Honest body opinions (add your own pic too)



  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    Awesom I love this, o.k. I have two questions for you fine folks

    This is my calf after a couple months of stregnth tranning, is it pretty good, I know I have fat to loose


    and these are pics of WHEN I was 90 pounds smaller, this is the smallest I have been in my adult life, I know it's kinda hard to tell, but how much more do you all think I can aford to loose I am wearing a size small in these, and just to pount out, I have a ton of muscles and am very broad



    Maybe another 10-20 if you want to be smaller..if you want to be the thinnest you could without being too thin Id say 30 tops but I think you look nice in that middle picture! I LOVE the sweater and you look healthy :]

    Thank you madame =) that's the amount my mom said =)
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    TluvK- Wow! you are in great shape! I think the most impressive part of this picture is what I can see of your biceps. You must lift really heavy, and you have to definition to show it!

    Thank you! Oddly enough, my arms are pretty quick to show muscle. I know this isn't true for a lot of women. It's the rest of me that I'm really trying to focus on. I lift pretty heavy - I mean, relative to what I used to lift, which was not much at all. I have a friend who's trying to get me into Crossfit and I'm really on the fence because I like my own little program and actually really enjoy working out by myself.
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    I'm going to address a few people's comments here for hopefully the last time.
    1) I do have some definition in my arms, although I know it's not much. The way my arm is posed in the picture makes it difficult to see. No matter what I do my body has a hard time gaining muscle. It's always been a struggle for me.
    2) My boyfriend is very into fitness and nutrition and he told me that I should be eating 1500-1600 calories a day. Even with eating this much I'm not really losing anything. I tend to only lose weight when I eat 1200 or less. But he makes sure I get as close to 1500 as I can.
    3) Yes I am technically underweight according to BMIs but my body structure is pretty small. So any extra weight that I have shows very easily. BMIs are bull**** anyways.
    4) I say my goal weight is 110 or lower because when I was 110 a couple years ago I still had that little bit of jiggle that I hate. Maybe I'm just picky but I'd rather be comfortable with my body. Another point here I used to be 110. That is not too small for me. That is my natural body weight (110-113). I have gained some weight in the past couple years that I don't like.
    5) Those kind of tumblr girls who complain that they're fat when they're skinny are NOT the ones I'm talking about. The girls who are my inspiration are into eating clean, lifting weights, and promote overall healthy lifestyles.

    I know I said to add your opinions about me, but some of your assumptions are very uncalled for. All I wanted to know is what to improve. Not know about how you think I look gross.

    I think you look great!, my husband is natrully very lean and also has a hard time bulking up with muscles, so I know what you mean,

    but any who, I think you look really fit and healthy and if you feel good then don't worry about physically just focus on eating good, lefting and cadio, so you can be happy and healthy well into your old age =)
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I think you look like what so many of us on here are trying to achieve!
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    thanks! hows your diet, ? cause thats also a big part. but ultimately it is what you're happiest with that matters since you are here for you not others . it took me forever to tweak my workouts / eat more to one not be unhealthy yet be okay & confident with the weight ive gained.

    you look SO MUCH BETTER with the "extra" weight chick!
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    In all my honesty you all look great. Here's mine (sorry if its a bit dark because this was taken from my camera phone), I know I still have some fat in me that I'm working on right now

    <--- this pic (I was about to upload it but it seems that photobucket has a problem right now)

    and these

  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    before, mid february:
    after, beginning of april:

    i'm happy with my progress so far, but i hate the pudge around the midsection. i'm really trying to hit the cardio hard. however, this is the lowest weight that i've been walking around at in about 4 years (190). i really wanna get to the sub-180 mark, but it feels so far away.

    EDIT: ok i guess i don't know how to post pics

    Wow that's a huge difference! Just keep it up :-)

    It IS a huge difference. Your biceps look awesome.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Love the opinions. I want some!


    You work hard, don't you?? It shows. For sure.
  • whiplashpcw
    whiplashpcw Posts: 126 Member
    I'm all for some honest opinions. Loving the feed back.


