

  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    i love carbs and definitely eat them! and I'm starting to get abs. no carbing is a bunch of bull****, no offense.
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    I had pizza twice last week, bbq, ice cream, spaghetti and lots of bread and I was down 2lbs! I just switched my white carbs to brown! And my potatoes from white to sweet! :) Im a bit of a carboholic!
  • TonyaMarie77
    i dont worry too much about carbs, but i know why they suggest it...there are good carbs and bad carbs, good carbs are in fruits and veggies, bad carbs like white bread or anything with white flour contain sugar, too much sugar intake increases an insulin spike and causes your body to store fat. so while you may still lose weight, some fat around the belly area.
  • starry4282
    starry4282 Posts: 5 Member
    I've found the many times that I've lost weight and then gained it back, was due to the fact that I had to cut out some type of foods, and of course they were what I loved, so I could never stick to the diet plan.
    So now, I'm going to watch my calories, and if I want bread, chocolate, gravy or whatever, as long as I try to stay in my calories, I will have it. Then hopefully I will be able to lose the weight I need to and keep it off. Of course, exercise needs to go along with it also.
  • bicoastalgirl
    bicoastalgirl Posts: 85 Member
    i eat bread. and pasta. and crackers. and i've lost 43 pounds.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I stopped eating pasta when I lost weight. It's not because carbs are bad, but because pasta/bread is calorie-dense and easy to overeat. I can't eat only one "serving" of pasta (being about the size of a baby's thumbnail) without going overboard. For me it's a matter of willpower. And carbs make me crave more carbs. So I cut back, but didn't eliminate, and I stopped craving carby foods that did nothing but pad my diet.

    I'm not against carbs but it makes sense to understand the effect that bread and pasta has on the appetite. People who can easily moderate their intake of carb-heavy foods are at an advantage.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    If someone tried to convince me to give up potatoes, they'd have somethin' comin...

    Carbs are vital to cellular respiration. End of story. :)

    I eat them. I lost 35 lbs. I am happy.
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    By the way, you can get carbs by not eating grains. They are not the be all and end all of carbohydrates. I don't judge people for eating bread or pasta or whatever (food, real food) so why judge others if NOT eating grains works for them.

    I don't have a problem with anyone not eating grains. It's personal choice. :) It's the hating on grains/bread/carbs etc and the claim that they're the sole cause of obesity that I have a problem with.

    And I don't doubt that reducing carbs or giving up grains helps some people to lose fat, :) but it's important that people understand that it's not *necessary* they don't *have to* give up bread/grains to lose fat (though some people with certain medical conditions might do better on a lower carb diet) - so long as you're supplying your body with what it needs, eating at a deficit and doing exercise then it's whatever helps you to stick with it in the long term. :)
  • bdsweetie21
    bdsweetie21 Posts: 14
    I've lost 35lbs and I eat 1-2 servings of grains a day! I do think that bread helps your body retain weight and thus making it harder to lose weight, but that doesn't mean it is impossible to lose weight while eating it! I make my own bread using Spelt Wheat flour which has 1/3 less gluten in it; since the gluten is what makes it harder to lose the lbs. It still rises the same way reg flour does, and you don't have to adjust your recipie at all. I would suggest pounding your dough a few extra times though, because in my experience the dough, made with spelt wheat, likes to gather rather large air pockets in the center of the dough which then makes your bread colapse half way through baking it.... doesn't really change anything- except make it harder to cut up when done baking, and to keep an average cal count per slice LOL.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    That's great for you guys. I mean wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all do the same thing and get the same result?

    the thing is, I was plateaued for two and half YEARS. That's right. YEARS. A few months ago I started a modified paleo diet (meaning I have a limited amount of cow and goat's dairy) and I have actually lost weight. Finally. So do you really think that bread, pasta and pizza are worth it to me to eat again?

