MFP Meanies :(



  • Kap10
    Kap10 Posts: 229 Member
    I hope you have logged the calorie count of the popcorn
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    I hope you have logged the calorie count of the popcorn


    I will!
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    Ok..... you want some substance? Here we go.

    In MY world, ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer. You come here looking for opinions. Or so you say..... but I think what you really mean is that you come here for opinions that validate your own. You want someone to hold your hand and guide you through life making the decisions for you. I have a secret. It doesn't always work that way. One of the glorious things about being human, is free will. People will always not like you for some reason. People will not always agree with you. People don't always want to carry your baggage for you. I know I don't. There are things I don't agree with my friends on. I understand that is their decision and I don't have to adopt it as my own. If you don't like what someone has to say, simply don't listen. Don't be what you despise most and perpetuate the stereotype by whining that someone doesn't agree. That is just foolish and will get you nowhere in life. If you want something, get it, other people be dammed. There is not one person aside from myself on this planet that I could not live without. So I will make my time count by making ME happy.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I find it kinda funny that this is a thread about not wanting people to be mean... and then all these mean people show up, being mean. :huh:
    You can always count on someone calling you "mean" if you stick up for someone who is being talked to like crap. "Being mean" to a bully is NOT the same thing as a bully picking on someone just for the sake of being mean. Good grief.
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Talking *kitten* is talking *kitten*. Doesn't matter who you are.

    Plain and simple.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Don't even bother with this guy.
    I actually agree with much of what he has said. Calling out a bully or a mean person for what they are does not make you "just as bad as they are". Calling out a bully may not ever change the behavior of the bully, but it will show victimis of bullying that there are people out there who care to speak up. If enough people spoke up and called out someone for being a bully, more people would do it. If more people did it, maybe we'd have fewer bullies.

    I'm not familiar with the OP, the orginial thread, nor am I here to condone her starting a thread just to talk about meanies. I am commenting because I happen to agree with some of the comments here.

    You can be snarky without being *****y. You can provide constructive criticism without belittling. You can disagree with someone without making them feel humiliated. You can be sarcastic without being cruel. There are differences.

  • missashley884
    missashley884 Posts: 188 Member
    sorry the world isn't always rainbows and butterflies. thats life
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    I find it kinda funny that this is a thread about not wanting people to be mean... and then all these mean people show up, being mean. :huh:
    You can always count on someone calling you "mean" if you stick up for someone who is being talked to like crap. "Being mean" to a bully is NOT the same thing as a bully picking on someone just for the sake of being mean. Good grief.

  • Axels91
    Axels91 Posts: 213
    Ok..... you want some substance? Here we go.

    In MY world, ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer. You come here looking for opinions. Or so you say..... but I think what you really mean is that you come here for opinions that validate your own. You want someone to hold your hand and guide you through life making the decisions for you. I have a secret. It doesn't always work that way. One of the glorious things about being human, is free will. People will always not like you for some reason. People will not always agree with you. People don't always want to carry your baggage for you. I know I don't. There are things I don't agree with my friends on. I understand that is their decision and I don't have to adopt it as my own. If you don't like what someone has to say, simply don't listen. Don't be what you despise most and perpetuate the stereotype by whining that someone doesn't agree. That is just foolish and will get you nowhere in life. If you want something, get it, other people be dammed. There is not one person aside from myself on this planet that I could not live without. So I will make my time count by making ME happy.

    still lacks substance.

    this whole paragraph was so off topic, i wonder if you didn't smoke a bowl before posting.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    I find it kinda funny that this is a thread about not wanting people to be mean... and then all these mean people show up, being mean. :huh:
    You can always count on someone calling you "mean" if you stick up for someone who is being talked to like crap. "Being mean" to a bully is NOT the same thing as a bully picking on someone just for the sake of being mean. Good grief.

    and being mean to someone isn't always bullying.... You act like it always goes hand in hand.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Announcement (because I'm sure you all care) this will be my last comment on this post as I have other things to do right now:

    This thread is HILARIOUS. For so many reasons. One: The OP is long gone from this thread and now it's just us a-holes battling it out. Nice.