    Don't. Change. A. Thing.

    Seriously lol.

    IF you really wanted to, you could put on a few lbs of muscle in your lower body, but otherwise, nothing.

    ^^agree lol

    perfection! :D

  • whiplashpcw
    whiplashpcw Posts: 126 Member
    I hope people are still checking this thread! I want some opinions too!


  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    Even though everyone on here is slim...

    158lbs :


    Im nearly at this again so its the best pic i have!

    Love the tatto! I would say if you are happy with this look then it's a good weight, if you wanted to like go running on the beach in a bikini then I say loos a little more and lift and what not, but you look great =)
  • booyainyoface
    booyainyoface Posts: 409 Member

    wayyyyyy too much booty and not enough muscle. darn pear shape.

    but in all actuality, i believe that all of the girls (myself included) that are posting pictures in their underwear, know that they don't look that bad... and compliments from a stranger from a less critical eye can sometimes help us realize the good we have, as we tend to focus on the bad. :) that being said- i am thankful for my small waist and long torso that can get a nice stomach with a little work!
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member

    wayyyyyy too much booty and not enough muscle. darn pear shape.

    but in all actuality, i believe that all of the girls (myself included) that are posting pictures in their underwear, know that they don't look that bad... and compliments from a stranger from a less critical eye can sometimes help us realize the good we have, as we tend to focus on the bad. :) that being said- i am thankful for my small waist and long torso that can get a nice stomach with a little work!

    your upper portion looks great and your stomach looks Awesome!, I would focus now on the glutes and thighs and you will be unstopable =)
  • bedoozled
    bedoozled Posts: 189 Member
    booyainyoface, we have almost the exact same body type (but I'm jealous of your even tinier waist!) My thighs and butt are where all of my weight is, and it looks like it's the same for you - but you're also clearly healthy, and you look really good to me (especially those arms!); what cellulite-free legs! I'm trying to focus more on weight lifting and keeping my calories/nutrients at the right level to lose fat and gain muscle, since I've heard it's better for hip etc. reduction than cardio, but I don't know if that's the "right" thing to do or not (as I'm certainly no professional) : )
  • emilyc92
    emilyc92 Posts: 182 Member
    booyainyoface- i'm not sure what the exact name is (maybe "traps"?) but your upper back muscles are very impressive! and you're right, you do have a very small waist! lucky girl!
  • mmrodr38
    mmrodr38 Posts: 2 Member
    Look very hot. Good tone.
  • booyainyoface
    booyainyoface Posts: 409 Member
    booyainyoface- i'm not sure what the exact name is (maybe "traps"?) but your upper back muscles are very impressive!

    aww thanks...i absolutely LOVE lifting my back. this was a few months ago, ive upped my weights but haven't taken pictures to see the changes yet, but can see the changes from even heavier weights in my arms/shoulders every day. but my booty is the same- my jeans tell me that :)
  • bluemorpho1247
    bluemorpho1247 Posts: 300 Member
    Even though everyone on here is slim...

    158lbs :


    Im nearly at this again so its the best pic i have!

    Love the tatto! I would say if you are happy with this look then it's a good weight, if you wanted to like go running on the beach in a bikini then I say loos a little more and lift and what not, but you look great =)

    haha thanks :D I dont do beach running :P and yes! I am starting the toning progress soon :) Just getting education out of the way :) Thanks for such an honest opinion!
  • bluemorpho1247
    bluemorpho1247 Posts: 300 Member

    wayyyyyy too much booty and not enough muscle. darn pear shape.

    but in all actuality, i believe that all of the girls (myself included) that are posting pictures in their underwear, know that they don't look that bad... and compliments from a stranger from a less critical eye can sometimes help us realize the good we have, as we tend to focus on the bad. :) that being said- i am thankful for my small waist and long torso that can get a nice stomach with a little work!

    I LOVE the bum!!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Oops, wrong thread. I thought this was "fishing for compliments..."

    green isn't a good color on you.