Z. Class that causes me marriage stress part II.



  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    You should blog, these are hilarious!!

    I never thought anyone would want to hear my ramblings. I do this as a way to get things off my chest.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    You should blog, these are hilarious!!

    I never thought anyone would want to hear my ramblings. I do this as a way to get things off my chest.

    I second this, you really should blog.
  • sailorsiren13
    Holy Bat Balls this was hysterical!!!! anyone that is married gets this!!!! My kids do Zumba with me my son has some serious moves! That being said NEVER in a million years would i ask my husband to go to Zumba with me. If i want him to exercise with me i find things that i think we could have in common like running, lifting, kickboxing etc. as for all of you telling this man to leave his wife over something so stupid well you should check your own business before commenting on other peoples!
  • cycleholic
    cycleholic Posts: 119 Member
    I totally agree - you should blog! OMG- you had me screaming at my desk! (I am sorry to laugh at your pain though...)

    I take Zumba when I need my HRM to read a few more calories burned. I think I burn more calories laughing at myself. Some of the pelvic thrusts and gyrations that make me think the class has an NC17 rating...
  • sherri85
    sherri85 Posts: 148 Member
    LMAO!!!!!!! That is too dang funny!!! For what it's worth JR some of us women would rather their significant other would not do "girly things" like zumba lol... I had much raither my man want to lift instead of do a zumba class with me.. However with that being said your experience did make for a great story rotfl :laugh:
  • sherri85
    sherri85 Posts: 148 Member
    Who asks their husband/boyfriend to do Zumba? Anti-cute...
    My thoughts exactly!!!! Glad Im not the only one!! :wink:
  • mschuldt2005
    mschuldt2005 Posts: 11 Member
    Totally hilarious story! Thanks for the laugh!! There is no way on God's green earth that my husband would even consider coming with me to any fitness class let alone a Zumba class. I would be laughed off the earth for even suggesting it!! There is only one hip thrusting move he wants to do and I dont think I have to explain which one that is to anyone, especially a man! You are one very brave man for even attempting to go to that class. Hopefully your wife will realize that one day and forgive you :)
  • Jenilein
    Jenilein Posts: 10 Member
    This is so hilarious and entertaining that it's hard to believe your experience actually went down like that! Celestial, day-glo workout gear in Zumba class???? haha

    I've attended (and enjoyed) Zumba class! And (evil laugh...mmmwaahaaahaa haa haaa) I've been known to jazz it up with jingly scarves the instructor may bring to tie around the waist, lol! Be glad the Zumba instructor did not have colorful, jingly scarves for you to wear!

    I did not read all the posts, so I may be repeating others' advice, but perhaps validating both her and your needs together as equally important, and trying to find an activity that can combine both may ease the tension...I know I know...waaaay easier said than done when emotions have reached a wrath-induced peak. Ask her what she enjoyes in her workout and listen attentively, have a back-n-forth discussion on what inspires each of you in your workouts...then volunteer to do laundry sometime; lovingly washing her glow-in-the dark pants separately from your manly gym shorts!

    I think I have found a good compromise by practicing karate with my boyfriend. It's a respected, traditional art that has many things for many people...an element of grace, balance and syncronized placement of the body (appeals to my artistic, dancing side)...with techniques designed to transform your opponent into a lifeless, pile of human wreckage (appeals to my boyfriend's uga-buga Chuck Norris side). Good luck and keep regaling us with your adventures!
  • TheNewo
    TheNewo Posts: 239 Member
    Something else is wrong in your marriage and you don't seem to care, or to want to find out what it is and fix it.
    Oh sure you went with her to say you tried it. But you had no intention of really trying.
    So get off the computer and go find out what is wrong before she leaves you for one of those hot Latin zumba guys.

    ...those hot Latin zumba guys are gay.

    I hope these posts are strictly for our amusement. Because they are funny as hell, but it would make me incredibly sad if any of this is true.
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    Yea I aggre this is sad, sure did you do it in a colorful way, yea, but you talk so mean about your wife, MAN! and I cheecked out your profile and saw how much you lost and how pretty and skinny your wife is and I think huh> wow she stuck by your side when you were over weight and you treat her like this, and let her be bashed by countless woman who say "I WOULD NEVER DO THAT" they get all high on themselves at your wifes expense, I have a feeling your wife isn't so sad that you didn't do that class as much as she is sad that you don't seem to respect her, so she is yearning your love and respect, but you are acting like a little boy so she does without, yea I find that funny! NOT!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Something else is wrong in your marriage and you don't seem to care, or to want to find out what it is and fix it.
    Oh sure you went with her to say you tried it. But you had no intention of really trying.
    So get off the computer and go find out what is wrong before she leaves you for one of those hot Latin zumba guys.

