

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Completely off subject- why does every picture downloaded to this site cut off the top of everybody's head? Marla, your daughters body on your av looks great, too bad most of her head is missing.

    Uh-- what are you talking about--

    That's my body--

    Gosh, I'm so sorry for the mix up. You know- daughter golfer- assumptions. :wink:

    I would have know for sure if the head was there!

    Apology accepted-- :laugh:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Oh Jeannie, I'm so sorry for your loss :wink: :laugh: . To me that is a form of torture. But, not for you. You're a "doer", I'm more of a "talker". That scale will be begging to come back home soon!

    :sad: :sad: :sad:

    snif...can I borrow yours??:cry:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Alright ladies and man- I did all I could the last 2 days- but- 2 days does not maketh a whole week. I will take what I get tomorrow (but boy would I like at least a pound). I have to keep up this pace for the next 2 weeks. 2 more weigh in's after tomorrow before vacation to hit 50 pounds. I can do it, I can do it, I can do it.

    BTW- I did burn 2362 calories in 2 days. 5000 here I come!
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Lori, I remember when I met you on the Hottie thread. All I can say is if you were starting your own thread it would be called SUPER SMOKING HOT HOTTIE thread!

    Marla, sorry your daughter didn't make it all the way but part of life's lessons is learning how to be #5 gracefully. I'm sure she is!

    MTGirl, happy birthday and get your tushie back on track! Got it?! :flowerforyou:

    So. I want to know, tonight before this thread is dead. What did STFU week do for you?

    Oh, and about the D word. It sucks. That is all.
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Jeannie, I am going to join you in your pain. Tomorrow will be my last weigh in for one month.
    I'll still be here and in the challenges and the chitterchatter. But for my Jeannie bo beannie, I am going to do this and see if I can end the madness! And more importantly, if I can lose or maintain without the constant fear and checking. How am I going to do this for the rest of my life if I have to always have the scale in front of me?????
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Alright ladies and man- I did all I could the last 2 days- but- 2 days does not maketh a whole week. I will take what I get tomorrow (but boy would I like at least a pound). I have to keep up this pace for the next 2 weeks. 2 more weigh in's after tomorrow before vacation to hit 50 pounds. I can do it, I can do it, I can do it.

    BTW- I did burn 2362 calories in 2 days. 5000 here I come!

    you CAN do it! Go Lori, Go Lori!!:drinker:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Jeannie, I am going to join you in your pain. Tomorrow will be my last weigh in for one month.
    I'll still be here and in the challenges and the chitterchatter. But for my Jeannie bo beannie, I am going to do this and see if I can end the madness! And more importantly, if I can lose or maintain without the constant fear and checking. How am I going to do this for the rest of my life if I have to always have the scale in front of me?????

    I love you Lynnie! I picked this girl to hold it because she is no nonsense and really not afraid to hurt my feelings. SOOOOO she tells my boss and we all laughed about it. I am into laughter so it was cathartic for me. My boss is super cool and she said buy a pair of pants 1 size smaller and try them on each day till they fit!!

    LOL not ready to replace one addiction with another!!

    But I hope I can sleep tonight without weighing myself:laugh: :laugh:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Lynnie- you go. I'm proud of you for doing it along with Jeannie. I would join in but I'm not that strong. Well, I am but I have a goal to meet and a time frame. I will join you for the last 2 weeks though. Ok, ok, so I will be on vacation, won't have a scale and will not want to see the numbers anyway.... yeesh! :laugh:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Jeannie, I am going to join you in your pain. Tomorrow will be my last weigh in for one month.
    I'll still be here and in the challenges and the chitterchatter. But for my Jeannie bo beannie, I am going to do this and see if I can end the madness! And more importantly, if I can lose or maintain without the constant fear and checking. How am I going to do this for the rest of my life if I have to always have the scale in front of me?????

    I love you Lynnie! I picked this girl to hold it because she is no nonsense and really not afraid to hurt my feelings. SOOOOO she tells my boss and we all laughed about it. I am into laughter so it was cathartic for me. My boss is super cool and she said buy a pair of pants 1 size smaller and try them on each day till they fit!!

    LOL not ready to replace one addiction with another!!

    But I hope I can sleep tonight without weighing myself:laugh: :laugh:

    You have the right idea Jeannie. We do become dependent on the scale to tell us we look good. That we are doing a good job. It's like we need it to lift us up when for real it just pulls us down with it's constant ups and downs. As hard as it was, I did like the no scale for a week challenge.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Ok here goes:

    STFU week- it gave me some laughs, it is fun talking about STFUing.

