape, sexy and confident. I "do my job" as you so eloquently put it and my husband still goes to strip clubs and *gasp* FANTASIZES ABOUT OTHER WOMEN! He doesn't have to go to a strip club to get his appetite but the few times he does! Oh my! It's a damn good thing our neighbors aren't close that's for sure!

    If you think your man doesn't think about other women you're living in a fantasy world.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    Theres a difference between thinking a girl is hot and going to a club, spending a lot of money to have girls take their clothes off and shove titties in your face.
  • Alma_Sana
    Alma_Sana Posts: 453 Member
    Not my cup of tea, but to each his own I guess