

  • Thin4payton
    Thin4payton Posts: 234 Member
    my scale isn't being kind-- due tomorrow for you know who--

    Not sweating it-- I've been good. It'll come back off.

    But, I'm not changing my ticker. :grumble:
    That sounds like something I would do! (not changing my ticker i mean!) LOL
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    Morning all!

    Hm.. Giving something up...

    Not a good week for me Sam. :laugh: I would do sweets, but today is BF's birthday and we're having dinner and cake with fam AND a party with friends this weekend.

    You know.. I'd like to try giving up my frozen meals for lunches for a week and trading them for salads. I can't give up all processed foods because I'm poor, but I'll do it for lunches.

    I was wandering around the produce section last night trying to decide if I want to get salads or not. I'm totally NOT a salad fan, but I think there might be ways to make them tolerable. Like a southwestern ranch dressing... hmm.

    Hope everyone has a great day! :drinker:
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Great challenge samantha.

    I'm giving up peanut butter as well. Its a huge weakness for me. Scale was unkind this week but I deserve it lol. But i'm back in gear and ready to kick some *kitten*.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • ToniAnn45
    ToniAnn45 Posts: 78 Member
    Oh, dear! Mine will have to be 2 things...peanuts & peanut butter...can't have one without the other. I'm glad I read this before I ate breakfast, because I was planning to have a peanut butter & banana sandwich. Guess I'll just toast the bread & eat it plain.:cry:
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Hi guys! New week - YAY. I gained another lb. Dang nab it. But yesterday was my birthday - so I'm sure it's just water. (Nevermind that I was 2 lbs heavier yesterday a.m. than this a.m. :laugh: ) I am back on track, found my groove this morning and am kicking @ss this week.

    So, since I have been way overindulging lately, I will give up potato chips this week. Shouldn't even have to be giving them up at this point! But here we are :smokin: This also, I will do in honor of Dave. :heart: Miss ya buddy!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    my scale isn't being kind-- due tomorrow for you know who--

    Not sweating it-- I've been good. It'll come back off.

    But, I'm not changing my ticker. :grumble:

    okay make that today-- thankfully, my cycle is like clockwork--
    (sorry, batman-- tmi, I know)

    Doing my happy dance every cycle, though-- woo hoooo-- 9 kids is good, Lord-- thanks for my cycle!!

    Have a great day-- my son's graduating tonight-- grandma's here-- busy, busy, busy day--

    Love to all--
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Ok, thought while I was at the gym. I'm giving up my scale for the week. I know we just did it, but it was hard and it will be good for me to do it again. I am one pound away from 50. 1 pound away from being in the normal BMI category. I will stress all week. I will get on that dumb thing way more than I need to, I will fret over each movement up and down, so I'm giving it up. (Plus, I can support my friend Jeannie who had her scale taken hostage and Lynnie who is awesome enough to do a whole month with her.)

    I will weigh next Wednesday and not before. I will work hard all week. I want to see 50 soooooo bad. Right now I am back to eating pretty good and I honestly don't have too many vices. Dont' drink sodas, no coffee, no ice cream on a regular basis, not addicted to sweets. I do like my peanut butter but I work hard and I need me some protein! So the scale is actually the thing I will miss the most.

    So to my scale: Buh bye my friend. I really did like you this morning. You treated me much better than I ever thought possible. (Now keep it up or I'll tell you to STFU again!) :laugh:
  • laniirvin
    laniirvin Posts: 94
    Ok, thought while I was at the gym. I'm giving up my scale for the week. I know we just did it, but it was hard and it will be good for me to do it again. I am one pound away from 50. 1 pound away from being in the normal BMI category. I will stress all week. I will get on that dumb thing way more than I need to, I will fret over each movement up and down, so I'm giving it up. (Plus, I can support my friend Jeannie who had her scale taken hostage and Lynnie who is awesome enough to do a whole month with her.)

    I will weigh next Wednesday and not before. I will work hard all week. I want to see 50 soooooo bad. Right now I am back to eating pretty good and I honestly don't have too many vices. Dont' drink sodas, no coffee, no ice cream on a regular basis, not addicted to sweets. I do like my peanut butter but I work hard and I need me some protein! So the scale is actually the thing I will miss the most.