    I enjoyed inviting my scale to participate.

    It made me remember to not always look at the negatives in things and to try and be positive. I think so often it's easier to whine, be negative and grumpy that we forget to celebrate the good stuff. There is always good stuff no matter how bad it seems.

    I told myself to STFU several times this week and snap out of it and get back into this game. It took a few days of telling it to myself to sink in but now I have a plan. I have goals. I have things to work toward. I am back on track and I am on freaking fire right now. I am enjoying my renewed committment to make it to the end.... 90 pounds here I come! :tongue:

    Edit: Better clarify- I don't really want to weigh 90 pounds- it's a joke from earlier this week.
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    STFU reminded me daily, sometimes hourly, to just "Get the eff over it." Quit my dang complaining. Get on with life. Enjoy what and who I have.
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Good evening Everyone!

    Lori-you look amazing girl! I wanna look like that when I lose my weight too! Wow!!

    Jeannie-You poor thing! I would miss my scale something awful but you are such a go-getter and you can do it without it. But I do like the idea of buying pants one size smaller and trying them on to see if they fit. I like those little addictions! Jeannie I love friends who will tell me the truth and don't care if they hurt my feelings because I want someone to always be truthful with me no matter what.

    MTgirl-Happy Birthday to you lady!!!

    Lynnie-STFU week made me realize there are more important things to say and do than worry and complain about the small stuff. And the complaining only made me feel worse most of the time anyway. But like Lori I had my scale participate in the STFU week!! Quite a bit actually!!

    I hope everyone else had a great day. I literally worked my *kitten* off at work and am wore out but in a good way. We did so good that we got tomorrow off. Yay!! I will lurk around the rest of the evening so I look forward to seeing you all here.

    Hey to everyone else that I have missed, Marla, Vanessa, Shuntae, Samantha, April, Janie, Beth, Andrew, Katie.....everyone everyone everyone else!!!!!
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Where does everyone go when I finally get home from work? No one is here to talk to now. :sad:
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Where does everyone go when I finally get home from work? No one is here to talk to now. :sad:

    Poor thing. I always feel the same way. I have trouble sleeping so I routinely am on when no one else is around.
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Where does everyone go when I finally get home from work? No one is here to talk to now. :sad:

    Poor thing. I always feel the same way. I have trouble sleeping so I routinely am on when no one else is around.
    Yea I come in here to see who is around lurking but lately when it's late no one else has been here so I give up and head off to bed. Blah!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Lori, I remember when I met you on the Hottie thread. All I can say is if you were starting your own thread it would be called SUPER SMOKING HOT HOTTIE thread!

    Marla, sorry your daughter didn't make it all the way but part of life's lessons is learning how to be #5 gracefully. I'm sure she is!

    MTGirl, happy birthday and get your tushie back on track! Got it?! :flowerforyou:

    So. I want to know, tonight before this thread is dead. What did STFU week do for you?

    Oh, and about the D word. It sucks. That is all.

    D word? Dave? Is that what you mean?

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Where does everyone go when I finally get home from work? No one is here to talk to now. :sad:

    Poor thing. I always feel the same way. I have trouble sleeping so I routinely am on when no one else is around.

    Welcome to my world-- but, I've been trying to be better about spending too much time here--

    :ohwell: :ohwell:
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Lori, I remember when I met you on the Hottie thread. All I can say is if you were starting your own thread it would be called SUPER SMOKING HOT HOTTIE thread!

    Marla, sorry your daughter didn't make it all the way but part of life's lessons is learning how to be #5 gracefully. I'm sure she is!

    MTGirl, happy birthday and get your tushie back on track! Got it?! :flowerforyou:

    So. I want to know, tonight before this thread is dead. What did STFU week do for you?

    Oh, and about the D word. It sucks. That is all.

    D word? Dave? Is that what you mean?


    Yes. Dave. /confusion
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Where does everyone go when I finally get home from work? No one is here to talk to now. :sad:

    Poor thing. I always feel the same way. I have trouble sleeping so I routinely am on when no one else is around.
    Yea I come in here to see who is around lurking but lately when it's late no one else has been here so I give up and head off to bed. Blah!

    Well it is hard to tell who is lurking about. Many times I am around but don't post
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    I'm not on your team. I know who most of you are. I follow Lynnie around because she makes me giggle uncontrollably.

    Two things: STFU?
    D as in "Deactivated"???? I need to visit MFP more. I'll be waiting patiently for someone to PM me and answer those burning questions.

    Go Black Team....(before I get bonked for highjacking)....hi Renae, hi Marla, I'm always up late, too.....:flowerforyou: