

  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Alright, let's try again.

    Renae- love the new AV. You need to make a no fried foods rule in your house.

    Marla- I say it all the time, you amaze me. You are a great inspiration to me. Your family is very lucky to have you.

    Sam- the math. Sorry. The class can't last forever, right? Keep chugging away.

    Kati- sorry about your mess, but glad you got it cleaned up. I had a similar experienc once in our basement that was our family room, 2 boys bedrooms and our storage room. We were gone for 3 days and came home to a foot of water. The musty smell was horrid. It was Black Friday so I had been up since like 3AM shopping and then we drove 3 hours home and I was already beat and we worked most of the night. Not fun.

    Andrew- I do eat, just trying to find a happy balance with increased workouts. I am not in the 1200 caloire club, nor have been for a while. It wasn't enough. I will figure it out somehow.

    Jeannie- Did you really go with DH to the doctor to weigh yourself? Ok, you might have a problem. I'm thinking that a month is a bit extreme for your first time without the scale. I get your obsession though. I weighed myself 3 times yesterday because the number was way less than I expected. Now I'm scared it was a fluke and I want to get back on to double check... but I gave it up this week, so I'm not. I'm not expecting to hit 52 pounds next week. I'll be thrilled with 50.

    Shuntae- Captial Beltway. Blah! I used to drive it every other weekend to met my ex so my boys could go with him. So Friday night I'd battle it from Andrews to 270, meet in Gaithersburg, drive home and then do it all again on Sunday. Traffic on Friday's was horrific. Sunday was hit or miss. If there was a game it could get bad, I used to pay attention to the football schedule and plan meeting times around it!

    Sorry for those I missed. This old brain isn't what it used to be.

    Time to get moving. Off to the beach and I have stuff to get ready, kids to roll out of bed, a dog to feed, a scale to avoid.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Wow-- I am so bloomin' tired I can't see straight-- hello my beloved team.

    We're getting a good test of what life will be like if my mother-in-law comes to live with us, and it will certainly tax us. We're in a very rare situation-- teens graduating high school, toddlers cutting teeth and elderly parents needing around the clock care. These are the times that try mens souls, my friends-- I pray that I am found worthy when all is said and done.

    This day found us on the go from the moment we awoke. Shopping for graduation dinner barbeque goodies, cake baking, fruit salad making, macaroni salad prepping-- the house was abuzz. Plus we need to assign one body to Caleb and one to grandma at all times. Interesting stuff.

    The graduation was lovely. Had to be moved indoors-- bit rainy. Thankfully I was able to get grandma a seat, but oh my poor piggies-- three students families had to pick up posthumous diplomas for their deceased children-- heartbreaking-- we are blessed my friends. Nobody needs the reminder more than yours truly--

    Dragging my weary behind to bed-- don't know when I'll get my typing done, but it can't be done tonight.

    Hug your babies, kiss your spouse-- trials be damned-- we're blessed, folks.

    THREE families?! Oh, how heartbreaking! :cry:

    Hang in there, my dear! You are a superstar in my book! :heart:
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Thanks Lori!
    My mom lost her job right after Christmas and my dad may lose his in August so me, DH and DD moved in with my parents to help them out. So we live in their basement but it's set up as our own house. The only thing we don't have is a kitchen and a bathroom but the bathroom is right behind the basement door. But we also get the water leaks when it pours and that is all it has done in over a month but since we cleaned the gutters it isn't as bad. Just in one storage one now it leaks. And about the fried food thing, I know I don't have to eat it but I feel bad if she cooks and I don't eat. I guess I'm torn. But I have said something about it before. My parents won't diet or even eat anything healthy. I have tried so many times. My dad has acid reflux so bad it's gonna kill him and we have told my mom if he lost weight it would help so much but it doesn't help. She says he won't do it. My dad is one of those men that eats meat and potatoes and doesn't like anything new. Sometimes if I cook he won't eat because I like using different spices and stuff. And we have 3 grills and my mom won't use them and since I work 12 hours I can't be here to cook most days. But today I am cooking chicken casserole and broiling the chicken to start with. At least that is better than fried. I told my mom before we were eating fried pork chops, fried potatoes and green beans fried in bacon grease. How unhealthy can you get? My mom is skinny as a rail so she is fortunate but I also know she isn't healthy. Maybe I will just have to be mean and stop eating whatever she fries, which is most things. I talked her into grilling chicken one day and she said your dad will have to have it fried next time. Ok well then it's time for me to stop eating what they eat. I will find something more simple to eat instead of all the fried foods. Thanks again Lori. Sorry for making the post soooo long!!!
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Bobbi-Your stomach does look amazing. I don't believe mine will ever look that good so I will be glad to look half as great as you do! Keep it up!!!

    Thank you Renae:heart:
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Quick tag to show picture of my new horse :happy: (that I can't ride:grumble: )

  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    Quick tag to show picture of my new horse :happy: (that I can't ride:grumble: )


    What a beautiful marking on his/her head!
  • Supagurl
    Supagurl Posts: 75
    HELLO to all!!!!!!!

    I'll check back in later and read all the posts...haven't had a chance to yet.....just checking in.....and my ticker changed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    only 3 lbs. but it's a start to beating these last 20 or so lbs!!!!!!!!!!!

    and oh by the way...I am totally taking Lynnies scale hostage...i'm scale-sitting!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Quick tag to show picture of my new horse :happy: (that I can't ride:grumble: )


    A horsie!!!! I love horsies!!!!!!

    Beautiful, Janie!

    Hi all-- :happy:

    Bye all-- :grumble:

  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    Just spent $56 on me. I so deserve this. 2 pair of pants, 1 skirt and a new bathing suit. A 2 piece. Go me!
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Thanks all. I just love my new boy - he is just puppy dog sweet.

