40+ Club - Summertime Fun



  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Hi all! Thank you for all the kind words and prayers. My brother-in-law was transferred via ambulance to Ochsner in New Orleans last night! My sister and mom followed behind. He is now in their ICU completing all the tests for the liver transplant work-up. We are very hopeful that he will "pass" all the tests and be accepted as a transplant candidate and be listed quickly. Ochsner has one of the shortest waiting times for a liver. Of course, it is through sadness and loss that he will get a second chance at life if he does get a transplant.

    I am still battling this summer cold. I think half my calories this week have been cough drops. I hate the way your teeth feel when using methol eucalyptus drops. Have not been able to work out or go to the river.

    Both kids are now home. My husband, son and I are doing a 5k fun walk across a new (yet-to-open to traffic) toll bridge on Lake Lewisville tomorrow. There is a run too but we aren't going to do that.

    Congrats to all on the great results. Take care. Texssippian
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Hello all... Happy Friday! I hope everyone will have a great weekend. My weekends don't count until Monday and Tuesday because those are my hubby's days off.:smile: Now as for checking in... I weighed myself and it said I gain .7 of a pound. BUT it is my first day of TOM so hopefully that's the reason.

    Tex... We will keep you and your family in our prayers. And also, I so want to go to the river with you. Every time you talk about it I just wish I were there, it sounds like so much fun.:smile:

    String... When I went to the doctor (its been a while) they told me that I was able to get down to 98 lbs and still be in the healthy range. I am 5'2 also. I know you don't want to be that thin but that is what I was told.

    Alf... Beautiful puppy!!! How old?

    Annaliza... Is there anyone else that can go and help you with the kids? Such a bummer, I know the feeling of having to give up what you would like to do because of not having the support/help when I really need it. Don't get me wrong, I don't know what your husbands reason is for not going I'm sure he has a valid reason I am merely speaking of my own situation.

    Zebra... Congratulations on the weight loss!!! Keep it up and I'm sure you'll reach your goal in no time.:happy:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello!!! It is so nice to hear from almost all of the gang!!! Everyone is doing so well!

    Bella is almost 9wks old. It is a lot of work to have a puppy around but it is also a lot of fun. She is very spunky! :laugh: I guess she needed a nap now so she is sleeping very close to me.

    Tex, good luck on your 5K tomorrow. It is nice that you are able to do it with your family. Your brother in law will receive the best gift anyone can give to someone else, life. Hang in there! :flowerforyou:

    Annaliza, keep looking for those 5Ks, you can do it!! :drinker:

    Hoosier, excuse me??? You couldnt be the "cute one"? That is not what I saw from the pics you sent...so I guess you were the cute funny one. :flowerforyou:

    Stiring, that is exactly what I was thinking about. I think that you eat so clean that you are not eating enough since you get full faster. Are you logging in your food? I am glad I am logging in again because I know that I tend to undereat (unless I am at a social event :grumble: ) and would not be meeting my requirements. Even now I struggle to eat 2000 cals on days that I have intense calories. It is tough to eat more when you have been eating less for so long.

    Have a wonderful Friday evening! :flowerforyou:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Even now I struggle to eat 2000 cals on days that I have intense calories. It is tough to eat more when you have been eating less for so long.

    Oh, if only that were the case for me!:grumble:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Hi all! Thank you for all the kind words and prayers. My brother-in-law was transferred via ambulance to Ochsner in New Orleans last night! My sister and mom followed behind. He is now in their ICU completing all the tests for the liver transplant work-up. We are very hopeful that he will "pass" all the tests and be accepted as a transplant candidate and be listed quickly. Ochsner has one of the shortest waiting times for a liver. Of course, it is through sadness and loss that he will get a second chance at life if he does get a transplant.

    Think of it as a gift; a continuation of life. I'm an organ donor, and I would like to think that my tragedy is someone else's miracle.:heart:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Sorry that I have been MIA lately. My husband had surgery and quite frankly, the reason I haven't been around is that it is too much trouble to fight the kids for the computer. They are going to their dad's this weekend. YES !!!
    I have been continuing my Zumba classes two to three times a week and am thinking of checking out a spinning class on Monday. Does anyone do this? I hear that it is great for burning those calories.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Swissmiss, good to see you. I hope your husband is doing well. I've not done spinning, though I've heard the exact same thing you have about it. I say give it a try and see how you enjoy it. How is your foot doing?

    Tex, my prayers go out to your brother-in-law and your entire family. And I hope you get to feeling better soon as well. :flowerforyou:

    alf, it is a struggle to eat so much after eating so little for such a long period of time. I'm still logging in my calories, but on days I get really busy (like when my mother was here), without eating foods that aren't all healthy, I find that I naturally eat about 1700 calories a day. But that isn't quite enough. I just have to look for ways of getting more calories into my food right now without increasing the actual amount I'm eating. In fact, I want to decrease the amount of food I'm eating while taking in more calories. Someday, I'll figure this all out....but I certainly haven't figured it out yet.

    tron, that's interesting that your doctor told you that 98 would be a safe weight. That's lower than anything I've seen. I'm just not sure I want to get there. I don't feel like I'm an unsafe weight, but there is something in my mind/body telling me to stop with the weight loss right now, and I don't think that is just my emotions speaking because I want chocolate! :laugh: Actually, since I'm no more inclined to turn to the more unhealthy foods right now than I've been over the past few months, I do have a tendency to think my body is telling me it would be a little more comfortable with a little more weight. But thanks for telling me that because it does make me feel better to know that by a doctor's standard, I'm doing okay.

