Stay at home parents- (kind of long)



  • CharityEaton
    I was brought up in a home were my mother stayed at home with us. she gave up her career as a nurse to raise us.
    I also worked in chikdcare for about 7 years. The plan was for me to stay at home after our first daughter was bron but it didn't end up working out until 2 years later when our second daughter was born. I worked in childcare and while it is fine for most families it was NOT what I wanted for my children. I wanted to be the one seeing them walk for the first time. I wanted to teach them their colors and how to sing the ABC's.

    My first year at home was very tough! we live outside of town so it wasn't possible to go for a walk to the park...I was literally at home day in and day out. Once we got the finances figured out and knew we would be fine long term I found plenty of free activities to do wih the kids a few times a week.

    We have had to kee a tight budget and I have never had a problem with the his money my money thing. It's just never been an issue. I am NOT good at finances so my husband usually will just kindly say, "hey honey, you need to try really hard to stick to th budget for a few weeks..we've gotten a little too relaxed and we need to get back on track." He neve is rude about it and the money is always there when we need it.

    Now I have reached the point in time that my third, and youngest daughter will start kindergarten in the fall. I get questions every day about what I'm going to do with all myfree time! What a joke! Just because my kids are off to school for the day does NOT mean that I will not have anything to do! I still have to clean and do laundry and prepare the homemade nutritious food that my family needs. I volunteer at the school as often as I can and I go on field trips, I make special treats for those special days at school ( like the 100 day, or Johnny Appleseed Day or Baseball Day) I volunteer for Track and Field day. I am still a very big part of my girls day even though they are at school. If I had a job I would not be allowed to take all of these days off to do these things that mean so much to my kids. It will only be a few short years before my oldest is in Middle School and I will no longer be (nor will she want me to be) volunteering as much for her. I want to take advantage of this time now.

    It takes some adjusting but once you get used to it, chances are you won't want to go back to work. You won't want to miss anything and everything you give up is worth it to know you gave your children everything you had to be the best mom you could! Like you said, many people don't get the opportunity to stay at home so embrace it for the sake of those who wish they could! I count my lucky stars every day that BOTH my husband and I kiss our daughters good-bye and wave them off to school each morning and we are BOTH home to get them off the bus each afternoon. He has a super flexible schedule that allows him to be here each morning and afternoon. We are truly blessed to have the ability to be here for our girls.
  • tanyakay87
    tanyakay87 Posts: 223 Member
    I know im gonna get flamed on this, BUT....its funny to me how many moms say that once the kids get into school they wan tto get a job so "they have something for me" a man that just seems ridiculous. Id love to have a job thats for me, but unfortunately I have a job that pays bills.

    I know (I hope) you all mean it differently, but just giving you the insight of most men (at the Men Meeting of 2011 held in Vegas, I was voted to speak for all men)

    From my point of view, I would say what a woman means by having something for her is probably to go to work just so she can have a hot cup of coffee for once!! Or a day where she doesn't have vomit or other bodily functions in her hair ;))
  • CrazyMidget611
    CrazyMidget611 Posts: 102 Member
    I know im gonna get flamed on this, BUT....its funny to me how many moms say that once the kids get into school they wan tto get a job so "they have something for me" a man that just seems ridiculous. Id love to have a job thats for me, but unfortunately I have a job that pays bills.

    I know (I hope) you all mean it differently, but just giving you the insight of most men (at the Men Meeting of 2011 held in Vegas, I was voted to speak for all men)

    From my point of view, I would say what a woman means by having something for her is probably to go to work just so she can have a hot cup of coffee for once!! Or a day where she doesn't have vomit or other bodily functions in her hair ;))

    Wait...HOT coffee?? What is THAT??

    My husband gets so frustrated because he finds all of my stiil-full coffee cups from 6a on the table at 8p! I'm like "Dude, I didn't just pour it for fun! I had every intention of sucking that bad boy down!! I just never got the chance!"

    And, no joke, my daughter has WICKED reflux and I go through about 5 changes of clothes a day! LOL
  • tanyakay87
    tanyakay87 Posts: 223 Member
    I know im gonna get flamed on this, BUT....its funny to me how many moms say that once the kids get into school they wan tto get a job so "they have something for me" a man that just seems ridiculous. Id love to have a job thats for me, but unfortunately I have a job that pays bills.

    I know (I hope) you all mean it differently, but just giving you the insight of most men (at the Men Meeting of 2011 held in Vegas, I was voted to speak for all men)

    From my point of view, I would say what a woman means by having something for her is probably to go to work just so she can have a hot cup of coffee for once!! Or a day where she doesn't have vomit or other bodily functions in her hair ;))

    Wait...HOT coffee?? What is THAT??

    My husband gets so frustrated because he finds all of my stiil-full coffee cups from 6a on the table at 8p! I'm like "Dude, I didn't just pour it for fun! I had every intention of sucking that bad boy down!! I just never got the chance!"

    And, no joke, my daughter has WICKED reflux and I go through about 5 changes of clothes a day! LOL

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets in trouble for multiple half finished coffees lol! Ugh no shame about reflux ;( My little one likes to keep food in her hands for later use and then put it on my face or hair when I'm not looking. She wipes her nose on my black shirts and jerseys too, especially when we're out in public for everyone to see lol. And she's not even a year old yet lol!!

    A mother's job is NOT easy!
  • BeachBobbie
    I totally did not read the entire post, but I can say that the sacrifice of staying home with your up the life I would have chosen if Iw ouldn't have had children, doing without newer clothes, going on vacation, having more money for totally worth it. My children never feel alone or on their own. I do not spoil them by any means, but I am available when they need me and I will be until they move out and probably then too. I don't know what I'll do when they leave the "nest", but I do know that until then, they will always have me ready and available for anythin they need. I'll never miss a step. Life is over too soon and when you die, the nice fancy cars and homes and clothes don't matter. In the end, its the bonds you've made with people that last and keep your legacy alive! (just my two cents)