

  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Good evening everyone!!

    renae, I can't wait to wear some hoochie wear!!!

    Well, it's 10pm and I have 929 calories to eat still. I didn't think I'd burn so many calories weedeating, plus a 3 mile run. So, I've mismanaged my calorie intake today. I'll probably eat some unsalted nuts, but theres no way I'm going to eat all those calories tonight.

    Yesterday was my little girls 3 year old birthday party. She had a great time and I was so happy for her! I indulged in some chocolate cake (mmmnnn) but I stayed in my calorie range. (yay me!!)

    Hope everyone has a great evening!

    I know how you feel I burned 1240 calories today and still have 827 calories left. Not eating any of them!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    My belly is worse than my bewbs. (Marla should be popping in any time now to smack me upside the head for this...). My 9lb9oz child was superman-ing it for most of his pregnancy & my belly got waaaaaayyyy stretched out. Standing up, it looks okay, just a little raisin-esque. In the...ahem...scrubbing the floor's much scarier. :noway: I feel your pain, Lori, I reaaalllly do. *ducks from Marla's swinging*


    Better late than never-- gotcha-- little twerp. :grumble:

    Good morning one and all-- house is abuzz--

    Thank you, Sara, for your wishes for Sarah-- she's attempting to qualify today for the U.S. Women's Open-- top three today will make it. Field is 19--

    No, I'm not going to watch. Even if I didn't have younger kids and needed to type-- definitely NOT the pressure-lovin' type. I even told Faith NOT to text me updates. I'll find out when she's done, thank you very much--

    I scheduled a park day with friends for 9am, and will be hosting my mother-in-law for the afternoon so grandpa can catch some of the golf action, since she is wayyyy too frail to go and can't be left alone these days-- bless her heart.

    Had a great run last night-- yayyy--

    Getting over my MFP withdrawal-- wow, does this place get a hold on this weak-willed-woman. Sheesh-- it's all your bloomin' fault. If you weren't all so funny and lovely, I wouldn't be poppin' my head in here all the time, and getting hooked.

    Everytime I think I'm out-- they PULL ME BACK IN-- al_pacino.jpg

    Had some lovely time with the children yesterday-- let's hope I can use some better self-control going forward-- :noway:

    :heart: you all!!!!!!!

    I'll let you know this afternoon how Sarah did-- she tees off at 8am and again at 1:30-- Daddy/Caddy couldn't sleep-- and he's the one "that thrives on pressure." Puh-- okay. :huh: :wink:

    Later, dudes!!!!!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Marla - Pray pray praying that she does well!! I can't wait to hear!!! :heart:
  • Thin4payton
    Thin4payton Posts: 234 Member
    Morning team! Hope everyone is doing well! Had a great weekend and my rump is telling me so! Went on a bunch of bike rides! Ouch!! No pain No gain right??
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Morning team! Hope everyone is doing well! Had a great weekend and my rump is telling me so! Went on a bunch of bike rides! Ouch!! No pain No gain right??

    That saying is so wrong Jenni. Cause you gotta have pain to lose not gain!! I guess you could gain muscle but we are trying to do both!

    Great job on the bike rides! I to rode my bike!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    In the spirit of this positive week, I would like to extend a warm welcome for my scale to join in. So....

    Dear scale, WTF? Please STFU. Thanks.

    Yours truly :flowerforyou:
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    I am so glad that we are a team of bikers! (Gang of bikers?). Awesome!!! I've gotten in 90 miles since I got my bike. I track it on I wanted 600 by August 30 but I'm afraid that my work schedule isn't going to allow that. Speaking of which, time for a ride!
  • Thin4payton
    Thin4payton Posts: 234 Member
    Morning team! Hope everyone is doing well! Had a great weekend and my rump is telling me so! Went on a bunch of bike rides! Ouch!! No pain No gain right??

    That saying is so wrong Jenni. Cause you gotta have pain to lose not gain!! I guess you could gain muscle but we are trying to do both!