    So to my scale: Buh bye my friend. I really did like you this morning. You treated me much better than I ever thought possible. (Now keep it up or I'll tell you to STFU again!) :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Good for you! Can't wait to see your 50# mark next week~ I am striving for 30 pounds lost total next week!
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    Marla - Congrats to your son, as well as to you! Job well done mama!

    So, all in all, the scale was nice. I've been up, I've been down. I haven't eaten the best nor exercised as much as I should / could. I was pleasantly surprised to see that I was down 2/10 this morning. It was much better than yesterday, when I was up 1.4 lbs....

    So, for this week's challenge, I'm going to give up being so negative towards myself. I realize this is a run off of last week's challenge, but even with that, I'd beat myself up, I just wouldn't do it on here. I'm going to be positive, proud and supportive of myself and what I've accomplished thus far.

    In addition to that, I'm going to go back to our first challenge of 200 calories burned per day. I need to keep focused. I can do 200 calories. I know I can.....

    Today my calorie burn will come from hauling wet toys and carpet up from our basement. DH discovered our sump pumps had come unplugged so we have water in our basement. I'm getting ready to head home now to start moving stuff. Calories, calories, calories.....:bigsmile:
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Okay, this one is easy Chocolate. One week without my favorite food group. :noway:
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    New look...I love it!! Not a bad tum tum on a 49 yr old. :heart:

    see below post...geeesh
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    New look...I love it!! Not a bad tum tum on a 49 yr old. :heart:

  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Looking good Bobbi!!:drinker:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Happy graduation day Marla!:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Im with alot of the others this morning...Im gonna have to give some thought on what to give up. I really dont ever eat any "junk" anymore and I gave up pop a long time ago. I suppose I could do without my 6oz of coffee every morning? Not sure about that though because since my Dr did tell me to start getting a little more sugar in my diet, Ive been using real (regular sugar) sugar to sweeten my coffee. We'll see though.

    Have a great day all!:drinker:
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    Ok, thought while I was at the gym. I'm giving up my scale for the week. I know we just did it, but it was hard and it will be good for me to do it again. I am one pound away from 50. 1 pound away from being in the normal BMI category. I will stress all week. I will get on that dumb thing way more than I need to, I will fret over each movement up and down, so I'm giving it up. (Plus, I can support my friend Jeannie who had her scale taken hostage and Lynnie who is awesome enough to do a whole month with her.)

    I will weigh next Wednesday and not before. I will work hard all week. I want to see 50 soooooo bad. Right now I am back to eating pretty good and I honestly don't have too many vices. Dont' drink sodas, no coffee, no ice cream on a regular basis, not addicted to sweets. I do like my peanut butter but I work hard and I need me some protein! So the scale is actually the thing I will miss the most.

    So to my scale: Buh bye my friend. I really did like you this morning. You treated me much better than I ever thought possible. (Now keep it up or I'll tell you to STFU again!) :laugh:

    I must have missed Jeannie getting her scale taken hostage... Going without the scale for a month sounding interesting to me... I might have to jump on board with this one! It'd be a nice challenge sine I, too am scale addicted. i'll have to hide them all.... (We have three... :noway: ) Hmm... i'm so on board! one month no scale. No weighing until 7/21 for me! That's what I pushed my goal back to (close enough to a month).

  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Looking good Bobbi!!:drinker:

    Thank you Roni :heart:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Nice tummy Bobbi!

    I got just done trying to clean my laminate floors. Any of you have them and have a good way to clean them that they look clean? Our last house had hard wood. Murphy's Oil for floors and water made them look awesome. This house. Well nothing makes these things look awesome. I've stopped trying and learned to live with streaky looking floors.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Options look awesome, Bobbi! Keep up the great work!

    For my challenge, I am going to get back on the 'no sweets' program. It helped a lot getting those final hateful pounds off, and the cravings went away the longer I was able to avoid eating them. As soon as I started back up, the cravings came back. Now, it was just like a cookie here or some ice cream major benders or anything...but it was nice not to want them. So, that's it. And maybe I'll get rid of the Splenda and use real sugar for my tea. That seems to make me want sweets, too.

    Hope everyone is having a great day!
  • jcarter0525
    Mine will be fast any form.