would you date someone plus size ?



  • 76transamchic
    76transamchic Posts: 15 Member
    Just like someone else said, all the "NO"s are a strong motivation to keep pushing. I know that I'm a good package with a lot going for me at my age, the main thing I need to work on is this extra weight. Preferences are preferences, I certainly get that, and I'm not trying to bash anyone. But I have encountered first hand the pain of knowing that someone didn't give me a shot just because of my weight. I've had one amazingly "gorgeous on the outside" man wound me deeply because he said I was everything he wanted EXCEPT for my weight. I've watched men I've been friends with for years pick women they are less compatible with and completely overlook me. I'm tired of being every "man's best girl friend" instead of an equal and respected lover/partner. That is part of what fuels me. First, I want to be a healthy person for myself and my loved ones, but when I think of people rejecting me for anything other than something bad within my character or personality, it pushes me to be the best I can be physically.

    With that said, the only limit I would make is that I wouldn't date someone that isn't pushing me to be my best in all areas, and/or is trying to deter me from my goal. And that is really a character/personality flaw. If they are allowing their weight to defeat them and are trying to take me with them, that relationship will not last long.
  • NU2U
    NU2U Posts: 659 Member
    Doug Heffernan (Kevin James) YEP!!!
    Barney Fife ( Don Knotts) YEP!!!
    Brad Pitt..George Clooney..Keanu Reeves....YESSSSS...WITH NUTELLA!!!!
  • TruckinBigPappa
    yes becasue the likelihood of them cheating on you is vey slim

    Really? This is probably the dumbest thing I have ever in my life seen. I mean seriously. This is really OMG funny.

    You would date a plus size person because you would feel more secure in them for not cheating on you. WOW.
  • lolamariem
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    My husband is slightly overweight now at 36 waist, but not when I 1st met him, he was a tiny 28 waist then. I have found overweight men attractive before. In fact the guy I dated before my hubby was overweight. So, yes is my answer
  • jaimrlx
    jaimrlx Posts: 426 Member
    Thank you!! Half the people responding to this question are saying no, but you are on a website for weight loss... doesn't make sense.

    I completely understand where you're coming from.. but for me it's not about judging their weight - It's about my preference and what motivates me. If I'm with someone bigger than myself (which is not stick thin, obviously here I am) then I will lose motivation. If I'm looking for a relationship, I have to have motivation to keep going. Being with someone who does not care about their health is leading me in the wrong direction. Also, not everyone is using MFP for weight loss.

    However, like my last relationship, if my boyfriend got big but decided to continue supporting me by helping himself - I wouldn't end the relationship over it. That wouldn't make sense.
  • ma34113
    ma34113 Posts: 93 Member
    yes i would if they were nice and hard working...you can always loose weight but you cant change an ugly personality
  • NNAhuja
    NNAhuja Posts: 669 Member
    As a plus size model, this thread makes me proud (lmbo through most of it)!
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    I am attracted to guys all over the map. My husband is most commonly compared to Jason Alexander, LOL. The list of celebrities I find attractive is ever changing and includes so many different types of men, that it must have just as much to do with personality and sense of humour than looks/size.

    For instance, I pretty much find all of the Behaviour Analysts on Criminal Minds doable. Shemar, Dr. Reid, Thomas Gibson...they're all hot. As is Tim Thomas. As is that guy that did the Amazing Race with his BFF that had Aspberger's. As was comedian Christian Finnegan before he got too skinny. Or Tyler Florence...yum. I have an endless supply of fantasy men.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    Nope, I never would. I do not find that attractive.
  • ThisisMiss
    ThisisMiss Posts: 187 Member
    If it was just a bit of extra weight and wanted to get in shape with me, then I wouldn't mind. I was never attracted to anyone who was really plus-sized though (besides a few women), so even if they did have a great personality, I just don't think I could get into it. I'm not looking and my fiancee is pretty tiny, so I guess I won't ever find out.
  • mommy2AR
    mommy2AR Posts: 2,802 Member
    I did date a guy that was overweight before. He was really nice and we did get along well but his low self confidance was simply what ruined it.
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    I guess I am not sure what plus size can be for men!! Hmm...My guy wears 2x-3x...If that's plus since it's up there...I LOVE EM!! YES YES AND YES!!!:love:
  • LifeOnMars_
    LifeOnMars_ Posts: 755 Member
  • SpankyBuns
    SpankyBuns Posts: 24 Member
    Married >>>:love: but Kevin James that plays Doug Heffernan in King of Queens is a nice piece of SpanyBun:love::blushing:
  • Bikini_Bound150
    Bikini_Bound150 Posts: 461 Member
    Yup, I'm a chubby chaser :heart:

    But I wouldn't be with someone who just eats and sits and does NOTHING all day long.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    As some previous posters have said, I don't mind a little extra weight, but when it impedes their ability to perform the simplest of tasks, it becomes a problem. Even though I am obese myself, I am still very active, and I prefer to be with someone who enjoys the same activities I enjoy (i.e. hiking, sports, working out, etc...). It's hard to find anything in common with someone who doesn't want to do anything except sit on the couch and watch movies/TV because they hurt too much to move around. Also, I have a hard enough time getting my weight under control, so I would prefer to have a BF/SO who likes to eat healthy as well. It really isn't about the attraction factor for me. Physical attraction rarely comes immediately for me. I have to be comfortable trusting someone before I am attracted to them.
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    I would and have. As long as they were active and able to keep up with the things I like to do then heck yeah I would date them. Out of shape, can't breathe, always in pain, then absolutely not.

    A man with meat to him is very sexy
  • teresadutton
    teresadutton Posts: 232 Member
    Nope...I have never found overweight men attractive...but on the other hand I dont find "skinny" men attractive either...I like them just right. Thank God my "just right" husband didnt mind a woman with alot of extra padding. :embarassed: