

  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Marla- good to see your head back in your av- although your headless body was hawt!

    Lynnie- you lurker you

    Renae- sorry we were all sleeping

    I have also been trying to limit my time on the computer. I pop in and out and post when I do but am trying not to hang on here all day long. Lately it's been more of a pop in when I log my food. *gasp* Yes I'm logging my food for real for a change.

    Just got one of ours out of the house for a 10 day 9 night wilderness camp. Pray for him, forecasts in the high 90's all week. Poor kid. They are outside the whole time, bathing in the river sometimes, sleeping in cots with this little tent thing on it. (Better him than me.) I hope he enjoys it. I told him he was leaving a 13 year old boy and coming back a man. (He's immature, so one can only hope!) Anyway...

    I woke up and asked my DH if he saw it. He was like, 'huh?' I asked him if he saw what ran me over in the middle of the night. He told me he missed the license plate number. Moving has helped. I'm moving in the direction of the scale, just not quickly. I'll get there.
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    I'm not on your team. I know who most of you are. I follow Lynnie around because she makes me giggle uncontrollably.

    Two things: STFU?
    D as in "Deactivated"???? I need to visit MFP more. I'll be waiting patiently for someone to PM me and answer those burning questions.

    Go Black Team....(before I get bonked for highjacking)....hi Renae, hi Marla, I'm always up late, too.....:flowerforyou:

    Babygurl, you can hijack me anytime.
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Good morning Black Team

    I've missed you all, but had a rough week last week - won't bore you with the details, but just want you to know that there was little positive to pull up.

    Lynnie - STFU week was an awesome idea, and any other week I would have been there, but it was difficult for me this week..

    Lori L - you are so damn cute - glad you got some :happy: :happy: from your GYN appt. I know what you mean about going from 150 to 100 - am excited to get to that point too.. Just glad we are not starting at 200 at my DR office anymore..

    Jeannie - you have a fantastic BFF and boss - hold them dear. Only those who truly love you are willing to help at that level. And Lynnie is a great pal to join you. I would be willing to do the same for you, but it would not mean as much, as I really dread the scale and would not miss it (seriously, at all).

    Marla - I'm so proud for you - Sarah is an awesome young woman, and has clearly had a great mom to support her.

    All others - I love you all and have been lurking.. Keep the faith, you are all so awesome.

    I moved my new horse to my barn 2 weekends ago, and he seems to be fitting in very nicely. I think he is very happy there. There are many more horses and he is so busy just trying to meet and greet everyone - such the social butterfly. I am hoping I will be well enough soon to finally be able to ride him - but on the upside, he has had a nice long transition period without having to worry about working - we should all be so lucky.

    ps, AV is still previous horse - have not yet found the camera cord to plug into computer :angry: :explode:

    Anxiously awaiting the new challenge.. How about a new foods challenge? Or a give up a vice challenge? I could use both of these.

    Peace.. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Good morning Black Team

    I've missed you all, but had a rough week last week - won't bore you with the details, but just want you to know that there was little positive to pull up.

    Lynnie - STFU week was an awesome idea, and any other week I would have been there, but it was difficult for me this week..

    Lori L - you are so damn cute - glad you got some :happy: :happy: from your GYN appt. I know what you mean about going from 150 to 100 - am excited to get to that point too.. Just glad we are not starting at 200 at my DR office anymore..

    Jeannie - you have a fantastic BFF and boss - hold them dear. Only those who truly love you are willing to help at that level. And Lynnie is a great pal to join you. I would be willing to do the same for you, but it would not mean as much, as I really dread the scale and would not miss it (seriously, at all).

    Marla - I'm so proud for you - Sarah is an awesome young woman, and has clearly had a great mom to support her.

    All others - I love you all and have been lurking.. Keep the faith, you are all so awesome.

    I moved my new horse to my barn 2 weekends ago, and he seems to be fitting in very nicely. I think he is very happy there. There are many more horses and he is so busy just trying to meet and greet everyone - such the social butterfly. I am hoping I will be well enough soon to finally be able to ride him - but on the upside, he has had a nice long transition period without having to worry about working - we should all be so lucky.

    ps, AV is still previous horse - have not yet found the camera cord to plug into computer :angry: :explode:

    Anxiously awaiting the new challenge.. How about a new foods challenge? Or a give up a vice challenge? I could use both of these.

    Peace.. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:



    I'm so sorry you are having a difficult time. You are a dear, sweet person and deserve life to be good!
    I have not rode a horse since I was a little girl. I wish I could!! My dream this summer is to go New River Gorge and float down the river, horseback ride back. I think it woud be fun and symbolic--because I've never been an "athlete" or "outdoorsy" before in my life. Is it like riding a bike? Like they say when you ride a bike you never riding a horse the same??
    Here's the new challenge. Your wish is Sam's command--give up your dirty little secret girlfrain.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Janie- sorry you've had a rough week. It's a new day, tell us all about it. Also, I think the STFU stuff was more about the whining about silly stuff. You have some stuff happening to you that is not silly, you were allowed to tell us what was happening. We would have listened and I'm pretty sure nobody would have told you to stop. It sounds like your horse will be ready for you when you are finally ready for him.
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member


    I'm so sorry you are having a difficult time. You are a dear, sweet person and deserve life to be good!
    I have not rode a horse since I was a little girl. I wish I could!! My dream this summer is to go New River Gorge and float down the river, horseback ride back. I think it woud be fun and symbolic--because I've never been an "athlete" or "outdoorsy" before in my life. Is it like riding a bike? Like they say when you ride a bike you never riding a horse the same??
    Here's the new challenge. Your wish is Sam's command--give up your dirty little secret girlfrain.

    Lynnie - you never quite forget the mechanics and the basics, but not unlike biking, these are muscles you don't use for much of anything else. Just give yourself plenty of time to recover. If you get a chance to take short rides prior to the trip, it would be helpful, just give yourself a few weeks to get your muscles used to the saddle again. If you can't get a bunch of rides in, just wait until the trip. If you try to just take one ride prior, you may be too sore to ride on the trip.. Talk to me when you get close..

    Things are starting to look up.. I may just have a good week this week..

    Thanks all for your well wishes..

  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Janie- sorry you've had a rough week. It's a new day, tell us all about it. Also, I think the STFU stuff was more about the whining about silly stuff. You have some stuff happening to you that is not silly, you were allowed to tell us what was happening. We would have listened and I'm pretty sure nobody would have told you to stop. It sounds like your horse will be ready for you when you are finally ready for him.

    Thanks Lori - you are really sweet.

    The good news is I have been able to start working with Will (new horse) on the ground (not mounted - sounds a little kinky :laugh: :noway: ) and so he is not really losing all that much training.. I may need some time to get my saddle muscles toned - but better not to hurt myself further, so I will be a good girl and not ride until the docs say I can.. :grumble:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Good attitude Janie. See you could have posted on the Positive Polly site all week!
  • krhbutte
    krhbutte Posts: 246
    Good Morning Everyone!'s probably afternoon for most of you! I hope everyone is doing well!
    Hope to talk more later..:bigsmile: