Breakfast - a waste of calories?



  • hsk1019
    hsk1019 Posts: 235 Member
    I try to keep breakfast light. Cereal and milk, or a jamba juice fruit smoothie I make at home. As long as I have my black coffee, I'm good!
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    Breakfast is my favorite meal if the day. I could eat it every meal.

    That being said, I think breakfast really is important to eat. It keeps your hunger at bay, especially the mid morning munchies and can help you eat a smaller lunch too. I also recently saw a study that suggested people who ate breakfast typically eat smaller meals later in the day, which is good because the later we eat, the more unhealthy it tends to be.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    First...I'm not starving myself...I get plenty of calories every day. Around 3000 on lift days...and between 2000 and 2500 on rest days.

    Second...if you mean why do IF...there's a couple reasons. It fits my natural eating rhythm for one. fits my normal work schedule. Normally I'm very busy from 4am to 4pm. Three, I've found the effects pretty wonderful.

    Now...give me even one valid reason I shouldn't.

    Just one.

    geez man dont get mad bro. no problems with people who do intermitent fasting, especially if you HAVE to do it since ur so busy. just the problem with people who suggest it to those who promote it as superior eating or even suggest it to the regular person trying to find regular success with any type of weight loss... dont get butt hurt especially if you intervene in a convo

    Actually, I'm not mad. Also...I brought in IF way back...apparently you haven't read the entire thread. You're technically the one that intervened. I'm the one that sent ESE to Liam. And finally...I do feel it's superior (though I rarely recommend it, simply to avoid ridiculous discussions like this). I broke a stupidly huge plateau with it, and have been reaping benifits ever since. It's helped keep me within 10lbs of my target body fat for almost 10 weeks while I've recovered from surgery with very limited activity excepting the last couple weeks.

    Also, as I said, it's funny how your tone's changed from starving ourselves, binging, and the like, to you have no problem with people who IF lol.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    2 questions then, why would you beleive in something that you can find zero evidence to support? And instead of evidence supporting your claim, just tell me by what mechanism would eating breakfast and eating every few hrs burn more calories then less frequent meals/no breakfast, holding calories constant?
    I believe this because its what pretty much every health professional has written when talking about the subject

    Appeal to authority

    Once again thanks to Cris for attempting to help rather then mock me into aggression. I do realise you are "trying" to help with my views but it doesnt help wiith just putting people down, you need to give a helping hand to make someone a better person

    Who has mocked you? And you didn't answer, by what mechanism do you personally think that eating breakfast and frequent meals would burn more calories throughout the day holding calories and protein constant?
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Breakfast is my favorite meal if the day. I could eat it every meal.

    That being said, I think breakfast really is important to eat. It keeps your hunger at bay, especially the mid morning munchies and can help you eat a smaller lunch too. I also recently saw a study that suggested people who ate breakfast typically eat smaller meals later in the day, which is good because the later we eat, the more unhealthy it tends to be.

    If I eat breakfast, I'm ravenous for the rest of the day. No way around stomach is growling again by 9am.
    Once again thanks to Cris for attempting to help rather then mock me into aggression. I do realise you are "trying" to help with my views but it doesnt help wiith just putting people down, you need to give a helping hand to make someone a better person

    I'm not asking you to change your views. I was giving you peer reviewed proof. It's a well known fact that the medical professionals you've put so much store general, know very little regarding nutritional needs. Good Lord look at the BMI chart for example. If ANY medical professional can still follow that, my whole sense of their credibility goes right out the window.

    Here's the thing Liam...ESE, Leangains, IF in There's no refuting it. Everyone I've ever seen who tried it...gets the results promised. I've heard of not ONE solitary example of a failure from someone who followed the protocol. The book I sent you was a first edition...there's been five revisions...all with documentation that further supports this. Additionally...while you can buy the books...the information is out there for FREE, ALL over the place. The second PDF I sent you is free for anyone to download right off his website.

    Anyway, the point of all of these posts wasn't to support ESE, Leangains, or IF, it was to provide documented proof that having to eat breakfast is bunk.

    Point. Proven.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I eat a small breakfast. It kicks your metabolism to burn calories throughout the day. Miss breakfast, burn less calories in my terms. I try to have 100-200 calories for breakfast.