    ...those hot Latin zumba guys are gay.

    I hope these posts are strictly for our amusement. Because they are funny as hell, but it would make me incredibly sad if any of this is true.

    Honestly I may use fancy pants words to describe stuff but this is sadly 100% true.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Yea I aggre this is sad, sure did you do it in a colorful way, yea, but you talk so mean about your wife, MAN! and I cheecked out your profile and saw how much you lost and how pretty and skinny your wife is and I think huh> wow she stuck by your side when you were over weight and you treat her like this, and let her be bashed by countless woman who say "I WOULD NEVER DO THAT" they get all high on themselves at your wifes expense, I have a feeling your wife isn't so sad that you didn't do that class as much as she is sad that you don't seem to respect her, so she is yearning your love and respect, but you are acting like a little boy so she does without, yea I find that funny! NOT!

    I'm not talking mean about my wife, I've many a times stated I married above my paygrade. I've always stated most likely I did something and eventually she'll tell me. She's just not ready to yet!

    As for the weight loss, kind of an insult slam there. You ever think I wasn't fat when she married me? I did play football and was in pretty good shape.

    As for the creative writing I've literally embleshed none (besides the workout clothes, I DIDN'T really need sunglass, but they were really dang bright! Oh and she may of only tried on 9-10 pairs of workout pants. )

    As for not respecting her, My wife and I have been through a LOT together. We got married way to young and learned a lot along the ways. To say I don't respect her is a gross gross oversight. I try to please my wife to the best of my god given abilities. She even knows about these posts, she doesn't like it but she doesn't mind either. It's not like I'm going around and telling her immediate family or friends. She knows that I do this to get things off my chest, I used to hold a lot in and would blow up with anger. Now I play light on a lot of things, a personality trait is far from disrespect. You choose to see the bad, I'm choosing to see the good. I never posted this to have people say.. "OMG, SHE'S CRAZY." (Even though she'd be the first to admit it and laugh at it once it's all said and done. She knows she has a very very very hot temper.)

    So before you judge, lighten up a bit. Life is funny, I can laugh at myself and the things around me. If it makes you feel better my next update will be about something stupid I did once. That way there can be no bashing of the wife, who if you noticed when I post I defend.

    Also as for your comment for me not giving Zumba a try, I did give it an honest try. I laugh a lot, I'm one of THOSE guys.. I laugh when I'm nervous, but more importantly I have a really hard time being serious.

    In closing. Thanks for your input, I am probably a dirt bag of a man, I do respect my wife, I've never once talked about divorcing her, my wife and I have way too many funny episodes like this. Usually from a prank I decide to pull.

    Smile and laugh in life :-D
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    Yea I aggre this is sad, sure did you do it in a colorful way, yea, but you talk so mean about your wife, MAN! and I cheecked out your profile and saw how much you lost and how pretty and skinny your wife is and I think huh> wow she stuck by your side when you were over weight and you treat her like this, and let her be bashed by countless woman who say "I WOULD NEVER DO THAT" they get all high on themselves at your wifes expense, I have a feeling your wife isn't so sad that you didn't do that class as much as she is sad that you don't seem to respect her, so she is yearning your love and respect, but you are acting like a little boy so she does without, yea I find that funny! NOT!

    I'm not talking mean about my wife, I've many a times stated I married above my paygrade. I've always stated most likely I did something and eventually she'll tell me. She's just not ready to yet!

    As for the weight loss, kind of an insult slam there. You ever think I wasn't fat when she married me? I did play football and was in pretty good shape.

    As for the creative writing I've literally embleshed none (besides the workout clothes, I DIDN'T really need sunglass, but they were really dang bright! Oh and she may of only tried on 9-10 pairs of workout pants. )

    As for not respecting her, My wife and I have been through a LOT together. We got married way to young and learned a lot along the ways. To say I don't respect her is a gross gross oversight. I try to please my wife to the best of my god given abilities. She even knows about these posts, she doesn't like it but she doesn't mind either. It's not like I'm going around and telling her immediate family or friends. She knows that I do this to get things off my chest, I used to hold a lot in and would blow up with anger. Now I play light on a lot of things, a personality trait is far from disrespect. You choose to see the bad, I'm choosing to see the good. I never posted this to have people say.. "OMG, SHE'S CRAZY." (Even though she'd be the first to admit it and laugh at it once it's all said and done. She knows she has a very very very hot temper.)

