What is a turn off for you ( Male & Female)



  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    what do u like then ...we know what u hate..

    Agreed. If you really weren't posting the daily hater thread, you would have posted something positive about what you Like without saying a word about the opposite.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Until something gets said that you don't like. Then there will be calls to shut this thread down. Because you know what's funny? I have not seen one post, not one, saying "Fat women. I think they're gross and they smell. They disgust me. I truly find them to be repulsive."

    Still think it's ok because it's just my opinion?

    (point of clarification I in no way, shape or form feel like that. Just trying to illustrate a point)

    Guess what?!

    I am perfectly okay with that.
    You know why?!

    Bcuz I love myself and who I am and that is just YOUR opinion.
    There are many out there that dont think that way and YOUR opinion does not relfect my opinion on myself.


    Please read again as I clearly stated that was NOT my opinion. I was just trying to illustrate a point.

    So you think the "Tattooed women are gross" posts and "Piercings make you look like a tramp" statements are fine? Because they're just someone else's opinion?

    I know I sure don't. I love tattoos, piercings, heavy girls, muscled girls, smokers and a whole long list of traits to be honest. I think that a thread listing superficial things we dislike in other people is only going to serve to make other people feel bad about themselves. It helps no one and is nothing more than b!tching, whining and bullying.

    "Your opinion" does not give you the right to talk S on someone else. Or if you do at least don't be shocked when you hear back from the people you just called disgusting and gross.
  • goofyrick24
    goofyrick24 Posts: 125 Member
    Not being fully self supporting
  • JeepBaja
    JeepBaja Posts: 1,824 Member
    Being fake. Being nice only to get something. I can tolerate a lot but I don't care for a lady who is fake or has an "agenda".
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I love people that know how to build Pine Cone Bird Feeders.
    I love that MFP can provide detailed instructions on how to turn members on.

  • sandybeachez
    sandybeachez Posts: 70 Member
    For males & females, I hate smoking. I think you smell gross. And you look gross too. :(
    Excessive muscles. Muscles that have muscles that have muscles.
    Long beards. Keep it trimmed boys.
    Alcoholics. If you can't go out once in your life and not have a drink then there is something wrong.
    BAD BODY ODOR! Do something about it.
    To much make-up of a female. Im sure you beautiful without all that make-up caked on
    Excessive tanning. I do not like carrots!
    Drugs. If you do drugs, sorry. Please don't talk to me, Because I won't be interested in you. I've never done drugs and don't plan on doing them either.
    Guys who "do" their hair. If it takes you longer than 5 minutes to get ready, uh no thank you.
    Liars. 9 times out of 10 I KNOW THE TRUTH & I'm just giving you the oppertunity to tell me the truth.

    I swear you stole the words out of my mouth.
  • SingSmileLaugh
    How do you define a soulmate?
    I don't know.. Let me try......

    6'2" 200lb JACKED
    I can wash my laundry on his six or 8 pack of abs, and he does all my housework in an apron and tight boxer/briefs.

    :) Kidding of course!

    Turn offs- Smoking, excessive complaints, negativity towards others who are different.

    Turn ons- Check out my guy friends on MFP and you'll see what a turn on is!!! :)
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    And this is where I remind everyone that my dog eats her poop sometimes.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I can't effing stand Tattooed Teenaged Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills....

    I see them hanging out at the convenience store sometimes and RRRGHGHGH *strangling motion*
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Wow, it seems some of you are taking this thread as a chance to just lash out at the things about people you hate. This thread is about pet-peeves or turn offs; not personally attacking people who happen to fit into the category of things you don't like. Calling people gross and ugly and making you want to puke is unnecessary and overreacting.

    Some people just can't answer a simple question without getting on their soapbox. I'm done checking out this thread.

    Then the OP should not have been so anti-smoker, anti-alcoholic (it IS a disease), anti-muscles... Yes, this is the daily hater post.
  • Uuugggghhhhhhh
    Dingle berries. Don't let him lie to you, they are not his body's chocolatey morsels of love.
  • RyanDanielle5101
    And this is where I remind everyone that my dog eats her poop sometimes.