    Are you able to explain (scientifically) how eating breakfast 'kicks' your metabolism?
  • katieeha
    katieeha Posts: 2 Member
    I am a huge breakfast enthusiast. But only because I love everything about breakfast foods. I try to get a lot of protein and fiber out of breakfast. I usually make two egg whites with avocado slices, prepare oatmeal that's high in fiber, or maybe even make the eggs and avocado it into a salad by adding spinach, smoked salmon, beans, and a drizzle of dressing. I also have a cup of green tea! I know a lot of people that just don't eat breakfast though because they're not hungry. It actually turns out if I'm not hungry and end up making breakfast by the time it's ready my mouth is like drooling. YUM BREAKFASTTT!!!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I am a huge breakfast enthusiast. But only because I love everything about breakfast foods. I try to get a lot of protein and fiber out of breakfast. I usually make two egg whites with avocado slices, prepare oatmeal that's high in fiber, or maybe even make the eggs and avocado it into a salad by adding spinach, smoked salmon, beans, and a drizzle of dressing. I also have a cup of green tea! I know a lot of people that just don't eat breakfast though because they're not hungry. It actually turns out if I'm not hungry and end up making breakfast by the time it's ready my mouth is like drooling. YUM BREAKFASTTT!!!

    Those are all great reasons to eat breakfast!!

    One question though...just out of curiosity. Do you not like the taste of egg yolks?
  • Steve_Runs
    Steve_Runs Posts: 443 Member
    It IS the most important meal of the day! Nuff said!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    It IS the most important meal of the day! Nuff said!

    /sigh @ the internet!
  • vgambino
    vgambino Posts: 28
    I can't believe there are 16 pages of replys on this one question. But you know what they say about opinions being like a**holes, everyone's got one...

    Is this poor child really any closer to the truth after all of the debate???
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I can't believe there are 16 pages of replys on this one question. But you know what they say about opinions being like a**holes, everyone's got one...

    Is this poor child really any closer to the truth after all of the debate???

    I don't think she was looking for a 'truth'...I think she was looking for the debate lol. She's a sweet girl from all I've read that she's written...and intelligent discussion (what little of it that there has been), is something she clearly enjoys.
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    Everything I have read about increasing your metabolism says breakfast is important. I make myself eat it just because of that. I am old and need to do everything I can to raise my metabolism : )
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    Are you able to explain (scientifically) how eating breakfast 'kicks' your metabolism?

    Here's a good article on the subject:
  • Carlito21
    Carlito21 Posts: 23 Member
    No breakfast! what thats part of the deal,,,,,

    Breakfast,lunch and dinner
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Are you able to explain (scientifically) how eating breakfast 'kicks' your metabolism?

    Here's a good article on the subject:

    See, here's the thing. I can get online, and write myself an article espousing all of the same things everyone has been being force fed for the last however many years also.

    It doesn't mean I'm right =D.

    Seriously, take a look at all of the proof, in the form of actual studies...given to the opposite, please?

    It's all in there.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    OK, here. A study that shows that meal frequency has no effect on weight loss.
    There have been reports of an inverse relationship between meal frequency (MF) and adiposity. It has been postulated that this may be explained by favourable effects of increased MF on appetite control and possibly on gut peptides as well. The main goal of the present study was to investigate whether using a high MF could lead to a greater weight loss than that obtained with a low MF under conditions of similar energy restriction. Subjects were randomised into two treatment arms (high MF = 3 meals+3 snacks/d or low MF = 3 meals/d) and subjected to the same dietary energy restriction of - 2931 kJ/d for 8 weeks. Sixteen obese adults (n 8 women and 8 men; age 34.6 (sd 9.5); BMI 37.1 (sd 4.5) kg/m2) completed the study. Overall, there was a 4.7 % decrease in body weight (P < 0.01); similarly, significant decreases were noted in fat mass ( - 3.1 (sd 2.9) kg; P < 0.01), lean body mass ( - 2.0 (sd 3.1) kg; P < 0.05) and BMI ( - 1.7 (sd 0.8) kg/m2; P < 0.01). However, there were NS differences between the low- and high-MF groups for adiposity indices, appetite measurements or gut peptides (peptide YY and ghrelin) either before or after the intervention. We conclude that increasing MF does not promote greater body weight loss under the conditions described in the present study.

    In other words, there are no differences in weight loss, no matter how many meals you eat. If eating often boosts your metabolism, then wouldn't the group eating more meals burn more calories due to this metabolism boost, hence losing more weight? Eating once, or eating 10 times makes no difference to your metabolism, holding calories constant.
  • Carlito21
    Carlito21 Posts: 23 Member
    I agree with dad run, may be the most important meal... Got to put something in after a whole night sleep. :smile:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I agree with dad run, may be the most important meal... Got to put something in after a whole night sleep. :smile:
    Science disagrees. It takes 3-4 days of complete fasting to have any effect on metabolism. A "whole night sleep" won't do anything.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    I agree with dad run, may be the most important meal... Got to put something in after a whole night sleep. :smile:
    Science disagrees. It takes 3-4 days of complete fasting to have any effect on metabolism. A "whole night sleep" won't do anything.

    what does science say about food and having energy? O.o