    So before you judge, lighten up a bit. Life is funny, I can laugh at myself and the things around me. If it makes you feel better my next update will be about something stupid I did once. That way there can be no bashing of the wife, who if you noticed when I post I defend.

    Also as for your comment for me not giving Zumba a try, I did give it an honest try. I laugh a lot, I'm one of THOSE guys.. I laugh when I'm nervous, but more importantly I have a really hard time being serious.

    In closing. Thanks for your input, I am probably a dirt bag of a man, I do respect my wife, I've never once talked about divorcing her, my wife and I have way too many funny episodes like this. Usually from a prank I decide to pull.

    Smile and laugh in life :-D

    Well this makes me think differently, all I read was people prasing you for this and being all, "oh I am so much better then your wife" blah blah blah so I wanted to show another perspective,

    I don't mean to offend you about my comment on your weight, all I know is there are a lot of shallow woman out there and it seems you got a good one, cause I know a LOT of lady's that would leave their man if he got big,

    As far as being a jerk, heh! I can be a ragging B word and my hunny can be a jerk, it's all good as long as you treat your honey with love in real life,

    I guess I just got sick of hearing all the other girls puffing themselves up at the expense of your wify
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Yea I aggre this is sad, sure did you do it in a colorful way, yea, but you talk so mean about your wife, MAN! and I cheecked out your profile and saw how much you lost and how pretty and skinny your wife is and I think huh> wow she stuck by your side when you were over weight and you treat her like this, and let her be bashed by countless woman who say "I WOULD NEVER DO THAT" they get all high on themselves at your wifes expense, I have a feeling your wife isn't so sad that you didn't do that class as much as she is sad that you don't seem to respect her, so she is yearning your love and respect, but you are acting like a little boy so she does without, yea I find that funny! NOT!

    I'm not talking mean about my wife, I've many a times stated I married above my paygrade. I've always stated most likely I did something and eventually she'll tell me. She's just not ready to yet!

    As for the weight loss, kind of an insult slam there. You ever think I wasn't fat when she married me? I did play football and was in pretty good shape.

    As for the creative writing I've literally embleshed none (besides the workout clothes, I DIDN'T really need sunglass, but they were really dang bright! Oh and she may of only tried on 9-10 pairs of workout pants. )

    As for not respecting her, My wife and I have been through a LOT together. We got married way to young and learned a lot along the ways. To say I don't respect her is a gross gross oversight. I try to please my wife to the best of my god given abilities. She even knows about these posts, she doesn't like it but she doesn't mind either. It's not like I'm going around and telling her immediate family or friends. She knows that I do this to get things off my chest, I used to hold a lot in and would blow up with anger. Now I play light on a lot of things, a personality trait is far from disrespect. You choose to see the bad, I'm choosing to see the good. I never posted this to have people say.. "OMG, SHE'S CRAZY." (Even though she'd be the first to admit it and laugh at it once it's all said and done. She knows she has a very very very hot temper.)

    So before you judge, lighten up a bit. Life is funny, I can laugh at myself and the things around me. If it makes you feel better my next update will be about something stupid I did once. That way there can be no bashing of the wife, who if you noticed when I post I defend.

    Also as for your comment for me not giving Zumba a try, I did give it an honest try. I laugh a lot, I'm one of THOSE guys.. I laugh when I'm nervous, but more importantly I have a really hard time being serious.

    In closing. Thanks for your input, I am probably a dirt bag of a man, I do respect my wife, I've never once talked about divorcing her, my wife and I have way too many funny episodes like this. Usually from a prank I decide to pull.

