

  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Hello, black teamers! Sorry I haven't been around much. Dave got home late Friday from training. Saturday we went shopping and set up our deck. Dave pulled out the patio furniture, we got a new umbrella, and some solar tiki torches, and lights to hang up. It looks really nice and we love having dinner outside in the summer!

    Yesterday Dave, Harley, and I went to the Pittsburgh Zoo with some friends. We had a really good time.

    Dave had to go back to Maryland for more training. He left yesterday afternoon and will be back on Friday again. (Oh, and Shuntae, he is north of Baltimore. I think he said Sparks?)

    Marla - Good luck to your daughter! :flowerforyou:

    Sam - I have a love/hate relationship with my scale. It's like we're in an abusive relationship. The scale is mean to me but I just keep coming back for more. I just can't stay away because maybe, just maybe, next time it'll say something nice to me. :laugh:

    What are the odds of that? I work in Sparks! Small world...

    Too funny! Yeah, Dave's new job is with BD.

    HA! He's on the other end of the circle from us! Awesome
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good moring everyone! Sorry I didnt get to read back on all the threads to catch up, but I wanted to stop in and say HI!:happy:

    Its another beautiful day here and Im in a hurry to get my household indoor stuff done and get outside!:wink: Played about 3 hrs of tennis yesterday and it felt great! We hadnt been for a couple of weeks with being so busy with all the graduation stuff and all. Now we're actually starting to get into a routine (sort of:laugh: ) and settle into summer.

    Wishing you all a great day!:flowerforyou:

  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Ok, I thought about my goals yesterday. Taking advice from a very wise Jeannie. One week at a time.

    On top of the obvious of counting calories and eating right, I want to try and burn 5,000 calories (on purposeful planned exercise) this week (Mon to Sun cause that's how my HMR counts it.) I wanted to say 7,000 but I need to be real, so 5,000 is my goal- roughly 715 a day.

    So far today I did 600 at the gym, came home and did another 175 on my elliptical. I'm getting ready to jump on that thing again in a few minutes. I decided I can crank out a mile in under 10 minutes, so even if I do some house stuff, do a mile, do some house stuff, do a mile. I can do it.

    I will just be funky and smelly all day. Oh well. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. Right? :laugh:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    :flowerforyou: GOOD DAY BLACK TEAM!!!:flowerforyou:
    JEANNIE-love the new are very inspiring to everyone!
    SHUNTAE-omg...running half a marathon is totally awesome!
    LORI-i know you are going to lose weight with the determination you have!
    MARLA-sending good luck and all the good vibes i got for your daughter!
    RENAE-i'll to 90 more lbs with you :laugh: but at 5'8 i just can't imagine myself under 100 lbs lol lol
    SAM-i can do the no cookies and weakness is like homer simpson..DOH!
    LYNNIE- yes that was the name of my barbie dolls lol how did you ever remember that?!? and i agree let's all team up, hold hands and GIT-r-DONE (ya i know that's an old sayin, but appropriate lol) oh one more thing for you LYNNIE :heart: 'S HER B-I-C-Y-C-L-E:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    i totally feel less confident in myself since losing hasn't changed my personality but it's like discovering a whole new you...make sense?...i've always been the tall, big, loud, obnoxious, fun girl and now it's just weird to me...i still gots the inner fat girl in me i guess:laugh: :laugh: BUT IN A POSITIVE WAY!:bigsmile:

    April mine is Peanut butter cups!!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Good morning team!

    Today is a much needed rest day for me. My weedeating yesterday has made my arms so sore! I think I'm going to do it again (my hubby usually does it, but I did it yesterday "for the exercise" lol).

    Looks like it's going to be another beautiful day here in the mountains...too bad I have to work :tongue: but at least it's not an all day affair (yes, postive pollys, I know).

    Hope everyone has a great day!!

    That is the same reason I mow the lawn!! For the exercise!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Hello, black teamers! Sorry I haven't been around much. Dave got home late Friday from training. Saturday we went shopping and set up our deck. Dave pulled out the patio furniture, we got a new umbrella, and some solar tiki torches, and lights to hang up. It looks really nice and we love having dinner outside in the summer!

    Yesterday Dave, Harley, and I went to the Pittsburgh Zoo with some friends. We had a really good time.

    Dave had to go back to Maryland for more training. He left yesterday afternoon and will be back on Friday again. (Oh, and Shuntae, he is north of Baltimore. I think he said Sparks?)