    And guess what, I've found replacements for just about everything. I don't miss it, I don't crave it, I feel better, more alert but also sleeping better. I think I'll stick with this plan.
    Good for you! I wonder if age has something to do with it? After 40 or so I found that I had to eat fewer grains to maintain. All things being equal.

    well I am 43 :)
    And I'm 47! So, there's two data points!
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I :heart: carbs! I ate rice in my frozen processed microwave meal tonight. It was good. And didn't make me fat.
  • Maldivesbeachbodplease
    SO glad i just read this post. i've been doing a low carb/very high protein diet for the last few months....realised yesterday after a MASSIVE binge..that i can't do it anymore. i have ZERO energy...eating out/in social sitations is BEYOND a nightmare/leads to from today i am having 3 healthy, filling, nutritious meals and snacking on fruit. that is it! xxx
  • Jenjaz1910
    Jenjaz1910 Posts: 447 Member
    I find that too much white bread/pasta etc.... makes me really sluggish so I am trying to eat wholewheat stuff instead. I am also a REAL carb person, I LOVE them, which was my downfall, so I have cut down on them but nor totally cut them out x
  • wabrody
    wabrody Posts: 202
    I think the main reason people do the no bread thing is because of the carbs. (pretty much what some other people said) Personally I have gone that route and tried the low carb diet and ended up gaining a few pounds. So i went back to watching my calorie intake.

    Personally I have a sandwich or a wrap everyday and I am still loosing 2+ lbs a week.
  • kindra3434
    kindra3434 Posts: 177 Member
    I would rather be over weight than never have a carb. Seriously! Moderation and a balanced diet! To much meat consumption is just icky...
  • MisterTEZ
    MisterTEZ Posts: 272 Member
    being diabetic I need a minimum of 130 carbs a day
  • kindra3434
    kindra3434 Posts: 177 Member
    I stopped eating pasta when I lost weight. It's not because carbs are bad, but because pasta/bread is calorie-dense and easy to overeat. I can't eat only one "serving" of pasta (being about the size of a baby's thumbnail) without going overboard. For me it's a matter of willpower. And carbs make me crave more carbs. So I cut back, but didn't eliminate, and I stopped craving carby foods that did nothing but pad my diet.

    I'm not against carbs but it makes sense to understand the effect that bread and pasta has on the appetite. People who can easily moderate their intake of carb-heavy foods are at an advantage.

    BINGO! I agree
  • runlaugheatpie
    runlaugheatpie Posts: 376 Member
    By the way, you can get carbs by not eating grains. They are not the be all and end all of carbohydrates. I don't judge people for eating bread or pasta or whatever (food, real food) so why judge others if NOT eating grains works for them.

    I don't have a problem with anyone not eating grains. It's personal choice. :) It's the hating on grains/bread/carbs etc and the claim that they're the sole cause of obesity that I have a problem with.

    And I don't doubt that reducing carbs or giving up grains helps some people to lose fat, :) but it's important that people understand that it's not *necessary* they don't *have to* give up bread/grains to lose fat (though some people with certain medical conditions might do better on a lower carb diet) - so long as you're supplying your body with what it needs, eating at a deficit and doing exercise then it's whatever helps you to stick with it in the long term. :)

    well I am not a hater, of anything.

    and in my case it was necessary and I had to do this because nothing else actually worked, as i mentioned my 2.5 year plateau earlier. I'm an active, clean-eating person so it's also not to say that I wasn't actually trying to lose weight / fat WITH grains in my diet.

    I just think it's stupid either way to hate on or to act like one is an expert at something. even the so called experts have conflicting information. do what's right for you and stop judging others ("you" being general in this case). My personal opinion is eat healthy and clean, get some fresh air and exercise and if you want to eat bread or pizza that is your choice. Mine is to find an alternative.
  • js25698
    js25698 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm trying to cut back on carbs and eat more protein BUT...I will never give up my pasta.
  • Dublinmum
    Dublinmum Posts: 19 Member
    I eat bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, couscous, porridge. I've tried going carb free for a meal and generally end up chewing the table! It's all about balance and everything in moderation. Wish I had realised that a few years earlier.