    By the way, have you seen the thread on Slim in 6 in the fitness section? One was started yesterday (I think), and I wasn't sure if you had gotten any answer on your questions about that program. You might want to have a look at that thread if you are still interested in that program.

    Hoosier, congrats on the weight loss! You've been doing so well given everything that is going on in your life. It's amazing. :drinker: I think your idea of slowly changing your goals before getting to maintenance is a great one.

    annaliza, I hope you get a chance to run that 5K someday, even if it isn't today. You just need to take the time to do it for yourself. :flowerforyou:

    I'm going to get back to working out today by doing an upper body weight workout (endurance) for about an hour. I've got tons to do today getting ready for this party tomorrow, so I'll be on my feet the rest of the day (no doubt).

    Hope this finds you all well and enjoying your weekend! :drinker:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello friends! I went out with my husband for a slow jog/walk and ended up doing 2:47hrs, 907 cals burned! :noway: So, I can eat a lot today! :laugh: I am going to try to eat healthy though. My husband and I are going out to the coast on Mon am for a few days so there will be a lot of eating out. My son is going to camp for a week. Have a great day!! :flowerforyou:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    String... Thanks for letting me know about the thread. I will have to look for it.:smile:

    Alf... That's quite a walk/run. Good for you!:happy:

    Swiss... Kids suck:laugh: Just kidding! My son hasn't been on the computer as much because he got his first girlfriend. Altho I don't know which one I should worry more about, him being on the computer or the girlfriend:laugh:

    I feel like I cant lose weight unless I eat around 800 calories sometimes. I think I messed my system up when I was younger. I weighed 82 lbs all through high school an 98 when I married my husband. I wasn't anorexic, never thought I was fat, I just didn't eat a whole lot. I'm still the same way. But I'm just gonna keep sticking with it and if I only lose a pound or two a month then that's the way it goes....
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: tron, one pound a month is what I am losing. I would think that I could lose about 4 or 5 a month. That would be healthy plus be getting to my goal faster.

    :flowerforyou: Wow alf...that is a lot of calories. Great !!!

    :flowerforyou: stiring, my husband had rotator cuff surgery on the 17th. His tear was major. His muscle sort of shreded and the doctor had to piece it back together. He will be off of work for awhile. Bad thing is that his employer didn't send in the workers comp information in time for him to get a paycheck this week. And, because I took off of work when he had the surgery, my paycheck is so tiny.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I had a wedding to sing today at my Church, so this is the first time I got a chance to check in today.

    It looks like everyone is doing ok here..I hope so!

    Back to exercising today. Took a walk at 6 am, did 15 miles on my bike after breakfast, and did Insanity after the wedding. The workouts are getting a bit easier. I don't know if it's the fat loss or if I'm getting more fit. At any rate, i'm enjoying the new program. It only 60 days.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Tron, you'll get there...don't cut cals too much!! Instead, try upping your % of protein and see how that goes. It might jump start the weight loss.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Haven't been here much lately so I know that this question has probably been discussed a lot but just what is "insanity"?

    My husband has been going through that large stack of junk on his side of the bedroom. He found some old issues of Health magazine. Wow, there is so much information in them. I have asked him to order them again. Now, I am going to spend the rest of the day looking over the copies that I have.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Great new photo, Swissmiss!!

    Insanity is a new workout program distributed by Beachbody (the same people who distribute P90X and ChaLean Extreme). It is a 60 day cardio and bodyweight resistance training program that is, by all accounts I've read, about the toughest set of workouts ever put on DVD. Hope that answers your question!

    Enjoy reading those Health Magazines. :drinker:

    I'm super busy getting ready for 25 people for dinner tonight. What was I thinking? But I'm putting together a menu that offers healthy and not-so-healthy options, so at least I feel like I'll be able to eat tonight! I did manage to get in a somewhat short workout this morning, and that made me feel good. I'm feeling much better than I was a few days ago. I think the two days off was exactly what I needed.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Well Stiring...I can see how you stay so slim. Cooking for 25 people??? That has got to burn a few calories. Hope all goes well. I think it great that you will be offering healthy and regular foods. Everyone should be happy. Not sure that I would like insanity. Sounds hard. I think that I will stick to my Zumba.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Swiss, I am doing the Insanity workout program. Stiring is correct, it is a very difficult program. I would recommend it only if you have a high level of fitness already. I really like the programs from Beachbody. They have programs to suit every taste and fitness level. Insanity is mostly cardio-based. You must be able to exercise for a long time at max heart rate. Even then you only get 30-second breaks and then back to the workout. You will burn 800-1000 cals per hour doing this workout. After 10 days, I can really see a difference in the mirror.