    Marla - Good luck to your daughter! :flowerforyou:

    Sam - I have a love/hate relationship with my scale. It's like we're in an abusive relationship. The scale is mean to me but I just keep coming back for more. I just can't stay away because maybe, just maybe, next time it'll say something nice to me. :laugh:

    That is how it is with me too! I am loving it today but I bet tomorrow it will hate me! I have to try to eat well today and tomorrow. I do have an extra 1240 calories to eat today if I would like! :wink:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Sarah update-- not good-- +10 through the first round.

    Barring a miracle, she won't qualify--

    My heart is broken for her-- :brokenheart:

    She's been practicing her heart out, and has been carrying the weight of the entire Lehigh Valley area on her shoulders-- the media (and everything else) attention has been overwhelming-- the poor girls shoulders weren't broad enough.

    She has another 18 to play-- but only top three advance-- doesn't look good.

  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Sorry Marla. It's tough to see your kids try and not make it. It's a lot of pressure for kid her age. We'll keep our fingers crossed for that miracle.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Lots going on here today...

    Marla- Late on the train, but sending good thoughts to Sarah...Hope she gets her miracle.

    Vanessa- Thanks for the well wishes! Granny is doing OK, just sleeping a lot (totally normal for her)...and my sister's in recovery and everything went well.

    Ddupree- Hey there! Way to go for recognizing that you need to put yourself and your child first. Usually, other things start to fall into line once you do that. Plus, you are gorgeous! Work that confidence, girl! And if you have to, fake it til you make it!

    April- Thanks! I'm about 80% positive I'm going to do it. No reason not to, right!

    Everyone else- Hope you are all having a great Monday!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Ok, I thought about my goals yesterday. Taking advice from a very wise Jeannie. One week at a time.

    On top of the obvious of counting calories and eating right, I want to try and burn 5,000 calories (on purposeful planned exercise) this week (Mon to Sun cause that's how my HMR counts it.) I wanted to say 7,000 but I need to be real, so 5,000 is my goal- roughly 715 a day.

    So far today I did 600 at the gym, came home and did another 175 on my elliptical. I'm getting ready to jump on that thing again in a few minutes. I decided I can crank out a mile in under 10 minutes, so even if I do some house stuff, do a mile, do some house stuff, do a mile. I can do it.

    I will just be funky and smelly all day. Oh well. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. Right? :laugh:

    Well you funky self will look FOIN in a few weeks!

    I read that when you raise your heart rate like that, you burn more calories for the next 2-3 hours than you normally would. I was told to make sure I work out before I do my housework, so I will burn more while doing it!!

    Good idean to burn out a mile on the Ellip......I am going to do that too! Thanks for the idea.:flowerforyou:
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465

    Afternoon black team!

    Wow reading through this weeks thread took a while. lol. That's what happens when you vanish for four days. lol Beth and I took the boys down to Massachusettes for the weekend to visit the family, celebrate Beth's B-day and go to her cousins graduation party. Man what a busy weekend. Got a few workouts in, did not eat particulalry well but it is what it is. Back in the comfort zone now.

    Lori-Laughed when to told the scale to STFU, that's how I felt this morning when my scale read me the riot act for mis-behaving this weekend. lol

    Sam-I'm sure your reach your goal before your vacation and your gonna totally knock their socks off!

    Shuntae-Get rid of thos baggy clothes lady! Beth and I did this a couple of weeks ago and while I feel like I have no clothes now it is a very postitive experience.

    Marla-You have my prayers for your DD, even more so you have my prayers for you, a mothers heart is capable of immense love and for that reason you feel their pain in just as immense a fashion. We're thinking of you both and sending our love.

    Lori- Glad you got to spend some quality time with Dave this weekend. I know having to travel for work is tough but it takes a wonderful woman to understand that he is doing what he has to for his family. My wife is a blessing in this regard as I am stuck on the road pretty often.

    Renae-Hoochie (I wouldnt worry, I'm sure he enjoyed it.)

    Roni-Glad your getting settled into a summer routine! Graduation time can be pretty hecktick. glad things are settling down.

    Jeannie-I am with you and my fellow teammates, It's time for a refocus on some goals and to push to get the ball rolling the way I want it to. Thanks for the reminder =)

    Bobbi-I had completely missed the post a million years back asking for my kale soup recipe. lol DW told me about it. I somehow missed it all together. I'll attempt to post it in a few, Being as portuguese as I am I don't really have it written down, I just make it. lol But I'll do my best.