    Great job on the bike rides! I to rode my bike!
    That's what I ment. Guess that came out wrong. Can't wait till i get used to the seat and it doesn't hurt so bad. My daughter loves going on bike rides and it's a good exercise that I can do with her!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    In the spirit of this positive week, I would like to extend a warm welcome for my scale to join in. So....

    Dear scale, WTF? Please STFU. Thanks.

    Yours truly :flowerforyou:

    HAHAHAHAHA! I'm going to put a giant post-it on my scale next to the numbers that says "STFU" now. Perfect! :laugh:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    In the spirit of this positive week, I would like to extend a warm welcome for my scale to join in. So....

    Dear scale, WTF? Please STFU. Thanks.

    Yours truly :flowerforyou:

    I like how you put please and thanks in there!:laugh: :laugh:
  • Thin4payton
    Thin4payton Posts: 234 Member
    In the spirit of this positive week, I would like to extend a warm welcome for my scale to join in. So....

    Dear scale, WTF? Please STFU. Thanks.

    Yours truly :flowerforyou:

    I like how you put please and thanks in there!:laugh: :laugh:
    yeah, i'm not that polite to my scale!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    In the spirit of this positive week, I would like to extend a warm welcome for my scale to join in. So....

    Dear scale, WTF? Please STFU. Thanks.

    Yours truly :flowerforyou:

    I like how you put please and thanks in there!:laugh: :laugh:
    yeah, i'm not that polite to my scale!

    Yeah me either!
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good morning team!

    Today is a much needed rest day for me. My weedeating yesterday has made my arms so sore! I think I'm going to do it again (my hubby usually does it, but I did it yesterday "for the exercise" lol).

    Looks like it's going to be another beautiful day here in the mountains...too bad I have to work :tongue: but at least it's not an all day affair (yes, postive pollys, I know).

    Hope everyone has a great day!!
  • Supagurl
    Supagurl Posts: 75
    :flowerforyou: GOOD DAY BLACK TEAM!!!:flowerforyou:
    JEANNIE-love the new are very inspiring to everyone!
    SHUNTAE-omg...running half a marathon is totally awesome!
    LORI-i know you are going to lose weight with the determination you have!
    MARLA-sending good luck and all the good vibes i got for your daughter!
    RENAE-i'll to 90 more lbs with you :laugh: but at 5'8 i just can't imagine myself under 100 lbs lol lol
    SAM-i can do the no cookies and weakness is like homer simpson..DOH!
    LYNNIE- yes that was the name of my barbie dolls lol how did you ever remember that?!? and i agree let's all team up, hold hands and GIT-r-DONE (ya i know that's an old sayin, but appropriate lol) oh one more thing for you LYNNIE :heart: 'S HER B-I-C-Y-C-L-E:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    i totally feel less confident in myself since losing hasn't changed my personality but it's like discovering a whole new you...make sense?...i've always been the tall, big, loud, obnoxious, fun girl and now it's just weird to me...i still gots the inner fat girl in me i guess:laugh: :laugh: BUT IN A POSITIVE WAY!:bigsmile:
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Hello, black teamers! Sorry I haven't been around much. Dave got home late Friday from training. Saturday we went shopping and set up our deck. Dave pulled out the patio furniture, we got a new umbrella, and some solar tiki torches, and lights to hang up. It looks really nice and we love having dinner outside in the summer!

    Yesterday Dave, Harley, and I went to the Pittsburgh Zoo with some friends. We had a really good time.

    Dave had to go back to Maryland for more training. He left yesterday afternoon and will be back on Friday again. (Oh, and Shuntae, he is north of Baltimore. I think he said Sparks?)

    Marla - Good luck to your daughter! :flowerforyou:

    Sam - I have a love/hate relationship with my scale. It's like we're in an abusive relationship. The scale is mean to me but I just keep coming back for more. I just can't stay away because maybe, just maybe, next time it'll say something nice to me. :laugh:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Hello, black teamers! Sorry I haven't been around much. Dave got home late Friday from training. Saturday we went shopping and set up our deck. Dave pulled out the patio furniture, we got a new umbrella, and some solar tiki torches, and lights to hang up. It looks really nice and we love having dinner outside in the summer!