    Stiring, it will be interesting to see how many people actually go for the healthier food. Then again, maybe if they see how tasty good food can be, they will choose that instead of the other choices. I hope your party is a success!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning! Heading out to the Coast in a few minutes!! I am excited! I like to get away with my hubby. So, talk to you on Fri or Sat. Take care!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Good morning everybody!

    The party went well yesterday. I'm always amazed at what people eat and what they don't. I can honestly say, though, that when given a healthy option, as long as it isn't a group of guys in their 20s (I say this from experience, not stereotyping btw), the healthy food really seems to be popular. Of course, some not-so-healthy stuff (like my Mac and Cheese) was also popular, but the fruit salad went before the desserts, and the chicken kebabs before the burgers. So I think that's a good thing, and lets me know next time I do this I can go even healthier.

    I'm a bit tired today as it was two days full of cooking and cleaning for me, but I'm also happy it went well. I'm not a natural 'entertainer', so I always get a little spun up over such things. But people stayed for over four hours :noway: so it seems everybody had a good time!

    Two more weeks before I start P90X. :drinker: I thought about starting it today, but I know I'm not physically ready for it yet (I need to give my muscles a little more break), but I really am anxious to get crackin' on that program. But today I'm going to do some upper body work and a cardio session. I feel a bit 'heavy' after all I ate yesterday. I didn't do too poorly (minus literally licking the pan after I got the brownies out of them....but I didn't have an actual brownie, so those calories don't count, right? :laugh: ), but I did pretty much try a little of everything I made. I just feel I need to, especially when I'm trying new recipes.

    What surprised me about yesterday is these were all neighbors who see me all the time, but I kept getting question after question on what I had done to lose so much weight and get so fit. That made me feel good. One lady even said I looked 'ripped'. I wouldn't go that far in describing myself, but I appreciated hearing it. :tongue:

    Still trying to find a balance in calories right now. My weight is holding steady between 100 and 101 right now, and steady is better than losing. I put on a pair of dress slacks I bought in March (when I hit my first weight loss goal) seeing as I need to actually dress up on Saturday (not something I do often, apparently), and they fell right off again. :noway: I was wearing them up through May, so I think that last section of STS may have changed my body shape more than I thought it did. So it looks like this weekend will include some shopping. Yay!

    alf, enjoy yourself at the coast! :drinker:

    singfree, thanks again for your suggestions about me holding off on Insanity at this time. :flowerforyou: I'm really happy I followed that advise and that I am going to focus on P90X for the next few months. I think Insanity will be perfect for me over the holidays and after I get my calories/weight under control. So...thanks again!

    Enough rambing from me! I hope everybody has a great Monday.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Happy Monday everyone. We did a second weekend in a row at the Casino this time to see David Cook in concert. It was a very fun concert. But I told my husband no Casino for a while. It amazes me that my capacity for eating when away from home is still huge! You would think that I've gotten used to eating so much less most days, that I just wouldn't be able to eat that much when I'm away without getting sick, but I don't. So, I came home and did 2 hours on the treadmill last night, but the scale was not happy with me this morning. Hopefully a lot of it is water weight, and will come off in the next day or so. I'm hoping I can learn my lesson before our next getaway.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Zebra.... I'd love to see David Cook. He's so funny!!! Drink lots of water and whatever water weight you have gained will come right back off.:smile:

    String.... Glad you had a good time with your party. I like having people over, just not the clean up before and after:laugh:

    Alf.... Have fun with your hubby. So nice to get back yo being a "couple" after having kids:wink:

    Swiss... Love the new pic!!! You look terrific!:happy:

    Sing.... How long is the insanity program? I know you probably already told everyone I'm just to lazy to look back on older posts to find it.:ohwell: :laugh:

    Well today I'm gonna start my 30 day shred again. I haven't gotten back into it sense the road trip.:grumble: My husband switched his days off with another co worker so instead of having today and tomorrow off he has to work until Friday and Saturday. Saturday is our 22nd anniversary and we are going to Reno for hot august nights. For those of you who dont know what that is, its a huge classic car show. We haven't been for a couple of years because my husband has worked so much and couldn't get the time off so it should be fun.:tongue:
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Hello all!
    I'm feeling much better, and the bruising is almost gone :happy:

    Headed back to Curves tonight, my goal is to make it 3 times a week AND use the Nordic Trak at home the other two nights. The only way I'm going to move off this plateau is to work out more-eating less just slows my metabolism:grumble: :grumble: My hubby dug the Nordic Trak out of the storage room on his own after we got back from vacation...........I guess something there (maybe all the guys our age he saw who DIDN'T have big bellies??) made him decide it really was time to start working out. I swear - I didn't say a thing, :tongue: just walked down the basement on Thursday after work and there it was in the middle of the family room! I didn't even mention to him that I knew it was out - our youngest daughter made a big deal out of it when she was home this weekend:laugh: :laugh: Hopefully he keeps using it........ my healthy cooking isn't taking any pounds off of him.