    Glad to be back in the fray and we missed all you wacky pals. Have a great afternoon all.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Yayyyyyyyyy-- you're back-- !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Andrew's Kale soup-
    (Be warned this is a very low sodium preparation, I usually let people add salt on their own.)

    What you will need-
    1lb of linguica or chourico (Portuguese sausage found at most major grocery stores, Linguica is a bit sweeter and chourico is got some spice)-Sliced and then quartered
    1 Medium Onion-Diced
    6 medium potatoes-Peeled and cubed
    one large bunch of Kale-Washed and Chopped or broken apart into pieces
    2 Cans red kidney beans
    2 cloves of fresh garlic -minced (or one TBS of minced garlic from a jar)
    2 quarts of water.

    Ok now get your big ol soup pot and place it on medium heat.
    -pour in 3TBS of extra virgin olive oil and let that get nice and hot.
    -Add the linguica or chourico, onion and garlic and saute until the onions soften and the sausage browns a bit.
    -Add two quarts of water and bring to a slow boil.
    -once boiling add the potatoes and let it boil for 10 mins.

    -while this is boiling take one can of red kidney beans and pour entire contents into a food processor and puree into a liquid.
    -After the potatoes have boiled in the soup for 10 mins add the following-

    -red kidney bean puree
    -the other can of red kidney beans (Drained)
    -The chopped kale (If it doesnt seem like too much kale when you put it in it's probably not enough, this stuff cooks down big time so make sure you use the whole bunch.)

    Once all this stuff is in there cover it and let it simmer for about an hour.

    It's best served with a portuguese style hard roll of italian bread, but whole grain is always a good idea too. lol.

    This stuff is always twice as good after a night in the fridge so i usually make it and then eat it the next night.

    Unfortunately don't have nurtition fact on it as it's a family recipe but the sausage is the only questionable incrediant and even the fat content on that isnt too bad. The beans are great protein and the kale is a friggin super food so all in all it's got some great nutrional punch.
    Hope this works out Bobbi, I've never tried to write it down really I always just kinda make it from memory. lol

    Edit: Matter of fact I am making it tonight, lol

  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    Hands and knees, sagging parts, body image, I could have been the author of any / all of those posts. I was rolling with laughter, wiping tears from my eyes. You all crack me up....I love it. What a great place to be!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Andrew- good thing we've been quiet, think of all the reading you could have had to catch up on!

    Jeannie- I give. I can't figure out 'FOIN'- googled it and all. The word foin means to thrust a pointed weapon. Dont' think that's it. :laugh: I might be looking good enough that DH will want to foin me....:tongue:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Andrew- good thing we've been quiet, think of all the reading you could have had to catch up on!

    Jeannie- I give. I can't figure out 'FOIN'- googled it and all. The word foin means to thrust a pointed weapon. Dont' think that's it. :laugh: I might be looking good enough that DH will want to foin me....:tongue:

    I'm thinking it's "fine" with an accent--

    maybe it's me-- :wink:

  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    Marla - Sorry to hear about Sarah's +10. I am still praying for that miracle for her!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Andrew- good thing we've been quiet, think of all the reading you could have had to catch up on!

    Jeannie- I give. I can't figure out 'FOIN'- googled it and all. The word foin means to thrust a pointed weapon. Dont' think that's it. :laugh: I might be looking good enough that DH will want to foin me....:tongue:

    I'm thinking it's "fine" with an accent--

    maybe it's me-- :wink:


    Too funny. I'm trying to put all these words into it figuring Jeannie is this texting slag goddess. I could not figure it out! I was making it too hard! :blushing:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Andrew- good thing we've been quiet, think of all the reading you could have had to catch up on!

    Jeannie- I give. I can't figure out 'FOIN'- googled it and all. The word foin means to thrust a pointed weapon. Dont' think that's it. :laugh: I might be looking good enough that DH will want to foin me....:tongue:

    I'm thinking it's "fine" with an accent--

    maybe it's me-- :wink:


    Too funny. I'm trying to put all these words into it figuring Jeannie is this texting slag goddess. I could not figure it out! I was making it too hard! :blushing:

    OR it could be that the O and the I are right next to each other and she hit them both?
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Alright friends. Tired. 1.5 hours at the gym, 1 hour total on the elliptical (6 miles) for a grand total of 1146 burned today. As much as I would like to keep working to get all 4 pounds off today (14,000 calories burned) is a bit extreme and I'd like to be able to walk tomorrow.

    My quads are a little angry with me right now. I just told them to STFU. Now I gotta do something about the way I smell.