    Yesterday Dave, Harley, and I went to the Pittsburgh Zoo with some friends. We had a really good time.

    Dave had to go back to Maryland for more training. He left yesterday afternoon and will be back on Friday again. (Oh, and Shuntae, he is north of Baltimore. I think he said Sparks?)

    Marla - Good luck to your daughter! :flowerforyou:

    Sam - I have a love/hate relationship with my scale. It's like we're in an abusive relationship. The scale is mean to me but I just keep coming back for more. I just can't stay away because maybe, just maybe, next time it'll say something nice to me. :laugh:

    What are the odds of that? I work in Sparks! Small world...
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Lori- I have a love hate relationship with my scale too. I love to hate it.

    Sara- I would put a sticky on my scale too except my kids probably know what STFU means and I don't want to give off the wrong impression! Mabye not my 9 year old and I'm not explaining it just yet.

    Sam- I had to put please and thank you in my request. Positive stuff here, right? Otherwise somebody would smack me. Although... if smacking me a few times helps drop some pounds, smack away.

    Marla- thinking of your daughter and wishing her luck.

    April- I just went to the gym, took care of 600 calories and walked into Walmart and bought a dozen glazed donuts. How funny is that? NO, I'm not eating them people. I have 4 teenage boys at my house, so a total of 6 hungry kids and I made breakfast yesterday, not doing it again today. Yeesh! What am I? A mom or somethin'?
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Hello, black teamers! Sorry I haven't been around much. Dave got home late Friday from training. Saturday we went shopping and set up our deck. Dave pulled out the patio furniture, we got a new umbrella, and some solar tiki torches, and lights to hang up. It looks really nice and we love having dinner outside in the summer!

    Yesterday Dave, Harley, and I went to the Pittsburgh Zoo with some friends. We had a really good time.

    Dave had to go back to Maryland for more training. He left yesterday afternoon and will be back on Friday again. (Oh, and Shuntae, he is north of Baltimore. I think he said Sparks?)

    Marla - Good luck to your daughter! :flowerforyou:

    Sam - I have a love/hate relationship with my scale. It's like we're in an abusive relationship. The scale is mean to me but I just keep coming back for more. I just can't stay away because maybe, just maybe, next time it'll say something nice to me. :laugh:

    What are the odds of that? I work in Sparks! Small world...

    Too funny! Yeah, Dave's new job is with BD.
  • ddupree1
    ddupree1 Posts: 24
    Ok...So here I am trying to build myself up with work, my daughter, and school, I'm already burnt out because once again I feel as though i'm already doing to much. It's not so much the dating scene, It's just that whenever I go out, I kinda feel like the 3rd wheel. As if they are doing me a favor by giving me the time of day. Or I get the "she's cute but..." I've decided to take yet another break and get back into me. Reshaping not only my mind and thoughts but also my body as well. It's not a complete diet approach but more of a consumption control. Taking the time to actually consider a lot more then what I used to do.

    I've learned that it's not so much of dieting to lose weight, but the process in reshaping our views and options on how we see things in the long run. Almost like a work of art. Wouldn't say? I actually started saying no to a lot of things where as before I just "grinned and beared it" :bigsmile:
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    OH EM GEE ladies!! That was alot to catch up on! :laugh: ... let's see what I remember...

    Shuntae - Sorry to hear about your sis and grandma! I hope grandma pulls through and sis rehabs well so she can get back to her track!
    Marla - I hope Sarah does well! Definitely update us when you know anything!!!
    Renae - Gee, I forgot. hmm. Oh well, HI!
    Jeannie/everyone else buckling down and getting back to busines - I'm with ya! Though I have alot more than 10 lbs to lose.

    I can't remember anymore. Sorry. :ohwell:

    Anyway, I've been making some pretty crappy decisions food wise lately, but back to it today full speed. Will likely have another gain this week, but i'm trying to stay positive about it because I did it to my own self.

    Back to logging and planning and being strong willed!!! Hope everyone has a great day.