    Two: We're all mean, ok. Every last one of us. I'm mean, you're mean, my mom's mean, my dog's mean, sometimes my 5 year old is mean. Whatever. Get over it. If you can't deal with somebody being a *kitten* to you, life is gonna be pretty rough.

    Three: This post is pages and pages and pages of "you're meaner than I am!" "Nuh-uh, you're meaner!" I'm almost embarrassed to have engaged in this whole thing for so long....but hey, I'm not perfect, and I like a good argument just as much as the next person.

    Bottom line: (And I'm directing this at myself as well) GROW THE *kitten* UP. Get some thicker skin. Stop giving a *kitten* if somebody says something rude. If you don't like what they have to say, then don't listen to them! Chances are you wouldn't be friends with that person in real life, so why does it matter on the internet? I know it sure doesn't matter to me. Some people are fake on the internet, some people are fake in real life too. Some people are rude on the internet, and some people are rude in real life too. Be authentic, and people like you will notice, and those are the people you can call your friends. Everyone else? They can go on about their lives. The end.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I find it kinda funny that this is a thread about not wanting people to be mean... and then all these mean people show up, being mean. :huh:
    You can always count on someone calling you "mean" if you stick up for someone who is being talked to like crap. "Being mean" to a bully is NOT the same thing as a bully picking on someone just for the sake of being mean. Good grief.

    I hope you don't think my post was directed at you. It really wasn't directed at any one person at all.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    I see many people saying that the "meanies" or "bullies" are insecure, miserable deep down, have nothing better to do, jealous, etc...isn't that "bullying" too? If I'm mean, it's ok to say those things about me because, well, I'm mean and I have it coming to me? So, it's ok to make up assumptions about a person and talk down about them if they were mean first? Is that the message I'm getting here?

    At least I admit that I'm mean. And admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery. Or the first step to finding like-minded people to be your friends. Or whatever.
    Yeah. Right. It's bullying to call a bully what they are: A bully. Uh huh.

    Please re-read what I posted. Nowhere did I say it was bullying to call someone a bully. Reading comprehension is your friend.
    It's right there in the quote. Here it is again for your reading pleasure:
    I see many people saying that the "meanies" or "bullies" are insecure, miserable deep down, have nothing better to do, jealous, etc...isn't that "bullying" too?
    So, according to you it's ok to call a bully, a bully as long as you don't speculate about why the person is a bully. Did I get the nuance of your sublime argument correct?

    Dude, can you read? I said that isn't saying that those people (i.e. meanies or bullies) are insecure, miserable deep down, have nothing better to do, jealous also bullying? Not calling them what they are, but making assumptions about their life. Jesus.
    Dude, can you read? I encapsulated your argument beautfiully:
    So, according to you it's ok to call a bully, a bully as long as you don't speculate about why the person is a bully.
    Instead of confirming my correct elucidation of your stance, you get all huffy and simply say what I said but in a much less cogent fashion. Got it.

    No, actually, you didn't. You can speculate ALL you want about why somebody is the way they are. You can wonder about it. We all do. But flat out saying "this person who I don't know at all is rude becuase of this" as if it's a fact is no better than the original bully.

    Additionally, using uncommon words to try and belittle me (as if to assume I don't know what they mean or that I'm uneducated or something) is hilarious. You're no better than I am, sir, you're just more passive aggressive about it.
    What uncommon words? Was that what caused the delay in your response? You had to look them up? Sorry, I didn't mean to talk over your head. I work among smart people. I can sometimes forget when conversing with the general population. I apologize.

    CUTE. No, there was a delay because I don't hover over my computer refreshing my screen every 5 seconds. I work with intelligent people as well. I went to college, I am educated. Like I said, at least I'm honest about being mean. I'd rather be up front about it than be passive aggressive.
    If you make your bed, you lie in it. If you want to wear the 'mean' label proudly then don't whine about being called out on it when someone doesn't like it.

