MFP Meanies :(



  • Axels91
    Axels91 Posts: 213
    I don't understand this mindset at all. If a few strangers posting funny/sarcastic comments on the world wide web hurts you so deeply, I wonder how you manage to get through your daily life. I see this as a result of the entitlement attitude, where people seem to think they are entitled to be treated like a princess and coddled no matter how ridiculous they are being. The world is not a kind place, you can either learn to deal and stop moaning or continue to expect that people will be psychic and know what offends you and change the environment so that the world revolves around you. Except the world does not revolve around you, nor should it.

    You cannot control other people's behaviour, you can only control your own. You are fully in control of how you react to things and choose to whine and complain about all the "jerks", call people who disagree with you mentally inferior or jealous, or go running to the mods and cry about what a special flower you are and how the universe is against you.

    This isn't kindergarten. Surely you people know how to solve your problems without looking for validation, tattling, and being passive aggressive by posting these sorts of threads. Surely you are provided with the gift of insight. wherein you recognize that this type of whining is precisely the behaviour that you are complaining about. Surely you recognize that you are being patently ridiculous in demanding that the entire site and it's population cater to your demands.

    I'm sorry that some of you had parents who apparently didn't prepare you for the realities of adult life, it surely won't be easy to get through life day after day.

    i don't really know what the OP was trying to achieve with this thread, but I felt like arguing. In all honesty, this is correct. They are going to be here and continue to say whatever they want, however useless and rude, because they can, and its a public forum. I just get annoyed by people who answer threads for the sole purpose of a cheap laugh. The same kind of annoyed I get when my dog takes a dump on the carpet.

    I also think its a bit of a stretch to say that she wants the entire forum to cater to her just because she asked for a little common courtesy.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    I see many people saying that the "meanies" or "bullies" are insecure, miserable deep down, have nothing better to do, jealous, etc...isn't that "bullying" too? If I'm mean, it's ok to say those things about me because, well, I'm mean and I have it coming to me? So, it's ok to make up assumptions about a person and talk down about them if they were mean first? Is that the message I'm getting here?

    At least I admit that I'm mean. And admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery. Or the first step to finding like-minded people to be your friends. Or whatever.
    Yeah. Right. It's bullying to call a bully what they are: A bully. Uh huh.

    Please re-read what I posted. Nowhere did I say it was bullying to call someone a bully. Reading comprehension is your friend.
    It's right there in the quote. Here it is again for your reading pleasure:
    I see many people saying that the "meanies" or "bullies" are insecure, miserable deep down, have nothing better to do, jealous, etc...isn't that "bullying" too?
    So, according to you it's ok to call a bully, a bully as long as you don't speculate about why the person is a bully. Did I get the nuance of your sublime argument correct?

    Dude, can you read? I said that isn't saying that those people (i.e. meanies or bullies) are insecure, miserable deep down, have nothing better to do, jealous also bullying? Not calling them what they are, but making assumptions about their life. Jesus.
    Dude, can you read? I encapsulated your argument beautfiully:
    So, according to you it's ok to call a bully, a bully as long as you don't speculate about why the person is a bully.
    Instead of confirming my correct elucidation of your stance, you get all huffy and simply say what I said but in a much less cogent fashion. Got it.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    I think someone forgot their wittle nappy-poo......

    Oh. And to clarify...... this is me being "mean"
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I think someone forgot their wittle nappy-poo......

    Oh. And to clarify...... this is me being "mean"

    You're so cute when you're mean.
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    I post something awhile ago..almost a year ago and got every opinion and I did it just to see what people would say. And they said a lot. Not everybody agrees and what I think is funny or clever others think is lame and mean. I am above all else here for support and I can tell you through all the responses I got my answer and some of the (meanest) were the best answer I could have gotten. I just had to find the thread of good intention weaved in a sarcastic blurb. I am friends with some of those folks now and I adore them for being the way they are! Good luck and laugh about this later :drinker:
    Your open and ask questions that's a great start! :wink:
  • Flippiefloppies
    I think someone forgot their wittle nappy-poo......

    Oh. And to clarify...... this is me being "mean"

    actually Gale.. this is you being nice. I have seen mean Gale.. scary.
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    Hey everyone. So I started a topic today by asking a simple question regarding exercise and people laughed at me. They were a few nicer ones who helped out alot but others kept quoting and laughing. I don't think any question is dumb when you are now starting out with healthy living....i think you should be asking questions everyday,

    Not everyone is encouraging. They would actually make you wanna leave MFP......
    Dont be so sensitive, this is the Internet after all. Shrug them off, take what little you did learn, and move forward. (:

    Just because you are on the internet does not give good reason to bully people. People almost become more rude on the internet because the other person isn't standing there to pop you in the mouth when you deserve it...