    Smile and laugh in life :-D

    Well this makes me think differently, all I read was people prasing you for this and being all, "oh I am so much better then your wife" blah blah blah so I wanted to show another perspective,

    I don't mean to offend you about my comment on your weight, all I know is there are a lot of shallow woman out there and it seems you got a good one, cause I know a LOT of lady's that would leave their man if he got big,

    As far as being a jerk, heh! I can be a ragging B word and my hunny can be a jerk, it's all good as long as you treat your honey with love in real life,

    I guess I just got sick of hearing all the other girls puffing themselves up at the expense of your wify

    Well I did make her supper tonight ;-)
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    Yea I aggre this is sad, sure did you do it in a colorful way, yea, but you talk so mean about your wife, MAN! and I cheecked out your profile and saw how much you lost and how pretty and skinny your wife is and I think huh> wow she stuck by your side when you were over weight and you treat her like this, and let her be bashed by countless woman who say "I WOULD NEVER DO THAT" they get all high on themselves at your wifes expense, I have a feeling your wife isn't so sad that you didn't do that class as much as she is sad that you don't seem to respect her, so she is yearning your love and respect, but you are acting like a little boy so she does without, yea I find that funny! NOT!

    I'm not talking mean about my wife, I've many a times stated I married above my paygrade. I've always stated most likely I did something and eventually she'll tell me. She's just not ready to yet!

    As for the weight loss, kind of an insult slam there. You ever think I wasn't fat when she married me? I did play football and was in pretty good shape.

    As for the creative writing I've literally embleshed none (besides the workout clothes, I DIDN'T really need sunglass, but they were really dang bright! Oh and she may of only tried on 9-10 pairs of workout pants. )

    As for not respecting her, My wife and I have been through a LOT together. We got married way to young and learned a lot along the ways. To say I don't respect her is a gross gross oversight. I try to please my wife to the best of my god given abilities. She even knows about these posts, she doesn't like it but she doesn't mind either. It's not like I'm going around and telling her immediate family or friends. She knows that I do this to get things off my chest, I used to hold a lot in and would blow up with anger. Now I play light on a lot of things, a personality trait is far from disrespect. You choose to see the bad, I'm choosing to see the good. I never posted this to have people say.. "OMG, SHE'S CRAZY." (Even though she'd be the first to admit it and laugh at it once it's all said and done. She knows she has a very very very hot temper.)

    So before you judge, lighten up a bit. Life is funny, I can laugh at myself and the things around me. If it makes you feel better my next update will be about something stupid I did once. That way there can be no bashing of the wife, who if you noticed when I post I defend.

    Also as for your comment for me not giving Zumba a try, I did give it an honest try. I laugh a lot, I'm one of THOSE guys.. I laugh when I'm nervous, but more importantly I have a really hard time being serious.

    In closing. Thanks for your input, I am probably a dirt bag of a man, I do respect my wife, I've never once talked about divorcing her, my wife and I have way too many funny episodes like this. Usually from a prank I decide to pull.

    Smile and laugh in life :-D

    Well this makes me think differently, all I read was people prasing you for this and being all, "oh I am so much better then your wife" blah blah blah so I wanted to show another perspective,

    I don't mean to offend you about my comment on your weight, all I know is there are a lot of shallow woman out there and it seems you got a good one, cause I know a LOT of lady's that would leave their man if he got big,

    As far as being a jerk, heh! I can be a ragging B word and my hunny can be a jerk, it's all good as long as you treat your honey with love in real life,

    I guess I just got sick of hearing all the other girls puffing themselves up at the expense of your wify

    Well I did make her supper tonight ;-)

    that's really nice! I bet she felt really special!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I found me a workout shirt that is perfect to wear to the gym. It's got the dayglo colors that run around the arm pits. Now my arm pitts can look like they smell at the gym.. NUCLEAR!
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    I remember reading your original story and I'm glad I spotted this one too.

    Whilst I know I should write something serious and constructive, I just can't. It's too hilarious.

    Ditto. Fantastic laugh.

    I can't believe you actually did Zumba!!! Man that's so beyond the call of duty. And I can't believe the response you're getting from some women here. Sheesh. You were prepared to make a complete pratt of yourself just to please her and you still get nothing but s**t here from some.

    I can only assume it's some kind of deflection of their own issues.
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    And by the way in neither part 1 or part 2 did I ever see you dissing your wife. I think some folk just don't get your humour. Personally I think you should write for a living! :laugh:
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    I love your writing! Thanks for sharing...
    I wouldmt be caught dead in a Zumba class lol.. It's too bad your wife doesn't know what she's missing out on by not lifting. I wouldn't trade it for anything!
  • fernanda78
    fernanda78 Posts: 40
    U see Jr...should of done the Date night of Salsa and set up a specific day just for her to go to the gym to Chat Nd continue on to it usual gym routine with no problem. Thanks for the update! Great story