    I can tear someone down with words with the best of them. I learned it from the master, my mother. I choose to shelve this power for the greater good because it gives me no pleasure nor does it salve a single one of my wounds to tear down a weaker person. This is the basis for my whole life philosophy. I fight for the weak against the strong. As one who has been bullied as a child I have no quarter for those who would tear down others for amusement. If that means calling them out for their behavior and maybe giving them a taste of their own medicine, then so be it.

    To quote Forrest Gump: "And that's all I've got say about that."
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    I thought it was a good question actually. I know that menstrating women should not do yoga or situps, so what is wrong wtih your question. Ignore them. Who cares what they think, they are not your friends :) Friend me if you need a good friend :)

    May I ask why you think menstruating women should not do that? I have never heard of that.
    some positions in yoga yes (because they can greatly increasy blood flow), but situps? :huh: i suppose that means i have somehow roll myself into a standing position if i'm laying down while on my period?

    i'm also curious as to what the medical basis is for these ideas come from since some of them are so clearly not based on biology. or maybe they are based on the biology of people with additional issues (PCOS, hormonal imbalances, etc) that they try to make the exception the rule for everyone.

    I have always heard and experienced the exact opposite, more movement and exercise (of any variety), makes me feel a million times better and less crampy. I may not feel like doing it, but I feel better after i get going.

    Also, the blood shed during a period is only that which was lining the uterus to prepare for a fertilized embryo. It's not really connected to the rest of your blood, and the reason you might experience more flow when you're active is pretty much just due to gravity. I barely bleed while I sleep for that exact reason. The amount of blood loss is only influened by how much your reproductive system builds up your uterine wall.

    THANK YOU for the intelligent and simple reply :flowerforyou:
  • Flippiefloppies
    Ok mister. She was talking saying calling meanies and bullies, insecure, miserable deep down...

    do you get it now?

    y u no speak english?

    Really? This is adding substance to a snarky comment. Way to go. You might want to work on that a little bit.
  • Axels91
    Axels91 Posts: 213
    sorry the world isn't always rainbows and butterflies. thats life

    your buttons just haven't been pressed yet.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    Announcement (because I'm sure you all care) this will be my last comment on this post as I have other things to do right now:

    This thread is HILARIOUS. For so many reasons. One: The OP is long gone from this thread and now it's just us a-holes battling it out. Nice.

    Two: We're all mean, ok. Every last one of us. I'm mean, you're mean, my mom's mean, my dog's mean, sometimes my 5 year old is mean. Whatever. Get over it. If you can't deal with somebody being a *kitten* to you, life is gonna be pretty rough.

    Three: This post is pages and pages and pages of "you're meaner than I am!" "Nuh-uh, you're meaner!" I'm almost embarrassed to have engaged in this whole thing for so long....but hey, I'm not perfect, and I like a good argument just as much as the next person.

    Bottom line: (And I'm directing this at myself as well) GROW THE *kitten* UP. Get some thicker skin. Stop giving a *kitten* if somebody says something rude. If you don't like what they have to say, then don't listen to them! Chances are you wouldn't be friends with that person in real life, so why does it matter on the internet? I know it sure doesn't matter to me. Some people are fake on the internet, some people are fake in real life too. Some people are rude on the internet, and some people are rude in real life too. Be authentic, and people like you will notice, and those are the people you can call your friends. Everyone else? They can go on about their lives. The end.

  • Axels91
    Axels91 Posts: 213
    Ok mister. She was talking saying calling meanies and bullies, insecure, miserable deep down...

    do you get it now?

    y u no speak english?

    Really? This is adding substance to a snarky comment. Way to go. You might want to work on that a little bit.

    im not replying to a question for which an intelligent answer is required.
  • Flippiefloppies
    I find it kinda funny that this is a thread about not wanting people to be mean... and then all these mean people show up, being mean. :huh:

    And what is funnier, the people claiming they are nice people being mean people. Not you. Others.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    If you want something, get it, other people be dammed. There is not one person aside from myself on this planet that I could not live without. So I will make my time count by making ME happy.

    In my opinion, that is a very sad and lonely way to look at life. Maybe you don't have anyone in your life right now that you couldn't live without, but honestly I do hope you have someone like that some day. :heart:
This discussion has been closed.