    Learn to be nice.
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    I don't understand this mindset at all. If a few strangers posting funny/sarcastic comments on the world wide web hurts you so deeply, I wonder how you manage to get through your daily life. I see this as a result of the entitlement attitude, where people seem to think they are entitled to be treated like a princess and coddled no matter how ridiculous they are being. The world is not a kind place, you can either learn to deal and stop moaning or continue to expect that people will be psychic and know what offends you and change the environment so that the world revolves around you. Except the world does not revolve around you, nor should it.

    You cannot control other people's behaviour, you can only control your own. You are fully in control of how you react to things and choose to whine and complain about all the "jerks", call people who disagree with you mentally inferior or jealous, or go running to the mods and cry about what a special flower you are and how the universe is against you.

    This isn't kindergarten. Surely you people know how to solve your problems without looking for validation, tattling, and being passive aggressive by posting these sorts of threads. Surely you are provided with the gift of insight. wherein you recognize that this type of whining is precisely the behaviour that you are complaining about. Surely you recognize that you are being patently ridiculous in demanding that the entire site and it's population cater to your demands.

    I'm sorry that some of you had parents who apparently didn't prepare you for the realities of adult life, it surely won't be easy to get through life day after day.
    You've got it wrong. People on the Internet particularly feel that they are entitled to be mean. They are cowards that hide behind anonymity. Well, unless you are mean in real life too. If so, I commend you for your consistency of character.

    I disagree. I would say the same thing to your face. And you are making the errors that I mentioned above, complaining about others' behaviour instead of choosing a different way to react to it. Concluding that "it's all the people on the internet who are responsible for what's wrong in my life" instead of recognizing that you have unrealistic expectations.
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    I don't understand this mindset at all. If a few strangers posting funny/sarcastic comments on the world wide web hurts you so deeply, I wonder how you manage to get through your daily life. I see this as a result of the entitlement attitude, where people seem to think they are entitled to be treated like a princess and coddled no matter how ridiculous they are being. The world is not a kind place, you can either learn to deal and stop moaning or continue to expect that people will be psychic and know what offends you and change the environment so that the world revolves around you. Except the world does not revolve around you, nor should it.

    I don't agree. People rarely say the things online in person to a stranger. Civility is easily lost on the internet.

    yes... inhibitions are set free.... look at all the flirting going on with both the single and the married! the singe are fine... if you're married, that's infidelity. sorry. I call it as it is. if your foot is in the door better make sure you're tied down to the sofa!!!
  • ccmccoy09
    ccmccoy09 Posts: 284 Member
    Hey everyone. So I started a topic today by asking a simple question regarding exercise and people laughed at me. They were a few nicer ones who helped out alot but others kept quoting and laughing. I don't think any question is dumb when you are now starting out with healthy living....i think you should be asking questions everyday,

    Not everyone is encouraging. They would actually make you wanna leave MFP......
    Dont be so sensitive, this is the Internet after all. Shrug them off, take what little you did learn, and move forward. (:

    This. It's easy to be a bully with a keyboard and monitor. The people who are mean to you are probably not the kind of people you'd surround yourself with in real life, so why give them any of your time online?
  • Flippiefloppies
    I post something awhile ago..almost a year ago and got every opinion and I did it just to see what people would say. And they said a lot. Not everybody agrees and what I think is funny or clever others think is lame and mean. I am above all else here for support and I can tell you through all the responses I got my answer and some of the (meanest) were the best answer I could have gotten. I just had to find the thread of good intention weaved in a sarcastic blurb. I am friends with some of those folks now and I adore them for being the way they are! Good luck and laugh about this later :drinker:
    Your open and ask questions that's a great start! :wink:

    You just have to learn to read between the mean lines =)
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    I see many people saying that the "meanies" or "bullies" are insecure, miserable deep down, have nothing better to do, jealous, etc...isn't that "bullying" too? If I'm mean, it's ok to say those things about me because, well, I'm mean and I have it coming to me? So, it's ok to make up assumptions about a person and talk down about them if they were mean first? Is that the message I'm getting here?

    At least I admit that I'm mean. And admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery. Or the first step to finding like-minded people to be your friends. Or whatever.
    Yeah. Right. It's bullying to call a bully what they are: A bully. Uh huh.

    Please re-read what I posted. Nowhere did I say it was bullying to call someone a bully. Reading comprehension is your friend.
    It's right there in the quote. Here it is again for your reading pleasure:
    I see many people saying that the "meanies" or "bullies" are insecure, miserable deep down, have nothing better to do, jealous, etc...isn't that "bullying" too?
    So, according to you it's ok to call a bully, a bully as long as you don't speculate about why the person is a bully. Did I get the nuance of your sublime argument correct?

    Ok mister. She was talking saying calling meanies and bullies, insecure, miserable deep down...

    do you get it now?
    I already got it. In fact I put her argument into a nice neat package. The only thing missing was the bow on top.

    Just "talking saying"!
  • Lyndi4
    Lyndi4 Posts: 442 Member
    Keyboard warriors.