    Sounds like you have all been doing well with the challenge this week. I had no sweets yesterday and so far, so good today.

    Renae - I am just avoiding obvious sources of sugar and sweets. Natural sugars (honey, fruit) are OK in my book - I'd go nuts if I had to shut it all down. I think you need to approach this stuff carefully.

    Marla - congrats on the graduation. I can't believe there were 3 sad families - we lived in a small town, so only had about one family a year. Unbelievably sad.. sorry..:brokenheart: :cry:

    Back to the heating pad for me.. hoping to get scheduled for an MRI this afternoon, but haven't heard from the doc yet - need to find out what is going on with this back, still very painful.

    Back later..

  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Just spent $56 on me. I so deserve this. 2 pair of pants, 1 skirt and a new bathing suit. A 2 piece. Go me!

    Not bad for $56... and you totally deserve it.. well done.
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    Thanks Janie. I hope you're able to get some answers and relief soon!
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    HELLO to all!!!!!!!

    I'll check back in later and read all the posts...haven't had a chance to yet.....just checking in.....and my ticker changed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    only 3 lbs. but it's a start to beating these last 20 or so lbs!!!!!!!!!!!

    and oh by the way...I am totally taking Lynnies scale hostage...i'm scale-sitting!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Someone needs to take mine hostage too but I would be like Jeannie and go somewhere just to way myself. Oh wait, at work right beside my machine is a scale that we all use on occasion. It was there for us to weigh fabric but we never use it for that. We always use it for ourselves! Lol! April don't be using that scale as much as Lynnie. Since she just rides by your house on her bike and doesn't stop then she won't be coming by to get it anyway. Lol!! Ya'll know I am just picking but that was funny!

    I hope everyone is having a great day. I have been cleaning like a mad woman and am pretty much done. I even got supper done! All in record time! Woohoo! Gotta go get my youngin'!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Thanks, troops for the wishes for David and for grandma--

    We'll have her with us one more night. My father-in-law isn't coming home until tomorrow, and then we need to put our heads together with DH's brother to find out what to do going forward.

    Taking care of grandma is too much for grandpa at 81. They need to live with family. We'll see what happens-- we got to see this week what some of the family is referring to with her confusion. Alzheimer's isn't pretty. Thankfully, it's still early and she can remember who we are. But, often it's not before she makes several mistakes and then slaps her forehead and remembers-- it's sad to see the light dimming. :cry:

    Here is a picture of David, grandma and me from yesterday--
    100_6797.jpg Precious to have this evening to remember and to have her with us.

    He enjoyed the family party we had for him. Three of his buddies came over and we made it a special night for him.

    Busy days-- must run-- love to all--
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Marla congrats to your son! That's great! You look awesome in your photo! That is a priceless memory you will cherish for all your days.......
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    HELLO to all!!!!!!!

    I'll check back in later and read all the posts...haven't had a chance to yet.....just checking in.....and my ticker changed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    only 3 lbs. but it's a start to beating these last 20 or so lbs!!!!!!!!!!!

    and oh by the way...I am totally taking Lynnies scale hostage...i'm scale-sitting!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I would LOVE only 3 pounds!!!


    :heart: Jeannie
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Thanks, troops for the wishes for David and for grandma--

    We'll have her with us one more night. My father-in-law isn't coming home until tomorrow, and then we need to put our heads together with DH's brother to find out what to do going forward.

    Taking care of grandma is too much for grandpa at 81. They need to live with family. We'll see what happens-- we got to see this week what some of the family is referring to with her confusion. Alzheimer's isn't pretty. Thankfully, it's still early and she can remember who we are. But, often it's not before she makes several mistakes and then slaps her forehead and remembers-- it's sad to see the light dimming. :cry:

    Here is a picture of David, grandma and me from yesterday--
    100_6797.jpg Precious to have this evening to remember and to have her with us.

    He enjoyed the family party we had for him. Three of his buddies came over and we made it a special night for him.

    Busy days-- must run-- love to all--

  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Thanks, troops for the wishes for David and for grandma--

    We'll have her with us one more night. My father-in-law isn't coming home until tomorrow, and then we need to put our heads together with DH's brother to find out what to do going forward.

    Taking care of grandma is too much for grandpa at 81. They need to live with family. We'll see what happens-- we got to see this week what some of the family is referring to with her confusion. Alzheimer's isn't pretty. Thankfully, it's still early and she can remember who we are. But, often it's not before she makes several mistakes and then slaps her forehead and remembers-- it's sad to see the light dimming. :cry:

    Here is a picture of David, grandma and me from yesterday--
    100_6797.jpg Precious to have this evening to remember and to have her with us.

    He enjoyed the family party we had for him. Three of his buddies came over and we made it a special night for him.

    Busy days-- must run-- love to all--

    Congrats! Such a beautiful picture! I'm glad you all had such a wonderful night, and that your in-laws have such a wonderful support system in your family. That's so sad about those 3 families, though. One thing I can say about my class, no matter where life has taken us, is that we are all blessed enough to be alive 12 years later.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    HELLO to all!!!!!!!

    I'll check back in later and read all the posts...haven't had a chance to yet.....just checking in.....and my ticker changed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    only 3 lbs. but it's a start to beating these last 20 or so lbs!!!!!!!!!!!

    and oh by the way...I am totally taking Lynnies scale hostage...i'm scale-sitting!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I would LOVE only 3 pounds!!!


    :heart: Jeannie

    Only three pounds-- :noway:

    okay, her turn-- Jeannie-- hold her--


    There-- I feel better, anyway-- :wink:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Quick tag to show picture of my new horse :happy: (that I can't ride:grumble: )