    My dog eats her poop and the cats! WTH

    She would probably eat my kids’ poo outta the toilet if I didn't teach them to flush at a young age!!
  • bestbassist
    bestbassist Posts: 177 Member
    Bad hygiene (women who look like they would fit well in a 1970's porn flick and have the odor to match)
    Bad taste in music
    Bad taste in books
    Bad taste in movies
    Boring wardrobe
    Herd mentality
    Women who wince at cigar smoke
    Misandric women/Feminists
    "Traditional" women (I'm not carrying your weight. The bill is half yours.)
    Women with children
    Women with vampire fetishes (I may look the part but that doesn't mean I am going to fulfill your fantasy)
    Women who only like wild sex when they're drunk or high
    Women with Narcissistic Personality Disorder
    Bipolar women
    Women who date musicians for "status"
    Women who shop at Hot Topic and consider themselves "Goth"
    Women who don't respect a man's need to work and/or be alone at times
    Women who think witholding sex for any reason will get them anywhere but booted out the door
    Women who want to "tame" a "bad boy" when in reality they are the ones who are completely lost
  • Foxypoo61287
    Foxypoo61287 Posts: 638 Member
    And this is where I remind everyone that my dog eats her poop sometimes.

    Thank you. LOL.

    Some people are just being silly. I kissed a smoker for 20 years. My mother. She even said herself, its gross and makes people look gross. Maybe I should have chosen a different word other than gross, but it's my opinion. And I am allowed to voice my opinion. This was just a light topic about things that turn you off. There are TONS of topics about things that turn you on. So I decided to change it up a bit and voice my OPINION about things that turn me off. And I'm sorry if you took it personally, and think I am attacking someone. I am not. If you don't like it, don't read it. You decided to read this topic. I did not force you to read you. You were curious. So please do not reprimand me for the way that I think about something.
  • sedelagarza
    sedelagarza Posts: 96 Member
    1. Smokers
    2. Sluts
    3. Being cocky
    4. Attention *kitten*
    5. Annoying drunkness
    6. Being over sexual
    7. Acting like you're hot poop when you're not
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    1.) If you are a conservative
    2.) If you have a tongue ring
    3.) if you make cruel jokes
    4.) If you think Jersey Shore is the best show ever
    5.) If you are not intelligent
    6.) Spitting.....YUCK
    7.) Smoking...ewww
    8.) Using excessive vulgar language
    9.) If you get all your clothes from hot topic
    10.) Illegal drug use of any kind
    11.) Lack of sense of humor
    12.) If ya smell funkeh
    13.) If you are mean to your parents
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    When someone isn't true to their self and tries to be someone they're not.

    ....and if they have horrible taste in music/movies/books/art, no sense of humor and are really preachy about their religion.
  • smilingchica
    smilingchica Posts: 279 Member
    Until something gets said that you don't like. Then there will be calls to shut this thread down. Because you know what's funny? I have not seen one post, not one, saying "Fat women. I think they're gross and they smell. They disgust me. I truly find them to be repulsive."

    Still think it's ok because it's just my opinion?

    (point of clarification I in no way, shape or form feel like that. Just trying to illustrate a point)

    Guess what?!

    I am perfectly okay with that.
    You know why?!

    Bcuz I love myself and who I am and that is just YOUR opinion.
    There are many out there that dont think that way and YOUR opinion does not relfect my opinion on myself.


    Please read again as I clearly stated that was NOT my opinion. I was just trying to illustrate a point.

    So you think the "Tattooed women are gross" posts and "Piercings make you look like a tramp" statements are fine? Because they're just someone else's opinion?

    I know I sure don't. I love tattoos, piercings, heavy girls, muscled girls, smokers and a whole long list of traits to be honest. I think that a thread listing superficial things we dislike in other people is only going to serve to make other people feel bad about themselves. It helps no one and is nothing more than b!tching, whining and bullying.

    "Your opinion" does not give you the right to talk S on someone else. Or if you do at least don't be shocked when you hear back from the people you just called disgusting and gross.

    **claps, drops mic and walks away**
  • zoodalia
    zoodalia Posts: 294
    Bad hygiene (women who look like they would fit well in a 1970's porn flick and have the odor to match)
    Bad taste in music
    Bad taste in books
    Bad taste in movies
    Boring wardrobe
    Herd mentality
    Women who wince at cigar smoke
    Misandric women/Feminists
    "Traditional" women (I'm not carrying your weight. The bill is half yours.)
    Women with children
    Women with vampire fetishes (I may look the part but that doesn't mean I am going to fulfill your fantasy)
    Women who only like wild sex when they're drunk or high
    Women with Narcissistic Personality Disorder
    Bipolar women
    Women who date musicians for "status"
    Women who shop at Hot Topic and consider themselves "Goth"
    Women who don't respect a man's need to work and/or be alone at times
    Women who think witholding sex for any reason will get them anywhere but booted out the door
    Women who want to "tame" a "bad boy" when in reality they are the ones who are completely lost

    You sound like a laugh a minute.