    Love this! :laugh:
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    I think someone forgot their wittle nappy-poo......

    Oh. And to clarify...... this is me being "mean"

    actually Gale.. this is you being nice. I have seen mean Gale.. scary.

    Fair enough.......... its what I strive for. Oh and nothing I say here, I wouldn't say in person......
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I see many people saying that the "meanies" or "bullies" are insecure, miserable deep down, have nothing better to do, jealous, etc...isn't that "bullying" too? If I'm mean, it's ok to say those things about me because, well, I'm mean and I have it coming to me? So, it's ok to make up assumptions about a person and talk down about them if they were mean first? Is that the message I'm getting here?

    At least I admit that I'm mean. And admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery. Or the first step to finding like-minded people to be your friends. Or whatever.
    Yeah. Right. It's bullying to call a bully what they are: A bully. Uh huh.

    Please re-read what I posted. Nowhere did I say it was bullying to call someone a bully. Reading comprehension is your friend.
    It's right there in the quote. Here it is again for your reading pleasure:
    I see many people saying that the "meanies" or "bullies" are insecure, miserable deep down, have nothing better to do, jealous, etc...isn't that "bullying" too?
    So, according to you it's ok to call a bully, a bully as long as you don't speculate about why the person is a bully. Did I get the nuance of your sublime argument correct?

    Dude, can you read? I said that isn't saying that those people (i.e. meanies or bullies) are insecure, miserable deep down, have nothing better to do, jealous also bullying? Not calling them what they are, but making assumptions about their life. Jesus.
    Dude, can you read? I encapsulated your argument beautfiully:
    So, according to you it's ok to call a bully, a bully as long as you don't speculate about why the person is a bully.
    Instead of confirming my correct elucidation of your stance, you get all huffy and simply say what I said but in a much less cogent fashion. Got it.

    No, actually, you didn't. You can speculate ALL you want about why somebody is the way they are. You can wonder about it. We all do. But flat out saying "this person who I don't know at all is rude becuase of this" as if it's a fact is no better than the original bully.

    Additionally, using uncommon words to try and belittle me (as if to assume I don't know what they mean or that I'm uneducated or something) is hilarious. You're no better than I am, sir, you're just more passive aggressive about it.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    I don't understand this mindset at all. If a few strangers posting funny/sarcastic comments on the world wide web hurts you so deeply, I wonder how you manage to get through your daily life. I see this as a result of the entitlement attitude, where people seem to think they are entitled to be treated like a princess and coddled no matter how ridiculous they are being. The world is not a kind place, you can either learn to deal and stop moaning or continue to expect that people will be psychic and know what offends you and change the environment so that the world revolves around you. Except the world does not revolve around you, nor should it.

    You cannot control other people's behaviour, you can only control your own. You are fully in control of how you react to things and choose to whine and complain about all the "jerks", call people who disagree with you mentally inferior or jealous, or go running to the mods and cry about what a special flower you are and how the universe is against you.

    This isn't kindergarten. Surely you people know how to solve your problems without looking for validation, tattling, and being passive aggressive by posting these sorts of threads. Surely you are provided with the gift of insight. wherein you recognize that this type of whining is precisely the behaviour that you are complaining about. Surely you recognize that you are being patently ridiculous in demanding that the entire site and it's population cater to your demands.

    I'm sorry that some of you had parents who apparently didn't prepare you for the realities of adult life, it surely won't be easy to get through life day after day.
    You've got it wrong. People on the Internet particularly feel that they are entitled to be mean. They are cowards that hide behind anonymity. Well, unless you are mean in real life too. If so, I commend you for your consistency of character.

    I disagree. I would say the same thing to your face. And you are making the errors that I mentioned above, complaining about others' behaviour instead of choosing a different way to react to it. Concluding that "it's all the people on the internet who are responsible for what's wrong in my life" instead of recognizing that you have unrealistic expectations.
    OK. I'll try to be nice then. I commend you for your consistency of character.
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    Ignore them. They sometimes poke fun at the most legit of questions. Just because it seems like common sense to them, doesn't mean it is so for everyone, because everyone has a different background and pool of knowledge gathered from the experiences they've had so far. It just shows they are ignorant.
  • Axels91
    Axels91 Posts: 213
    If you are going to be snarky, add some substance. Otherwise its like why did you answer the thread?

    So people would think you are funny? Why do you need that?
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    Ignore them. They sometimes poke fun at the most legit of questions. Just because it seems like common sense to them, doesn't mean it is so for everyone, because everyone has a different background and pool of knowledge gathered from the experiences they've had so far. It just shows they are ignorant.

    ^^ missed the original posting.
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    I think someone forgot their wittle nappy-poo......

    Oh. And to clarify...... this is me being "mean"

    Wow, thanks for taking me back to high school. Good times.
This discussion has been closed.